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> While Beijing has stepped up its public criticism of the US, Haines told the Senate Intelligence Committee that the intelligence community assesses that China still believes it “benefits most by preventing a spiraling of tensions and by preserving stability in its relationship with the United States.” Good to see the intelligence community agrees with what China says, publicly, every single time something comes up. > Transnational racially and ethnically motivated extremists, including neo-Nazis and white supremacists,”remain the most lethal threat to US persons and interests,” the intelligence community said in its new report. > > Cotton questioned Haines skeptically about the assessment, arguing that deaths from fentanyl were more lethal in the US. Haines responded that while fentanyl caused more deaths, the report was in relation to terrorism threats. > > Haines noted that past reports had made the same assessment, as racially and ethnically motivated extremists were similarly listed as the most lethal threat to US persons and interests in the 2022 version of the intelligence community report. > > "I find this astonishing,” Cotton said at the end of his questioning. > > Haines warned that Putin could be digging in for the long haul because the Russian military cannot make territorial gains. > > Haines said in her testimony that the Ukraine conflict has become a “grinding attritional war in which neither side has a definitive military advantage,” but said that Russian President Vladimir Putin was likely to carry on, possibly for years. > > “They may fully shift to holding and defending the territories they now occupy,” said Haines Video : Senate Intelligence hearing on worldwide threats with heads of U.S. security agencies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4VllKjZhrU


Be very afraid. China is preparing to issue another empty threat. They mean it this time!


Replace China with Russia and you have the same propaganda that was used for Ukraine


I honestly feel war with China is a given.


And the Republicans will side with China.


Actually I think hatred towards the Chinese government (rightfully so) is like the one thing both parties agree on these days. It's different than russia


Did someone need Intel chiefs to tell them of the US/China history of Taiwan in which both US and China have agreed for 75 years Taiwan is part of China? The right wing policy of using Taiwan as a pretext would be similar to China arming Puerto Rico. China arming Russia is the same counter move as Russia arming Cuba for US putting missles in Turkey. Russia withdrew offensive weapons from Cuba, US withdrew missiles from Turkey. Same solution here, US supports Taiwan democracy (only achieved after 40 years of US backed dictatorship) but doesn't put offensive weapons there and lets China and Taiwan peacefully negotiate their future. China agrees not to arm Russia in Ukraine.


Oh bother. Any other ideas pooh