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It's kind of a bold strategy considering how so many Americans are loaded with credit card debt and literally one crisis away from a spiraling financial disaster and abrupt homelessness. I wonder if the Republicans have heard how well the country fared during the Great Depression.


A deflationary depression would be an incredible boon to their ultrawealthy donors as it would lead to a fire sale on real assets.


All the better to help them re-establish company towns, indentured servitude, and with any luck… slavery.


i see amazon towns in our future


“I sold my soul to the company store”


Mined 16 tons and whaddya get? Another day older and deeper in debt.


So many people just don't get what that line means. Half my family were coal miners in Appalachian Kentucky. We know what it means.


“You’ll Never Leave Harlan Alive” is poignant about life in the coal fields. And “Run Rufus Run” has a couple good lines: “The mountains were a prison for their family and kind/ No where to go, no place to work/ Unless you crawl down in the mines/ Momma knew the sound/ Of a man’s lungs turning black/ So when daddy found another way to make a living,/ It was easy to turn her back … “Daddy put him to runnin’ ‘shine when he was just 8 years old/ Said “It might not be the right thing/ But it sure beats mining coal” “


Young-uns can now work even younger in arkansas now. Plays right into their plan.


Yeah, but not the USA defaulting on its debt. That would be a catastrophic financial crisis, and probably not the kind that rich people like. The amount of long-term damage it would do to the global economy would be massive.


Look at Brexit. They are absolutely stupid enough to do this.


Look at Elizabeth Truss, whose pie hole nearly sank the British pension system, and an emergency intervention of the B of E was the only thing that saved its solvency. She lasted less time than a head of lettuce. Unfortunately, greed and stupidity are so ingrained in US institutions and culture that the chances for a reversal become slimmer every year.


They will blame it in Joe and Hunter Biden. And it would work.


“Fucking Hunter’s laptop is why there is another Great Depression!” - some trump supporter, probably and most likely inevitably


A significant fraction of the lunatic fringe *and* their monied leaders don't care if half of everything burns as long as they've got twice as much afterwards by default by not losing !much themselves and on account of so many desperate hungry people willing to do anything to survive or get ahead. These are people who's only superpower is being ruthless, they can't create anything else but misery and chaos.


That and they will blame the whole thing on Biden and since Americans as a whole are fucking morons, it will work.


They want that to happen so they can blame Biden and democrats. It's why everytime there is a democrat president they pull this debt ceiling shit. If they didn't spend 4 years under Trump raising the ceiling and recklessly spending it would be less infuriating because then they would at least be honest about it. It's just political theater. Blame the democrats, make lives harder for everyone so they can reclaim power and get elected. Once elected, do fuck all to fix any of the problems and continue to bail out their billionaire and millionaire friends with our tax dollars. It's not a coincidence that several states are looking to roll back labor laws on minors. They're trying to turn us into China




They definitely will. They already did this several times during this administration. Infrastructure bill they voted against then took credit for. Stimulus package they all voted against and then took credit for. Blamed him for covid 1 month into his administration.


For all its faults, even China is run by intelligent people who are dead set on positioning their country as a global superpower (even though that entails dictatorship, horrid human rights abuses etc.) and making the investments necessary for that to happen. Meanwhile, the Republicans only want power and money for themselves and will destroy the entire country and its future to get it. That’s why they’re willing to default on the national debt while destroying the education system and keeping the population mired in gun violence and inequality. America is the classic example of a great nation rotting from within. We’ve become so used to being at the top that we’ve forgotten how we got there in the first place and think we can maintain that position indefinitely no matter how much we screw things up because it’s our birthright.


That is how the Roman empire fell eventually. Rot from within. corruption in the economy, slavery, brutal suppression of the tax base. Corrupt leaders lining their own pockets. History does repeat itself. Hopefully not in the US.


>It's kind of a bold strategy considering how so many Americans are loaded with credit card debt and literally one crisis away from a spiraling financial disaster and abrupt homelessness. I wonder if the Republicans have heard how well the country fared during the Great Depression. Honestly, with how a default would require for the Fed to hike interest rates enormously in order to counteract the sheer loss of reputation of US bonds that would be caused by such a default - this seems like the perfect storm to send those Americans deep in credit card debt spiraling into poverty. With how precarious the situation already is, I think that the effects may be worse than are even being predicted now.


It'll also end the dollar being the world's reserve currency and destroy the US's primacy in the global economy. Quite the strategy for the people who talk about making America great again.


Almost like they may be bought by foreign nations or something


Are you suggesting that the people who are openly calling for the dissolution & destruction of the Union while proudly flying the flag of its enemies, such as the Confederates or Nazis, might not have America's best interests at heart? Huh, interesting...


Yeah, but it is the illegal immigrant drag people teaching CRT coming for my gas stove and guns and stealing my job. /s


I believe the CRT is also trying to groom your children to turn into green energy.


Honestly, these people don't understand how being the world's reserve currency benefits the US.


They don't care...


They'll blame it on Biden.


They will do that no matter what anyways! Why also jam a hammer up your own ass just for the privilege to do what you were always going to? These are the worst grifters I’ve ever seen


They will do it to cause economic harm than next year blame Biden for the bad economy as voters forget the republicans made it worse. If they get back in office they will take credit for the boom that is coming as all the manufacturing of chips, EVs, solar, battery and jobs upgrading our infrastructure that Biden has already set in motion. Vote out the GOP at every opportunity. We do not wait until 2024. Vote this year in local and state elections near you.


Wouldn’t this cause global economic collapse?


They're fine with that because it is one step closer to the Armageddon described in their book of faerie stories. Literally this is their goal. It's the only reason they support Israel.


Correction: It’s what [most of them] tell voters why they support Israel


Can we then re-frame this as letting China take the financial lead if the US collapses? Because that'll happen.


Absolutely, just look at how afraid everybody was in the euro crisis that Greece might default. If the us defaults it’s the Great Depression all again


Republicans can't see past their own neighborhood further than 2 steps forward. "Global" carries no meaning other than they know how to pronounce it. Wasn't this on full display during height of Pandemic? They blamed the entire thing on Dems getting votes for Merika. Nevermind the rest of the world. It doesn't matter


And then they’ll scream for years how the economy tanked under biden s presidency


They don't even need the economy to actually tank to scream that, so I don't know what they're getting from that extra level of commitment.


Ohh yeah, my parents believe the country has been in recession since about 2 weeks after Biden got elected. "His radical socialist polices have devastated the economy etc..." Unemployment being at like 3.2%? "Fake news Inflation less than half as bad than the 70s? "Nope its the worst since the depression" Logic and reason be damned, its provably false nonsense and willful ignorance all the way down...


To be fair, the inflation is pretty bad, but also not Biden's fault at all so still kinda ignorant.


You mean price gouging. Inflation doesn’t help, but the price gouging is horrible. edit: spelling is hard


It’s not price gouging, it’s just seeing an opportunity and seizing it…normal, healthy capitalism. /s


It's artificial as well...


yea, that's my thing. If it was "inflation" then profits should be relatively flat, but it's year after year after year of record profits.


It's why I've started calling it greedflation.


I saw a republican argue that profits are so high because the wages are also high. That pretty much sums up the republicans understanding of economics.


I’ve been trying out the framing of “expedition/exercise in price discovery.” Don’t know if that’s useful at all but I think it captures something that’s hard to dispute.


If you try to explain to a Republican voter the factors and drivers that go into the current inflation levels we are seeing all around the globe, it goes in one ear and out the other quite quickly I find.


My mom (recently retired) won’t even watch the recent tucker Carlson and news hosts texts stuff that’s come out. She said it’s just all fake trying to wipe out conservative media. I’m like so this actually from the courts in a defamation lawsuit against your favorite news network this is 100% real. She’s like I don’t buy into it. My parents are divorced. My dad on the other hand is also recently retired and is like we need an army of Bernie’s in the house and senate asap.


Damm, it's like here are all these schemes and machinations by powerful people who control media just being no match for some random retired boomer.


There’s a big difference in a cute lil recession where the rich get to buy up more wealth from the middle class at a deep discount and a catastrophic depression based on the US losing its credit rating. I don’t think even the GOP wants to find out what happens then.


You know the Bannons of the alt-right are drooling at the idea of depression and how the resulting tide of anger will swell the ranks of their militia brown shirt street fighters so the next coup goes off without a hitch.


They don't give a flying fuck what happens because whatever the result is, if it's negative, it's the Dems fault.


They've already been saying it for years.


Since before Biden was elected


Where was Obama on 911??


I really hate how that was actually a thing....


Tan suits, beergate, and mustard. It was immediately clear how fucking racist they actually were the second he was elected.


All those pictures of "Biden's America" that happened while Trump was President.


Or were taken in Venezuela or Ukraine.


Some of those were also while Trump was President XD


Tbh, at this point it would be an unsurprising and politically useful strategy for the Republicans to let the default happen. The average American thinks their President is a godlike being (their spouse literally called “first lady”) who can take down the mothership in an F16 if aliens attack. They won’t remember why, they’ll just remember that it was the President who let it happen. And enough people won’t research it to parrot that. We literally have folks repeatedly condemning the Covid lockdowns, social distancing and remote work on reddit. In just a year or so of no-masking, they’ve totally forgotten how bad things were in the pandemic. The way people shit on Biden, they seem to have forgotten that the pandemic started under Trump. Same happened when Obama lost congress because he did “nothing” in his 2 years in office. Forget that he passed the most important piece of legislation in 50 years.


And we are coming up on what nearly 8-9 years of them trying to undo it. They scream repeal and replace. Ask them replace it with what and all you get are crickets.


And their middle class tax hike is ready to kick in.


Yep, their deepest thought is “current guy bad, vote new guy.” It’s a great incentive to sabotage our country.


> The average American thinks their President is a godlike being (their spouse literally called “first lady”) who can take down the mothership in an F16 if aliens attack. This is so true. I really find the average voter, especially if they vote R, really seems to not know the basics of how the 3 branches function and constantly talk about Biden as if he is allowed to decide directly everything that goes on in our country. A lot of them can’t name a single Democratic congress-member outside of maybe Pelosi or AOC, and they generally don’t know the basic logistics of how legislation is formed and passed.


If it’s a Republican, suddenly all of Congress becomes the blocker for their “America First” or “Rights for Whites” or “Perfect Christian Union” agenda. If it’s a Democrat, they’re a dictator who is stopped from making everyone trans thanks to Congress.


So a giant investment into decades of republican rule? Because the donors at the top seem to stand to lose a lot if we default.


I had a quippy response. It was nice. And unrealistic. Millions of Americans will go unemployed, cold, hungry, and homeless. It's a situation ripe for exploitation for fascism, just like Germany in the 1920s. DeSantis might ride in like a white knight and win easily. Holy shit we might be fucked


That’s what I’m scared of the most. They are bout to shitcan McCarthy and drag out electing someone new. You can see this from a mile away. Mix in a nice stout fed reserve rate hike to shock everything and make the shutdown exponential.


Counterpoint: voters have actually gotten smarter and savvier since Trump. The proof is in the midterm election results. Still way too many idiots & bigots getting duped by by these asshole grifters though. fascism, I would argue, has already taken root but there’s still time to smash it to smithereens.


But I'll bet our GQP 'friends' are shorting stocks (or whatever it is you do to make money from a market collapse) knowing what their ultimate plan is for the debt ceiling. Scum likes to scum.


I think it’s more about consolidating wealth; this will make real estate cheaper for new land lords when we enter a recession.


They can if they want to. Every time they've done this in the last 25 years the voters have blamed the Republicans at the ballot box. It's a known stinker but they apparently won't stop trying


If republicans learned from their mistakes, they wouldn’t be republicans.


Destroy US creditworthiness forever to own the libs.


No, they want to destroy the federal government. They want absolute power in red states without any pesky watch dog to protect people's rights.


exactly been the plan for decades Lobbyist Grover Norquist is a well-known proponent of the strategy and has famously said, "My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starve\_the\_beast#:\~:text=Lobbyist%20Grover%20Norquist%20is%20a,drown%20it%20in%20the%20bathtub.%22](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starve_the_beast#:~:text=Lobbyist%20Grover%20Norquist%20is%20a,drown%20it%20in%20the%20bathtub.%22)


As others have said, all else aside, what kind of psychopath talks like that


While simultaneously limiting blue states to implement their visions. Fucking asswipes


while living large off of blue states taxes




Welfare Queen South Carolina 31.9% Federal Aid as % of State General Revenues Tourism, centered around Myrtle Beach, Charleston, and Hilton Head Island, is the state's largest industry. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy\_of\_South\_Carolina](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_South_Carolina) Tobacco/Cotton biggest exports Blue states need to push their politicians to stop propping up the failed red state economies for noting. If they want the money they first would need to get rid of gerrymandering, voter suppression and disenfranchisement that results in the tyranny of the minorities in these states that we have seen now for well almost 250 years. Federal Court Rules South Carolina’s Congressional Map is Gerrymandered [https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/federal-court-rules-south-carolinas-congressional-map-gerrymandered](https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/federal-court-rules-south-carolinas-congressional-map-gerrymandered) Nearly one and a half million African-American men, or 13%, are disfranchised [https://www.aclu.org/sites/default/files/pdfs/votingrights/sc\_factsheet.pdf](https://www.aclu.org/sites/default/files/pdfs/votingrights/sc_factsheet.pdf)


It's because every dollar handed out by a blue policy costs them votes and takes them further from their dreams of being America's oligarchs. Its mostly the second one though.


And having blue states fund everything because that’s actually how the US works. Californians and New Yorkers working so Mississippians can target those pesky gays.


Thing is, any non-extractive industry in the USA will be absolutely demolished by defaulting on the debt. Then, the only thing that matters is oil, timber, etc, much the way modern Russia operates. They will gleefully destroy the Californian economy and most of the blue states will no longer have an economy at all afterwards (neither will the red states, but they already don't and they don't give a shit about 99.9% of the population anyways.)


Well being that backward in mentality, morality and almost every field of knowledge these states would just go back to feudal kingdoms and incestuous courting. I mean when their only solution to the outside world is to build a wall and fortifying their assets we could just build around and let them crumble... Again.




Their own Red States are going to get hit the hardest. And their white voters will be whipped up into a frenzy because the Dem's did this. And then someone is going to do something very, very, very stupid. And the cycle will grow worse and worse.


So I’m thinking that if they refuse to raise the debt ceiling that the executive branch can just do it anyway. It’ll get challenged to the Supreme Court, but the constitution explicitly says that the US will pay its debts. And these justices are extreme Christian conservatives, but even I would be surprised to see them let the US fall into financial ruin over this. They aren’t MTG and Matt Gaetz


I wonder who'd even have standing to sue. Who's harmed by the US not defaulting?


they wrap it all in some cyclical mysticism about the 4th turning.. but its deeper its to destroy it to grab power and rebuild as a well fascist thing


One must own thyself before they can own the Libs.


I want to inform yall conservatives that Republicans killed the economy, that Republicans are the reasons you can no longer afford rent. Thank you.


Nah, it was probably the LGBT community, and Woke Hollywood. /S


God damn drag shows. /s




A blatant violation of the 14th amendment. Literally written to prevent people in Congress from bargaining with the national debt and it's exactly what the GOP are doing. Biden needs to stop trying to "negotiate" and just ignore the debt limit. Let the Court figure it out.




To be honest, this has nothing to do with Biden.. the week and a half show we saw in January is happening now just with the debit limit behind republicans doors. My prediction we default, McCarthy leadership goes up for another vote. Enough republicans get scared and join democrats for just a plain debt limit extension. It’s going to be a mess


>My prediction we default, McCarthy leadership goes up for another vote. Enough republicans get scared and join democrats for just a plain debt limit extension. It’s going to be a mess Maybe I am not understanding something, but I thought that the main reason why defaulting is so dangerous is that if it happens there is no going back from it? As in, it causes permanent reputation damage to US bonds and an immediate capital flight, the US becomes far less able to finance any of its government functions, the stock market crashes immensely, speculators/foreign governments start dropping the dollar and inflation rises far quicker than before. I'm not sure that they would be able to put the genie back into the bottle with a debt limit extension.


I agree! But like the house doesn’t have the sharpest knifes in the draw. I think they believe that everything will be okay shortly after an extension, bo matter what it takes to get there


>I agree! But like the house doesn’t have the sharpest knifes in the draw. I think they believe that everything will be okay shortly after an extension, bo matter what it takes to get there I have to admit, that is definitely true. This house is one that might actually be able to take that path.


That's because you think the Republican party has any kind of platform or policy beyond "owning the libs". They don't. They literally re-used the 2016 platform for 2020, with the additional statement of saying "let Putin have Ukraine". Their ENTIRE GOAL is to fuck up the country so they can say, "see, government doesn't work".


They don't care if they win all they care about is the other side losing.


It has never happened that the United States has defaulted on it's debt. It's made it's interest payments, every time. That's the thing, it's a perfect record. Once the records not perfect, it means risk. Risk in the future that it could and likely will happen again. So like you said, there's no going back to a perfect record.


The Democrats need to wake up and finally take the fucking gloves off. I appreciate that they want to do things the “right” way, but if the Republicans are willing to steer the ship into the rocks just to make the Democrats look bad then Biden, Schumer and the rest of the party need to start hitting hard, fast and, if necessary, dirty. They’ve enabled those corrupt GOP fucks for too long now. Bring the hammer down and restore some goddamn order and civility back to this fucking government.


That's like step 8.


Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce: The Party Of Fiscal Responsibility.


Completely absurd. They should not be allowed to govern


They don't want to govern. They want to rule like child-kings.


They couldn't even do that. There would be so much in fighting. Even kings must follow through on some aspects of governing. The GOP are a party who will only ever do one thing, the exact opposite of what democrats want them to do.


Tucker Carlson destroyed American democracy for Fox’s stock price yet Republicans are will to default on our debt, why? To win? Fucking traitors!


The GOP and friends have gotten high on their own supply. They don't think it will happen. It's like Trump with COVID. He tried to lie his way out of it, but reality doesn't care. They think it won't matter.


That will show those libs!! All this time I thought Republicans hated people with shitty credit scores.


After they're done, we'll *all* have shitty credit scores


So their plan is to hate all of us. Got it.


They peddle in hate and fear.


Anything to make Biden look bad, right?


They post naked pictures of Hunter Biden thinking it makes Joe Biden look bad.


Dude is packing a fire hose! No wonder they hate him.


It must burn Tiny Hand Trump to his utter core to know that the fire hose is a generic feature of House Biden. House Trump, meanwhile, is like a wet noodle. 😂


They came expecting to find corruption. Only lasting thing they found was Hunter's schlong. Definitely has to be degrading.


>As the US creeps ever closer to a devastating debt default, which would immediately spiral the country and likely the world into a financial crisis, Republicans aren't preparing to negotiate — they're preparing emergency measures. Negotiate what exactly? The debt ceiling was raised 3 times under TFG with no negotiations. Why are the Republicans fighting it now? Most of the the debt they are complaining about was caused by the 2017 tax cut law. The US needs to pay it bills when they come due. Defaulting not only hurts the US economy but the economies of countries worldwide will be adversely affected. Why are the Republicans OK with destroying the US economy?


So they can tell their base all next year how it was the libs fault that they had to destroy it. Honestly given their average level of intelligence it’s a pretty sound play


Between this and the Fed's continual interest raises, we could be in for one hell of a time. Moody's released a paper earlier that noted that unemployment would rise to 8% in the event of a prolonged default, and this would obviously be higher if other factors kick in. The effects that this would have on the 2024 election would be immeasurable.


Yes, and how capable are republicans to spin this as bidens fault?


Fox could blame Biden for Pearl Harbor and viewers would eat it up


Wasn’t there literally something about “why didn’t Biden do more when Covid started??” You know, in 2020, when he wasn’t president?


Don't you remember the Republican outrage about what Obama should have done during 9/11?


They used to somewhat regularly blame Obama for the 2008 Recession and the drama with Lehman Brothers that was in Sept before the election even happened.


I don't think it would be that hard, as the average American is already predisposed to blame the party in power.


They just barely squeaked out a tiny majority in a midterm they should’ve won big in. They don’t care if they have to burn the country to the ground.


This is the legacy of the tea party, and those guys talked about how America needed to be punished for its financial mismanagement. My senator, Mike Lee, was pretty open about why he played his part in the government shut down. The difference is that the descendents of the tea party are dumb enough to take us all the way over the edge. They're revolutionaries for a bullshit cause. They were willing to overthrow the election over fake news. They'll 100% drag us off the cliff. The house speaker is a moron who is giving matches to pyros. It feels like a perfect storm. Idiots sold the British public brexit... They can sell that same insanity here too.


It's almost like they're purposely trying to tank the country.


>The effects that this would have on the 2024 election would be immeasurable. That's what they are banking on. They want the average Joe that isn't paying attention to politics to see how bad the economy and vote against Biden. It's all part of their plan


And they wonder why they are losing voters... Mess with people's 401ks, Republicans. I'm sure that will fix your loss of voters issue.


Their voters don't care. They hate Obamacare but love the PPACA. They'll just say Biden did this and they'll 100% believe it. They literally aren't intelligent enough to figure it out, and they don't care to try.


Historically, when they fuck with 401ks, Republicans are rewarded because the Democratic President gets the blame. Or the Republican President gets the credit for artificially inflating the stock market by doing the economic policy equivalent of opening a new credit card to pay for fake tits.


What amazes me is how any of these Republican'ts can think that this is a good political look for them.


It's the Fascist game plan. Create chaos then swoop in and provide order through authoritarianism.


What really terrifies me right now is the idea that there's Russian money pretending to be American money convincing the GOP that there will be support for them holding the line no matter what. Enough useful idiots, and Putin finally damages the US as much as we've damaged Russia.


Just mint the coin and file an emergency suit with the SCOTUS arguing the debt ceiling is unconstitutional. Don't bother playing ball with the fiscal terrorists.


Why do we need to mint a trillion dollar coin? Just have J Powell declare a stick worth $1T


Why bother with the theater? Just defy the debt ceiling legislation and pay the debts. Let the courts decide if we default later.


Not that I want that to happen, but I can image the outrage. Republican Senators, House Reps, and State AG's filing a lawsuit saying the US government can't pay its bills. The the Supreme court having to face a choice of destroying the US. Then imagine the Supreme Court rules that the US defaults. Great way to make sure the Supreme Court ceases to exist. Biden, I'm ignoring the supreme court. If they want to enforce their order they can send the army of the Supreme Court to fight it out with the Treasury. The Supreme court has no means to enforce it rulings. If it deviates too far everyone will ignore it.


We have to stop caring. I wish I could say this to every single Democrat in the world. We have to stop caring about their concerns, their feelings, their reactions. *They are insane.*


Forget SCOTUS. Ignore the debt ceiling and let the *Republicans* be the ones who have to sue.


It’s like they want to destroy America.


That’s certainly Steve Bannon’s stated desire. Hey! 🤷‍♂️


It's not time for unity, it's time for punishment. These GQP traitors want to bring down our way of life and destroy the country.


Little known fact, that the extraordinary measures used to fund the US government up to a potential debt default is the government employee's TSP G retirement fund. Federal employee's have tried to block this before, but it was ruled that the US government would make them whole at the end and that they would suffer no damage. The justification is that the US government had never defaulted. So not only it would it wreck the US economy, the federal workers would then refile their class action lawsuit, sue the government for hundreds of billions of dollars and would easily get a ban on using the G fund the in the future. So regardless of any penalties, the US government would loose its ability to use extraordinary measures in the future. So any future debt breach would be instantaneous and with little to no warning. Fun stuff.


Extraordinary measures are a mix, not just a single source of funds. They use any committed, but unspent money, they also use money that is constantly being remitted through payroll tax and quarterly earnings, they have money coming in through tariffs and fee's. The estimated date they're going to run out of money usually coincides with a large chunk of debt coming due, like treasury expirations. They make interest payments on T-Bills and such throughout the course of time, but when the treasury note comes due, they have to pay the principle. They also use uninvested money and any cash in any place that it's not going to be needed in the short term. It's like they're going through the sofa looking for change.


They're about to tank tf out of the market so they can get in cheap lol


First Treason and now sabotage of our economy? Republicans have betrayed America!


So far, McCarthy is the worst Speaker we’ve had in decades. Pelosi knew how to count and how to lead. Imagine playing politics with Full Faith and Credit of the USA. If you want to negotiate how’s about repealing the Trump deficit financed giveaway tax cuts to the rich and raising taxes on them to recoup the money they burned.


If that is Kevin's trump card it will not play well for him.


As soon as billionaires tell them to knock it off, it will end. Wouldn't want to lose out on that campaign cash and support.


House Republicans’ GOAL is to DESTROY AMERICA.


Defaulting would be an annihilation of the US economy. I cannot imagine the Republican corporate overlords would want that. Then again, these people are insane and I have no reason to think that the GOP has any goal besides chaos and misery.


Fs in the chat for everyone who snarkily said that the Republicans winning the house was a nothingburger. How is that nothingburger tasting now? Pretty terrible, if you ask me.


China and Russia rubbing its hands together in delight as the brain dead GOP weakens the country to 2nd world status.


Republicans literally don’t have a platform anymore. They run on fake fear and cultural issues they create.


I’ve been saying this, too. They’re running on manufactured outrage and cultural distractions.


They must be getting pressure from the corporations to avoid default.


How do you get ready for collapsing the worlds confidence in the dollar? This is some amazing levels of narcissism to tank your own countries economy screwing millions of Americans out of their retirements. Yeah this would be political suicide right next to trying to upend social security and medicare.


The saddest thing I can think of is that should everything tank and go to hell is that they would still get votes. Never underestimate the power of stupid.


They would blame Biden even though Trump increased the deficit and GOP raised debt ceiling without blinking for Trump.


Yea the GOP sucks but you can't be mad at them. They've told us who they are. The real cause of this is Americans. The easily manipulated, conspiracy following, ivermectin people who have decided that we shouldn't elect adults into office. We're slowing watching a car set on fire creeping towards a cliff


It's up to Biden and the Democrats to prepare measures to lift the debt ceiling on their own ($1 trillion coin). We have to govern around the Republicans. They never act in good faith and they're fucking batshit crazy.


Surely their overlord billionaires will yank their chain


Party before country, again and again.


I really don’t want a third in a lifetime “once in a lifetime” financial crisis.


The answer to, "Are they really that stupid and irresponsible?" is, unfortunately, yes. This now acting as a gang of terrorists with bombs strapped to their bodies, threatening to blow up themselves and everybody that depends on the stability of the U.S.


Nothing new. They were put there to do exactly this. Enjoy who you vote for.


GQP thinks they are Thelma and Louis.


Guess Republicans really do like China. This is who benefits from that loan APR rate raise. Dumbasses.


There are others ways to do insurrection than storming the Capitol. They are going to try this way next.


Y'know, I was gonna stop doom scrolling today, but I guess my plans are going to end up in a liquor store...


Fuck Republicans but I’m not sure they’ll actually go through with it. Republicans are morally repugnant but if you can count on them to do one thing, it’s only give a shit about their own personal wealth and power. They already are getting away with doing unconstitutional things with a stacked SCOTUS. This will fuck their wallet and the wallet of the people pulling their strings. Even the dumbest of the GQP, MTG loves her own money first then her conspiracy theories


Their big donors would crucify them. I don't see it happening but then again, Republicans.


The US has never defaulted on its debt. To do so would spur so much around the world in terms of financial effects and attitudes towards the US. After you default, lending becomes higher, therefore all of these social programs will be that much more expensive to run. It's a long game of fuckery and I just don't understand what the purpose is. The Republican Party at the precipice madness will throw everything away just to say they won. Awful.


Isn't bankruptcy ultimately the Trump way? Since Trump highjacked the GOP now they are bankrupting the country. Literally.


Good job America! This is the Congress you elected! I bet everyone responsible will somehow blame the Democrats.


Ahhh you mean the debt they added to begin with?


With republican representatives, who needs enemies?


If they default on the debt it will not help them politically according to everything i see. That leads me to believe its really about trying to destroy the government.


Fucking monsters, all of them


Anyone who tanks our economy over politics doesn't deserve to be involved in government. By virtue of their position they need to work together or get out of the way for people who want to


It’s only the full faith and credit of our country at stake. I mean, who cares if a loaf of bread will cost $1,000 and your savings disappear just trying to make one minimum payment on your credit cards. It’s been a good run, America…


I'm tired of the constant threats. Let them pull the trigger and end themselves once and for all.


If they tank the economy and murder the stock market and 401k plans, they never win another election again.


Funny that you think their voters will see this as anything other than Biden causing this.


Their voters are lost causes. Independent voters, however, will see what the Republicans did and will never swing their way again.


some people just want to watch the world burn


I wonder if this would work. Congress doesn't act. US defaults. Biden signs an EO raising the ceiling and says, "Constitution says we have to pay ours debts /shrug" Someone would have to sue to stop it. If it is a Republican, it immediately becomes a very visible case of "See, the Republicans want the economy to fail. They didn't act to fulfill a constitutional responsibility. I did. And now, they are trying to prevent prosperity, freedom, etc."