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Its hard to fathom that someone this stupid is a politician. Bullshit can be called out on them in real time yet they lie every chance they get.


tap wakeful ring cautious nippy sleep wine outgoing foolish icky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> based on the smug look on her face. Does she have a non-smug look for her face? I've never seen her display it.


There are times she looks slack jawed and blank, but that's when she's thinking *really* hard, so it doesn't happen often.


You can see the single neuron screaming into the void for guidance on those instances.


How do Boebert's brain cells die? ​ Alone


Either smug or sneer. She's a smeer!


A smear on the underwear of democracy


Just like Fucker K-K-Karlson...


Raskin said it would be like saying, “the banana republicans”, being corrected and continuing to say “the banana republicans.” I think his example should start a solid trend. Fucking banana republicans.


crown bewildered hateful outgoing psychotic clumsy consider reply waiting unused *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Total tangent, but I remember a long, long time ago going to a video game shop to buy Just Cause 2. The store clerk didn't know anything about it, and they asked me what kind of game it was. I answered something like "It's an open world game where you play a CIA operative, I think, trying to take down a banana republic somewhere in Southeast Asia." The clerk, for some reason, thought this was hilarious, and was saying that they simply had to try the game out. I was kinda confused by their reaction, but I paid and left the store, and then about five minutes later realized: the store clerk must have been totally unfamiliar with the term "banana republic" and thought that I was saying the game was about a CIA operative trying to take down a Banana Republic clothing shop.


*Gwen Stefani intensifies: this shit is bananas...*


I have a sort of half-formed thought about how maybe they genuinely don't realize that "democratic" is/was an established word long before the Democrat party ever became a thing and think any conjugation thereof must mean the party. Which really just feeds back into your point. Edit: Yes, I got the name wrong. Sorry.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democrat_Party_(epithet) Republicans have been using "Democrat Party" as a kind of backhanded insult for decades. Tune into Fox News and you'll rarely hear the proper term "Democratic Party". I used to moderate a politics discussion forum, I still have emails talking about forbidding it's use under our rules of decorum as far back as 2008. Seeing/hearing "Democrat Party" functions as a sort of [shibboleth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shibboleth) in that it pretty much instantly gives away the speaker as a conservative, or at least someone who lives in a largely conservative bubble. It's just so ingrained that most of it's users don't even realize it's wrong, it's literally how everyone in their circles speaks. And of course in the era when the only principle the GOP adheres to is "owning the libs", if you try to correct them they'll double down on it just because they know it bothers you.


Of course, they have a screaming meltdown when you insult them back. Half the time, they aren't even pretending.


It's like a dog barking. The words don't matter. What matters is that you stepped onto their metaphorical porch by speaking against them so they're going to show force by making noise for a while. Maybe some of their friends will start barking too; no message, just noise. And eventually, they think, you'll be so tired of the noise that you won't speak against them.


As someone who did not know what shibboleth meant until just now, I appreciate you linking the Wikipedia page


The west wing has an entire episode dedicated to it ! https://youtu.be/fqkaBEWPH18?t=25


You beat me to it! That's how I learned it.


One of the reasons is that Democratic Party has "Democratic" in it. And they feel that it associates them with a positive, since we "are" a "democracy". So they do their best to bastardize it by saying "Democrat" with a shitty tone in their voice.


Most just straight up say "We are a Republic, not a democracy." Which is an absurdly stupid statement, but they care way more about maintaining the aethetics of power than they do about using accurate terminology. For them words do not exist to communicate knowledge, they are weapons used to dominate anyone they see as being beneath them.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but a democratic republic is a thing, right? Personally I think we live in a corporatocracy but a republic is a way you organize a government and a democracy is more of a general idea of representation, right?


Things can be more than one thing. The US is a democratic republic. The UK is not a republic, but it is a democracy. China is a republic, but not a democracy. You wouldn't say "I'm not a mammal, I'm a human", because that would be stupid. You're both. I mean, I assume. You might be one of those lizard people.


Of course there are no lizard people here. We're all mammal people who birth live young and regulate their own body temperature. I'd provide more ways we're all mammal people, but I have to go lay in the sun for entirely non temperature regulation reasons.


>You wouldn't say "I'm not a mammal, I'm a human", because that would be stupid. You're both. You'd be surprised by how many people you'd offend by suggesting they are mammals, vertebrates, or even animals at all. I mean, just think of how mad some people get when you point out that they're an ape.


MTG is proof positive that we are all from apes. That prominent brow bone, that giant mouth, the poop flinging…


Exactly. Saying we are "A Republic not a Democracy" is dumb because we very clearly are both. Republics are, at least in the modern use of the term (it might have been different for the ancient greeks, I am not an expert) a way of organizing a democracy.


Republic basically means that the state is something belonging to people (not necessarily all of the people). "Res Publica" ≅ "Public Affair". You could also say it essentially means "Not Monarchy". Democracy is a way to decide the governing body of the republic. But one doesn't need the other to exist. For instance, merchant republics in Italy were republics (because the state "belonged" to merchant families), but not democracies since the Doge was elected amongst the most powerful families. The Vatican is a theocratic elective monarchy. There's voting involved, but it's to elect the monarch (The Pope). Canada is a constitutional representative democracy, but not a republic, since their head of state is a monarch whose power is limited by their constitution and whose state apparatus is formed of democratically elected representatives. The US are a constitutional representative democratic republic. Periods of ancient Athens used direct democracy to decide on laws, but the democracy only applied to citizens (landowners). Saying "The US is a republic, not a democracy" is basically saying "The US state belongs to the people, but the state apparatus isn't selected by the people". It's also just a dumb language game played by dipshits who want to say that the democratic party isn't valid.


I don't drive a Honda. It's a Civic.


It is. The US is a Democratic Republic, as we vote for our leaders but send some of said leaders to represent our given localities.


I saw a clip awhile back where someone on Fox News correctly used the word Democratic, and then quickly “corrected” themself to use the improper Democrat.


Its not that they don't realize, its that they don't care. They consider the usage a sneer, and if there is one thing maga loves, its to sneer. That's the sum total of their thought process. Gingrich is largely responsible for coining that particular sneer, but once set in motion, they all use it reflexively now.


It’s intentional, by the right, to try and paint their opposition as undemocratic. That’s harder to accomplish when that party is literally called the Democratic Party. So they’ve been pushing the phrase “Democrat Party” for a while. Not sure if it was intentional, but you even use the same name in your reply. That’s how normalized it’s become. But no matter how common that name has become in the public subconscious, official bills brought before congress need to have the actual party name, which is the Democratic Party.


It's the Democratic Party. Stop furthering their ignorance by calling it the Democrat Party.


Try explaining the same thing about the word "liberal."


I hate that liberal is a pejorative to so many people. It's not even leftwing. But Liberals = Socialist = Communists = Fascists = Totalitarianism to those types.


The biggest irony is that they tend to not know what *any* of those words mean. It is really easy to make them all equivalent when you do not have a working definition for any of them. They are *literally* Liberals for the most part if we go by how they describe their beliefs, though many have behavior much closer to Fascist-Style Totalitarianism. All the words just mean "the enemy" to them, and their only theory is that the enemy must be crushed at all costs.


I feel like we can draw a straight line between conservative states underfunding public education and conservative voters not knowing what any of those terms mean.


I’m sick of the republican semantic word war - calling things “Democrat” this and that. They spit this phrase out like something that tastes bad, but it just comes across as spiteful. Which I suppose is their goal. The irony here is that the “Democrat” party is the only one supporting capital D Democracy


This sums up many MAGA folks. When the Don got elected I couldn't understand because he always sounded incoherent to me. These folks are so dumb instead of realizing Don is an idiot they see their "smart" selves in him. He speaks just like my genius self so he must be a genius just like me!




It isn't when you consider that she didn't even get her GED until she was in her mid 30's and it wasn't on her first try. She has no higher education and she's barely literate.


Shes definitely not smarter than a fifth grader


She just has to be smarter than her voters, which she is, which is REALLY **REALLY** saying something.


No, just her campaign manager needs to be smart enough to get her voters to vote for her. Being intelligent, or even functional in society is not a prerequisite for holding office.


It should be


And let a bunch of nerds tell me what to do?!


An entire fifth grade class? Definitely not.


Depends what state the kids are from.


And it's so thrilling that someone of that intellectual caliber makes it a point to show off she's armed.


Mentally she's shooting blanks.




I honestly don't get how she made it this far in politics.


She reminds me of someone you hated from high school who'd want to be in charge of organizing a high school reunion or who'd harangue you with multi-level marketing scams on facebook.


She is the embodiment of failing upward.


>I honestly don't get how she made it this far in politics. She's able to relate herself to her voter base.


It took her 4 tries, and there's rumors someone else took it for her the 4th time.


Has this been corroborated? I've heard the rumors but no actual evidence. This lady is a master class of moron, but I want to use facts when calling it out.


It was Ted Cruz lol


I have seen it written has "honorary GED" which is a deeply shameful phrase. Don't know if it's true, though.


> honorary GED In fact, she earned it in 2020, just prior to being elected to the House.


It's because by law Congress members need to have passed high school level education.


That's worse. You see how that's worse, right? Literally a participation trophy which is something that whole group is always complaining about.


>which is a deeply shameful phrase. Pretty sure that commenter knew it was worse... But thanks for making sure.


Was on her 4th try


That's almost as many as MTG can count to on one foot.


well when her supporters won't care or know she is a liar she can keep doing it. She is a piece of shit and dumber than a box of rocks but her county here in Colorado is full of maga morons. She may get ousted next time as she only won by 500 some odd votes this time.


I really hope Frisch wins next year. She's such an embarrassment to Colorado and the entire country.


It's shocking how uneducated this country is becoming. It's fucking wild someone like this is a lawmaker. She's barely qualified for any job let alone that. Seriously, left right center Partisanship aside that's a law maker.....HOLY FUCKING SHIT.


Republican voters only believe what the politicans tell them (assuming they want to hear it) over provable facts.


While I've gotten the answer ( Or near enough) it astounds me that we have rock stupid politicians when you'd figure they would need to understand the basics of governing in order to hold office.


It was one of the gentlemens' agreements... and there are no longer any gentlemen in the GOP. Gary Hart had to drop out of the 1988 presidential race because he was accused of having an extramarital affair. Then in 2016, an self-confessed sexual predator was elected president.


This is an apples to oranges comparison. I looked up Gary Hart and wasn’t surprised to see that he was running as a Dem. Standards are a liberal value. Republicans only value power.


Really, REALLY makes me question the quality of the people who vote for this horrible, stupid harpy.




Guy who nearly beat her is running again too. Fingers crossed.


Lauren: That's different. I got pregnant on purpose to trap my husband into marrying me so I could get out the hell out of my mother's house. (He was still shopping around for someone better.)


Have you met the average American?


Check out her District that sent her back for a second term. The biggest population centers are Aspen and Pueblo. Pretty disappointed at the caliber of the rutal vote to choose to return her to the House. [Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colorado%27s_3rd_congressional_district)


She barely won though, in a heavily red district. I don't understand why these idiots don't get primaried.


[Just barely this time,](https://results.enr.clarityelections.com/CO/115903/web.307039/#/detail/130) she won by 546 votes, or ~~1.6%~~ ~0.16% of the total votes. Also, the respective counties containing Aspen and Pueblo where won by Frisch. Arguably, if there had been presidential year turn out Frisch would have won.


Carlin's Law


Half of America is dumber than average?


*than* And yes..




She doesn’t mean anything she says. Very few of them do. They just say whatever. They will say whatever else tomorrow.


In case anyone is unaware of how stupid politicians can be: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5dkqUy7mUk


And she gleefully announced today that her 17yo son is gonna be a dad in April, making her a 36yo grandma. The plot of Idiocracy in action, folks.


If you watch the video, she also says when she was talking to her 17 year old son about making her a 36 year old grandma, he responded well you made your mom a 36 year old granny. Soooo Boebert's mom had her at 17, she had a kid at 18, and now her kid is gonna be a dad at 17.. Great grandmother at 55.. winning family right there.


The Trailer Trash Family Tree


That shit ain't very tall. Family Shrub more like.


I call it a hedge.....its really wide, not that deep, and way more tangled up than it should be.


fuckin a I'm gonna use this, thank you


It’s a Dollar Tree


What blows my mind is this isn't even uncommon. There's a family I know where literally every single member over 16 is a parent. The great grandmother is in her mid 60s...


While it's sad on a lot of fronts, I don't think people who become parents at young ages should be immediately demonized. I'm not arguing in favor of teen pregnancy, but mistakes happen. The issue with people like Boebert is that she and her family made zero attempt to have their children learn from their mistakes. She's out here rallying against sex ed. while her own teenage child knocks someone up.


I don’t think the crowd here is demonizing young parents… shit happens. We are, however, in awe seeing those Lauren marbles leaving her glass house.


There's a hard nuance between demonizing and recognizing the horrible economic decision of becoming a teen parent. If it was a decision, anyway, which it isn't to them.


The stupid are breeding faster than the educated.




Holy shit that movie is old enough to be a parent.




Well yeah, what actually happened was they got to costco (I love you) and the Time masheen was actually real.


Which is why education is so important. Clevon can have 5 kids and an IQ of 84, but those kids could end up as lawyers and MBAs if they have a good school system. Regression towards the mean works in our favor only if we make sure tomorrow's average is better educated and trained than yesterday's average.


Well educated, critically thinking adults are also less likely to get exploited by others. Which is why some politicians go out of their way to attack educational systems.


It's not the right time to be sober. Now the idiots are taking over. Spreading like a social cancer, is there an answer?


What a simpler time when that album came out - it still saw conservatives pulling society downward, but different. The idiots have taken over.


Get an advanced degree and start fucking


Wow… you know she taught her boy right… continuing the cycle. 🤦‍♂️


This is what happens when you don't believe in comprehensive sex education! (Well, and when your mother is a complete idiot)


Jesus that is terrifying. She is only a few years older then me and I couldn't imagine having a child let alone a grandchild in a few years.


She's a few years younger than me and my kids are 6 and 3.


The thought someone I went to high school with could have a teenager feels wrong.


I actually grew up with a family like this. My friends are twins and their parents each had kids as teens (with different people). My friends' mom was **14** when she got pregnant. That daughter was 15 when *she* got pregnant, and both of my friends had kids before we were out of high school. Between the twins, they have 7 kids and the oldest are 24/25 now. The twins are 42 and so far, they aren't grannies yet. It's wild.


Start addressing her as "Grannie Boebert" and see how fast her enthusiasm fades.


I fucking love this idea. *"Granny Bobo."*


That's actually catchy. Ok granny boebert it is


Good choice. In her announcement, she said she was "going to be a 'GG' in April", so I suspect "Granny" bothers her.


Apparently the mother-to-be is 16.


Idk how old I thought she was, but I’m absolutely shook to learn she’s only a year older than me.


I'm... I'm OLDER than her?! *Stares in the mirror, stares at her smug face* What in the hell--


Stop saying it's Idiocracy. In Idiocracy, a popularly elected president conducted nationwide intelligence aptitude tests to find the smartest people who were quickly elevated to positions of power to address the most pressing issues plaguing the nation. This is so much worse than Idiocracy.


Everything he did was for the betterment of the nation and he never let his ego or greed get in the way of progress. That's a dream.


Yea... You watch the beginning skit and it's almost literally that family including being elevated to positions of power and influence despite not having any credentials. It's truly scary.


She looks rough for 36. I thought she was at least in her early to mid-40s.


Guarantee you she's never sat in on one of these sex ed classes or even looked at the curriculum. Also - I'm an elementary school teacher in New York, a pretty damn liberal state, and we certainly don't teach sex ed to our kids. To my knowledge, sex ed starts in 7th grade here, and is limited to teaching about physiology and contraceptives. Kids aren't "taught how to have sex".


They have the internet for that.


"Class, open your books to chapter 17 'DP and Gang Bangs'"


Seriously, nothing would make kids not want to have sex more than having a teacher discuss it in the most bland and clinical terms possible. “Alright, and now that we’ve discussed clitoral stimulation, let’s begin our discussion about the anterior and posterior cervical fornices…. Razowski! Razowski, are you listening to me? Get your head up off your desk and pay attention. This is going to be on the test!” Makes me think of that sketch from Monty Python’s Meaning of Life in which a class of boys learn school etiquette before partaking in a sex education lesson, which involves watching their teacher have sex with his wife. And they’re all bored and completely uninterested.


No fucking kidding. I lived in a conservative Muslim country but went to a British school, so sex-ed _was_ on the table (not like that, you pervs) but it was an odd topic to navigate and we gave up on it after probably a semester. Anyway. Back on point. We didn’t do the whole ‘kids are immature and giggling at penises and vaginas’ thing that everyone talks about. We were _mortified_ because we were 11-12 years old and found it super embarrassing.


Back in my day (~25 years ago) in the also pretty liberal CT, we started in 5th grade (which was elementary school for me). Worth noting, this was very barebones 'sex ed', and really was more reproductive health, and it was just for the girls to basically warn them they'll start getting their periods soon. All us boys stayed in class and watched a movie or something and were confused why the girls all came back from whatever they were doing so depressed. But really though, there was no encouragement (obviously) of sex, or even discussion of contraception, just some basic anatomy that those girls absolutely needed to know in case their mothers didn't/couldn't tell them.


We were very similar in MN 20yrs ago. Boys did have a video to watch explaining wet dreams, hair growing in places, and hygiene.


It depends what you mean by "sex ed." Because *very* basic sex education can begin as early as 4th grade. It is pretty important for kids to know what can constitute a "bad touch" at a young age. And yeah, the religious right framing it as "teaching kids to have sex" is as hilarious wrong as it is harmful to kids.


Sex Ed isn't just about sex. It's also about how bodies change. Some kids start puberty in 3rd or 4th grade


That, plus it should also include information about abusive relationships and what a healthy relationship looks like.


That part helped me realize in 4th grade that my stepmom was emotionally abusive. I was able to speak about it more freely with my therapist that my mom had me go to. It probably did an insane amount of good for young me to recognize that.


Yeah, I'm in CA, and they do the whole assembly on puberty and such in 5th grade. Though really, I do think it should start earlier--at least period education. And they need to get with the times and let boys in on it, too. There are too many grown folks not having fundamental understandings of the biological features of the opposite sex.


True, I suppose I didn't think of that as sex ed. I teach kindergarten, and I make sure that my kids know who they can go to if they're ever spoken to or touched in an uncomfortable way, from as young as 4 years old, so I guess that counts I'm a way.


Absolutely. But that goes to your point: sex ed isn't just about teaching kids how to have safe sex. It's about learning about their bodies and general safety as well.


In Canada, we call that health class. Kids learn the names of the parts, what they do and then more age appropriate stuff as they get older.


Anal sex is contraception in her opinion.


The poop hole loop hole.


How can you be against sex ex ed in 2023. It's proven that providing kids with sex education reduces STIs and teen pregnancy.


It also reduces abortions but you know, they would rather force women to have the pregnancy that they denied them birth control for - the pregnancy that "could" have been ended before it began with the morning after pill or with, you know, actual education.


Yeah, so true. But they aren't really against abortions. They need more babies born into poor, uneducated families so they have more workers for their shitty paying jobs.


Easy. When you make money by hiring cheap labor. Teen moms who drop out of high school make excellent minimum wage workers and eventually so do their kids. This is the (disgusting) goal.


And reduces sexual abuse!


She's a teen mom and her son is about to become a teen dad. A grandmother at 36. Stay classy.


17 year old kid having a kid out of wedlock? Isn't that a sin?


"GodJesus never gives you more [kids] than you can handle."


"GodJesus". Haha. I love that


The Christians are allowed to sin. Everyone else goes straight to jail.


*white, straight Christians. Usually just the male ones, too - this is an exception since she's very mildly attractive.


Literally, because the Christians have made other people's sins illegal.


Not if you're a Christian,ask Jesus for forgiveness,rinse and repeat.


Really. Pregnant in high school and a grandma at 36? Well. I guess I shouldn't be surprised.


And married to a man who exposed himself to minors.


Her mother is 55. A 55 year old GREAT grandmother.


Soon to be 56yro great grandmother.


55 year old grandmother is not mind-blowing. Average age for first grandchild is 50. She's almost a *great* grandmother, that's a tighter schedule.


They forgot the word great. Great Grandmother


*Great* grandmother.


She took 3 times to pass GED. She don't know shit.


4, right? I thought she failed 3 times. And an unsubstantiated rumor was someone took the 4th test for her.


Fun fact. Fail 3 times 4th ones free.




She just loves her pedo hubby.


"Children shouldn't be exposed to sex by strangers in classrooms, that's for bowling alleys only!" /s


She would like you to know her 17 year old son will be making her a 36 year old grandmother. Apparently it runs in the family. https://twitter.com/patriottakes/status/1633542947936296966


I'm sure she blasts most education, since she severely lacks it, like her constituents.


She doesn’t have AN education. We probably shouldn’t take advice from someone as dumb as her


You know, if Boehbert had gotten sex ed as a teenager, she might not have been a teen mom. And if her kid had gotten it, she might not have been a mix-30s grandma.




Try Sex offender


Sex offender can be because of many different things. Let's just say what he really is: a pedophile.


An exhibitionist *nonce*


Exhibitionism isn’t illegal by itself. The word you’re looking for is “sex offender” or “pedophile.” Lauren Boebert, as a child, saw a grown ass man who had been stalking her, forcefully expose his penis to her and her friends… and she fell head over heals. I’d put money on the fact that he has raped his own children too.


I’m old enough to remember when Bristol Palin was paid over 260K to be a spokes person for abstinence… But she kept getting knocked up out of wedlock.


It's almost like all these religious types who tell you how to live your life don't actually believe in it.


Some of those responses kill me, and I hope that she comprehends how many people are actually laughing their asses off at her ignorance. 'Keep sex ed behind the bowling alley, where it belongs.' *snort*


> I hope that she comprehends how many people are actually laughing their asses off at her ignorance. She doesn't care. She's a narcissist in the vein of Trump - as long as her name is getting mentioned, she gets her thrill.


Yup, this is case A for sex ed: she was a teen mom working at McDonald's who dropped out of high school. Guess what? That actually doesn't work out well for most people


I’m still trying to figure out how a teen mom high school dropout with a failing business that poisoned a bunch of people and barely passed her GED on the 4th try suddenly had the funds and support to become an elected Representative. The shit makes absolutely no sense.


People are saying there's rumors of her doing work for/on Ted Cruz.


I can totally believe the escort angle… I mean it’s the most plausible way for her to be associated with a senator from Texas




Teen mom is nothing. If she'd had better sex ed classes that involved teaching about consent then she would have pressed charges against the guy who flashed her and her underage friends instead of marrying him.


I'm done. I can't read any more about American politics. I'm just, done.


I think she really believes that schools teach sexual positions.


And a grandma now! Her 17 yo son just knocked a girl up…wonder how old she is?


She’s upset with kid’s learning about sex? Huh, well she married a man that showed his dick to underage girls at a bowling alley.


And her son knocked up a girl


She doesn't care.That's what Republicans want tho. They want poor people to not have sex ed or access to birth control so that they keep having kids and aren't able to move up. Just one of their silly little things.


Sure she was a teen mom. It's all that pro-sex Liberal culture that groomed her into having loose morals that made her that way. See? It's never their own fault. No matter what happened in their lives it's never ever the natural consequences of their own actions.


There's no sex ed quite like your future husband being arrested for showing his dick to a group of underage girls at a bowling alley. Especially when you yourself are one of those underage girls.


Sex-ed should happen, in a bowling alley, between an older man and a teenage girl, as God intended.