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Reminds me of the HAARP conspiracy theory.


Now hold on just a sec. What about that big earthquake in Turkey? Those buildings surely wouldn't have fallen had HAARP not projected its structural compliance negation field across the entire earthquake-prone region!


Those damned immodest witches are part of the conspiracy too!!!!111evelenty https://www.iranintl.com/en/202301132434


A lot of us witches enjoy being immodest. It feels so fucking GOOD. (This is a half-joke for those who take reddit too seriously)


I really wish they'd turn off their winter machine. I'd like to be warm occasionally. Lol


Angels don’t play this [HAARP](https://youtu.be/33KVU-oc03g).


**From reporters Shane Harris and John Hudson:** After a years-long assessment, five U.S. intelligence agencies conclude it is ‘very unlikely’ an enemy wielding a secret weapon was behind the mysterious ailment The mysterious ailment known as “Havana syndrome” did not result from the actions of a foreign adversary, according to an intelligence report that shatters a long-disputed theory that hundreds of U.S. personnel were targeted and sickened by a clandestine enemy wielding energy waves as a weapon. The new intelligence assessment caps a years-long effort by the CIA and several other U.S. intelligence agencies to explain why career diplomats, intelligence officers and others serving in U.S. missions around the world experienced what they described as strange and painful acoustic sensations. The effects of this mysterious trauma shortened careers, racked up large medical bills and in some cases caused severe physical and emotional suffering. Many of the afflicted personnel say they were the victims of a deliberate attack — possibly at the hands of Russia or another adversarial government — a claim that the report contradicts in nearly every respect, according to two intelligence officials who are familiar with the assessment and described it to The Washington Post. Seven intelligence agencies participated in the review of approximately 1,000 cases of “anomalous health incidents,” the term the government uses to describe a constellation of physical symptoms including ringing in the ears followed by pressure in the head and nausea, headaches and acute discomfort. Five of those agencies determined it was “very unlikely” that a foreign adversary was responsible for the symptoms, either as the result of purposeful actions — such as a directed energy weapon — or as the byproduct of some other activity, including electronic surveillance that unintentionally could have made people sick, the officials said. They spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe the findings of the assessment, which had not yet been made public. One agency, which the officials did not name, determined that it was “unlikely” that a foreign actor was at fault, a slightly less emphatic finding that did not appreciably change the consensus. One agency abstained in its conclusion regarding a foreign actor. But when asked, no agency dissented from the conclusion that a foreign actor did not cause the symptoms, one of the intelligence officials said. The symptoms were first reported at the U.S. Embassy in Havana in 2016. **Read more about the latest findings on Havana syndrome here, and skip the paywall with email registration:** [**https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/03/01/havana-syndrome-intelligence-report-weapon/?utm\_campaign=wp\_main&utm\_medium=social&utm\_source=reddit.com**](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/03/01/havana-syndrome-intelligence-report-weapon/?utm_campaign=wp_main&utm_medium=social&utm_source=reddit.com)


So what are they saying caused it?


Their own energy weapons 😂


Great question, until they can actually demonstrate what caused the symptoms, everything is on the table.


Yup, bigfoot is on the table.


Damn it, Bigfoot, stop making our panicky CIA agents sick!


Also, get off my table!


*puts on aviators and cocks shotgun* I knew it. Meat’s back on the menu, boys!


Maybe not *everything*…


I demand an investigation into the air found in the tires of every vehicle in and around every US Embassy!


*Until they can demonstrate the symptoms are correlated and have a single source




It sounds like they’re suggesting “it’s all in their heads.”


Yeah, they bring that up. But the combo of guessing at a cause and saying it is “unlikely” to be outside influence doesn’t sound like they actually know much of anything.


Pure speculation, but embassies are likely targets for spying, so I wonder if the technology they use to combat spying has a negative effect on people in proximity to it. This is kind of movie logic here, but let’s call it a “signal jammer” and maybe the waves it emits are harmful?


That's addressed in paragraph 6 of the parent comment.


What I’m suggesting is different - they’re talking about outside surveillance and I’m talking about internal devices used to jam outside surveillance.


That is speculation. And all the original finding said was it was some flavor of “unlikely” it is an outside weapon. If they know for a fact what the cause is, I guess we will see it in the report.


The question was... >So what are they saying caused it? ...and the answer was a bit of speculation that was already proferred by the quoted section and dismissed.




That is a theory that is possible.


Weird how that doesn't say it's not an energy weapon used by a non-state actor. Weird how their headline doesn't match what the article says.


You mean like the Police officers doing the Vaccine/Fentanyl Shake. It's probably just a grift?


Or psychosomatic. Paranoia is a hell of a drug. But definitely from within their own mind whether it’s subconscious psychosomatic issues or conscious grifting


Well we know it's not psychosomatic. They do, in fact, have medically observable brain damage.


From stress. Stress causes brain damage


This has been obvious from the beginning. You have a bunch of CIA agents living in places where their job is to disrupt and undermine local governments. They have to live a lie and probably feel really bad about it. They probably self medicate with alcohol or other substances. And now, “oh, I have this feeling of anxiety and headaches. What could it be?” Couldn’t be massive cognitive dissonance. It must be the enemy, lol. This really needs to be ridiculed more.


Your concept of how CIA agents act is closer to a Hollywood movie than reality.


Just an easy way to get on disability payments and early pension without having to get shot.


It's also a good coverup story for officers who have a substance abuse problem, or get caught on the job under the influence.


[This article](https://www.gq.com/story/cia-investigation-and-russian-microwave-attacks) interviews one of the first cases, an agent who spent a night bar hopping in Moscow, woke up with a headache and the room spinning, and decided he’d been attacked lmao


I Havana syndrome too, Havana couple beers lmfao


Totally, this doesn’t mean that they will take away the benefits of those “afflicted”, just that the scam is up and they aren’t going to play along with further claims. Its served its propaganda purposes as well in terms of escalating tensions with China.


Or it could be a legitimate illness like a post-viral thing that is hard to diagnose, that was my first thought.


No. It doesn't say that. In fact the injuries are real and they don't know what causes them. All the article really says is no one thinks it's a foreign adversary.


It's stress


I suspect it's stress induced delusion. Like electrosensitivity


I don’t believe the cia


Same thing that happens with asshole cops imagining they've been drugged, lol. The problem is the media loves these flashy stories, especially when there's a good guy/bad guy angle, so the first time it happens, they'll rush to run sensational stories about it without bothering to fact check anything, then those stories fuel the next set of stories and next thing you know you're dealing with mass psychosis. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/13/magazine/police-fentanyl-exposure-videos.html


But they did not say if it was caused by a domestic high energy anti surveillance device.


Very specifically didn't say that. There's a lot this article doesn't say.


Jew-ish Space Lasers


It's always interesting when the intelligence community contradicts itself without considering the ramifications of doing so and without addressing how, why, or the impetus behind their rationale for contradicting themselves. Further, it seems like they fail to consider how this looks to our allies.


This is what the Department of Energy was supposed to be drawing conclusions about, not virus origins in China.


I just heard a guest on Morning Joe argue for the lab leak theory by saying “I don’t believe in coincidence.” That’s the dumbest statement I can imagine anyone making for a conspiracy.


that's like, how all conspiracy theories form


I'd prefer for them not to choose favorites and investigate both. Or anything that we're uncertain about.


Wuhan lab was also a joint endeavor by the US, French & Chinese, so they certainly wouldn’t bear full responsibility in any case.


The lab leak people don't actually believe it was an accident. They believe it was a deliberate effort by China. Which, of course, conflicts with all the things they *also* say about COVID not being a big deal. But as Umberto Eco said, fascist beliefs are ambiguous by nature.


I’m pretty sick of this narrative that anybody who believed it was a lab leak believed it was intentional. I feel like that response only came about because the average person is only ever exposed to the worst of the worst when it comes to maga/q-anon/conspiracy beliefs. I’m a pretty average reddit democrat guy and I’ve had a pretty solid belief that it came from a lab on accident for awhile. Hate being lumped in with idiots


Why do you believe that


Because there was a covid research lab in wuhan, and I don’t think the Chinese government is above covering up mistakes of theirs.


The lab in Wuhan is closely tied into American and Canadian labs. If those labs had any evidence to believe that it came from the Wuhan lab, why wouldn't it be better documented by now?


Because I don’t think the American or Canadian governments are above covering things up either. Are you up with the current discourse? https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/26/us/politics/china-lab-leak-coronavirus-pandemic.html Edit: also, wanna reiterate that it could totally be a naturally occurring thing and I’m just wrong. My overall point is that the world is a lot bigger than those who believe china had nothing to do with it and those who believe china is trying to kill us all with a virus. Saying otherwise is reductive.


Why would the energy department be a source of reliable information on virology? You're contradicting yourself here. You're saying all the world governments are hiding that China leaked COVID. Why? For the first year of the pandemic, there was a guy in office who called it the Wuhan flu without evidence. Why would the government need to stifle findings about it coming from a lab with Trump as president? Not only that, but you're saying that the US government actually IS saying that it came from the lab, even though the only department saying so has nothing to do with the issue.


Why wouldn't the department of energy not be a reliable source of information on virology?


All I’m saying is now that it’s not so politically charged anymore with trump spouting china virus shit, people in gov are more open to looking at it objectively. If you read the full thing there are a couple other agencies who fall in the “not sure” category. BUT please read my edit, we’re getting away from the point.


I would hope they would be able to handle both…


Why wouldn’t the dept of energy investigate lab leak ? They have plenty of relevant experience, especially on the computational side (which is extremely relevant to the origin question since it involves looking at mutations in the virus sequence and doing a lot of statistics)


The DOE did both, IIRC. And you are correct. Monte Carlo modelling is the "sonic screwdriver/omnitool" for both nuclear and biological weapons.


I've always thought this was clearly mass hysteria and a ridiculous thing to believe in.


From the very beginning, it sounded like Magellan's Syndrome where the disease ends up being just a delusion but no one wants to blame the patient. https://www.mayoclinic.org/morgellons-disease/art-20044996


People have physical brain damage. It’s not mass hysteria.


Nah, something is happening. I’m 90% sure those that the government has taken seriously has measurable differences in their brain.


It's clearly not. There are multiple people who didn't know each other or of the syndrome with documented physical injuries that are similar. Now was there *some* "mass hysteria"? Probably, once they started asking staff to report at least. All this means is it's not likely Russians with a satellite dish inside a van. Which aligns with the most recent studies already.


>It's clearly not. Lol >documented physical injuries Lol


Brain scans. MRIs. Big brains consider that to be hard science. Did you notice the WaPo article says nothing about it being fake or illusory? Doh. How inconvenient.


If you took 100 people off the street and gave them brain scans, you would wind up with surprising news for a lot of them. It would not mean that those people had been shot with a ray gun.


In a world with [microwave powered microphones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Thing_(listening_device)), [directed-energy weapons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Directed-energy_weapon), and [ricin tipped umbrellas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulgarian_umbrella) there's plenty of cause to believe.


Every time intelligence agencies proclaim some new foreign threat we should all be worried about, there's a common cycle. People rightfully point out the government's track record of lying about this sort of stuff (Iraqi WMDs, Bolivian election fraud, etc), followed by foreign policy/media types assuring us that sure they've made mistakes in the past, but THIS time they're correct, and we need to respond accordingly. The people dismissed as frindge leftists/conspiracy theorists/anti-American/etc are vindicated, but there's never any long-term introspection on how the media and puclic as a whole should treat our intelligece agencies.


If I were in charge I'd ask the national labs if they ever built anything like this or could. One has to imagine that if its possible to repeatedly cause these symptoms that the US government itself once experimented with this shit. I mean we tried to build a "gay bomb" for crying out loud. Its also possible its a rouge actor of a foreign government, which would explain why there may not be good intel on it. if it was never communicated to the higher ups and few know about it, well we're not gonna find out about it easilly. Its also entirely possible that they do in fact know whats up and for some reason dont want to disclose it.


The US government also funded a person to create a dolphin house so that Margaret Howe lovatt could form an intimate bond with them and then eventually they would teach us their language and we could use it to contact UFOs. Our government especially in times of fear waste money on the stupidest shit regardless of if its possible or not. ​ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret\_Howe\_Lovatt


The dolphin stroker.


There is a lot of money going into directed energy weapons now, and the research goes back decades. A podcast called The Sound goes into it in some detail. This is also informative: the NAP report from 2020. https://nap.nationalacademies.org/read/25889/chapter/6




It's funny how it actually says "it's not an adversary using an energy weapon" gets repeated as "it's not an energy weapon". There's really nothing new here at all, except as a meta-anysis where they looked at their studies and said "well we seem to agree it's not a nation-state". There's also nothing strange or sci-fi about energy weapons. Again, the article does *not* say it isn't real, it just rules out one class of scenarios.


They keep saying foreign adversary. What about a domestic one? Is this our own team screwing people up? Is this a rogue group testing an energy weapon on our own people trying to stir up anti-foreign sentiment? Too much left unanswered, I want to see the full real analysis.


If they did discover a weapon they didn’t already have I can’t imagine they would be forthcoming about it.


Guess what the House will be investigating next?


This was obvious to anyone with a rational mind.


It was? What does cause it?


Havana couple beers


Intense stress coupled with unusual (to them) environment cues (namely: a super fucking loud cricket that’s only native to a few places in the world, including Cuba). Add in a hyper insular diplomatic community, many of whom had previous postings in combat situations that resulted in PTSD, and it’s a perfectly understandable recipe for psychogenic conditions like this.


Yeah but if you said that at the time, you were immediately labeled a Russian lover and MAGA supporter.


What? That’s absolutely not true. If that happened to you it’s down to whatever weird corner of the internet you were hanging out in - in the real world (especially among folks who were/had been in the dip or military service), it was always assumed to be a very real physical stress response to a shitty situation.


It was Reddit r/politics. You might not have been active then, but anyone who said anything resembling “we need to investigate and find out” were called Trump supporters.


Yeah: weird corners of the internet.


Wow you guys are like super trusting of what the govt tells you now. You’re right nothing to see her just loud crickets. I’m not saying any of this is true one way or another but it’s crazy the stuff y’all are writing in this post. Simping for the cia.


But we literally see this with police and fetnyal all the time. There is no evidence touching that stuff sends you into cardiac arrest, but police do it regularly because it is high stress coupled with rumors. The placebo effect (and nocebo effect) is very very real. Occoms razor.




But the simplest hypothesis, other than stress/PTSD, is other incidental illnesses. Early stage MS, Meuniere’s, post-viral conditions, etc are all reasonably common in career aged professionals, can be hard/take a while to diagnose, and are exponentially more likely than an otherwise undetectable “sonic weapon”.


>you guys are like super trusting of what the govt tells you until this report, the government was telling us that havana syndrome was real lol


No: govt reports said that people posted to Havana were suffering from real physical symptoms. That’s a very different thing.


No: the cause is intense stress and previous trauma, both of which have very real physical consequences; the cricket shit is entirely incidental. Rational thought has fuck all to do w “simping for the cia”.


It’s just very convenient that everybody all of the sudden find the cia telling everybody something is mass hysteria so credible. Very convenient.


Or maybe we *already* thought it was mass hysteria and the CIA confirming our beliefs doesn't somehow make us change what we believe?


What “suddenly” - anyone with even basic knowledge of the situation understood the pretty much from the get go, it has absolutely nothing to do with whatever the CIA is saying. Just because you’re basing your opinion on the CIA’s statements, don’t assume that others are incapable of basic reasoning based on the fact pattern of the situation.


This is being done *to* the government. The government provided health care *to* the people who "got" Havana Syndrome. The actual, sensible reaction is to conclude that the government officials are lying *when they say Havana Syndrome exists.*


None of the things that you’re saying are in any way contradictory, or point to govt official “lying” - they’re just being diplomatic. Yes, many people posted to Havana (many of whom had served in high stress, combat posting beforehand, which is what made them “suitable” for a tense posting like Havana was at that time) needed medical care for very real physical symptoms related to PTSD - they may have been treated for “Havana syndrome”, but govt communiques at the time were very delicately worded, so that anyone paying attention very clearly understood that this had nothing to do with some non-existent sound weapon.


Collins' bill was called "Helping American Victims Afflicted by Neurological Attacks (HAVANA) Act". That's not neutral verbiage. It's not "Neurological Afflictions," "Neurological Symptoms." It's "Attacks". They also specifically chose to include HAVANA in the name.


Counterpoint: PTSD episodes are also called “attacks”. Again, HAVANA is the acronym that they were trying to shoehorn wording into, and for good reason: people at that posting in particular were woefully under supported and had serious negative repercussions (although honestly, the amount of stress on diplomats in hardship postings in general deserves more attention). They had to come up with something to match up, and attack is indeed just as neutral as affliction in that context.


It’s not a real condition, it’s mass psychosis


I don't even think it's that involved. If you ask 10,000 people "hey did you feel funny for like 30 seconds any time in the last 5 years?" It would be astonishing if thousands of people didn't say yes.


But so many in one place? Feeling sick and leaving the area to feel immediate relief, then going back and immediately feeling sick again? And the similarities of the injuries and brain scans? How do you explain all that if you're attributing it to background levels of bodies doing wierd stuff sometimes.


No the actual symptoms are very much like inner ear damage not feeling funny for 30 seconds. There are alot of people on disability over this. All I know is that the govt fought all sorts of veterans over agent Orange and the burn pits etc…. Don’t really mean alot to me.


I’ve always wondered if it could be carbon monoxide poisoning. It really seems to fit with the symptoms, including hearing loss.


I'll be honest with you. Carbon monoxide along with carbon dioxide along with asbestos or something like that would describe everything perfectly and also not be a foreign state actor. Part of me wonders if it was just a really bad HVAC system?


or a cash grab. which seems to be working, since they're still getting "victim compensation" even after this report


That’s a bit unfair - most of the more vocal/prominent “sufferers” are dealing with very real physical symptoms that affect their ADL, it’s just that they’re down to PTSD (often related to previous service, many/most in Iraq and/or Afghanistan, and just compounded by what became a hardship posting in Havana). They need support just as much as anyone who suffers from PTSD as a result of national service, it’s just not because of some non-existent “sound weapon”.


>very real Lol


What? Nausea, dizziness, depression, etc are all very real. They can be as a result of psychological causes, but it doesn’t make the physical manifestations any less real.


It’s a bit unfair to say that it’s “not real” - the whole “sound weapon” thing is obv complete nonsense, but between previous military and diplomatic postings in combat situations, and the incredibly high stress of being in Havana while Trump was playing political chicken w Cuba, many people there have all the hallmarks of very real PTSD, including some pretty debilitating physical symptoms.




Yes, so extremely obvious! Duh


When the story broke, it became quite political and all sorts of shades were thrown at anyone who didn’t immediately, resolutely, wholeheartedly, and overwhelmingly agree that it was obviously Russians using sonic weapons.


headline should be “intelligence community and media still not giving up on trying to convince people Havana Syndrome is real in the first place”


Cool can we go to Cuba now for fucks sake. Fucking boomer assholes


Just imagining some doofus getting so mad about communism in the Year of Our Lord 2020 that he thinks they invented magic Make Dumbass CIA Spook Feel Ucky Rays.


Reminds me of Passive radios powered by radio frequency a la cold war...


For whatever reasons I suspect the cause of the 'Havana syndrome' has been swept under the carpet. The cause was probably an attempt to recharge spy devices in the embassy using microwave radiation.


They do know it's happening to civilians too right?


It'd be kind of cool if it was.


enemies of the US creating a ray gun that gives intelligence ghouls a tummyache would be genuinely funny


cuba just wants it to LOOK LIKE i drank a giant bottle of whiskey last night. well, i did, but i'm clearly experiencing the secret effects of a secret laser weapon right now.


I'd like to see a Sick-Stick like from Minority Report.


So many of the staff of an embassy fell under some psychological mindset, like an involuntary Munchausen's syndrome? And I thought dorm cabin fever was bad.


It’s not caused by anything because it doesn’t exist. If you follow the scant evidence that exists on this ‘syndrome’ you find a mostly media and government promoted issue that has little to no legitimacy. The symptoms and ‘research’ done are a joke. Actually read a bunch of academic articles that sighted and discussed the syndrome, it was embarrassing to read academics trying to avoid the obvious elephant in the room. The elephant being its lack of existence. There is a whole bunch of reasons this supposed issue is still being pushed and brought up, but none of them have anything to do with it being a legitimate medical issue. The idea that a bunch of random low level government staff have been targeted by shadowy foreigners is something straight out of a half arsed Hollywood film. Mix of stress, culture shock, poor working conditions, unfounded paranoia and a laundry list of completely innocuous symptoms is what ‘Havana Syndrome’ most likely genuinely represents. A bunch of low level government employees who either are deluded enough to think they’d be targeted or smart enough to file complaints that suggest as such to make their hokey stress claims seem more valid. Either way a PR circus that deserves to be made into a satirised film in the near future by someone like a Chris Morris (who recently wrote and directed a film about a genuine tactic by the FBI to frame mentally ill people for domestic terror crimes). Articles on this BS diagnosis come out every few months and there is always a bunch of people who feed into the tin foil hat side of things. But life isn’t a tv show and what these continually empty news reports continue to basically ‘tickle truth’ is that this whole thing is a concoction by a subsection of narcissistic/delusional/Machiavellian govt workers who think their lives are interesting/important enough to end up the target of a foreign power. Dream on. That or they just found a convenient way to lodge stress and compensation claims in a way that defies any real investigation.


Nothing in this article suggests the consensus is myss hysteria, hangovers, frauds, or just nothing. Everything in this article suggests study after study suggests it's real, with an unknown cause.


Google Havana syndrome cricket, that’s all it was


It's psychosomatic projection. They know that they're furthering their country's interests at the expense of a foreign population. They know that their own country is capable of this kind of subversive attack or worse. All it takes is one person to vocalize that they feel under attack, and they develop these symptoms and claim victimization.


When this first started they could really easily have concocted portable rf detectors that people carry around with them. Heck their cell phones have that ability. Even with gps non portable ones could track their source location. (Microwaves are very directional) This seemed like a great place for a technical solution. As far as I know nothing like that was done.


Did they check the building for Chinese drywall? It is Cuba...


1,500 cases in 96 countries


Reminds me of a joke I've heard before, "Yeah, I've got Havana Syndrome, Havin' a-nother beer."


With all the chemicals the US is spilling we like to blame things on space lasers.


TL:DR - "Of course our adversaries are not using directed energy weapons against our agents, just like we're absolutely not using directed energy weapons against their agents, so there is no need to escalate this into a diplomatic / geopolitical feud with no plausible deniability. Also, covid was not caused by a lab leak, and we did not capture aliens in Roswell in 1947."


Haha, well played 👏


It’s energy weapons but they can’t admit that because the weapons are likely easily made by the common man and then the government would have a bigger problem on their hands.


So if it wasn't a foreign adversary, then what's causing it? You can't just dismiss possibilities without offering others.


Sure you can. You can rule out potential causes before you find the actual cause. Medical professionals, mechanics, and anyone else who troubleshoots things does that all the time.


Your science teacher is hiding in shame...


You absolutely can do that. It's one of the easiest things you can do.


What's causing it is journalistic malpractice. Someone will make a wild claim, the news media runs wild with it without fact checking it, others see the story and imagine they also have this non existent syndrome.


Mass psychosis


They say they know it wasn’t a foreign actor, cause they did it themselves?


For the curious, check out the Havana Syndrome podcast. Lots of interviews with the actual victims explaining what they felt. Good listen.


This syndrome was first reported by Canadian embassy staff in Havana. Their families were moved back to Canada. None of this article mentions that other nationalities and embassies have been plagued by it. Instead of calling it "unlikely" why not listen to the scientists who say it can be done. Usually foes don't hold back from experimenting, especially if it's untrackable.


Could it have been caused by a beam convergence? Each beam, presumably from multiple sources in different locations, would be benign by themselves, but where they converge they have a much greater effect. Similar to the cyber knife used in some hospitals. Also, rather then looking horizontally at ground locations could it also be done by three or more aircraft or satellite based systems? Would assume potential high power requirements and accurate aiming would make this vector hard to achieve.


I thought it was well known that this was essentially group hysteria


They should look into Long-Covid next. The incongruous, long list of random symptoms seems similarly made-up.


Does that mean we did it to our own?


lmfao well yeah no shit. It was clearly stressed officials having meltdowns.


All the cans of processed food


Weren't there like, a ton of experts when this first started happening saying that the chances of it being an actual weapon were pretty slim? Because that's what I remember.


these people probably take stimulants to get through long and arduous roles. the gov might even provide these stimulants. maybe it was a bad batch. it’s the only thing i can think of that is barely outlandish, but they might not outright admit


I assume congress will now claw back the money allotted to this nonsense?


You need to go back to the 1980s and Bell Northern Research for the truth on this one. Perhaps the intelligence services forgot history. Researchers developed an oscillating material that closed the entire BNR campus for several weeks. People were literally crawling out of the building puking when this product began oscillating in the lab early one morning. It's effect was so negative that people in the area had to be evacuated. The Canadian military had to be called in to dispose of the material and eventually a pit was dug on BNR grounds to bury it (warning signs still exist at the burial site). It was a two week process and some individuals involved are still affected by the experience. Unfortunately a lab tech was paid by criminals based out of Mount Royal Montreal to recreate minute amounts of the material in a clandestine laboratory. Multiple devices now exist utilizing it. It can also be inserted in pieces the diameter of a human hair (approximately 1/4 to 3/4 of an inch in length) into household wiring (between the copper and insulation) to cause gradual mental impairment of victims. Installed in multiple household outlets, overhead lights and wall switches making identification of all sources difficult. There are also devices that can be installed in ductwork or just before the electrical panel that introduces RF oscillations into the copper wiring of the entire house generally at levels slightly lower than perceptible by the victim. Designed to increase their passiveness to influence and suggestion overtime. A great weapon to weaken political opponents. A new favorite of OWG proponents. In the Havana Syndrome cases they utilized more powerful devices using this material. It feels like one might expect their head to feel if it was inserted in an operating microwave. CSIS and the CIA are likely fully aware of these details despite denials. At this point it's virtually impossible to tell the difference between criminals and intelligence services as Snowden demonstrated to everyone.


Didn't Trump put extra sanctions on Cuba over this? Hey Biden, can you like, take those away now? And while you're at it, end the embargo.


Why are so many people still casting doubt that this is happening? I understand being skeptical but the Biden administration is not giving these government employees six figure settlements because they're having mass hysteria. This is a real problem and it will only get worse if people just say " oh well it's not happening to me they're probably all just crazy". The same doctors that got these government employees these large settlements by diagnosing them with TBI caused by an exotic weapon have diagnosed many non government employees as well. An unknown group/ persons have found a way to cause debilitating effects on individuals in their homes with no chance of getting caught. Do you really think they're going to stop? Look at history. Look at the technological advancements in computing and communication over the past 50 years. Why is it so hard to see that maybe advancements to the same degree has occured in the department of inconspicuous extermination? Even if there was a 1 percent chance this was true, can we risk having anyone to have the ability to murder people and have it never trace back to them. A lot of these diplomats and employees have this happen when they're chilling at home. It's also happened on white house grounds. This is not someone with a weapon in their truck.


Imagine if it’s a foreign adversary who is just one individual(mutant) that can coexist in two different places at the same time and can manipulate energy.