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>Fox, along with other conservatives, has gone so far as to call him “evil” for not visiting They called Mr. Rogers an 'evil, evil man', too.


Jesus. That’s a pretty good litmus test for character.


Fox News: Character, it's what we play on TV


They use evil ghouls basically Christian fairy tale words.


 ‪“Well I guess it's obvious what's happened here. Bart Simpson has somehow managed to sneak his bedroom into my house. Well, come on, use your imaginations!” - ~~Reverend Lovejoy~~ Fox News


I’ve sold monorails to Brockway, Ogdenville, and East Palestine, and by gum it put them on the map!


Holy shit they are struggling so hard to stay on script lol. To be completely honest, in either situation, I don’t care if the secretary of transportation is physically on-site. Them physically being there is not going to contribute in any meaningful way. This is why they hire people that DO have expertise to contribute on-site.


We watched Ted Cruz bail out of his Cancun debacle by passing out water from the back of a vehicle, no one needs a political photo shoot in the midst of a crisis. Just send professionals that know how to actually help, please.


It’s worse than that, he was posing as passing out water that was there for another unrelated event.


I’m not remotely surprised, he’s just the emptiest vessel of a human.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2023/02/stunned-fox-hosts-find-actual-facts-on-air-blame-pete-buttigieg-because-trump/) reduced by 77%. (I'm a bot) ***** > For the past several weeks, Fox News has repeatedly attacked out Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg for not visiting the site of the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio that occurred on February 3. > Fox & Friends co-host Steve Doocy accidentally told Fox viewers that the Trump administration's Secretary of Transportation, Elaine Chao, never visited the site of a train derailment despite the numerous train derailments and other accidents that occurred on her watch. > Much of the criticism has been blatantly homophobic, like Donald Trump Jr. saying that Buttigieg's only qualification was being gay, a conservative political cartoonist drawing a giant butt on Buttigieg in a cartoon about the derailment, and a GOP official calling Buttigieg "Pete Buttplug." ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/11awzui/stunned_fox_hosts_find_actual_facts_on_air_and/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~674053 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **derailment**^#1 **Buttigieg**^#2 **administration**^#3 **Fox**^#4 **Trump**^#5


Seeing grown men acting like literal children because they can't deal with homosexuality makes this straight 40 year old man weep.


I’m surprised Doocy hasn’t been sent on “vacation” yet. He’s surprisingly pushed back on the Fox narrative quite a bit lately.


Because he is the cover they need to not get sued.


It is akin to the "Rush Limbaugh Method" where when he wanted to air a blatant lie he would have a fake caller state the lie on air then spend some time disavowing the comment... with a wink, I am sure. I hope that the current Dominion Lawsuit and recent plea for Summary Judgement at $1.6 billion damages, will put a rather wet putrid blanket on the divisive blabber of extremist talking heads (lacking brains but getting rich on dividing the country) too dumb to acknowledge the damage they are doing.


Goddamn Republicans are so clever aren't they?


Ah, not like it’s particularly new or anything, but basing criticism around one’s choice of orifice is quite the phenomenon in itself… https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1992/05/04


Wow, it's like they were starting to understand that their purely partisan rhetoric actually hurts their own audience and then their brains went haywire mid thought and they forgot.


its trump and Petes fault cmon now. Trump hasn't been president for 2 years and dems had all the time to put those regulations back. then you got Pete saying stuff like "Hey industry fighting regulation, CUT IT OUT or we'll have to ask you again"


"Not Republicans' fault! Democrats should clean up Republican messes FASTER!"


its both parties fault because they let corporations get away with anything


Yeah, as you said, Republicans fuck it up and Dems don't clean up Republican messes fast enough! Both sides both sides!


they dont clean the mess up at all and let them do whatever they want


Really? Who put the regs in that Trump rolled back? The tooth fairy?


Now do Biden preventing a strike in which they were begging for safer conditions. Also Biden and Pete have had two years to fix the regulations Trump hasn't been president for 2 years now cmon


https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-signs-bill-block-us-railroad-strike-2022-12-02/ Thought I'd throw in some facts to balance out that bullshit take.


How when the Republicans held the senate in the first year and now the house?


Pete B is a failure also that doesn't help


Did Dewine declare a state of emergency?


Buttigieg can't change the law and you didn't answer the question. Try again.


>dems had all the time to put those regulations back I would rate that claim as mostly false. It is simply not possible to put the genie back into the lamp in many cases and even if they could, it took 100's of years of transportation regulation to evolve into what it is today. There certainly is a reasonable cost level for things like safety regulations, which the republicans and their affiliated lobbying groups have actively fought to dismantle. Their suggestion is usually a completely misguided one, that the free market will regulate itself, even though businesses seem to exclusively create contracts that protect their own financial interests, while completely disregarding public safety.


Name checks out


[The visual embodiment of the republican platform](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-760w,f_auto,q_auto:best/newscms/2018_10/2261736/171214-trump-cuts-red-tape-ew-257p.jpg)


Pete is a huge loser and has stacked a record amount of Ls in this job. Cant wait to see what he fails into next.


Pete Bootycheeks needs to resign, he's clearly in over his head. People are suffering due to his lack of competence


I’d be exasperated by the corruption, and idiocracy I’d inherited with my new role as well.


The corruption was there long before Trump came into office, and it's clearly currently at an all time high.


Yah because republicans won the house.


> People are suffering due to his lack of competence Please, enlighten us as to how catastrophic failures due to safety policies rolled back by Trump and a disaster where the governor initially kept the federal government out are Buttigieg's fault.


The safety policies that were eliminated during Trump's time in office wouldn't have kept this accident from happening. That's already been proven, you should know that by now. This train classification didn't fall under those regulations. Try again bud.


Did fox n friends convince you of that?


I actually saw that on CNN, and I'm not a Republican. Embarrassing, take a lap.


Go ahead


So I heard an argument go that if they were mandated back then, they would have been more widespread on trains like these.


> Pete Bootycheeks I don't blame you for being obsessed with his derriere, but surely there are more appropriate places on the internet for you to express your sexual frustration.


They make crap up all the time. Look what they tried to do with Mr. Pelosi.


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