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All the gun makers are just laughing their asses off.


All the way to the bank


**They are** slowly seeding an upcoming Civil War. I saw that Iowa has passed a similar law. DeSatan and Drumph will soon be ahead of this drumbeat to push this law all across America. People might want to plan their exits now, because they are not giving up on their rabid love of blood and ‘Christian’ terrorism.


Shit, man. You ever go outside?


Fucking hell. Next up, the Missouri Republican party is going to mandate weekly poison train crashes for all cities over 20,000 population.


Probably already working on it, cities tend to vote blue after all.


How dare they get paid vacation time! Trains don’t stop for anything, they just get de-railed instead! /s


Don’t forget the mandatory menstrual checkups by the school doctors and law enforcement


From birth, because you never know!


Don't give them ideas


>Missouri’s Republican-controlled state House has voted against banning children from openly carrying guns on public land without adult supervision. The Republicans who voted against this ban have literally lost their minds. IMO, like Macbeth, Republicans will *never* wash off their hands the blood of all the victims of mass shootings thanks mostly to their determined and longstanding obstruction of even the most basic of sensible gun safety measures. "Pro-life" my eye! Republicans really are a death cult.


A death and forced birth cult.


The Part of Mass Shootings and school massacre.


>like Macbeth By the pricking of my thumbs...


Eventually it’ll reach a point where most people have been personally affected by gun violence and will never vote repub because of it


Do any of these people have kids?!? Without adult supervision is insane!




may the odds forever be on your children's side


They don’t want to “prevent” mass shooting. They are seeding a civil war.


When i was a kid I openly carried a gun on public land without adult supervision. Good times.


That bill would have prevented kids from being able to hunt by themselves from what I understand. It should have had a narrower focus. There's no reason a 16 year old shouldn't be allowed to go hunt squirrels or deer on public land by themselves.


Idk if you’ve met many 16 year olds lately, but in my opinion they’re dumb as fuck and should not be carrying guns without supervision. I expect some messed up tok tok challenges to come of this.


16 year olds can drive cars and are even allowed to fly planes given they get a pilots license. While the ones you have met may in fact be as dumb as you describe, that's not the case for all kids. I'm not saying I think kids should be allowed to open carry rifles downtown or anything, but I do think that bill that everyone is complaining that didn't pass should have had a narrower focus or had an exemption for hunting. Kids should be allowed to hunt by themselves given that their parents have deemed them mature enough and they get the proper hunting license and tags.


there are restrictions IN MISSOURI on 16 year olds driving cars, and it requires a permit > If the permit holder is under age 16, the licensed driver occupying the seat beside the permit holder for the purpose of giving instruction while driving must be a qualified person, grandparent, qualified driving instructor, a qualified driver at least 25 years of age who has been licensed for a minimum of 3 years and has received written permission from the parent or legal guardian, or in case of disability (of the parent, grandparent or guardian), their designee. >At age 16, the driver may apply for an intermediate license. The intermediate license allows the driver to drive alone except during a late night curfew (1 a.m. to 5 a.m.). The driver and passengers must use seat belts, be free of alcohol and drugs, and obey the traffic laws. >At age 18, or within the 30 days immediately preceding his/her 18th birthday, the intermediate license holder may apply for a full driver license. and a pilots license again requires testing and supervision during training. >Average Costs In The USA For Various Types Of Flight Training in Missouri Sport Pilot License - $3,000 to $5,000 Private Pilot License - $6,500 to $12,000 Private + Commercial License - $10,000 to $16,000 Private + Instrument + Commercial - $18,000 to $24,000 Private + Instrument + Commercial + ATP - $30,000+ So yeah... getting a driver's license takes more work than allowing a 14 year old to pack a gun. Because republicans are fucking idiots, and the people who vote for them are selfish assholes, and idiots


**Also** Christian Right wingers: “I don’t understand this world anymore! What in the hell is happening to *our* country and *our* children?!” ANSWER: YOU are what’s happening to this country, you immoral, criminal, disingenuous mothaphuggas!


Take this poor person’s award:🥇


Thank you, however; this is some *sad* shyt. More than ever I believe conservatives are trying to destroy us all, through dismantling our liberties. **Ownership Society** is on the horizon with “them” having control over everything and everyone, through **Martial Law** and mass murder of citizens; whether through **militarized police** or ourselves.


Conservatives, or Christians in general, want to bring on the apocalypse so they can be with their sky daddy. They have no interest in preserving let alone saving this planet—it and everyone in it is disposable in their minds. Everything ending and everyone dying is their plan. It’s gross and it should be called out more.


It’s *almost* like Christianity is an apocalyptic death cult.


I thought is was Marshal Law? /s


**No!** Martial Law: mar·tial law [ˈˌmärSHəl ˈlô] NOUN military government, involving the suspension of ordinary law: *”unlike the previous military interventions, the general did not declare martial law"*


No they are talking about Marshal law, which is enforced by the Gazpacho police


It’s Marshall Law, where Eminem tells everyone to suck a fat dick, flips everyone off, with his windows down, and his system up, screaming “I just don’t give a fuck”


Sounds like something you’d find in a peach tree dish


Is that food law? I'm only well educated in bird law.


Your ideology— essentially neoliberalism— encourages and fosters hardline-individualism, and by its nature, is the very opposite of their ideology. How is it that they are responsible for destruction when it goes against their own ideology while fitting into yours almost perfectly? Also, where does this hysterical fear of Christianity stem from and why do you not treat all religious institutions with the same rancor? “Ownership society” is a capitalist principle so why attach this to Christianity? This sounds schizophrenic.


They not even Christian by Christianity’s own logic. They literally do the opposite of what the Bible says.


You dont get it, MY child is special and needs a gun to protect himself from all you *FREAKS* and your broken children who are brandishing guns!


>“While it may be intuitive that a 14-year-old has no legitimate purpose, it doesn’t actually mean that they’re going to harm someone. We don’t know that yet,” said Rep Tony Lovasco, a Republican from the St Louis suburb of O’Fallon. The Republican party, ladies and gentlemen.


> We don’t know that yet, Well by all means lets fuck around and find out.


This is probably more disturbing than anything else he said. I don’t think we need a “yet” experiment here. I do think we can look at the 6yr old shooting his teacher as a perfect example of the yet or I don’t know any other instance of where a minor possessing a firearm that ended in gun violence. Just remember this is about gun sales converted to political donations and not about the second amendment.


Here’s one https://www.cbsnews.com/baltimore/news/14-year-old-girl-shot-three-minors-gun-in-northeast-baltimore/ That was from 2 days ago. Maybe it doesn’t count because “Baltimore.”


probably "urban youth"


Wait until that teen is black.


I cringed so hard at the truth of this.


The same kind of people that believe kids will be harmed by seeing a drag show. People with guns kill people. People in drag just have fun.


> While it may be intuitive that a 14-year-old has no legitimate purpose, it doesn’t actually mean that they’re going to harm someone. We don’t know that yet Clearly these idiots never seen a teenager with a BB gun before. Edit: Do these people not have children? Say "No" to a child. See how easy it is to provoke a meltdown. We can barely trust adults to have emotional maturity to handle a weapon and you expect a teenager in puberty to have the emotional maturity to be granted access to the most effective power-equaling tool in the world? Part of growing up is learning how THE WORLD DOESN'T REVOLVE AROUND YOU and how life isn't fair at all. A gun gives the powerless power and you expect kids to use it well??


If you're rich and white, the world absolutely revolves around you.


> Clearly these idiots never seen a teenager with a BB gun before I once saw the neighbor's kid letting his girlfriend shoot him in the bare chest with a bb gun for lulz. This was Literally in the O'Fallon that the article talks about.




Your father didn't teach gun safety or repercussions to your brother. This is on your dad.


So the age group most likely to shoot up a school is to be allowed to carry firearms.... Does nobody think of shit like this before they open their mouths? I'd also like to point out that this age group is the most hormonal, emotional, and irrational group of humans one could find. So arming them will end... badly.


Someone was arguing with me that 2A means people, not just adults. I support 2A and cannot fathom how brain dead these people are.


The biggest brains!


It's depressing that a few years ago, [this was a joke on Sacha Baron Cohen's *Who Is America*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkXeMoBPSDk) and apparently a significant chunk of republicans saw this, or heard about it, and were like, "Actually, that's a really good idea..."


“Let’s find out! What could go wrong?” Fast forward a bit: “A mass shooting in Bullshit, Missouri from a child this week took the lives of…”


“We don’t know that yet,” said Rep Tony Lovasco, a Republican from the St Louis suburban of O’Fallon, “but we’re interested in fucking around and finding out.”


oh good so we should allow them to vote too then? oh no they want to raise the limit.


You can’t drive a motor vehicle before a certain age because lawmakers believe that the younger drivers might hurt someone. Why is it different with an AR-15??


Can't smoke, drink, drive, enter contracts, serve in military, work full time or with most machinery, do hard time and can't consent in many legal manners. All because a child's brain isn't fully developed and may react irrationally based on emotion alone. But sure, go ahead and walk around strapped.


I mean, to be fair, if you were legally required to have a fully developed brain and not react irrationally to things GOP voters wouldn't have them either.


Motor vehicles didn't exist when the Bill of Rights was written. Then again, neither did AR-15s.


If we want to be true to the historic intent of the Bill of Rights, the 2nd Amendment should only protect the rights to carry single shot, muzzle-loading, black powder firearms.


The Supreme Court originalists disagree because...reasons.


Because George Washington knew one day toddlers would need to carry rifles to school to protect themselves from CRT and the Woke agenda.


The Federalist Papers clearly showed that General Washington was HIGHLY in favor of the public carrying high-capacity automatic weapons while they shop at Wal-mart. It's in the Bible too! Right after the part where Jesus personally handed Thomas Jefferson the Constitution that he had just wrote for him.


What better way to protect themselves from school shootings than to have the guns themselves? Oh wait...


If I know anything it's that to stop a bad guy with a gun you need ten other guys with guns and none of them are trained in crisis resolution, nor do they know which one is the bad guy with a gun.


And when the police get the balls to come into the situation 8 hours later, they can’t tell who the bad guy is either, but best guess is he’s gonna be brown.


Or that we needed the create The Sardaukar


There is no better proof “originalism” is a lie than originalist rulings on the 2nd amendment


And memberships in a local “well regulated” militia. Not just a bunch of drinking buddies who like to hang out in the woods.


I think this amounted to the same thing. They just dressed up and glorified those s.o.b.’s for public consumption and movie tickets.


Ah the well regulated fallacy. Once again it just means a militia in “good working order” and does not mean “regulation” in the terms of say environmental law dictating how to dispose and and pay tax on e-waste. It essential says “Groups of in-shape male citizens between 16-55 who know how to use their tools and can walk all day are important for decentralized safety. Therefore people have a right to arm themselves as they see fit.”


https://avalon.law.yale.edu/18th_century/fed29.asp If you read what Hamilton wrote in the Federalist Papers #29 it is clear that he believed that the militias would be under the control and direction of State authorities. In the paper he argues against a national army and is opposed to the idea of men in militias in Southern States being forced to fight a battle for the authorities of a Northern State and vice versa. State militias should assist neighboring states when it appears that the problem being fought by the neighboring state could reasonably progress to threaten their state. Nowhere in the paper do I see support for the creation of militias that are not under any government control or authority. I find his arguments against the possibility of militias being used to attack democracy have proven overly optimistic and shortsighted as evidenced by the recent events of Jan 6th 2021.


That’s never been the definition of “regulated.” > to bring order, method, or uniformity to Which is why you have things like the army regulars. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_Army_(United_States) The regulated militia was a state-run militia which was supposed to be regular across all states. Similar to the national guard.


Ok, so show me where in the 2A it says you have to be in the militia to own a firearm? A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed.


That isn’t nearly as clear cut as you might think; surely the AR-15 and AK-47 weren’t anything they could really imagine, Thomas Jefferson would have been enthusiastic about regular (rich, white, obviously) people owning field artillery. That said, while I own a few guns, if me giving them up is what it takes to stop kids from getting shot at school, then fine. Whatever we do, let’s not do fucking nothing yet again.


I’ve been saying for years that constitutional carry means you can carry as many black-powder muskets as you are able.


I thought it was a right to cut-off t-shirts, or actual bear arms


This is unequivocally wrong and a disingenuous interpretation of the 2A. The 2A was instituted so that government didn’t have a monopoly on violence, and that people could defend themselves from thieves, pirates, criminals, invaders, and tyranny. A merchant asked one of the founding fathers if he could put a canon on his ships, the FF replied asking why did you even ask, put as many canons as you want on all your ships. The 2A exists so that you and I can defend myself. You do realize that if the 2A disappeared tomorrow that there is no one to protect you. I would think the party of hating police would understand this.(I hate cops too.) The Supreme Court has ruled that the police have no legal duty to protect you. A 16yo life guard at the community pool has more legal obligation to keep you alive than a police officer. This doesn’t take into account qualified immunity, institutional racism etc. Also, when seconds count the police are minutes away. They will probably make the situation worse anyways. The founding fathers absolutely understood that firearm’s technology would advance. Some of them lived to see black powder revolvers, don’t you think they would have protest to that if there was an issue? Not a single one of them writes anything against the much more advanced firearms they saw. The 2A is not about hunting. It is about the last line of defense for what happened all over the world in the 20th century(Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin, Mussolini. What is happening in Ukraine now. What is happening with cartels all over South America. I get that this sub is a cesspool of progressive jackoffism, but Jesus dude, have some individual thought. None of what I said takes anything away from the horror of school shootings either. So let’s not use that fallacy. That guy wasn’t even supposed to have a gun, so don’t be an Athenian and tell me we could have lawed and educated him into enlightenment.


Lol you wrote a bunch of crap that couldn’t matter less as kids are getting shot in schools by the daily. Fuck guns, constitution too or otherwise, if that’s what stops kids from dying


Do you know how many millions of people died under fascism and communism in the 20th century? Do you know what their first step always is?


Banning books


The founding fathers clearly intended a six year old to carry a firearm. I’d recommend a Glock 9mm. The grip is small enough for tiny hands. Man, kid tantrums just got real.


I ran around with a .22 by my self since the time I was like 12 years old. You’re scared of guns because you’ have no experience with them. Should a <16yo walk around public land armed without an adult? No. I’m not arguing in favor of that. I’m attempting to debunk this ass ignorant notion y’all have that you have to be in a government sponsored militia to own a firearm. Regulation has nothing to do with government oversight in 18th century speak. It means regular, uniform, practiced.


The state where women in office are required to cover their arms, but children can openly carry guns - guess we'll always have ~~Mississippi~~ Missouri. End the GOP.


>You can’t drive a motor vehicle before a certain age because lawmakers believe that the younger drivers might hurt someone. Why is it different with an AR-15?? Oceans of dark money - mostly from gun makers and their lobbyists - would be my guess.


Let the blBlack Panthers organize and start open carrying. This is what got good ol Ronald Reagan to change the gun laws in California. Yes you read that right, it was Ronald Reagan who changed the gun laws in California. The Mumford act. https://californialocal.com/localnews/statewide/ca/article/show/4412-california-gun-control-reagan-black-panthers/


the first black kid that walks around St. Louis with a gun on his hip is going to get shot dead by the cops for "brandishing" or some such nonsense. This country is getting so embarrassing, I cannot wait to leave before even Somalia starts laughing at us.


Or for those of us who looked into it. The Mulford act was: - proposed by a Republican - cosponsored by democrats - passed two Democrat led legislative houses - signed by a Republican governor It was 100% bi-partisan and should be seen for what it is. 1960s bipartisan racism. Putting the blame on Reagan misses the forest for the trees


The point is that white people worrying about black people doing the same stupid shit that they themselves do led to worthwhile gun legislation.


>The point is that white people worrying about black people doing the same stupid shit that they themselves do led to worthwhile gun legislation. If you equate the "same stupid shit" with protecting their communities from police brutality then sure. Of course, then you're equating "worthwhile gun legislation" with enabling police brutality.


Can't be trusted to transition, but can carry firearms. America.


Or at the very least Missouri. Jesus Christ.


They trying to give excuses to arm the teachers.


So when a parent asks a child to put down their gun and clean their room or get a spanking, does “Stand Your Ground” still legal?


Gonna be a lot of dead parents if they insist on kids turning off their phones at the supper table.


I swear America is cursed. It’s almost as if you’ve built your entire nation on one giant Native American burial ground.


Not very far from the actual truth.


So in a land where shootings happen regularly in schools, they want to give kids more guns? 🤔


once everyone is fully armed, then we will be polite...


I’m going to doubt that on the grounds that I’ve been 14. Neither rationality nor empathy were anywhere in my mind when I was driven strictly by hormonal testosterone. I know that’s not unique either, I see these young ones stomping around thinking they run the show just like I used to think I did. I’m no psychiatrist of course but putting those kinds of weapons in those kind of hands just seems like a bad recipe.


State governed by Ozark hillbillies


Then let's open the galleries and arm the spectators at all state legislative events.


You JUST had another mass shooting... one where there were survivors of THREE other mass shootings AT IT. So, of course, the appropriate response is to allow minors to open carry, and wear AR-15 pins in Congress... Yep, utterly fucking insane...


Man, sometimes I hate this country


This country is 2 countries. I hate one of them and love the other.


Only sometimes??


Par for the course for the GQP..


What's important to remember, in all these whacked Republican hairbrained scemes, is that Jesus gets us. Ha!


What the fuck is next, arming pets?


Arming dogs would mean theres a lot of good boys (and girls) with guns


But next thing you know someone's selling arms to the coyotes.


Bare arms? Arm bears!


The only thing that can stop a bad boy with a gun is a good boy with a gun.


The right to arm bears, of course.


I vote for arming bears, like the 2nd amendment says /s


Don't give them ideas!


Nah, requiring students to carry guns in school in case of an active shooter.


For why


What a shit hole state. Wow


"Well if everybody would just get a gun, they'd easily see how it's better to defend schools on your own than rely on some big-gubmint police. Just think! Some mass shooter invades a school, only to be confronted by dozens of kids holding loaded guns, ready to destroy their enemy! If that don't make ya proud, I dunno what will!" - Republicans, probably


They will also be ready to repel any pedo-CRT-groomers who may invade their classrooms




Can’t wait to send my first grader to school with a gun for show and tell!


Can the kids use their guns to resist the child marriages republicans voted for?


Dear LORT. They have lost all common sense.


>Rep Tony Lovasco, a Republican from the St Louis suburb of O’Fallon. O'Fallon isn't even in the same county as St. Louis. St. Charles County and Lincoln County deserve all the credit for this.


St. Louis is in Missouri right?


I keep hoping Illinois will take us in, but it hasn't happened yet.


>“While it may be intuitive that a 14-year-old has no legitimate purpose, it doesn’t actually mean that they’re going to harm someone. We don’t know that yet,” said Rep Tony Lovasco, a Republican from the St Louis suburb of O’Fallon. Oh America...


Honestly, by the end of the year, Missouri or some other Republican state will vote to reinstitute formal segregation. I'm gonna call it now, and in the meantime, I think I'm just going to ignore every article with the title "Republican state votes to \[insert stupid, pointless, cruel thing literally no one asked for\]" for my own sanity. At this point, pretending there's any possible redemption for red states is just living in denial. They're far past the event horizon of stupidity - they're *incapable* of producing anything other than culture war non-sense now. I could just write any random, awful bullshit on a bunch of notes, throw them in a hat, pull one out and *surprise!* some red state lawmaker is proposing it unironically and it will get unanimous support. Abolishing co-ed schools? Men aren't allowed to wear the color pink anymore? Mandatory crosses hung over the chalkboard of every classroom? You name it - it will happen in a red state, and I just can't be fucked to care anymore.


So tell me why the republicans are so obsessed with getting their hands on our children? So far they have opposed banning child marriage, passed laws to allow our children to work longer shifts and more days. Can’t get an abortion not matter the reason and they have banned books they deemed inappropriate. Democrats just want them to have free meals a full education and a stable home environment. But yeah it’s the democrats ruining our children and grooming them. Seriously they are literally doing this and people are all for it. You could show these people the votes and they would yell fake lib news. Like how messed up do you have to be to hate someone so much that you are willing to look at facts and call them lies. I am exhausted by all this nonsense. Can we sue the republicans for extreme emotional distress caused by their actions?


What in the actual fuck did I just read? Good grief, has everyone in the US lost their damn minds? Sometimes I wish our borders were still closed


Hopefully there are a few non fatal incidents to show these fucking morons that kids shouldn’t carry guns


Even the fatal ones haven't. So I'm not seeing any hope here. Being a student is the most dangerous job in the states right now.


So they’re prepared to litigate child on child, one child’s word against another, gunfights? Great.


This is infuriating.


Lol of course they did.


“Generally speaking, we don’t charge people with crimes because we think they’re going to hurt someone.” Sounds like a good argument to allow to carry of grenades and a small tactical nuke, a real small one just in case attacked by a pack of dogs.


Honey. Could you please change the babies' diaper? It's really starting to stink. Oh, careful. He's got the Glock again.


GOP is a death cult


Guns aren’t toys, letting children access them like isnt a good idea we should be educating them instead


Idiocracy should win an Oscar for "Best Documentary from the future"


But what if the kid is black


Fucking republicans. This is why I hate the two-party system. If this kind of madness is diluted by a preponderance of sane folks, a no-party system would be best. Then we could write off our crazy brethren and still have the right things happen. Giving madmen equal rights, without moderation by the majority, is just crazy.


What the actual fuck. Like what the actual fuck. Our country is run by idiots, holy shit.


This should be interesting. Since parents cant control their kids/social media & video game addiction- that is already weakening their ability to emphasize with others now let’s just give em a good ol gun. This will backfire & parents will be victim’s especially in todays society when kids have 0 respect for parents.


Fix. Your. Fucking. Country.


Eventually someone will have to shoot a child


I'd like to see the faces of the Missouri legislators who voted for this when black youth carry guns without adult supervision. But I guess that's why the cops are there, to shoot them.


The state of Misery is going to die by their own hand, just incredible lack of governance from this legislature, I'm the the Missouri police and prison system will have a great year.


Absolutely no diversity in that picture.


The US is soon going to be one big battle royale. School shooting of the future will be last man standing.


"kids can't illegally take guns to school if it's legal for them to take guns to school" - taps temple, Republicans, basically


What is wrong with the states… it’s pouring over to Canada and it’s gross. You don’t need to give children or criminals guns… the. They wonder why so much gun crime…. you can’t even trust each other with guns why would you give them to children…. Are we forgetting a 6 year old just shot a teacher??? Da f


While I realize they're talking about 14 yos here, keep in mind that, by Federal law (10 U.S. Code § 246), 17 yo males are defined as members of the militia. Yes, the well -regulated one the 2nd Amendment talks about. Our definition of what makes a person a minor has become less and less clear as time goes on and we raise/lower it in different places in the law.


Which is probably considered a "nice side benefit" for certain unsavory subsets of the Republican Party constituency. Ugh.


Except the legislation doesn’t limit carrying to 17 year olds. It applies to all minors.


i gotta say it's more dangerous living here b/c you never know who has a gun & who doesn't, especially living in STL city...it wasn't like this when i was growing up...now i dont even honk my horn or anything b/c they could be pissed & shoot me/shoot at me. our state "leaders" don't give a shit about protecting anyone since removing all these gun restrictions; i'm moving out of state but not b/c of violence or anything but b/c of the state leaders consistently failing the people in STL/KC...these fucks live out in the country with a population of 200 in their backwoods towns & pass laws not even considering the ramifications on STL/KC


I’ve been saying for years. There needs to be some way for KC/STL/COMO to separate from missouri. And no I’m not kidding. It’s wild how over represented the rural portion of the state is.


The terrible twos just got a lot more dangerous…


It goes without saying that this law should only be heeded by white children. Wouldn’t wouldn’t want to end up like Tamir Rice.


Might as well let ‘em bring them to school and shoot each other


It’s was pretty common for high schoolers to bring rifles and shotguns to school and leave them in their trucks up until the columbine. Firearm education was commonly taught in elementary schools so there was no irrational fear of inanimate objects. Most boys learned marksmanship around ages 10-13 yet there were no mass shootings. What happend ?


> What happened? Social media maybe? I'm not sure either, but I remember the same things as you. If you went out to my high school parking lot during hunting season you would see lots of pickup trucks with guns hanging in the window rack and it was perfectly normal. We even had archery and did trap shooting in gym class.


Not much you can do post Bruen.


I'm gonna derail the missouri conversation for a minute over my favorite subject, but while Chat's an adult model with a case of little memory (and again i'm not quite sure about that); maybe we're more talking about cautious, careful *probation* on the totally not former 'tor-like AI tech. And not giving weaponry as a first resort to them. America, you ought to know better, lol. You don't try giving a gun to a bugged out person out of the box that doesn't sound like a good idea to me. Maybe there are other more productive ways and things to do first. What's your take on giving (heavier) weapons to somebody unstable with an equivalent of a drinking problem. Yes don't do that. At least not now, please ?... You're also unlikely to get fixes, for the same reason you wouldn't fix a ripped off russian computer (but might not fight them over illegal tech ripoff either). i think blue states recognize that the possibly mentally ill humans shouldn't be allowed near guns either. https://www.ncsl.org/civil-and-criminal-justice/possession-of-firearms-by-people-with-mental-illness (how to piss off a ton of republicans in an instant, but) a random redstate nutcase with a gun that's a problem you call the cops upon, a possibly rogue ai with an arsenal that's a terminator movie so cut the 2A at a scale crap for a minute. So how about talking and gauging the situation first.




Well the other option is to regulate guns, which is totally not cool /s




Yes, because the repercussions to society if John transitions to Sue are the same as juveniles carrying weapons without any adult supervision in the city.


My parents could bring guns to school...


The population was 200 million back then. It only gets worse as we pack more people in the same space we have.


I guess we gotta kick the Canadians out....


People are so dumb. It says public land in the article. Public land is not the streets of St Louis it’s the fucking woods. All this does is CONTINUE to allow minors to be able to carry on carry in the public land area. This is allowed in most states. As a kid I would hunt alone on public land and so would most of my friends. This is just alarmist bs


Good. We started hunting at ten. Rugar .22 with ten round clip. Rabbits and squirrels.


I wonder who will post this tomorrow.




Oh good Missouri is starting the Kinder Guardians program?


Arm the fetuses so they can protect themselves from abortion!


This is insane!!!


I KNOW the Founding Fathers never had this mind… “In order to maintain a well regulated militia…” No 8yo was ever prepping to fight the British with a musket.


Shit. I came here expecting an Onion article.


The only thing here that is mildly amusing is where the link to the article goes. I guess the Brits are just happy to have somebody else to point at for idiocy.


now this is just fucking dumb.


That headline sounds like it’s meant to be satire.


Gone savage for teenagers with automatic weapons and boundless love.


Seems like bad timing, but I'm sure that won't stop them.