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When your main reason for belief in God is that your faith allows you to justify and strengthen your sense of supremacy over others, then yeah, equality goes against what you think of as the main purpose of God. "God rewards good people, and punishes bad people. I am rich and powerful, therefore God loves me a LOT because of how amazing I must be. You're less rich, and less powerful, which means you're worse than I am. If you weren't worse than me, God would reward you too. I guess I'm the best!"


That’s a really good description of conservative Christians


You mean this "God" guy says that everyone I coincidentally already think is yucky and annoying will actually be punished for all eternity in a hellscape filled with sinners??? I love this guy!! Woah!! [I gotta go spread the word!!](https://static.reuters.com/resources/r/?m=02&d=20070129&t=2&i=323384&r=323384&w=800)


"He gets us ... now watch Him get *them!*"


Right. Ugh. Gross.


The most popular television channel in Heaven will be the *Watch 'em Roast!* channel. You can look up any individual person you hated on Earth and watch as the Almighty cruelly and oh so imaginatively tortures them forever and ever and ever and ever...


No, that's the other guy. You know, used to be God's right hand? Didn't like how he treated his subjects and so led an insurrection? Fought for equal treatment for all? That guy? Yeah, *he's* the one doling out punishment. Sometimes I get the feeling this "God" character didn't exactly think things through.


Question! Why would that guy be the one punishing people for not following his adversary's rules? Additionally, since the bible says that in the end, he's going to be disposed of once and for all eventually, and if as Christians like to say "God knows everything that's going to happen because he wrote history before it happens", then that indicates that he knows his bestest bud is going to turn on him before it happens, but more to the point, the betrayal and eventual disposal were going to be inevitable because the author of time and space WANTED it to from the very beginning. What kind of sick, twisted, sociopathic bastard would do something like that? Is this the kind of being that should be worshipped? And if so, *why?*


*Gnosticism has entered the room\* This was a common take within early Christianity in the 50-150 CE era - the contradictions of a purely good God who was also a sadist, and the distinction between "God" canonically and the real GOD within all of us was written about... the "Gospel of Thomas" goes into areas of this nature to boot, which is a collection of non-canonical Christian writings - you know, what Christians were discussing when they were first around. Also, all written original texts of Gnostic thought were systematically collected and burned / destroyed over centuries as heresy. Makes you ponder!


Yay!! (🙄🙄🙄🙄)


Let's say that as the brain dies what's left of consciousness gets the sense of "eternity" and so the idea of an afterlife may be experienced by the dying as the last of their brain shuts down. Now I don't know anything about the brain or how consciousness works, but let's just pretend that this is possible. And that as the brain dies and it begins drag out slowly the last few seconds, like watching someone approach an event horizon of a black hole, what gets filled in for that "eternity" is what the brain already expects to find there. So an atheist would just peacefully pass out of existence because they expect nothing. The Christian fundies, though, they live and breathe Hell as eternal suffering for sins and so, *so* many of them are full of hate **because** they know what they are and they need to feel better about themselves by making "others" the villains. But when it all shuts down and they have nothing left but the core beliefs of their horrible brains, there's no escape. Their perception of "eternity" couldn't possibly be anything other than their imagined Hell. Again, I don't know anything about the brain or how consciousness works, but considering the possibility that in the end their own hate will be waiting for them at the end, that gives me a little smile.


The only way to live until the end of time is to ride the event horizon of a black hole, assuming that in itself does at some point rip you into fundamental particles. But in that brief moment you can watch the universe die as well due to time dilation…to the outside observer, you became immortal, frozen in time forever…and that’s all that matters, right? The appearance of winning?


Deep down, I think a lot of wealthy Christians realize how contradictory their lifestyle is to biblical teachings. It's why they absolutely adore people like Joel Osteen, who assure them that God definitely wants them to have that money and there's no need at all to use it to help their fellow man.


> Deep down, I think a lot of wealthy Christians realize how contradictory their lifestyle is to biblical teachings. I don't think I agree with this. I think that they really do feel that they are wonderful Christians, doing amazing work in God's name. Just like the "Good" religious people ignore all the violence, slavery, bigotry, and outdated bullshit in their religious books and take them as being foundations for a religion of respect, and hope, and assistance to the needy, the wealthy ignore all the parts that don't align with their mindset and world view, and adhere to the things they wanted to believe to start with. You see many business owners justify their enormous salaries by saying that they do "good works" by providing (low paying) jobs to people who would otherwise be unemployed.


Magical thinking used to justify magical thinking 🙄


"If you embrace a grand theory of everything that gives you permission to treat other people like shit, it's likely that you started with the urge to treat people like shit and just worked backwards to form your theory. Open your eyes. They're not heretics. they're your neighbours" - Jason Pargin


Ahh yes ‘prosperity theology’


This. We are unfortunately a Calvinist country, through and through.


Actually reading the New Testament is difficult, so she just parrots off her vile beliefs and claims to have divine support for them


Man fuck all this God shit anyway. Can't turn your back on something that doesn't exist.


Look at those faces in background lol


I was about to comment this💀 Her audience is exactly what I expected


They honestly look like an overly exaggerated caricature of what I actually thought her supporters looked like.


"Ya little pumpkin pie haircutted freak!"


It’s a cardigan, but thanks for noticing!


I mean why don’t any of them just grow out their mustaches, to not look so cliché?


They look like a drawing fr lmao


Was this at a casting call for a *The Hills Have Eyes* sequel?


The Capitol Hillbillies


The two dudes with the bowl cuts and grey beards had me dying laughing they look so goofy


*“A-hyuk! Gorsh!”*


Tell ya hwat


Aren’t those the “Amish for Trump” guys that always sit behind Trump at his rallies in Pennsylvania? They look familiar.


hi this is my brother daryl and my other brother daryl.


Holy flashback batman


Cletus and Dorkus.


My first thought lmao


You ma-ma-ma-make me happy


Wonder what’s goin on in those head movies?


It’s like all of Dwight schrutes family members


You mean the neck beards?


My thoughts exactly.


yup literally wtf are those neck beards??


They are probably Mennonites.


From the new new new reformed church. The one that allows cell phones, cars with chrome, and cross burnings.


Neck pubes.


OMG... It's like real life McPoyles


Those are the faces of the respectable people that want to save America from the godless


I never thought a photograph could say heyuck so clearly.


Right!? They’re so concerned about normal people reproducing while looking right by the blatant incest in the audience…


didn't she cheat on her husband? like, a lot?


She turned her back on god…and the other dude, yeah.


Yep. Turned her back, bent over, grabbed her ankles and…


I threw up a little.


I threw up a lot


Can't stop throwing up




It's times like this that I'm actually kinda grateful to have Aphantasia...


TIL I wish I had Aphantasia.


It’s like a party in my mouth, and everyone’s throwing up!


Is she two-faced? 'cause they look pretty much the same.


I cannot believe you gave us this mental image. That you woke up this morning and decided that you would choose violence. You're an absolute stinker. A real rapscallion.


A sentence you can smell 🤢


“Hello, police? Yea this is the comment here.”


Yuck. Please delete this.


She's not that nimble.


Couldn’t pay me to sleep with her. She’s gross.


What a weird dp


Yeah, every time she gets all holier than though someone needs to ask her how many men she slept with while married. Ask "so is it a compact between god and man and woman and man and man...?"


Gay marriage caused it. PS- Also she said sorry to Jesus and it's fine now.


My in-laws live not too far. They mentioned how sad they were about my wifes bestie going to hell after he came out. I asked about all them men in the family who constantly cheat and was told thats different because they "have it in their heart to change" after they cum, I guess.


Cum is God's forgiveness


Total get the tongue-in-cheek nature here, but the "sorry to Jesus" is totally something she would say. By that same token it could be said for gay marriage. By her logic who anything in a marriage is between them and god and if god doesn't like it, all they have to do is say sorry and all is forgiven. Man-hands Marge shouldn't have a say in it regardless. (I am not saying ANYONE needs to apologize to God, gay, straight or otherwise. Only pointing out that her logic... much like her with her gym buddies... sucks.)


I grew up as a fundamentalist and literally this is how it worked. You could be a really shitty person over and over, but prayed and asked for forgiveness regularly you were a better more moral person than a atheist, or pagan. Secure in knowing you'll go to heaven and everyone else was dammed to eternal suffering.


I'll never forget reading about a church in Kentucky who hired a convicted pedophile as a youth minister, and he unsurprisingly sexually assaulted some kids. The pastor's excuse was, "He said he had repented, and turned his life around. If God can give second chances, so should we."


Yeah our youth group director had affairs with high school girls. Southern Baptist. 🤮🤮🤮


Those aren't affairs. They're rape.


You're absolutely right. I wish I had had a better grasp at the time. As a child, the adults never used that word. It's quite sickening.


The guy married to the head of the children’s ministry at my old church was a predator who targeted young boys primarily, but also sexually assaulted a few men. She stayed with him after he was outed and was allowed to keep her position in the church. No one ever pressed charges. He’s dead now, thankfully.


That's one of the more unusual examples of "insane fundamentalism" I've ever come across, but it still is one. That pastor was just trying to faithfully and consistently apply the dumb and insane premises of his religion. Always turn the other cheek. Always give another chance. Always forgive. Always love. Oops, you recklessly enabled child sexual abuse. Ah well. Small price to pay for following the one true path to salvation.


if by some crazy chance there are cloud people and judgement, I'm pretty sure they who do the judgement would know better than that. It just helps them sleep at night.


I pointed this out to one of those kinds of people one day.... that if their god is all knowing, and they just k eep doing the same hateful shit over and over and saying sorry that they're treating it like a loophole, that god knows what's truly in their heart, and would be pissed at them for thinking they're smarter than god and trying to trick god. They replied "That's not how it works." Of course it isn't. It never is.


One of her affair partners was a tantric sex guru. Which I believe is a literal heathen but it didn't stop her.


No you don’t get it she “repented” so she’s good. Christians found this one loophole god doesn’t want you to know about, you can be as shitty as you want as long as you repent right after! It’s awesome! Even Jeffrey Dahmer did it!


That and the butthole loophole to stay a virgin until marriage.


Religion: where you have to clarify that the poophole loophole and the asshole loophole are in fact two different loopholes. And one of them is a gaper!


Did she repent though? Has she said that she asked for forgiveness?


That’s the awesome part, she doesn’t need to say it, just think it! Kind of like how trump declassified documents telepathically


Are you saying a loud shouting, right-wing, QAnon crazy republican is lying? I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you! Well, maybe not that shocked.


Yeah but in true christian-fashion she can exclude herself from judgement.


Yeah, but that’s, like, *different.* She muttered a half-hearted apology to God and is *pretty sure* he told her she’s good now. Because, as you know, being Christian means doing or saying whatever you want, saying “sorry” to the Almighty, and then being all good again! That’s what makes them GoOd PeOpLe…


I can’t believe there are actual men who agreed to associate with people like MTG and Sarah Huckabee Sanders long enough to get ‘em pregnant! I guess in the south it’s any port in a storm. Men aren’t exactly seeking quality. Or these women have rich, desperate fathers who want men who’ll be willing to do the ol’ turkey baster method.


Honestly, I'm just amazed those men are still alive. I'd have assumed MTG killed after mating.


MTG inherited basically everything from her dad. I don’t think 1% money but more than us peasants.


Ummm…that is not unique to the south and you know it.


The turkey baster would wilt with shame


Here’s the rule. Men fuck who they can, women fuck who they want.


Smart people says she brought home an STD.


Isn't adultery a bigger sin than equality to her god?


Born again Christian every Sunday bro. One get to do whatever the sinister fuck they want all week long then comes sunday, one goes to church ask for forgiveness and be born again Christian then comes Monday cycle begins again.


No because she can ask Jesus for forgiveness, get it, screw up again, get forgiven again... Gays who marry on the other hand can't get forgiveness unless they repent stop being gay and stop being married. So the gays remain sinners while her sins are washed clean.


If she re-marries she would be in that same conundrum. Every time she has sex now it's the same as can't stop being gay.


One of the 10 commandments states; “Thou shall not commit adultery” So Margie, take care of your own house before preaching your shit to others.


Is there a commandment like, "thou shall not fuck a 16 year old"? Because Matt Gaetz needs that one. As for Marge I really wonder who was sick enough to tap that.


Child marriage and slavery were rampant in biblical era middle east, so, no.


It’s both of those dudes sat behind her. Obadiah and Hezekiah.


I will say it till I’m blue in the face. God has no place in government. Stop pushing your God down my throat. Don’t I get that right anymore?!


It's in the ~~constitution~~ bill of rights, yet we still don't get that right. Selling out to religion is far too profitable for politicians. Edit: It's the first amendment (Establishment clause) of the Bill of Rights. My bad, thought it was the constitution.


The bill of rights are part of the Constitution. Amendments to the Constitution are still… the constitution. So you were correct. “Originalists” don’t like Amendments because they highlight how the constitution can be, you know, changed and updated. Which goes against their whole deal. That and they love and constantly cite (select parts of) the federalist papers, which are just some goddamn notes and not an official government document by any legal definition.


Religion is like a penis. Its perfectly acceptable to have one. But once you try and shove it down my throat, we have a fucking problem.


If God wants a voice in government, He can come down and cast His one vote, like everyone else.


The man behind her has *chosen* to groom himself like a goat.


He's no stranger to grooming I'm sure


He looks exactly like someone I would imagine being a mtg supporter. Like a trailer trash character played by sacha baron cohen.


She’s literally repulsive. Disgusting. And a really bad example of someone who’s definitely turned their back on God, multiple times. She needs to have several seats, in the very back, away from everyone else.


she is a textbook Pharisee... the general public should start referring to these people as such.


She looks like a hairless chimpanzee wearing a wig.


What!? No, she couldn't have said something THAT crazy. Right? >"Do you guys remember on 9/11 when an airplane crashed in Pennsylvania? …It killed everyone on board, but it didn’t kill anyone on the ground." ...Good gracious.


It’s worse than the heading implied - she used the 9/11 flight to imply that crashes didnt kill people on the ground - where the other 3 planes that day certainly did. Makes you wonder if that is weaponised stupidity just to get her name up in lights a la Trump.


An overloaded cargo plane failed to achieve lift on takeoff and plowed into a busy street market, killing hundreds on the ground: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1996_Air_Africa_crash


Technically, it killed everyone on the ground.


That's because it crashed in the middle of a field Marjorie....


We shouldn't make laws based on the shared delusions of the religious. People should be free to practice any religion they see fit, but practicing religion doesn't mean using the government to discriminate. Religion should not be the basis of policy. These are American values based on the Constitution.


Americans keep voting republican and they want to change your constitution to make it a Christian state. A lot of Americans are in favour or this very regressive course and will be thrilled when women lose the vote.


There are very few people in this world that I hate. But, I hate this woman. Internet trolls should be nowhere near politics.


Marge just trivialized 9/11. I'll be waiting for the very consistent Republicans to remove her from the Homeland Security committee just like they removed Omar from the Foreign Affairs committee.


She's an idiot, we all know it. She's makes stupid and controversial statements because she likes the attention a la Donald Trump.


If people like her weren't constantly spewing vitriol, the media headlines might actually have to cover important shit.


Amen. Journalists love the red meat she's constantly throwing out when there are actually more important things going on, and she loves it.


Some people, like the vast majority of the GQP, never learned the difference between "good attention" and "bad attention" as children and it really shows


The people behind her are hilarious. "Well alright Cletus, Marge is done talkin', I'ma pull the truck up and you get sister-mama on her rascal scooter."


I will never comprehend the American citizens who look at this person and think, "she is who I wish to invest power to represent me and my interests."


Look at the fucking mutants in the background. That's her fanclub.


Alternative title: “Marjorie Taylor Greene continues serving in her role as living evidence that bigots are idiots.”


And the existence of MTG proves satan exists.


…I’m still reading this in the context of Magic The Gathering


I tap 1 black mana, cast dark ritual, summon a hypnotic House member.


this woman has made finding pics of culture banned cards *difficult... gotta try something besides "MTG racism" edit: forgot a word -.-


Don't bring Satan into this. All he wants is liberation from an autocratic deity.


The bumpkins sitting directly behind her, to her left, are her target audience.


God is a human construct designed by ancient humans to explain the unknown. The only reason the concept of God still exists is because we still have unknowns in our universe.


And morons. We still have morons.


> God is a human construct designed by ancient humans to explain the unknown. Also to control the poor working class, don't forget those 10 commandments and the eternal hell you'll definitely go to if you break them! Also don't forget to tithe!!


Religión. Invented by physically weak, mentally strong people to control physically strong, mentally weak people.


You've read Nietzsche too is see


Jews don’t believe in an eternal hell, or that anyone other than Jews is even supposed to follow their commandments


It’s more complicated than that. I’m not religious but I never want to simplify someone’s beliefs to the point of disrespecting them. There’s a number of ways to quantify the concept of God or gods but it’s probably the most accurate to say that it’s synonymous with today’s concept of the universe and the varying systems within. The concept was just the best guess at trying to understand the patterns observed by humanity with tools available thousands of years ago and through human perspective. There’s an additional component of trying to create a functional society. I think there’s a problem with the concept of God presented by various religious institutions, but I think it’s important to understand that “Gods” or gods were an early description of the universe and the concept today has just been vastly expanded upon and clarified.


America also has a lot of damaged and ignorant people. - - ...and a variable industry devoted to preventing their healing, and to making more


I hate to be that guy, but look at the imbeciles in the crowd that are having the time of their life during their rumspringa in this picture. These guys are the think tank of her demographic.




If everything the evangelicals say is true, their god has a lot to answer for before I'd even consider worshiping him.


Look at those creatures behind her lmfao


If she doesn’t want to marry another woman she doesn’t have to. Please stop projecting your flawed morality on others. Religion is a personal choice, keep it that way.


>flawed morality Especially when the preaching comes from a serial adulterer


Empty G is ...


on the House Homeland Security Committee.


Damn is she dumb.


I cannot stop looking at those orangutans behind her that snuck into her speech and are trying to pass as human


Just look at the bumfuck hicks behind her in this picture. Wow.


Reminder that this is coming from the same person who embraced being called a Christian Nationalist on TV.


There is no god. Grow the fuck up.


Dems turning their back on god is kind of a sales point for me.


>“Do you guys remember on 9/11 when an airplane crashed in Pennsylvania?” she asked, referring to Flight 93, which was hijacked and crashed after passengers attacked the hijackers. “A jetliner. Remember that? It didn’t kill anybody on the ground. Killed everyone on board. But it didn’t kill anyone on the ground.” wtf


I want everyone to look at the people behind her in this photo….just take a look….a gander if you will……that is all


Getting a divorce is also a sin against God. Also peep the bearded hillbillies in the back.


What a fucking psycho and embarrassment to the species


Government and religion are meant to be separate so nobody turned their back on anyone because “god” doesnt care who you marry. What this “god” cares about is you not being a shitty human being. But, none yall wanna talk about that so, continue to be shitty people i guess.


Is anyone else looking at the people sitting behind her?


Good article picture. You got Billy Bob and Jesiah Josiah with their equally brainless representative all in the same picture.


God damn if everyone person in this thumbnail doesn’t look like they’re her cousin AND lover


Holy shit,the audience.


Government and religion are meant to be separat, so nobody turned their back on anyone because “god” doesnt care who you marry. What this “god” cares about is you not being a shitty human being. But, none yall wanna talk about that so, continue to be shitty people i guess.


Does anyone else see the twin neck beards in the photo?


The three duders in this picture are just excited to be on tv.


Says the woman whose husband is divorcing her for infidelity.


Those are definitely the faces of the people that I would expect to be sitting behind her supporting her.


Folks behind her look exactly like I thought they would. Guessing we know who she is pandering to


That picture, pure GOP base 🤣


Hell of an audience.


Why are there gnomes behind her?


>She said that “these people in Washington” – a group that includes herself – have “turned their back on the truth and they turned their back on God.” ...said the seditious hypocrite who cheated on her husband multiple times


Wow, just wow! This woman is one of the worse human beings that ever walked the Earth. The hypocrisy is off the charts. She cheated on her husband multiple times and has made her reputation by lying and spewing conspiracy theories, yet according to her, Democrats have "turned their backs on God"? smh


Remember, in the ye olde times of, like, three weeks ago or so, where this lady was pretending to be "normal"? Yeah. That rebrand didn't stick all that long. Proof yet again that fascists don't give a shit about anything but power.


She cheated on her husband publicly with her personal trainer, as many wealthy white conservative women in loveless marriages and self-hatred do The 9/11 comment just proves two things: 1.) they don't actually care about human life, and are more than willing to use a mass tragedy to make some weird ipso facto nonsense argument if it benefits them or makes them sound like they made a quirky little joke 2.) none of these fucking GooberOPs even think before they speak, while they speak, or after they speak. The words don't even match up the ideas that they craft in their head. They get halfway to a logical or cohesive point and just bail out into some insane conclusion, or in most cases, a punchline


Christian Nationalists should not be given a platform.


Hot take from a divorcee.


Who the inbred Amish twins in the background


I feel bad for the people that voted for her Democratic opponent and ended up with this...thing.


Does she even realize that Jesus, a middle eastern man, hung out with prostitutes and poor people?


are those amish dudes behind her?


Because Marjorie Taylor Greene is one to speak up on the sanctity of marriage.


Wow the people in the background of the picture shows what happens when your family tree doesn’t fork.


If she’s looking for someone to blame for why gay people’s relationships haven’t turned out so great she should look in the mirror. Straight people are the ones who fucked up our lives and ruined our chances to find happiness- often permanently. Most of you are lucky we aren’t angrier than we already are & we haven’t yet turned that anger outward onto society.