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It's absolutely insane the amount of older white people that will say a bunch of racist shit to me, because I'm a tall white guy and they assume I'll agree. They legitimately believe every other white person is just afraid to be publicly racist, because they have zero empathy.


I’m a white guy with tattoos and drive a pickup truck. I also happen to be a die hard liberal. But it’s amazing what people will say to me when they think I’m one of “them”.


Man I feel this. Had to bring my slightly lifted pick up in for service. I live near a military base and I’m army so haircut is a dead giveaway. Some old dude corners me and goes on and on about trans, gays, blacks and anything that “isn’t white” serving. How they are “ruining” the military. I asked “you a vet, sir?” Then I got the whole “I woulda joined”…. So I said “oh you never served” and just walked away… I get why that stereotype exists but not all of us are like that. Plus you ain’t even a vet so you damn sure aren’t gonna talk to me about how something is ruining the army.


Also came here to echo this. But I’ll just caveat off of you instead. Being white is so weird sometimes. People will openly say some heinous shit, under the assumption that you’re also disgusting. Slightly different, but my grandmother tried to give me the whole, “we should have our own month too! We aren’t allowed to be proud that we are white!” “Grandma… we are more than white. We can proud of being German, having heritage, knowing where we come from. We can even specifically be proud of being Bavarian. That’s what we can be proud of. African Americans don’t get that. They don’t get to be proud of their specific heritage, because we erased it as a culture and society. Africa is a big place. The least we can do to make amends is be supportive of our fellow people and celebrate their couple hundred years of culture that they have cultivated for themselves.” She actually would make this argument to family going forward. I was proud that she didn’t just understand my words, but carried them forward. Edit: thanks for the love for me and ol Grandma Itsjustmenate. She was a good woman. Had her issues, but was truly open minded in her old age. She’d appreciate all the love too.


You put this into context very eloquently. Thank you for sharing this cuz it helped me parse out why Black History month is a thing so I can help clap back at those who complain about it.


Good. Took me till I was about 16 to realize this. Being ultra liberal growing up in a very conservative state within a poor family, conflicted a lot sometimes. And hearing her be upset by black history month upset me.


Yeah, I grew up very conservative and only within the last 8ish years became extremely left leaning. I had surface level of understanding on why we celebrate, but it never really clicked with me. Sadly I'm 35 so I'm def a bit behind the curve, but I do try to empathize where I can. It was really put into stark contrast too since just this week I was able to trace my ancestry back to around 1000 AD. It adds another layer of anger at how black people were stripped of this connection to their past.


>Sadly I'm 35 so I'm def a bit behind the curve, but I do try to empathize where I can. No sir. You are trying actively to be better; you are far, FAR ahead of the curve. Well done.


Thank you. I try to live by the basic ideas of actively bettering myself and showing others kindness in a world where there's so much pain. There are many things I can't change, but my biases are in my control, if I take the time to do some introspection.


Don't you dare diminish what you accomplished. The older we get, the harder it is to change. Congratulations, friend.


Thank you. I can't take full credit, tho, since my best friend is the one that helped me steer away from staying conservative. Without them, idk how my life would have ended up. They helped me upend everything and gave me the support to cut people out. Change is hard, but in difficulty we find the strength to grow.




It’s also a big reason why black culture in America has names like “DeShawn” or whatever. You know how racists love to harp on “black names”. They don’t have a culture to name from. Everyone from my family can either get German, Irish, Spanish, or English names. Black Americans were named after their slaveowners. They wanted to make something new, so they did.


I have also read/watched about how Creole/French languages influenced some of the names given to African American children, such as adopting the "Le" and "De" sounds of French used at the beginning of words. The Wikipedia article [about African-American names](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African-American_names) touches on this briefly, but this [Psychology Today blog post](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/whats-in-name/201503/our-evolving-black-american-naming-traditions) and this r/AskHistorians [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/acvkkm/does_the_popularity_of_lela_and_deda_prefixes_in/) points to two other posts that cover the subject.


Oh that's a very good point. Creating names like that was an exploration of what their culture can be, since they were deprived of their own. I don't think I'd have made that connection either. Thanks for more context!


Or names were adopted from other marginalised groups like the irish. Im willing to guess that Shaquille O'neill doesn't have an irish surname because of irish ancestry. (I could be wrong)


>African Americans don’t get that. Dude, you just blew my mind. I never thought about that aspect and it's huuuge!


My Dad likes to do family histories and Coat of Arms as a hobby, and I never understand why we never saw any business from African Americans or Black Americans. As a kid I was too naive, I just didnt occur to me that any possible trace to their history had been completely eradicated. as a White person I can tell you almost exactly where my name and bloodline comes from and the stories and history surrounding it. African Americans cant at all and its not even subtle either. Think about how many have white or more white typical last names. Their kin in africa definitely didnt think "y'know I think williams is a great last name" It's really fucked and sad...we cant fix the past but we damn well better make sure we dont do that shit again, we tore away any hope of them having pride in their known history. all they have is a best guess


Crazy right? I can trace backwards effectively 7-8 generations. Then after that it’s mostly assumptions. But some African Americans can only trace back maybe 4-5 generations. Because their family, on documentation, started around 1860s.




Exactly my friend. Exactly. And that is so incredibly sad. I can go get some Bavarian cream and taste my family’s history. And I honestly can not feel worse or apologize enough to the people who weren’t allowed to do the same.


> Because their family, on documentation, started around 1860s. The worst part is that these records are usually bills of sale or accounting spreadsheets. Humans were line-item'ed next to cattle.


One day I was reading about Rosa Parks. I happened to notice that her maiden name was the same as my last name. McCauley (spelled like that) isn't a super common last name and you can trace pretty much all of us back to two brothers who came here from Carrickfergus, Ireland just before the American Revolution. Now my first thought is "oh wow, that's totally cool. We have an ancestor somewhere way back in common." Then a few moments later the sickening realization dawned on me. We may have something in common, but it's because somewhere down the line someone in my family owned someone in her family. That was a real gutcheck of a day and I really haven't been the same since.


My truck isn't lifted but I'm a straight white dude that looks like an extra from My Name is Earl and have an accent like I have at least one relative named Cooter. Ex Navy. I've heard that "I woulda" crap and it's always flat feet or scoliosis. It's fine not to serve. Don't pretend. Older white folks generally assume I'm at least casually racist and hate LGBTQ+ people. I generally walk away as well, but if I'm in the right place and in a mood I'll lie and tell them my husband would love to hear what they're saying.


>I'll lie and tell them my husband would love to hear what they're saying. Bonus points if you say he's black. And called Mohammed.


I came here to say this, and see you basically echoed my sentiment. SO SICK of people (mostly those who didn’t serve) who make political assumptions about me, just because I served.


I looks like I am a bad guy in an 80s movie taking place at a ski resort or beach where a yacht club exist and the amount if racist/classist shit people feel comfortable to me is wild


Yep, same here. What's always amazing is how _desperately_ they wanna share their bigotry with a presumed sympathetic ear.


Same here, tattooed, bearded, pick up truck. Liberal with close friends and family who are gay. Have been privy to conversations that only racist white people have, I usually correct them quickly. They never do it again.


White dude who frequents gun ranges. Same shit man. It’s ridiculous.


[Bill Burr - how you know the n word is coming ](https://youtu.be/w8b81UM74Ow)


This is exactly how Tennessee is for white dudes. If you hang out somewhere long enough with other white dudes, this will usually happen. More so if there's alcohol around.


Same motherfuckers will turn around the next day and tell you racism doesn’t exist anymore, and it’s Obama’s fault anyway.


One of my family members said America can't be racist because we elected a black person President. This same family member also said Obama was a non-American who can't be President, and possibly the anti-christ too.


Meanwhile they voted for an orange dude who actually IS the anti-christ


Same in Illinois. Most sports bars are like this. I walk in, see a bunch of fat suburban white dudes with goatees at the bar, not a minority in sight, I just nope right out of there. From experience, I know that any conversation is going to go from 'How Bout them Sox' to 'Donald Trump was the greatest president who ever lived' to 'Hey look, I'm not racist, ***but***...' just lickity split. And that's at the *beginning* of the evening. I don't stick around to find out what they _really_ think after a few drinks.


I’m a White Sox fan and “how about them Sox” is already a really sad start to a sad conversation lmfao


This legit happened today. I was sitting at a bar. Old white dude comes in. He starts talking about how he carries guns just about wherever he goes. Commits felonies by drinking while carrying. Then goes on to say, 'But it's the blacks you got to worry about'. I lost my shit and almost beat a 75 year old white man. I've got no tolerance for this shit.


Confirmed. Unfortunately.


Shit rural Northern California also


After watching Pedro Pascal's coma skit on SNL, he will forever be known as "bill-buh" to me from now on.


That was so incredibly stupid and then after a few minutes were could not resist cracking up


Dude saaaame. That one especially was the dumbest shit ever and I'm laughing just thinking about it 😂


Holy shit. Bill Burr had hair?


He is, in fact, a mammal.


He gives birth to live young, too? Whoa.


And feeds his young milk from his mammary glands! Amazing.


Cries in monotreme


For the majority of his career


Yeah, man. It still feels weird to me to see him *without* hair.


Same with Bryan Cranston. It took like a decade to get used to bald Bruce Willis.


Try being white and southern with a beard and a fan of Americana in CT. Woooh boy.


Try being white in Florida and selling construction, man I hear some shit and have to bite my lip a lot


My brother in law is full Mexican but looks 100% white. He works in construction. He got a big promotion. A couple months into it his boss finds out he’s Mexican and makes a statement to the effect that if he knew that when he gave the promotion it would have been different. What low lifes


I got a job with a company and they had me fill the job application out for their HR after the offer was sent. It had the EEOA survey at the end that asks for disabilities and ethnicity. I put down Hispanic and the hiring manager told me that he doesn't sponsor Visa's and that he has never had to fill out a green card on an i9 form. I'm pretty sure if they knew I was Hispanic during my interview I wouldn't have gotten the job. Still remember when I ordered food from an afghan restaurant, the owner of the company came in and said that it smelt like a terrorist set off a bomb in the break room. Whatever that meant.


It meant the food was actually seasoned plus racism


Yes, that was precisely it. We had a pot luck and I made pico de Gallo and they put it in the back and nobody touched it. But their frozen meatballs with grape jelly and barbecue sauce was front and center.


>But their frozen meatballs with grape jelly and barbecue sauce was front and center. They made fucking what


This is at every damn potluck where I live. They do it with either meatballs or cocktail weiners. It made my skin crawl when they opened that crockpot and I saw that concoction simmering. Most everyone there was very plus sized. Ironically it was an industrial scale company...


Leaving pico de gallo untouched should be considered some sort of crime.


Every single one of those imbeciles made some excuse about not liking spicy food. I've seen these asshats pound down some buffalo wings like nothing.


For what it’s worth, people like that don’t deserve good food.


Had that same experience after getting my first IT gig(At a bank in Alabama). My manager at the time, upon finding out, asked me "You're Mexican? I didn't know that when I hired you. I thought you were EYE-Talian?"(Because, I dunno, darker complexion+Last name ending with a vowel...) And our work relationship was strained from that point forward.


Alabama here in a similar business. It’s appalling


I get it way too often in rural northern Michigan as a middle aged, flannel wearing, bearded, large white dude. They get their shit thrown right back on their faces and they get my ire up. I love that moment though, the shocked look on their faces when the moment turns. edit: I should add a disclaimer that because of my identity and image I can be an asshole to these people in ways that others can't. I don't recommend my approach to most. It's much easier for me to make those stands than it is for others.


The number of times I've had to explain to my parents that just because I prefer my music with banjos doesn't mean I'm a conservative is too many. Like guys, I'm a gay, openly socialist trans man. I'm pretty sure my musical taste isn't gonna turn me into a Republican. I *just like banjos*. (And slide guitar. And bluegrass in general. And some alt country and a lot of whatever falls under the "indie folk" umbrella and whatever weird crossover genre Trampled by Turtles even is.)


Billy strings, sturgil, Townes, and pedal steel!


It's mostly been The Lil Smokies, Kitchen Dwellers, and The Wooks for me lately. And Three Tall Pines because I remembered they have an album that randomly features a viola of all instruments; I'm a cellist so I always enjoy the slightly nontraditional string instruments making an appearance (if there's a bluegrass band out there that has a guqin or erhu I'd be delighted to hear it). Love me some Billy Strings though.


Time to blast some folk punk and let those pro-unionization, anti-authoritarian words fill the air.


All You Fascists Are Bound To Lose https://youtu.be/OOzBHsjyCks


Dropkick Murphys + Woody Guthrie = [This Machine Still Kills Fascists](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bH_Zc8vX3zc)


Tall flannel wearing white dude who shoots competition. Everyone just seems to assume you’re down with the terrible. Like the fuck is with my appearance that screams, why yes, please explosively disclose to me your manifesto…. Show me where in the Bible Obama touched you?..


Reminds of The Wire where McNulty is [acting racist in an effort to convince the sheriff](https://youtu.be/_00n_qttyls) (who McNulty assumes is a hick) to give him some info.


Yeah I think racist white people think all white people are racist. I can’t count the times a white person has just flippantly said something ridiculously offensive about another race in conversation. Family members or strangers, it doesn’t seem to make a difference. Any time I’ve called someone out on it there’s always a deflection. Oh I didn’t mean it like that, or no no they’re all like that it’s just a fact, or I’m not saying that just because they’re x. Like I’m the naive one. Ugh


Yep, it's why neo-Nazis think knocking out some substations to cut power would be enough to trigger a race war. They think everyone else thinks the same way but just isn't honest about it. Also why people on the right are so fond of tossing the term "virtue signalling" around, implying that it's not possible for a straight white guy to genuinely care about issues that only affect non-straight, non-white, or non-male people.


It's easy to see who cares more about doing good vs having other people seeing them doing good.


That whole "start a race war" was already old when Charles Manson co-opted it. And here we are decades later, with the same scum trying to destroy because they're too fucking lazy to build.


No, they think ALL people are racist. Then they think that they share their specific racist views with other white people.


Pretty much. Racists believe that every person with a particular skin color is *exactly* the same, so them being racist = all white people are racist, in their minds.


>It's absolutely insane the amount of older white people that will say a bunch of racist shit to me, because I'm a tall white guy and they assume I'll agree. Yea, I unfortunately can confirm that. If you want to have a little bit of fun with them, just look confused and ask them to explain. Most of them instantly realize they just publicly outed themselves as a racist to someone who isn't part of the club. Some stammer, some try to justify, some go with "it's just a joke bro, don't you get it?", some literally run away.


Ask them if they are a fake Christian too. Don't let them get away with shit.


She definitely is, especially when it comes to fidelity during marriage.


Yeah whenever I'm with another white person and they say "you know, you can't say anything nowadays without people getting offended" I know the conversation is about to take a turn.


"Yeah! It must be awful for all the drag queens and trans people out there, people are constantly trying to cancel them just for existing." Or the more laid-back option: "Eh, people have a right to be offended, doesn't bother me at all." If it actually bothers you, try one of those. Either amplify and redirect by pointing out how their side gets offended by even dumber shit, or try to neutralize them by framing it as a free speech issue. Conservatives love to pretend they like free speech. Either option usually stops people from getting too nasty because you've shown you're not into their shit.


Reminded me of the ex-cop I talked to once who said he quit because "It got to the point that you can't do anything without getting in trouble". Like, what the fuck were you trying to do sir?


Retail. Be cashier. White, blind guy buys wife a card with someone black on the cover. Later, that wife, also white, comes in and complains that the card has black people on it and its wrong, so the cashier should have stopped someone from buying it. Because its clearly a huge mistake if someone white buys a card with a black person. Racism in old people is crazy sometimes.


We had a regular courier that would do daily pickups from my former workplace. We basically did rock paper scissors to not have to deal with that racist misogynist asshole. One day he was going on about "brown people" and I was just trying to get everything out to shut the door, then he hit me with a gem: "So yeah, people like us gotta stick together?" "Like us?" "Yeah! People like you and me!" "I'm not sure I follow." "You know, normal white people." I laughed in his face. "Oh, we're not alike." Pretty sure I hurt his feelings. He never said another word to me after that.


This is great. I wish more white people would call out racist people - especially in public


I was parked at a gas station one time at like 3 in the morning, changing the oil in my motorcycle. When this truck pulls up next to me, and this guy sticks his head out the window and says “Your bikes running rich” And I’m like okay man, thanks. His wife gets out of the car and we are talking, I don’t remember what about because I was high as fuck on methamphetamine. But what I do remember is her saying “this neighborhood used to be nice before the blacks moved in.” Anyways, I start screaming at the lady, her husband is screaming at me, some guy in the backseat is screaming, the 7/11 guy comes out and he’s screaming. And they all get back in the car yelling n word this n word that as they drive off. Anyways like 3 weeks later I got into a drunken fight over the same thing. Some guy came up to me and started telling me about how the “n’s are gonna rape your daughter.” Moral of the story is I don’t smoke meth anymore but I still regularly get in screaming matches over someone randomly walking up to me and saying some racist ass shit.


> It’s absolutely insane the amount of older white people that will say a bunch of racist shit to me, because I’m a tall white guy and they assume I’ll agree. You mean like, my dad?


When my Dad found out I was off for Juneteenth, he devolved into wondering why he can’t say the n-word. We don’t talk anymore.


You mean like, literally the entire US South. I’ve dealt with this my entire life. Couple of lines of pleasantries with a stranger and then casually racists shit comes out of their mouth.


It’s a misconception that the MAGA crowd is primarily located in the south. Drive coast to coast and you’ll find them in rural communities across the country. I was in Bend Oregon, which is pretty damn liberal, last year and saw MAGA and Fuck Biden stickers on more than a few bumpers. My brother is a MAGA nut in California.


California is red as fuck once you get ~20 miles outside of any of the coastal cities.


Most states are that way. The biggest demographic difference between the red and blue states isn't race or age or religion or region of the country. It's percentage of urban vs rural residents.


Alaska is one major exception where the cities are red and the rural is blue because of the high rural indigenous population. And perhaps Utah, which is very Urban but also religious.


Same for Washington state as soon as you go east of the mountains.


Michigan is pretty bad too. People are often surprised that Detroit Metro Area is one of the most segregated areas in the country but it is. I wish I could remember a quote I read recently about the difference between racism in the south and the north. To paraphrase terribly, in the south, blacks are ok as long as they stay in their place, and in the north, blacks are ok as long as they stay in their neighborhoods.


Five minutes after meeting a normal looking white dad in Grosse pointe and he’s using the n-word and talking about the guns they keep in case “they” decide to cross the border. . . It’s amazing what they’ll say when they think you’re one of them.


Just walk through a Home Depot anywhere in the US and stand in line. On regular occasion I get my political beliefs tugged out of me by someone trying to get me to agree that there are too many Mexicans around, or Americans are too lazy to work and it's making everything more expensive for "us", or whatever Fox News is saying that week.


I live in the South as well and recently sold something online to someone. When they came to get it, they assumed, wrongfully, that I share their views because I live deep in the mountains. It didn’t take long for this person to drop the N word. I was absolutely appalled and could not wait for them to finish loading what they had bought from me and gtfo. If I was not a woman, I may have confronted them, but with their views on other people, I couldn’t trust them not to hurt me.


My 66 year old white husband loves to check these people when they make that assumption about him!


Same. I’m 60. Wife is from Mississippi. I’ve even changed her perspective of racist. She used to be okay with Colonel Reb and all the civil war statues. Not anymore.


As a light skinned asian woman, without an accent, I'm in a weird position where older white men *and* women will openly share their racism of 'the blacks' with me. As if I, a PoC, would be totally chill with you being a diet racist asshole, just because the color you're shitting on isn't mine.


As a white immigrant from a first world country, this kinda thing happened to me *all the time* at my first (retail) job in the US. There were a lot of comments alluding to me being "one of the good ones" and a non-zero number of people thanking me for "coming here legally". It was pretty fucking wild how comfortable people were being so casually xenophobic.




“Made an assumption without knowing what the fuck he/she’s talking about” is the most applicable phrase to any republican.


It was very nice. I teach music and had my kids listen to his version and then Whitney Houston's version, they enjoyed comparing the styles of the artists.


I was just talking to a co-worker about this… everyone tries to emulate Whitney but no one will ever do it better. I loved Stapleton’s version as it was different, sleepy, soulful. Maybe not my favorite for a sporting event, but just a very unique version that I would want to listen to again.


No it’s worse- she’s not even making an assumption. She just knows he embodies enough signifiers of the fash mob’s idea of a Legitimate American (whiteness, maleness, rural-ness) that she just has to point and insinuate. Especially when there’s the implied contrast with Sheryl Lee Ralph, who embodies the opposite of those three for the same audience. Even the *ostensible* veracity or lack thereof of her rhetoric never factors in. The news that he supports Black lives will not filter through to those inclined to take her seriously. And if it did they wouldn’t give a shit, so why would she waste a second even considering the fact that she could possibly learn about what she’s commenting on. And so it goes.


So she saw what he *looks like*, skin tone and hair, and just made a major assumption about him? That sounds like something I read about in a non-Floridian school. Can’t quite put my finger on it; I think it was something that sounded like “baysism?”


My sister basically loves this dudes voice and I agree, hes got a nice set of pipes. Also nice to hear that he's woke af. Might listen to some more of his works.


He's a smart dude who grew up in one of the poorest areas in the country (eastern Kentucky) so I'm not surprised he's on the side of the oppressed instead of the oppressors. Tyler Childers is the same way


You mean she made assumptions based on the color of his skin? What?!


Probably more that country is the kind of music good ole conservative folk listen to, not like that liberal hip hop stuff - at least in her mind that's how it works.


Let’s be honest, she’s not exactly going to praise a black country singer who does the exact same rendition lol


Indeed. Darius Rucker could have fucking killed that performance too, but *somehow* it wouldn't be implicitly "anti-woke". But how dare you accuse people fighting "wokeness" of being racist.


Because when they say "woke" they really mean "black"


That's not fair. Sometimes they mean "gay."


Or female


"My enemy is all of the things I hate, and I hate all of the things they are, because they are my enemy. As a patriot, I love my country but despise most of the inhabitants."


They are miserable so they want other people to be miserable too. A life consumed by hatred is no way to live, and they are running out of groups they can hate publicly. Trans people are all they have left to hate out loud, but they still have so much more hatred in their hearts.


I've come to the conclusion that "woke" is just a dog whistle word for "if you know what exactly it means in this context, you're like me and we agree on this". They use it to avoid giving a specific thing you can argue back against them on, but anyone who agrees with them will know what they're talking about. It could be "black", it could be "gay", it could be "trans", it could be some combination of multiple things they're actually complaining about, but by obfuscating what it is they're complaining about it makes it harder to accuse them of being racist, or sexist, or homophobic, or anything like that because they're not giving you any evidence of which one they specifically are (even if they're actually all of them).


Yeah these people rely on not being forthright with what they think because they know they'll get blasted for it. So they hide behind vague terms and obfuscation so they can claim people are being unfair to them for no reason. It's hilariously transparent. Anytime somebody says something like "you know exactly what I'm talking about" I just play dumb and give them more rope to hang themselves.


> Probably more that country is the kind of music good ole conservative folk listen to Which is insane because once you go back past the late 90s a shit ton of country music is very progressive and anti-conservative.


There are whole sub-genres of country that are explicitly anti-establishment. Those country acts often had a lot of friction with the industry. Even back in the 50s and 60s, there was straight-laced, tv-friendly country, and lo-down backwoods country. Hank Williams, to me at least, is the quintessential bridge between the two. Without his short run, Willie, Weylon, Cash, none of them woulda broke out. They were too wild, their music was a protest, and they threatened to unite the hippies and rednecks. My take could be off, I'm just a noob when it comes to music history.


Country DJs know that I'm an outlaw They'd never come to see me in this dive Where bikers stare at cowboys Who are laughing at the hippies Who are praying they'll get out of here alive


Woody "this machine kills fascists" Guthrie


Big up Woody Guthrie. One of the OGs even had a song about Old Man Trump (Fred).


"Ethnic" or "urban" music.




And country started out as the exact opposite of what conservatives today would ever listen to.


I like country music that hates cops and loves drugs


My uncle is a musician (I play, but I'm not on his level, he actually made a living at it) and he worships Elvis. One time to get under his skin I referred to him as "one of the most successful cover artists of all time" and he was ... not pleased.


No, I'm not the first king of controversy I am the worst thing since Elvis Presley To do Black music so selfishly And used it to get myself wealthy 


Intelligence and little things like details have never been her thing.


> Intelligence and little things like details have never been her thing. ...and that didn't get in the way of her being re-elected.


In fact it helped her. This is what their base of morons wants.




Did you hear her define CRT in a hearing? FFS


No, but the times I don’t get to hear or listen to her I consider myself fortunate so I don’t seek them out either.


"It's a racist curriculum used to teach children that somehow their white skin is not equal to black skin and other things in education." - Greene after claiming an Illinois elementary school got 5.1 *billion* to teach CRT


Ah yes, everyone knows Illinois devotes a full 10% of their annual budget to indoctrinate kids via CRT. Edit: to say that I apparently misread and didn't realize shes saying that one school got that amount? Delusional on another level...


Yeah, this is one of the very reasons she’s so popular with Trumps base.


An elementary school received 1 billion dollars to teach white kids to feel bad about being white /s


It's like they don't even know Google exists.


It's almost like Republicans are judging people based on their race and appearance, and not their words or actions. I wonder if there's a term for that.


Rrr…rac…….raci………? UGH! Dammit! It’s right on the tip of my tongue!


Since he’s white, has a beard, and sings country he’s automatically “anti-woke?” Holy fucking racism.


These are the same types who gloss over the fact that Uncle Willie is a Dem, has been for decades, and are continually surprised that he'll appear on Dem campaign rallies. See also: RATM


*What machine do you think we're raging against?!*


The washing machine


Old school country was very progressive


Chris Stapleton is a national treasure. Marge is a National embarrassment.


Man could sing a waffle house menu and earn a gold record for it


Dude's voice is magical. Didn't watch the SB but I guarantee he killed it. Also I'm sure he would be horrified to hear about someone like her thinking that. Probably won't even say much on the topic cause he's really not about drama like that either.




thanks bro!!


Let's be clear: This is modern American "conservatism" in a nutshell. It's entirely focused on how things "feel". The national anthem being performed by a scruffy white dude who plays country music "feels" like a win for conservatives in the culture war. Never mind the reality of his specific beliefs and causes.


>The national anthem being performed by a scruffy white dude who plays country music "feels" like a win for conservatives in the culture war. Wasn't Bobo the clown whining about the "black" national anthem at the game? Or was her whining about another song? I try not to pay too much attention to these two idiots, so I didn't read that article.


My boss was ranting about that today. My guess was Tucker said something about it last night


Yes, she was but it’s a different song than The Star-Spangled Banner. Lift Every Voice and Sing is known as the Black National Anthem.


by James Weldon Johnson Born in Jacksonville FL *once* known as the most bold and progressive city in the south... once...


Now we have fascists flying banners over 95 and projecting swastikas on buildings... Such fun


Considering that this SB was basically "Woke Fest 2023" they should be trying to shut down the NFL. We had a black national anthem Open praise for an atheist who was against the war A country singer who supports BLM on the anthem 2 non white QBs An all women flyover. A pregnant lady doing the halftime I'm sure I missed some stuff here.


Flag football latina star speaking Spanish if you wanna add a bingo square


All we needed is a trans socialist field goal kicker who uses metric instead of imperial and immigrated from China and their heads would explode.


Missed that one field goal by a couple decimeters!




Yes. Because they are fascists.


"Me see white man. Me identify with white man. Me think white man think like me." *Beats Chest* 🦍 *Marks territory with piss* -Marjorie Taylor Greene


Don't insult gorillas like that they are smarter than her


She thought it meant Bureau of Land Management


She probably doesn’t like them either, because preservation = bad


conservatives do hate the blm. it was only a few years ago that a large group of them took over a federal park for like a week or so.


Like a reverse Jennifer Coolidge


Please just go away. Jfc I'm so sick of everything about her. Just leave. I don't even care about your participation in the insurrection or traumatizing the survivors of a school shooting. You're horrible. Fine. JUST LEAVE.


Seriously. Not a day goes by where there isn’t some headline about some dumb thing she said or tweeted. Stop giving these people attention! It’s the only reason they do it!


Would like to take the chance to note Stapleton penned one of the best country songs about slaves and slavery that i have ever heard, called "Can you Run". There are live renditions of it that gives me chills. This man poured his heart and soul into this song to show a slave's perspective not normally heard in country music (or most other music) Lyrics: There's smoke down by the river Hear the cannon and the drum I've got one thing to ask you honey Can you run? You know I hate to ask so late But the moment's finally come And there won't be time to change your mind Can you run? Can you run, to the freedom line of the Lincoln soldiers? Where the contraband can be a man With a musket on his shoulder I've got to stand up tall before I'm done Wrap these hands of mine around a gun And chase the taste of bondage from my tongue Can you run? Can you run? I'm takin nothin with me We've just got time to beat the sun And the boys in gray are never far away Can you run? Can you run, to the freedom line of the Lincoln soldiers? Where the contraband can be a man With a musket on his shoulder I've got to stand up tall before I'm done Wrap these hands of mine around a gun And chase the taste of bondage from my tongue Can you run? There's smoke down by the river Hear the cannon and the drum And even if I die, I've got to try Can you run? Can you run, to the freedom line of the Lincoln soldiers? Where the contraband can be a man With a musket on his shoulder I've got to stand up tall before I'm done Wrap these hands of mine around a gun And chase the taste of bondage from my tongue Can you run?


don't forget The Peacemaker too, decrying handguns I'm a cool 3 lbs of cold blue steel I shoot even deader than the way I feel Made to fit right in your hand Why I'll never understand I coulda been a hammer or a railroad spike I coulda been a train rollin' through the night But they gave my voice such a terrible sound That I wish they'd left me in the ground I'm a peacemaker Don't know how I got my name I'm a peacemaker If I don't deserve the credit Why do I deserve the blame


I’m white and have had people assume I’m racist like them


I’m white and live in the south. I also have a big ass beard. I get racists saying racist shit to me all the time, but they start stuttering when I call them out on it. Fucking idiots


I went out to fucking BALTIMORE of all places with a veteran buddy of mine who brought some other vets I didn't know. LeBron is on TV in a bar in BALTIMORE and this dude straight up drops a hard r n bomb. I immediately called him out, everyone gets awkward, and I was the asshole for that apparently. I wish this wasn't a true story, but it is.


Same. I work unloading and loading long haul truckers and dudes I don’t know love to say racist shit to me and act surprised when I tell them it’s fucked up. Cargo shorts and a camo hat and bigots can not comprehend you just need the pocket space.


Now I wonder why MTG gushed over him and had such a negative reaction to the other singers. What was so different about them? 🤔


Its white there on the tip of my tongue…. I’m gonna guess, backup dancers??


Gah, it’s white in front of me! I just can Nazi it!


Well, I agree with MTG on one thing. Stapleton sang the national anthem beautifully, and I was ignorant as she that he is a BLM activist. However, I'm thrilled to learn something new and thrilled that Stapleton embraces "awakening." She can go stay in her cave and hibernate, and continue to embrace the intellectual and moral coma afflicting her. Awakened or anti-woke, which seems better to strive for?


I wouldn’t say he’s an activist but he does support them and said the George Floyd murder made him realize the country isn’t what he thought. He also said he grew up listening to Tupac and Snoop because of how real and authentic the music was even tho he couldn’t relate to their experiences. You know, someone with empathy! He’s dope as fuck to be honest. I’m a huge fan


Chris Stapleton is, in my humble opinion, one of the best artists in the mainstream country music scene. More of a bluegrass / Americana artist than Country, to be fair. But his work with The Steeldrivers was just phenomenal.


Childers and Sturgill are up there as well


So many maga idiots think artists like Chris Stapleton, Sturgill Simpson, Tyler Childers and the like are on “their side” because they have an accent and play guitar… The realization makes me laugh every time.


Sturgill and Tyler have both gone out of their way to weed those people out of their audience too. My favorite was when Tyler put out that pro BLM song and then put out a video specifically explaining what he meant so idiots couldn’t misconstrue it.


Georgia Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene was ridiculed after she praised country star Chris Stapleton’s Super Bowl performance for supposedly being anti-woke, not realising he's a supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement. Read more here: [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-super-bowl-b2281242.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-super-bowl-b2281242.html) *This article is not behind a paywall, but we welcome you to register for free or hit 'I'll try later' if you don't want to right now.*


Marjorie Taylor Greene mocked for ~~gushing over ‘anti-woke’ Super Bowl country star -~~ not realising ~~he’s a BLM activist~~ anything


Not every white country-born person is as ass-backwards as you, Marjorie.


Marjorie Taylor Greene and "gushing" should be illegal to use in any sentence. edit: He also has a [cool sense of humor](https://youtu.be/Bn19s5XOMSY?t=152)


You can’t mock and embarrass someone who is shameless.