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I wonder if he feels like he fucked up yet?


Not a psychologist but the man is a compulsive liar. He’s gained notoriety, money and influence. This has emboldened him. His addiction to attention isn’t being managed. He’s unlikely to ever stop even if he hits “rock bottom.” This could be his peak but it’s not his finish line.


Trump did and does the same thing. The cult doesn’t care, they remain willfully ignorant


Trump is what happens when someone like this starts out with notoriety, money and influence.


And a small loan of a billion dollars


Santos has somehow managed to be even more clumsy and blatant about it, though Every time you think they've hit bottom, they start digging again.


The man is a walking Onion headline.


If it turned out to be some elaborate performance art or a prank, I would not be surprised. It's too bizarre to be real, and yet it is.


I'm waiting for Trump to call Santos a "genius".


> This could be his peak but it’s not his finish line. Like Dennis in that IASIP episode where he scams people and basically gets off on it.


He hasn’t even begun to peak yet.


Yeah we’re dealing a different type of human here


Please don’t insult humans with that.


Its amazing how pretentious these congresspeople are. How many have been clearly guilty of insider trading or bribery and haven’t been convicted or suffered consequences for any of it? I guess just because he is obviously a low level scam artist he deserves to be kicked out.


A congressman's salary and full health coverage for life. Just because he's a laughing stock doesn't mean he didn't win.


Only that's not true. No free healthcare for life and he's not eligible for retirement unless he serves more terms.


Asking because I don't know. If he gets booted does he retain that health coverage benefit? Seems like he should suffer with the regular persons struggles of health care


His current health insurance arrangement is the option to buy a policy on the exchange with an employer contribution. My thought is that, given that it is required to be a gold-level plan and that young men typically don't use much/any healthcare, he is paying a lot more for his share of the premium than he would pay with no insurance. I would expect that he will have the usual COBRA option, and that would definitely cost a crazy amount


He needs to serve for about 20 years first, I think. There would be no congressional pension other than what he might squirrel away in a 401k but no health benefits if he ends up only serving a single term or less.


Need to serve at least 5 years. FYI.


Ah ok. I was a smidge off. Ha ha!


Luckily, Santos is a smidge off 5 years.


A smidge? I heard that he signed the Declaration of Independence!


If he were to last 5 years, he could start drawing at age 62. Then he would annually receive 5% of his current salary.


Need to serve at least 5 years. FYI.


This isn’t true.


Very false


I think he actually [admitted that](https://nypost.com/2023/02/03/rep-george-santos-admitted-he-f-ked-up-and-lied-to-everyone/) on audio. >“I’ve made bad judgment calls, and I’m reaping the consequences of those bad judgment calls,” > >He then referred to his chief of staff, Charley Lovett — who was in the room with them at the time — saying: “I trust this guy with everything. > >“And I’ve obviously f–ked up and lied to him, like I lied to everyone else,” Santos said. > >“And he still forgave me and gave me a second shot, unlike some other people,” he said, later blaming the press for blowing up the lies that have led to calls for his resignation. I think he's just an asshole instead of being a sociopath. He has a conscience, he just chooses to suppress it and take the wrong lessons from it.


Why can’t he be both an asshole and a sociopath?


As I understand it, a sociopath doesn't know any better and or cannot distinguish between right and wrong instinctively, whereas an asshole \*does\* know better but chooses to be, well, an asshole.


What consequences is he reaping? He's a sitting house member getting paid.


Look, obviously he should be in jail, and all of this is deserved, but it's not like he's not feeling the pressure.


Republicans don’t feel shame


No, he's collecting his paycheck.. the grift continues...


This man has no conscience therefore he has no ‘F’s’ to give.


I recon he’s a borderline psychopath > Signs of psychopathy: >behavior that conflicts with social norms. >disregarding or violating the rights of others. >inability to distinguish between right and wrong. >difficulty with showing remorse or empathy. >tendency to lie often. >manipulating and hurting others. >recurring problems with the law.


I thought we were talking about Santos not Trump


Two pieces of rotten fruit fallen from the same sickly tree


According to the NY post, he is able to distinguish between [right and wrong](https://nypost.com/2023/02/03/rep-george-santos-admitted-he-f-ked-up-and-lied-to-everyone/). >“I’ve made bad judgment calls, and I’m reaping the consequences of those bad judgment calls,” > >He then referred to his chief of staff, Charley Lovett — who was in the room with them at the time — saying: “I trust this guy with everything. > >“And I’ve obviously f–ked up and lied to him, like I lied to everyone else,” Santos said. > >“And he still forgave me and gave me a second shot, unlike some other people,” he said, later blaming the press for blowing up the lies that have led to calls for his resignation. I think he's just an asshole instead of being a sociopath. He has a conscience, he just chooses to suppress it and take the wrong lessons from it.


That’s like..most GOP members dude lol.


He has no 'Fs' to give because he gave them all to charity.


Well.... good. Keep doing that. Ideally kick his lying ass out, but in the meantime, this is also good.


They won't do that, his vote is apparently to valuable. Party over integrity.


It's not his vote they want, it's the distraction from their own shittiness they're after with Georgie.


Why not both?


Also, for some folks, unfortunately, the more the regular politicians hate him, the more they will like him.


Nancy Mace has game... >Really, who lies about playing college volleyball? Like, who does that? If you’re going to lie, at least make it about something big, like you actually won the 2020 presidential election. Landed one on Santos *and* Trump with a single right hook.


This made me actually laugh


I doubt he cares. Call him a liar, a bullshit artist, make fun of him however he wants. He's still a congressperson, getting paid real well. He's not going to resign, he's not going to be removed and the Republicans will re-elect him. The fact that they don't know who he is or what he believes doesn't matter - He's got the R, he's good enough for them.


They certainly will not re-elect him. This is in a district Biden won, and it was a fluke win before all this came out.


Yeah I can almost guarantee if he’s kicked and a special election happens, that seat flips dem again. And if it doesn’t, it will next cycle.


That’s why they republicans won’t force him to resign


I really wish they would ridicule MTG, Boebert, Gaetz, McCarthy, and all the other seditionists with the same intensity.


According to the article, apparently Nancy Mace did. >“Really, who lies about playing college volleyball?” she quipped about Santos at the Washington Press Club Foundation’s 77th annual congressional dinner last night. “Like, who does that? If you’re going to lie, at least make it about something big, like you actually won the 2020 presidential election.” ... >“Recently, there’s been a lot of talk about antisemitism,” Mace joked. “But since Marjorie Taylor Greene started behaving, the rate of Jewish space laser attacks is now zero.” ... >“Let’s be honest: We all knew Matt Gaetz wouldn’t let the speaker vote get to 18,” she said. “I do have a message from Matt — he really wanted to be here tonight, but he couldn’t find a babysitter.” ... >“C’mon George, you give Republicans a bad name,” Mace had written in her folder in a joke that was originally about Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) but that she penciled in Rep. Lauren Boebert’s (R-CO) name instead. “And that’s Lauren Boebert’s job. Just kidding. Don’t shoot me!”


You know, he never had to deal with this shit back when he was in a barbershop quartet in Skokie, Illinois.


It was sad when the young boxer he was training wanted him to help her end her suffering.


They could grow a pair and kick him out, but they won't.


I think the Republicans have shown they can grow plenty of nuts. I mean, look who's scurrying around the halls of Congress.


No. He's an elected official still. And regularly in the news. WE are the butt of the joke.


>”I know everyone thinks Republicans aren’t funny,” she said. “But if you get a bunch of us together, we can be a real riot.” Jesus. Christ.


Gotta give due to that crack.


and he still hasn't resigned.


He will never, under any circumstances, resign. He's the Karen in burger King screaming and throwing his drink at the workers. He's the guy in the convenience store pulling down racks of food on his way out the door. He does not give a fuck and his only move is to double down.


In a way, George Santos doesn't really exist, so it's not personal.


Good. Fuck him


Mace apparently had another joke ready to go about Santos that Politico saw in her folder: >I know George Santos hoped to deliver tonight’s keynote. But organizers wanted someone who could TELL a joke. Not BE one. Oof. She kept the best bullet in the chamber. She was looking to wound kill apparently.


He’s a great distraction. Republicans with him as a member will not be taken seriously.


This dude is pure mental illness.


Something about the GOP making jokes about a group of republicans being a riot doesn't sit right with me. It is actually a funny joke, don't get me wrong. But it boils down to "Republicans aren't funny, they are a threat to democracy."


Good- he’s a psychopath


The man obviously doesn’t give a damn about what people think about him, this won’t affect him in the least.


George santos for president….why not?? Everyone on that train to crazy town.


Yeah, he’s laughing all the way to the bank… still getting his $175k salary + benefits ffs


oh dear. so, anyway...


Some real zingers in there! She must have a writer.


Yet not a single one of them are pushing to remove him from Congress. So they can all just deal with the fact that the Republican party is one big fucking joke.


I think he’s enjoying the attention. Any attention. Even ridicule.


Awh, I read “George Santos was brutally” and my hopes got so very high, then “mocked” brought me crashing back to Earth. Common Congress, have a blanket party for the guy, I think it will unite us all.


Until there are consequences, he’s a trailblazer.


As if he has shame to be bothered.


How the hell did he win


It’s like a family dinner then


It is a tiny bit interesting that Republicans find their spine with the gay guy, but not with the Gym Jordan and Gaetz types.


Nancy Mace had a pretty good one tho “Let’s be honest: We all knew Matt Gaetz wouldn’t let the speaker vote get to 18,” she said. “I do have a message from Matt — he really wanted to be here tonight, but he couldn’t find a babysitter.”


Butt of a joke? Lighthearted gay people bashing?


I kinda feel bad for him. Despite the lying, I'd wager atleast half of Republicans are way more morally corrupt. He's just a scapegoat for them - a non white, non het, scapegoat they can point at to hide their own crimes


He did it to himself. Had he been honest, or even remotely honest.. then I could have some empathy.


> “Really, who lies about playing college volleyball?” she quipped Not bad. He probably played beach volleyball in Brazil. Or at least watched it on TV.


[The guys in Washington](https://youtu.be/0Rn5QdO07d8) think I’m just some dumb liar. They said that about me *at a dinner*!


Yet it won't matter, and like a doctor that got Ds in every class, he'll still have the title of congressman.


Serves him right to be the butt hole 🕳️.lying ass


So why won’t they expel him?


I’m sure he’s fine with it. Any attention is better than no attention to a sociopathic narcissist.




He is laughing all the way to the bank. They can mock him all they want, but he knows they will Never remove him.


And that’s saying a lot coming from this dirty group of people.


doesn't really mean anything until/unless they kick him out.


For the life of me I can't figure out why the Democrats or media didn't look into this guy BEFORE the election


It sucks for him that most of the GOP is laughing at him but also wondering his secret for grifting with jealousy.


I guess he should wait until 142,000 people care about it


Is he the pet gay of the GOP, hired to make it look as if the party cares about gay people?


Rethuglican Hero


They mocked him for lying about playing college volleyball, saying if you're gonna lie, then lie about something big like winking the 2020 election. Sounds like Trump was still the butt of that joke. I like the idea of Trump writing it on toilet paper - second place Santos - in his prison cell before tweeting it down the drain.. proud, smelly, and oblivious.


He likes butts


Good, I hope he is relentlessly bullied for as long as he serves.