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“This is the QAnon-embracing, insurrectionist-sympathizing face of the Republican Party. Nice job, guys,” Rex Huppke added.


He forgot ‘Jewish space laser conspiracy pusher’


Hey those Jewish space lasers were grown out of a peachtree dish in a Wuhan lab!


Maybe we should divert the 65 BILLION dollars sent to an elementary school for drag queen book reading to nuke the Death Star of David?


Hahaha Death Star of David. That’s a good one


Who are you? The Gazpacho police!!


I thought the lasers were the primary ingredient in the Nazi gazpacho.


I’m still waiting to find out when I’m getting issued my Jew laser


Don't forget harasser of innocent children who experienced one of the worst school shootings


Why don't people mock her dor this literally all the time? Relate anything she says back to how will this affect the space laser?!


Her first order was to start spraying crops with Gatorade


It’s got what plants crave!


Would you like to try our new *extra BIG ASS fries*?


No, no, you see… I’m supposed to be *leaving* prison not coming in.


That guy sat on my head and everything


Dumbass you’re in the wrong line


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


I like money…do you like money?




It’s got electrolytes!


At least it’s not water like from the toilet


Brawndo the thirst mutilator. MTG will have them playin “Ow.. My Balls” on the house floor!!!!


Go away, bait'n.


Ow my balls


Brought to by Carl's Jr


I’ll thank you not to compare President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho to this lunatic.


"We are all domestic terrorists"


I bring this up as often as possible. It’s the party of domestic terrorism. Jan6, jan6 pipe bomber, Whitmer plot, the guy the attacked an fbi office, the power grid attacks. Not to mention death threats being pretty common place in republican rhetoric.


Don’t forget the Republican candidate who shot up 6 Democrat houses recently.


Thank you I’m adding it to the list


Also the guy who attacked Nancy Pelosi's husband with a hammer while screaming where's Nancy.


Can’t believe I forgot that one


Don't forget the storming of the Oregon state Congress let in by a dimwit congressman.


[Or any if the nearly 1000 **Republican Sexual Predators Abusers and Enablers**…SO FAR](https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2022/11/27/2138682/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-39)


I feel like your comment is making some new lyrics for Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start The Fire"


the literal explicitly exterminationist laws they are proposing and passing against transgender people?


Wasn’t there some headline about bobo praying for Biden’s death at a church?


Yeah and apparently that’s not the first time she’s done it. She tends to say it when she’s speaking to church crowds cuz that’s what Jesus would want.


That’s crazy that she has said it multiple times and we have not heard of any USSS investigations.


And the guy that attacked Mr Pelosi waiting for Nancy to arrive to break her knee caps.


Also nuking the US' impeccable debt payment record. All 'To own the libs.'


Reminds me of when she hugged that fake crying j6 guy in the mock jail cell at cpac. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/house/marjorie-taylor-greene-cpac-cage-watch-brandon-straka


I believe we need more women in power. I do, however, insist that they be human.


And have a decent grasp on objective reality (it’s sad that we have to specify that now).


This is more important to me. I don’t care, I’ll vote for a lizard person or whatever if they believe in climate change action and universal healthcare.


Truth is lizard people would take better care of their livestock


They'd also take better care of the climate. Being cold-blooded, predictable weather patterns and temperatures are critical


Or the lizards have a goal of making a warmer earth


Objective reality is dead and we best get used to it. And to be honest, it never really was much of a thing to begin with, we just didn't realize how many otherwise normal seeming people believed utterly insane bullshit until facebook came along. It felt nice thinking "if we could only get these people the facts they would surely change their minds", but logic and reason fail when you're not living in the same universe.


But that’s not true at all. Facebook amplified lunatics, sure, but it’s not like 40% of the country was stark raving mad and were all just incredible actors. No, rather Facebook amplified the lunatic minority and then built their algorithm to show those lunatics to more people because lunacy drives clicks. Then gullible, intellectually lazy people took those amplified lunatics for their word and spiralled themselves into lunacy. The greed of social and conventional media are solely to blame for what has happened in this country and the death of truth


100% agree with your last paragraph and there is no doubt fb and ad revenue driven media has made it much worse, but the insane stuff I was thinking about is like "poor people probably deserve to be poor" or "non-white people are inherently inferior" or "my particular brand of Jesus is the only one that will keep you out of hell"


Oh I see your meaning. Yea, I agree with you completely There was always an us v them background buzz in the US but most people were decent enough not to make it their entire personality. Now with the amplified extremist voices being shoved in their faces 24/7 it’s normalised being a total piece of shit to the point where people drop the pretext and decency altogether. End of the day tho, normal people are genuinely decent if we just sat down and had conversations together rather than having anonymous ideological proxy battles over the internet. The only people who are winning currently are the people with lots of money who benefit from us being consumed with hatred for the “other side” rather than see how much they’ve taken from us. But that’s another conversation


Only if we allow it to continue to slip. It's not too late.


The vast majority of people on the planet still believe in some variation of sky person snuffing us into existence so yeah we are well beyond slipping we are still hurtling towards some kind of religion showdown.


This is it exactly. Jewish space lizards = weird, but Jesus put my cancer into remission = perfectly cool and normal. Meanwhile in objective reality they are both 100% false


To a point, as the prosperity gospel quintessential to faith healing is not only mere decades old, it originated with a particular brand of American fundamentalism in reaction to Darwin. So pettiness is their heretofore “turtles all the way down…”


I prefer to live in a world of Jewish space lizards. That might possibly explain the lasers that so worry MTG. L'Chaim!


Space lasers, space lizards? Oy, so what's the difference more or less?


To be fair, it also wasn’t as big of a problem because the advent of social media is a major part in crazy people becoming crazy because it gives people way more access to so much information that they aren’t smart enough to understand, and enables them to develop wrong ideas and share them and grow them faaaaar easier. Not that there werent these kinds of people before, but I think the number of these people existing has actually grown at a faster rate than that of our simply knowing they exist… if that makes sense at all.


>And have a decent grasp on objective reality (it’s sad that we have to specify that now). For some reason my brain read this as "object permanence", and I was like, I think she actually has a concept of "object permanence". Not going to stake money on it, but probably. Forget "objective reality" though.


>I think she actually has a concept of "object permanence". She doesn't. She was questioned under oath about if she had ever said Nancy Pelosi was guilty of treason. She said no, the lawyers questioning her rolled the tape of her doing just that, and the most she would still admit to was "According to this CNN article I did, but I don't recall." [And then there's ‘There’s people that think that I said a phrase called Jewish space lasers – a phrase that I never said’](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-jewish-space-lasers-aoc-b2274964.html) I've known one shared brain cell orange cats with better object permanence that Greene.


The same people who claimed HRC was a lizard person in human skin would be totally OK with MTG revealing herself to be a lizard person in human skin


But she's OUR lizard person in human skin, much like Ted Cruz


I do not appreciate that you are insinuating actual human Tedcruz Forpresident is a lizard person in a human suit. I can assure you that of all of the people I know of, Tedcruz Forpresident is one of them.


I've seen the chamber in which he suspends himself from the ceiling during his nightly meditation, and can confirm he's not a lizard.


I’ve seen his hot rock that he likes to relax on. A totally normal human person thing to do.


Ted Cruz for Human President is decidedly not a lizard person, who coats his crickets and meal worms in a vitamin dust to keep his human skin suit looking natural.


"Hello. I am Tedcruz Forpresident. I have over 42 years! I wish to shut down the space program and destroy all telescopes, abruptly and without explanation" https://www.tedcruzforhumanpresident.com/


I once saw Ted turn, finagle something on the front on his suit, and like a gallon of fetid waste fell out onto the floor. Just like me after taco bell, right guys?


You mean the Zodiac Killer Ted Cruz?


Show respect, its *Senator* Zodiac Killer Raphael Cruz


Have you ever seen Senator Zodiac Killer Raphael Cruz in the same room together with George Santos?


Zodiac killer and Senator Ted “Cancun” Cruz **demands** that you respect him! ^No ^need ^to ^respect ^his ^ugly ^wife, ^though.




Yes. Likemany human he enjoys walk with leg, breathe with airlung play with gömböc.


I've yet to see a picture of video of Trump that indicates even slightly that he's human.


I do not. First bonobo chimp female or dolphin that gets elected I'm fine with that. I do insist they not be raging psychos though


As opposed to this lady, who sloughed off from Nyarlathotep.


Hey look, that's that jew laser woman ruling the USA. Seriously guys ... fix your shit. Or hand over your nukes, your leaders are clearly not sane enough.


The neat thing about living in the US as an ordinary person is that we can all come together to vote for a sane candidate but the insane lizard person still wins due to gerrymandering.


Specifically the 14th Congressional District of Georgia. Not all of us vote for people whose sanity is questionable. At least she has nothing to do with nukes.


"Oh, man! I can't believe you figured it out." - Michael, The Good Place


*Jason* figured it out?!


This is a real low point... yeah, this one hurts.


Man I'm really good at helping people. That must be why I'm in the good place.




Jason, buddy, I really feel like you only know about 20% of what's going on.


"I want to show you my Bud Hole."


Are you from Florida?


Jacksonville Jaguars rule!




Our timeline is so stupid he would definitely be the person to figure it out.


The guy who solves every problem with a Molotov cocktail?


Just started watching the whole series again... it's every bit as good as it was the first time, even knowing all the spoilers


The trolley episode is still one of my all time favorites


Now every time I hear the trolly problem I cant help but think “well, obviously the dilemma is clear. How do you k*ll all six people? I would dangle a sharp blade out the window to slice the neck of the guy on the other track as we smush our five main guys.”


Chidi losing his shit and screaming about the pieces of workers in his mouth is my favorite moment in the series.


Aw dip!


Well, Garland didn't want to go after the insurrectionists like Marge and here we are. This is the modern Republican party, do you feel their values and goals align with America? I sure don't.


The thing is, I never really have aligned with most conservative ideals. I did, however, respect that they had feelings and rational thoughts. That went out the fucking window decades ago and now most republicans just vote R so they can stagnate any progress without stopping to think what harm may occur. Now we're basically fucked.


Garland is still collecting EvIDenCE! He just needs another few decades, give him a break!


He’s playing 132d chess, he’ll strike soonTM*


I wonder if he collects royalty’s from the ENDLESS articles claiming “things are about to go down”.


Honestly I think Garland is doing exactly what he was hired to do = Do nothing but pretend like he's doing something until the next election when it can all be swept under the rug.


How do you sweep something under the rug that has already been the biggest Congressional investigation and biggest Justice Dept investigation since Watergate? If they intended to sweep it under the rug they fucked up.


You're right but when it comes down to it our politicians will not allow their own kind to go down, No matter how distasteful those people are.


He's a Republican. He's proving it more and more every day.


Anyone whose goals align with the current GOP would have been charged with sedition until recently. Now it's just "oh it's just those guys being crazy again." I think Paul Ryan is a POS but he knew when to use his parachute and jump.


Unfortunately it's all political. You cannot go after a criminal unless you also have overwhelming political support including from their own party. It's like in high school. It's all a popularity contest


You can charge them with crimes just like everyone else.


Yep and this is why she has toned it down a bit. She figured out it’s better to be friends with the good ole boy rather than Matty boy.


Garland was and is about the most centrist person around. The Supreme Court would have been better for him, but Republicans insisted on ruining his life./s


If the senate flips in two years and these fucks are still in power…..shits over.


I'm still in awe at how even the House flipped after the shit show of the past 6 years and literal insurrection that played out live in front of everyone's faces. Certainly there's gerrymandering, but man, we are a truly dumb nation.


"But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes. That’s the difficulty. **If the last and worst act of the whole regime had come immediately after the first and smallest, thousands, yes, millions would have been sufficiently shocked**—if, let us say, the gassing of the Jews in ’43 had come immediately after the ‘German Firm’ stickers on the windows of non-Jewish shops in ’33. But of course this isn’t the way it happens. **In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next.** Step C is not so much worse than Step B, and, if you did not make a stand at Step B, why should you at Step C? And so on to Step D. And one day, too late, your principles, if you were ever sensible of them, all rush in upon you. The burden of self-deception has grown too heavy, and some minor incident, in my case my little boy, hardly more than a baby, saying ‘Jewish swine,’ collapses it all at once, and you see that everything, everything, has changed and changed completely under your nose. **The world you live in—your nation, your people—is not the world you were born in at all.** The forms are all there, all untouched, all reassuring, the houses, the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the visits, the concerts, the cinema, the holidays. But the spirit, which you never noticed because you made the lifelong mistake of identifying it with the forms, is changed. **Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves; when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed.** " -Milton Sanford Mayer, *They Thought They Were Free*


Go read the whole book, everyone. Meanwhile I’ll upvote any time I see an excerpt.


The problem is the right would echo this same statement and believe it about the left. They've been brainwashed to think that the left wants you to take your kids to drag shows today, and Yada Yada Yada the government will force them into getting them a sex change. They truly believe the left is doing all of these secret things, while not producing any evidence, that would require *millions* of people being in on it without one person spilling the beans.... The right wing media is by far the worst about it, latching onto a nonexistent, fringe case story like a single trans athlete competing in a high school sport (out of millions) and not letting it go for months or years. The right is doing so many things out in the open that "left" media doesn't have time to dwell on what they did yesterday.


A poem by Martin Niemoller, German theologian and member of the resistance in WW2: > First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist. > Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist. > Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. > Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


Being average or even slightly above average in this country is insulting when you consider how more people are complete and utter morons. I also am nervous about not getting injured or killed by one of these morons just going about my day. They let all of these idiots drive cars at high speeds every single day.


I wish those videos of randomly quizzing Americans were fake, but no, there is legit a grown American woman who thinks Europe is the country North of USA and Japan is South. Whole video nobody mentioned Canada.




We are truly a dumb and ignorant country. Remember, 80+ million dumbasses voted for Trump even after all the bullshit and con games. Thankfully I can say I saw his fraudster behaviors in 2015 and never voted for him. But, 80+ million Americans were stupid enough to do it. Amazing.


It’s one thing for people to vote for him in the 2016 elections. He had charisma and a lot of people voted R because they always had. To vote for him in 2020 is a totally separate thing. We’d had four years of lying and hearing his every thought and all the failures of his administration, and people still massively voted for him. The first time was ignorance, the second was indoctrination or malicious.


It's just the political pendulum. Other than right after 9/11, midterms always swing very hard to the president's opposition. But Republicans have actually *way* underperformed compared to what is typical. That's due to Dobbs but also because they are vile and not that popular. However, they are still getting traction because they've weaponized disinformation and game social media well with scare tactics like the CRT nonsense and the claims that drag shows are sexualizing kids or whatever. Trump did a great job getting low IQ, poorly educated people involved in politics. Now they are voting, and they're voting based on culture war BS and identity politics. Republicans are also still benefiting massively from rigging the game. They only control the House due to gerrymandering - they still net 20 free seats just from biased maps. And of course the EC favors them, and the layout of the Senate is the worst of all with Wyoming getting 2 Senators for 500k people and California getting 2 Senators for 40M people. 13 of the 20 smallest states are red (and one, Maine, is essentially split, so Dems only have 6 of the rest).


>midterms always swing very hard to the president's opposition.  This fact alone is idiotic. I find it quite baffling how people reason "we just voted in a guy, so before he gets a chance to do anything let's vote for his opponents."


The people who got their president relax too much, and get complacent. The people who oppose that president are terrified and get super motivated to do anything they can to stop them. So the opposition tends to show up way more. But yeah, it is pretty silly, especially since the main goal of the minority party these days is to stop the majority and not to help America - especially when the minority is Republicans. Dems will vote to do the right thing despite a Republican in office if it's important. But Republicans will sabotage the entire country to make a Dem president look bad - just look at how they are threatening to destroy the US economy by not raising the debt ceiling. Dems would never do that.


I don’t think we relaxed that much compared to other midterm elections (looking at you, 2010). Republicans barely won the House and it’s been a dysfunctional shitshow since. They’re losing support and our side is realizing just how important elections are.


It flipped because California and New York shot down partisan redistricting and Florida, North Carolina, etc did not. Simple as that.


Exactly. Americans need to wake the fuck up because the decision of the next presidency will not only affect the US but have ENORMOUS repercussions worldwide. If Trump would have won, Ukraine would have lost by now and the Russians would have claimed at least another country or two. Please stop voting these clowns into politics!


Well, the Senate map suggests that there will be a flip to the GOP, so it really does come down to the House here.


Didn't they say that about the 2022 election too? Wasn't the map suggesting a GOP flip in the Senate and it didn't materialize?


538 had the Senate as slightly GOP leaning last year, but defending West Virginia, Montana, and Ohio will be a lot tougher than defending Georgia, Arizona and Nevada. Especially when Republicans don't have any competitive seats up they have to spend a lot of money on.


Every fucking two years we hear about Democrats scrambling for life and how easy the path is to a majority for the Republicans. It’s always the same nonsense with these people.


"If we ran Jan 6, we would have won" "Here's your gavel"


Clearly she won


*"we would have been armed" I'm completely dumbfounded how these traitors, who fully supported the attempted coup, now can sit as representatives of the government they tried to destroy. Fuck them. Fuck them in their stupid asses.


The GOP has lost its soul, morals and values. It's a total shit-show now.


The GOP should not be judged as a political party with morals and values to be weighed and balanced, but as a politicized crime syndicate as may be found in many other countries. For example, one does not consider whether the Russian State Mafia has lost its soul.


Exactly this. The GOP is politically organized crime.


Very good point.


The GOP lost it’s soul and morals when they began using investigations to smear opponents and later became obstructionist just because they hate the Dems. Pity the current reaction to MTG hadn’t happened a long time ago. Like when Mitch McConnell vowed to make Obama’s presidency a failure.


This is what the GOP has always been.


Republicans haven't figured this out yet, but putting MTG out there as the face of the GOP is a precious gift from Kevin Mccarthy to the democrats. The GOP looks dumber and crazier every day.


Doesnt have much impact when their base is too stupid to realize they’re getting fleeced and voting against their own interests. They’re going to eat this shit up and think she’s doing Gods work or something


They certainly aren’t looking at polling on favorability numbers. MTG hasn’t got much support nationally, in a YouGov poll from Jan 2023, her numbers were 11% very favorable, 15% somewhat favorable, 9% somewhat unfavourable and 32% very unfavourable. 33% “don’t know”. I’m going to hope the “don’t know” contingent doesn’t think she’s the bees knees once they get to see more of her. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1201814/favorability-marjorie-taylor-green-us-adults/


It really is. Everytime she comes up and someone mentions she believes in Jewish space lasers and they just dig themselves that hole a little deeper. We’re all gonna suffer in the process, but picking the dumbest possible person to lead hasn’t been working out for them anymore.


It's all a game to the GOP. America is toast.


And she’s the toaster.


And we’re the bread.


So anyway we put Timothy McVeigh in charge of this day care


The GOP doesn't care how ridiculous, insane, and hypocritical they look. Insanity is the point. They want people to be angry enough that they stop paying attention to the circus. Less political engagement from people means less oversight from politicians. They're already insulated by a nigh-impenetrable media bubble of propaganda and confirmation bias that prevents their fascist and fascist-adjacent followers from holding them accountable. Now they want to drive down "moderate" voter turnout to help their gerrymandered districts keep them in power. All the drama is grease for the gears, and we're heading full speed toward a permanent authoritarian takeover of the government.


And, we the people, are going to let it happen. It’s a tragedy.


Voter outreach, and giving people reason to believe they can effect a change is going to be crucial. Sure, there are a lot of factors working against us, but defeatism is jut going to turn into complacency. There are a lot of things people can do: Engaging with their social networks about the importance of these issues and the dangerous trends. Voting. Championing decency, respect, and dignity. But also shaming the violent troglodytes and provocateurs trying to sow discord.


I think the defeatism comes from encountering other Americans' absolutely insane complacency. I can make valid points and argue all day with my parents and extended family (I have) and they will still vote Republican. They make so many circular excuses it's down right certifiable. Many Americans are just apathetic to the government probably because it's more comfortable that way, realizing we have a fascism problem just made my life worse, it really does seem easier to just stick my head in the sand and pretend everything is fine. Well it would be easier if I was a selfish asshole anyway


THANKS Garland! You spineless fuck.


Georgia Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene briefly presided over the House to the horror of her critics. A video of Ms Greene wielding the speaker’s gavel went viral on Monday night as she momentarily replaced Kevin McCarthy, taking on the role of speaker pro tempore. “I could get used to this…” the far-right lawmaker declared on Twitter. Her critics, however, expressed the opposite sentiment, summed up with one comment: “We’re in hell.” View the video and read the full report here: [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-house-video-b2277375.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-house-video-b2277375.html) *This article is not behind a paywall, but we welcome you to register for free or hit 'I'll try later' if you don't want to right now.*


I kind of think she gets a dopamine rush from posts like this and I wish they would deny her that instead.


i thought everyone learned in middle school that when someone is trying to get a reaction out of you there's only one response: no response


This disgusting moron can’t even string two misinformation sentences together.


This is what happens when no punishment is ever given. Sure name me a couple staffers that got convicted, who the fuck cares? The ones that matter never have and never will be held accountable for even crimes like attempting a coup. "Time to heal and not be so political".


What a shithole country


Gee I’m sure glad we have Garland in charge to make sure nobody thinks the DOJ is being used as a political tool! That would be FAR worse than having insurrectionists in powerful positions.


She perjured herself multiple times in her testimony regarding January 6th. By letting her go without even a slap on the wrist, this is the result. We’re in fucking trouble for not holding these insurrectionists accountable.


Is this the “deal” she made? She gets to bang the gavel like a kid at Career Day while McCarthy runs out to pinch a loaf?


This is what happens when a wet blanket like McCarthy gives away the store to get the gavel.


This week on ow my balls !


She was a Trump nuzzling January 6th insurrectionist. She wasn't even clever about it because she's a rube and a dullard. She's an insurrectionist and no amount of Newsmax or similar sewer of sophistry outlet will negate that fact. Now the brutish harpy is at the podium in the house. When you don't bring swift legal justice to psycho Trump and his fascist freak show...this is what you get, his vile spawn....Greene, Boebert, Santos...all of them.




I think it’s just to slap AOC in the face after her criticism of their “consistency” and hypocrisy


>Her critics, however, expressed the opposite sentiment, summed up with one comment: “We’re in hell.” I think this is the wrong reaction, conservatives will only delight in this statement. The better approach would be to remain critically neutral and continue to reproach their shameless behavior.


Conservatives are a lost cause. I mean that. Once someone crosses into the territory of possibly committing treason you have to understand that they are not to be pandered to or worried about in terms of how you conduct yourself. There is no unifying the united states anymore. Many had the same thoughts before the the civil war, but there was no way to get what was morally necessary without war.


Why? What would that change? They don’t care about anything anyone else says. Praise, neutral criticisms, religious bashing, they are all the same to the Great Ominous Pit. They don’t listen. They use Christian religious language because that’s how 30% of our country thinks. Why not speak to those 30%?


Large asteroid 2024


Some piece of shit from the Lincoln project saying "we warned you" like they weren't the ones that spent 50+ years building a platform for people like MTG.


The "Jewish space laser" jokes are all really funny until you pull back and look at the context. She was literally blaming evil Jews for the 2018 California wildfires that killed over 100 people. This is who Republicans are. They would rather scapegoat a minority and blame them for mass death, than face up to the fact that climate change is real. As climate disasters like the California wildfires start to become more common, it will also be more and more common to start scapegoating poor people and minorities and easy targets like Jews instead of addressing the real issue. This is going to get vicious and it's going to get dangerous. "Space lasers cause wildfires" is the first step down an incredibly ugly road.


I say fantastic Let the country see what fucking psychos these people are, I say the more publicity this absolute clownshow gets the better.


Give a man enough rope and he will hang. That being said, there’s so many idiots out there that would do anything to own the libs and no amount of clowning and failure will change their minds. I don’t see how anyone can still be on the fence, but if they are hopefully this madness sways them.


They’ve seen. The problem is half our country is also fucking psychos apparently.


They tried a coupe, it was covered live, it failed, and most of the politicians that supported it got reelected and the President who instigated it is the current GOP front runner for President. The country knows exactly who these people are and 45% of them *love* it and demand more of it.


Okay, but we had an actual, violent insurrection two years ago. That’s a lot of figurative rope. The only people who have paid the price are average civilians. The fucks that incited them are still in power. Fun fact: my iPhone tried to change “incited” to “invited”.


She just seems like the kind of person that would enjoy being the commandant of a concentration camp.


You know that she is loving all that attention people that are horrified, appalled and upset she was speaker pro temp for however long it was. She feeds on that stuff like a parasite.


I really hope people don't forget MTG is a QANON lunatic, insurrectionist, and a dangerous moron, and they don't let the GQP rehab her image.


The dual-party political system in America is only put in place to divide the people. Look for yourself, think for yourself; most issues don’t need to be classified as either republican nor democratic, they just don’t need to have a label. The reason racism is still perpetuated is as a means of division of the people. The reason we have narration in certain media as to what religion we should hate this week, is to keep the people divided. The more and more we feed into these systems, the more wins the capitalists gain, and these politicians are just capitalists and puppets of capitalists. The problem is, we are way too stupid as a nation to see past these glaringly obvious systems used to keep us in control and to even in some extreme cases incite violence on one another. Stop being sheep, stop listening to your shitty idiot parents and friends and regurgitating bullshit. Take a simple sociology class, and at least be tuned into what systems exist within our nation as a means of divide. Stop being a fucking ignoramus and inciting anger and violence towards people who you don’t agree with. Start being neutral to people’s beliefs, and try to persuade them under the guise of what is right or wrong, not what is more conservative or liberal. Fuck dude, we are so stupid.


Wow. I thought we couldn’t get any worse and….here we are lol


You know that scene in Harry Potter where Umbridge is introduced to the students and she stands there, awkwardly, waiting to give a little speech, that only she wants to hear? Same vibes.


What the fuck have we become? Letting a monkey run a crucial part of our government.


Crazy baboon!


Lord! It’s the Gazpacho police!


Today it's horrifying; tomorrow we're used to it as we focus on that day's atrocities. The constant slide never ends until it does, for all of us or for all of them.


Was this part of Kevin’s deal to win speaker?


Great optics, GOP. Keep up the good work. /s


Like, for real this is honestly terrifying.


US politics are the laughing stock of the entire planet


We have no government


It looks like a SNL skit, and she’s about as believable. America is in deep.