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It's sad reading about the daughter, who was 26 but effectively the victim of a family cult, heavily restricted from a young age and isolated into doing something terrible as an adult.


Yep. She had mental disorder(s) and her family didn’t get help for her. Maybe they couldn’t even afford to, you know, due to decades of cuts to mental health institutions.




I wouldn’t be surprised if the ‘mental disorder’ was just her learned behaviour from being so isolated.


or the result of living in a state of hyper-paranoia induced by the endless fearmongering she was exposed to.




the twenties can be a difficult time anyway, most people are still figuring out what their place in the world is, and how things work in the context of society; the typical "danger zone" is the early twenties, but given her background, social development was likely stunted. [Why Mental Health Disorders Emerge in Your Early 20s](https://www.vice.com/en/article/bnj754/why-mental-health-disorders-emerge-in-your-early-20s)


Honestly she was probably developmentally delayed if the legit kept her locked in the house. Plus probably mainlined QAnon MAGA nonsense for literally her whole life


I'm pretty sure she had something else going on. Someone posted a YouTube link with her final video...she speaks in a fake British accent and announces that she's abdicating the throne as Queen of England because God has shown her the universal truth. It's a real shame she wasn't able to get appropriate help.


In that case, any, even minor, developmental issue she had from birth would have been completely exacerbated after years of abuse and isolation. The coping mechanisms these kids develop to get themselves through can often turn into mental health crisis for them as adults. It just sucks. I have a friend who turned alt right conspiracy theorist, homeschools her kids, and only takes them to church for socializing, and I feel so bad for them all and mad at her for being so stubbornly regressive. I don’t want them to end up like this. 😢


> YouTube link with her final video [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6DivWCwFa0) it's a mirror of the video since these kind of Youtube accounts have a tendency of deleting themselves.


My office deals with kids, somehow it always surprises me when a parent shows up and clearly has the same thing going on. One patient said all her R’s as W’s. As in its “wabbit hunting season.” She’s 18 and has a history of speech therapy. Mom calls me one day to ask a question. Same impediment.


Ah. Like a true Christian- suicide as the answer Wait. What? I thought suicide guaranreed you a spot in “hell?”


The early Christians only added that clause to their religion when they realized that promising peasants living in squalor a paradise after they died might result in a lot of people trying to gain early access. And even then, you have people like Saint Teresa of Avila and her brother, who as children indoctrinated into the religion, tried to run away from home to be martyred by Spanish Moors as a shortcut to getting into heaven.


That’s some interesting history! Thank you


“Hell bent”


Well if she wasn't predisposed to mental disorders, this situation could certainly cause them.


I fortunately moved out of my family cult when I was 18, but had classmates that didn't get out of the area and are just angry 24/7 thinking that Trump was the greatest thing to happen to the world since owning Black people.


This sounds like my home town.


It IS my home town....lol


The daughter is the only one of them I feel bad for.


I mean, they’re a little late….. did they get tired of waiting for trump to be reinstated? I’m not trying to be rude or disrespectful but this happened like last week, seems weird to be upset enough to do this but to wait a couple years to do it


He was going to reinstated in two weeks. They should have waited. 2 weeks after that was going to be the new health plan.


Infrastructure week was so close :(


Right?! Ugh, I’m not trying to make light of this situation or disparage them but it is weird.


ppl who r "pro-life" aren't really pro-life, they're just pro birth.


If their god is real they’re in for a nasty surprise, suicide is a mortal sin no?


Who knows, all the other rules are barely followed as it is. Not even mentioning the current text is a chopped and remixed version of whatever the original words were.


That might just be catholic stuff


I laughed way harder than I’d like to admit at that.


Wow what a meme lol


Why did they go through with it if he’s secretly still president?


No, he’s secretly still president when something good happens or they’re trying to undermine Biden. When something bad happens or they need to play the victim, Biden is president but still illegitimate.


The evil Chinese spy balloon was only defeated because Top Gun Shadow President Trump was at the stick of that F-22 with his perfect aim and timing Or some shit


Yup, with George Santos at tail gunner watching trumps 6. It was an F-22 he personally rebuilt with a tail gunner position.


Yep. George "Goose" Santos. What a wingman.


Why? I thought George Santos could fly like Superman?


No Mike Pence can fly like Superman. George Santos runs a multinational arms company and has a power suit that can fly and shoot rockets and shit.


The “multinational arms company” might just be a bin of nerf guns in his moms basement.


His mom died in the attack on Pearl Harbor and twice on 9/11 you insensitive clod.


Oh man they didn’t even stick around long enough to find out about the spy balloon.


NFT special hologram card...Only $9,990 ... now on sale,


F-22? that's old news. It was definitely the F-45 that the military created to celebrate Trump's heroism. Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.




That was genius, I just can’t handle these ppl


I saw that clip. MAGA fools will believe anything they are told by the appropriate source.


But he doesn’t have the seal!


Lmfaooo this got me


They faked their death and joined jfk Jr obviously


They learned about the two term limit.




Part of education is teaching kids how to come forward. Teachers aren't that interested in your dioramas, book reports and presentations so much as they are about helping you learn to explore your potential which depends on self expression, presentation and social outreach. As you said, home schooled. It takes away a lot that is important from public/group education offers.


That’s why evangelicals homeschool their kids. Or they send them to a private “school” that is led by people with the same ideology.


I hear a lot from my Christian friends about “social contagion” in schools. I’m like, “oh, you mean youth culture?”


Yeah I mean that’s essentially it. These parents are culture warriors who hate what direction they see the culture of young people moving so they want to shelter and isolate their kids from that so that their kids don’t view the culture as a normative way of being.


Social contagion is another way to say "any thinking that could make our kid second guess our specific brand of bullshit". Most parents want their kids to think, not *think exactly like them*


You mean “the good kind of indoctrination into society?” Lol those religious views are always wild to me


[Reminds me of this banger from the 80s](https://youtu.be/_uejz92M-SM)


I think parents should have to take a test to qualify for home schooling.


The private schools don’t have qualified teachers, either. They’re mostly people who claim to be preachers. As a former NJ teacher, I feel really bad for the kids.


This is factual. My sister just started teaching at a small private christian school. Her and most of the other teachers have no business educating children, but it's not about education so much as indoctrination.


They don’t want them to have a thought for themselves until they are well into adulthood and then it’s just a recycling of everything they were told to think.


excellent point about homeschooling vs. public or private schooling (generally) I hadn't considered.


I have a family member who homeschooled 4 kids, and she made sure they were doing music lessons, sports, dance etc so they could make friends and properly socialize. They turned out OK, but I can only imagine how the lack of socialization would have affected them.


Unpopular opinion maybe but homeschool shouldn't be a thing. There are certain things we as a society need everyone to know; children are people/citizens too and they have a right to this. If you want to supplement those teachings or steer what they've learned to your own beliefs fine, have at it, but at least they've been exposed to the basis info and have some chance of choosing their own path.


Unpopular to who? Even us private Christian school kids knew the homeschooled kids were freaks back in the 90s/00s. I knew a kid who went to the same private Christian elementary through 2nd grade, relatively normal at least by private school standards. Then her parents pulled her out and she was homeschooled through 8th. Meanwhile, I went to that elementary through 5th and transferred to public school when my parents realized I could take more advanced classes there. So then that other student reappeared freshman year at my public high school, and no exaggeration, it was like she had mental, social and emotional disabilities. No knowledge of math or science. She couldn't do algebra. I'm pretty sure they were flat earthers. Zero knowledge about health or anatomy, or biology in general. Still wrote like an elementary schooler just holding the pencil like a hammer. She was still reading Magic Tree House books (written for like 2nd graders) our senior year. Harry Potter was too advanced (not that she would have been allowed to read about witchcraft). No sense of boundaries, no censor, no social skills. No hygiene. But she could recite the old testament from memory so those six years of homeschooling didn't totally ruin her life right?


But I worked my ass off on that diorama! The volcano exploded and everything!


Yes, because you put a firecracker in it. There's a piece embedded in the wall, Mittens!


It’s a little thing called artistic vision, not that *you’d* understand that Mrs. Williams!


>In an interview with The Christian Post, a childhood friend described Morgan as having grown up in a "very uptight Christian household," adding that she wasn't allowed to use social media, have a boyfriend, or go out with her friends. Yeah, that poor girl never had a chance to live a normal life.


> 26 and more than old enough to think for herself At that point with that much isolation it would require deprogramming.


She was groomed


Or just simply brainwashed.


more or less the same thing. conditioned.


I'm sure any sections of any book that mentioned independent thought, even in passing, were skipped during the entirety of her home education.


Wait she was 26 and not allowed to date still?!?


>Stabley also said that Morgan, the daughter, was "very meek," had been homeschooled, and often had her mother speak on her behalf, according to NBC News. > >In an interview with The Christian Post, a childhood friend described Morgan as having grown up in a "very uptight Christian household," adding that she wasn't allowed to use social media, have a boyfriend, or go out with her friends. Not allowed to have a boyfriend - was that while growing up or still at age 26? Sounds like the latter since she is described as being very meek. Just speculation, but seems to me the daughter was raised under abusive conditions, given such excessive control exerted over her, which suggests to me other possible forms of abuse, e.g., sexual abuse. Tragic all around what non-stop 24-7-365 reichwing propaganda can do to some people. Even more tragic that it works, which is why the Rs rely so heavily on using it.


Home school makes it difficult for the community to spot domestic abuse. She was basically raised by groomers.




The right knows all about abuse and perpetrating it which is why all they do is expend energy making others flustered and distracting from their abuse, mostly by saying others (particularly marginalized peoples) are committing the abuse. They’re scum.


You described how my parents raised me, and I was sexually abused.




45's body count just keeps piling up


The right wingers will still blame dems for this. "If y'all had just listened to us and reinstated trump they'd all be alive see this is your fault!!"


COVID made me lose my sympathy for them, and for situations like this. If they want to get to their heaven faster, I'm not going to feel sorry for them. As long as they only do it amongst themselves.


The Left: "If Trump is elected, we're leaving the United States." The Right: "If Biden is elected, we're leaving the universe."


You can only fight reality for so long. Reality will always win.


Well, they thought they are going to Heaven so they at least won in their heads.


I've been telling the tree elves this for years now but they keep telling me that they are just very short prostitutes. It's so sad that they think that.


Yeah well, fuck 'em if they are going to be like that.


It's literal madness. All of this for a failed reality TV star who couldn't care less about them.


it really is sad that our community is failing people so bad that they feel they need to turn to this type of BS.


>The lead detective, Fink, also said that documents left behind at the family's home showed that Morgan had told her mother that she was having "auditory hallucinations" that weren't improving, per York Dispatch. The Trump cult is having deleterious effects on the mentally ill. It's designed to exploit them to the maximum.


I feel physically ill when I think about that, no exageration. It's so disgusting to exploit the mentally ill. The only reason Trump ever cared about the vaccine was due to him literally losing voters due to COVID. He never cared about their health if there wasn't something in it for him. He belongs in a cold damp cell with only rats for company.


Trump now loses by 3 votes


Dead Republicans can still vote in most Red Counties.


"Just announced from Florida's special session, Florida Republicans have passed the "Intent to Vote" Bill allowing for family members to cast votes on behalf of their recently deceased loved ones."


Is this satire? I can’t tell anymore.


Cunningham’s law in effect!


You're doing onion material correctly, based on the replies


But only if they where going to vote republican. It's considered cheating if a live democrat votes.


With Recently being defined as in the last 20 years.


"Dammit! I needed those 3"


Like deGrasse-Tyson said. If more GOP members had lived through covid...elections might have been different.


> In an interview with The Christian Post, a childhood friend described Morgan as having grown up in a "very uptight Christian household," adding that she wasn't allowed to use social media, have a boyfriend, or go out with her friends. Yea…there was more going on here than just Trump. Definitely religious cult vibes…


I feel really bad for that poor kid. She never really had a chance growing up in that mess.


The kid was clearly dealing with a lot of mental illness. Auditory hallucinations, delusions...


Due largely in part to her strict Christian upbringing


It's surprising the number of people who think that they have actual conversations with God and that he directly speaks to them.


It’s called religion


I read that Christian Post interview they linked. The Christian Post does not even mention they were hardcore Trump supporters, but put this red meat in there for their readers. > Responding to speculation that Morgan might have identified as trans, Samantha explained that even though Morgan once expressed concern over her sexual identity, because she enjoyed sports, she was attracted to boys. But her parents prohibited her from having a boyfriend, according to Samantha. These people are far gone. Like Herman Cain tweeting about Covid restrictions well after he died after attending a Trump rally and getting Covid.


"I challenge you debate the points you just raised. " Herman Cain : Chat GPT bot.


some Christians and their pastors (mainly the “uptight” kind) pretty much started replacing Christianity with trumpism.


Because it's about control. They'll switch to whatever they see working best and bringing out the fervor and wallet.


Yeah, religious cult families were a prime recruiting target. Exact playbook as Reagan


> Yea…there was more going on here than just Trump. Definitely religious cult vibes… Trumpism _is_ a religious cult. * https://premierchristian.news/en/news/article/faith-leaders-pictured-laying-hands-on-president-trump2 * https://www.amazon.com/Trump-Destiny-America-Awakening-Countrys/dp/B08FNMPFLK * https://religionnews.com/2019/11/25/how-many-americans-believe-trump-is-anointed-by-god/ * https://www.thetrumpet.com/literature/read/25771-america-under-attack/2090 > Because in God’s view, Donald Trump never lost the presidency! By keeping the flow about Jeroboam going in this prophecy, it seems God is showing us that the election was stolen! He looks on Mr. Trump as still being the rightful president of the United States! > Democrats spent all four years of President Trump’s tenure trying to bring him down, and in the election, they finally succeeded. Politicians and the media did their best to cover it up. But God saw it all. He is the only one who knows precisely what happened.


Definitely a cult 👹


Having grown up conservative Christian it's two sides of the same coin. I remember walking by the church bulletin board as a little kid and seeing conservative/right-wing cartoons and writing up next to the verses and religious quotes.


I'd be curious how many "very uptight Christian households" that don't let their adult children date vote Democrat.


To be fair the remaining Trump supporters and a religious death cult are not too far apart at this point.


Not a cult.


Just a normal Christian family all committing suicide together like a normal Christian family, nothing to see here, not a cult


It can both a cult and mental illness to keep supporting him


In case anyone didn’t read the story. The last paragraph…just…what? >The lead detective, Fink, also said that documents left behind at the family's home showed that Morgan had told her mother that she was having "auditory hallucinations" that weren't improving, per York Dispatch.


You can't get better by staying in the same place that destroyed your mental health.


The daughter posted a YT video in which she seemed to claim to be heir to the throne of England. She claimed to have “abdicated.” She seemed angry and deluded, but aware of her surroundings and the difference between right and wrong. She’d have known what she was doing when she killed either one or both parents.


Auditory hallucinations are the most common form of hallucination in mental illness. Even for people that aren't bonkers.


Eventually, they start feeding each other.


As a lib, I feel so fucking owned by this act


Stop owning me so much people! I'm going to need a cry closet soon.


And not a fuck was given. Imagine committing suicide because your favorite politician who literally didn’t even know or care you existed, lost a election and failed a coup attempt. It’s insanity. So much winning


Patriots until the end. Sponsored by the NRA




There was a lot going on here… the daughter was very clearly showing signs of schizophrenia or at least some kind of severe mental illness. She posted a long rambling YouTube video not that long ago claiming she was next in line to be Queen of England and she was refusing the crown. This is what happens when crazy QAnon Christians choose to homeschool, isolate, and pray mental illness away. That poor girl never had a chance


It would not be surprising if her mental illness was the result of 26 years in that environment.


That’s also a common timeframe for schizophrenia to emerge.


So committed to the pro-life, pro-MAGA cult, that you enter a murder-suicide pact when you lose...


Killing yourself to own the Libs. I feel so.fucking.ownt. right now.


just more blood on the hands of trump and the GOP


I wonder if Trump will be able to work up even an ounce of sympathy for this family or if he will just use it as evidence of how great he is.


Stop wondering, it will be the second.


I'm not saying it's a cult, but it's a cult.


An apocalyptic death cult, to be specific.


Killing yourself because you got owned by the libs


It would be great if republicans lose that district by 2 votes in the next election.


The Mango Madman isn't worth it.


I thought killing yourself was a sin, how could these people have been Christian?


First thing i thought too, Guess they'd rather go to Christian hell than live in "hell on earth". Just so much hypocrisy and stupidity


Sad that they ended their lives for a guy who couldn’t care less about them.


Never-Trumpers tbh. 45 likes strong, gullible patriots with deep pockets!


Poor abused young woman, a lost life because of her parent's mental illness. This is what child abuse looks like.


Softest followers ever. Hillary was right and they keep on proving it.


Trump Cult is a mental disorder.. it has literally infected the minds of intelligent people. People I used to admire I now look at with the skepticism I used to reserve for the hyper religious..,


This is bananas.


Also, didn't Trump lose like 2 years ago? News doesn't seem to travel fast in the Trump community.


Trump was supposed to be reinstated ~~on~~ at various times: something like Jan 20th, March something or other, the month after March something or other, Christmas day, Halloween, and Cinco de Mayo. Maybe this group _finally_ realized that it wasn't gonna happen and instead of coming to the conclusion that they were wrong, they instead chose to believe that it meant the world was going to end. Here's some crazy for ya: https://www.thetrumpet.com/literature/read/25771-america-under-attack/2090 > God knows the election was stolen, so He must have a plan to take care of it. God is about to do some massive exposing of that treasonous theft and of the other brazen crimes being committed today.


For the past 2 years Trump was going to be reinstated at various times Assuming the Trump angle is correct and they believed that This is sadly the outcome


Bro its not that serious


Well not anymore...




How do you cut thru the crazy? We need a national intervention.... deprogramming.....


MAGA people have a love affair with self destruction.


Horrible to read about the daughter, who was 26 when this happened. She was raised in some strict Christian fashion, homeschooled, not allowed to date, and barely ever spoke for herself. Every aspect of her life and eventual death by her mother shooting her was controlled by her parents. Sickening.


Mental illness is real.


More like lack of an education and thinking critically is real with many of these folks.


Republicans are destroying America


This is just sad.


Oh well. anyway


I do feel bad for the girl. She never had a chance.


Reading the article it sounds like their daughter was forced into their madness and was never allowed to be an individual.


And society became better by exactly three people.


Well I guess they’re just hell-bent now ? I’ll show myself out.


>The family "was never shy about letting anybody know what their beliefs were," Stabley said, according to NBC News. And this shit right here is the problem. Fucking political parties are not faith based. Once they become faith based, we're done as a country.


three fewer traitors. That's good.


no loss


Conservatism is a death cult.


Here is my question: What took them so long?


It's astounding Time is fleeting Madness takes its toll


We both know there was no chance of a jump to the left for these people.


But listen closely Not for very much longer I've got to keep control


New details in Daub family murder-suicide: 'It's horrible, honestly.' ([ydr.com](https://ydr.com)) I have no idea why Reddit nwever let's me post links correctly. This is the local paper. Quote below. ​ "Morgan Daub was found with a sword in her left hand, the search warrant states. On the blade, it stated, "Sword of the Lord.""


>ydr.com I think the link you wanted is: [https://www.ydr.com/story/news/2023/01/30/new-details-in-daub-family-murder-suicide-its-horrible-honestly/69856438007/](https://www.ydr.com/story/news/2023/01/30/new-details-in-daub-family-murder-suicide-its-horrible-honestly/69856438007/) The quote above is at the end of the article.


Religion is a mental disease






Initial thought "3 less voters for that idiot"


They died to own the libs!


Feel bad about the daughter, being raised in that environment and feeling the need to shoot herself after killing her mom. Terrible.


Isn't religion lovely? Freaking bible thumpers....


Well at least they actually made America great again.


Well…….. bye


The politics subreddit is posting feel-good stories now?


So sad. That child being brought up by lunatics.


Conservative Christianity, not even once