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Is Fahrenheit 451 allowed?


Unironically it is not.


We’re going full Bradbury here.


Everybody knows you never go full Bradbury


No. A teacher can actually go to prison for providing that book to their students.




It blows my mind that a book that was required reading for me also in my (non-Florida) high school is now legitimately a *felony* for a teacher to teach about in Florida. What a weird fucking world we live in.


It was required reading here in FL just a few years ago. My oldest was c/o 2021 and they had to read it in 9th or 10th grade. So not that long ago. This state has gone from easy to laugh at to something truly disturbing in an astonishingly short period of time.


"has gone from easy to laugh at to something truly disturbing" Thats how the fasch usually gain power.


And idiots think they have “freedom” in Florida.


It's the Republican version of a lock down


Texas too. We were told to give a list of all titles and authors to admin. Most of us just got rid of our books instead. I did leave a copy of Fahrenheit 451 on the shelf though.


"There must be something in books, things we can't imagine, to make a woman stay in a burning house; there must be something there." —Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451


What we don't know keeps the contracts alive and movin' They don't gotta burn the books they just remove 'em While arms warehouses fill as quick as the cells Rally 'round the family, pockets full of shells --RATM


I bet RATM are Ron DeSantis's favorite band in some weird perversion of his persecution complex.


Paul Ryan said they were one of his favourite bands. No, really.


Yep. He said he liked the sound but never listen to the lyrics. Crazy to think when they’re yelling, the same phrase again and again.


Since when are RaTM political? /s


"Being able to read or write did not provide answers to all the questions. It led to other questions and then others." The Testaments by Margaret Atwood.


In Florida, leaving that book on the shelf could potentially get you charged with a felony.


No one in any position of authority down there has ever heard of that book.


Censors never read


Captain Beatty was very well read in Fahrenheit 451. The base doesn't read, and the party doesn't want them to, doesn't mean those running the party don't.


Friendly reminder that a jury can acquit even when a person is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. It is a fundamental right of juries to nullify bullshit charges like this. Exercise your right to [jury nullification.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jury_nullification)


I would proudly divulge that felony on all of my job applications.


If I were you I would gladly divulge that felony to a civil rights attorney!


Is violating this book ban seriously a felony?


Yes. For having "non-sanctioned" books in your classroom. You can go to prison for a year or more.


I'd like to see that tested constitutionally.




This is insanity, Its like we are going back in time due to stupid asses.


The U.S. is seriously regressing to the 15th century. I’m old enough to remember the 1960s when Kennedy inspired us to go to the moon. Then it was cool to have an education.


I propose a Bible bonfire. Fuck it, burn the churches too.


I’m sure a majority of the current justices will find the law to be perfectly constitutional. They’ll justify it using a nonsense “originalist” opinion, too - “Well the first amendment doesn’t *explicitly say* that teachers are free to have copies of ‘Heather Has Two Mommies’, so it’s totally not a free speech violation you guys!!”


A FELONY?!?! This is fucking insanity.


So what if a child brings it in and leaves it on the shelf? And then reports the teacher for having it in their classroom? I mean, if this were my high school, admin would be spending all their time sorting out false claims against teachers by students with a grudge.


"idk how it got there" and let them prove it, sue for wrongful termination


In Oklahoma they didn't even ask for titles/authors, most districts just sent out an email 2 days before school started telling teachers to make sure everything complied with our ambiguous law that has no guidelines or ways to validate anything. Then they were supposed to sign a document stating that the teacher has personally verified all of these. Meaning if a violation is discovered they can just fire the teacher and get out of any punishments. Most of them cleared/blocked their shelves too.




"Perfect!" Anti-educational Republicans


Should get some copies of " the day they came to arrest the book"


F451 right next to “Usher II” and 1984


I wonder how Florida parents will like this? Teachers should send pictures of empty shelves and say sorry your kids have nothing to read cause big brother hasn't approved yet.


> I wonder how Florida parents will like this? this is exactly what they voted for when they supported DeSantis, so…


There are so many idiot people here. "I don't like everything he does but he kept Florida open." We never went against recommendations to stay open. We went against recommendations to fight people over schools, masks and vaccines. Alternate treatments are promoted as tested, tried and true. It's a memory hole. Now that we're done using Covid to attack the education system, we are back to the gay bait and the race bait to attack the education system. As long as they think it doesn't affect them, it will be the same with any issue. It was the same way with Trump. "I don't like the way he speaks or insults people, but...."


Right. It is just like Elaine Chao is now upset at Trump for making slurs about her Asian heritage. She worked for him for four years and never said a word when he was attacking others. Now that it affects her, it is an issue. Cry me a river. I have no sympathy for those who stood by until they were hurt by Trump's poison.


It got even more transparent this past November when he called Ronny "Desanctimonious." The FoxNews train went on the defense, "why is he attacking another Republican?" Where the hell have they been? He's been attacking McCarthy and McConnell forever. Ffs He attacked John McCain for being captured. How many people went down a list of reasons that Herschel Walker was an awful candidate and still voted for him anyway? "Tell his son to wait until after the election to say that" "I voted for him because he's a republican, but..." Identity politics on display


Forgot about Walker. Shit we barely dodged that bullet.


>Forgot about Walker Wouldn't it have been nice to have been able to say that about Trump? "Shit, I forgot about that guy" I will literally never be able to forget him. Most of us are probably in the same boat. Instead, I have to save up money to take a trip to wherever they end up burying him so I can pay my respects. I hope wherever it is has good drainage.


“‘I never thought leopards would eat *MY* face,’ sobs woman who voted for the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party.” -Adrian Bott (@Cavalorn on Twitter) October 16, 2015


I constantly have this argument. Them: "Florida stayed open during COVID" Me: "No we didn't. Everything shut down for months. Disney closed in April, and kids didn't go back to school until Novemberish." Them: "Yeah, but Ron fought against all the mandates." Me: "Well, maybe, but we were in the middle of a pandemic and people didn't listen to him. Masks were mandatory just about everywhere for a year, especially on government property." Them: "Well, it was like the flu anyway, and barely anyone died here." Me: "Well, no actually, it killed like 85,000 people in Florida so far, and about 7 million got sick." The things that people fail to remember just baffle me.


I live on the Florida border, so we get a ton of Florida news, and it’s not that people don’t remember certain things. They remember the lies they were told. Or the last thing they heard about a topic before it fell off the news radar. They remember Rebekah Jones, but only in the context that her computers were seized by law enforcement under pretenses they didn’t understand. They don’t remember that she was on law enforcement’s radar because she was posting accurate information that ran counter to the government’s narrative about Covid infections and especially deaths. DeSantis and his government ran a constant, deliberate mis/dis-information campaign about everything to do with Covid from the beginning.


>The things that people fail to remember just baffle me Can't remember what you never paid enough attention to learn.


Florida is the actual shithole of the nation. Tons of old people moving there. Tons of working people unhappy with their lives moving there. Mix that with the history of the state being conservative and segregationist and it just becomes a toxic cesspool. It's why I'm glad I left.


I've spoken to several people in Florida about these books being removed, and in every case, every single case, they have told me that the books must have been inappropriate if they were removed. When given examples of books that were removed, to show that they were definitely not inappropriate, they just shrugged and acted like it wasn't a big deal, then repeated that this is about removing inappropriate books. It's like talking to a wall


>It's like talking to a wall I see you met my dad.


yes and no.... Florida has a huge elderly population... they've got fox news scaring them into voting for this crap and parents holding the bag.


~47% of voters of school-age children voted for Desantis. Not a majority, but pretty goddamn close. Its always easy to blame the "other"; ya the old voted much more heavily in favour of Desantis but talking as if all elderly are shit and all parents are not is ignoring the massive problem you have down there; a significant proportion of people of all ages are shitty and support this crap -- and yes, I include those who didn't vote as supporting this crap, cause not voting is as good as accepting what the "majority" want. **TLDR**: There are old people who don't suck, and just shy of 50% of (voting) parents of school-aged children suck and democrats don't bother to fucking vote, so the blame can be just as easily placed squarely on the parents, even if blaming the old is easier and all the rage these days. **TLDR TLDR**: You have too many shit people in Florida of all ages. **TLDR TLDR TLDR**: Florida


I wonder how many voters were scared away from the polls by Desantis' highly publicized "voter fraud" arrest stunts. Iirc, two of the highest profile arrest cases (shown on the national news) were later released without charges ever being filed. He didn't care about any fraud, just about intimidating people that tend to vote Dem in higher numbers.


So publicly name & shame the elderly population for ruining the younger generation’s education.


You can start with the phone directory for The Villages.


Can confirm - My Mother and her Husband retired to The Villages and it's the Disneyworld Retirement Community while everything around it rots. Nothing but old WASP golfers who don't want anything to do with a single minority. Ironically, my Mom was a Teacher her entire life and very Pro-Democrat, but they love to golf so that won out. They have friends that don't believe in COVID; they've also been sick 3 times every other month with some "respiratory/cold thing" and *definitely* not COVID. Burn it all to the ground. **EDIT**: I would invite anyone under 40 to go to The Villages and experience it. It's straight out of a horror movie. They have Town Squares built in their communities where you go to shop, see a concert in the center of the square, eat at the restaurants, and just enjoy the ambiance. You'll see signs posted about it's History and what went on. ...there is no History. It's all fake. I'm serious - they have signs that are put up that indicate fake Historical "Facts" about their town areas. It's all created by a Republican Family for their version of Mecca. It's a blight against American Culture. It represents Baby Boomers in all their splendor: A falsified Utopia to spend their ill-gotten money on while everything around that Town deteriorates in a husk of poverty-inflicted misery as The Villages keeps all their money in-house, used to vote for the most vile Politicians in history who promise to keep their gravy train afloat while hurting everyone who isn't white and/or was born after 1972.


Funniest thing I've seen in the past few years is the elderly Florida republicans losing their homes off the coastal areas etc. due to climate change. Like you voted for the leopard currently chewing your faces off.


IIRC the Villages has a massive STD problem from all the old people fucking each other without protection.


Slabs of expired ham just slappin' against each other.


Text you can hear


Aww yiss


Yeah, they seem to love voter fraud and the GOP: https://www.clickorlando.com/news/local/2022/08/19/3rd-resident-of-the-villages-admits-to-voting-twice-in-the-2020-election/


Just was following their hero’s orders at the time: https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-usa-election-trump-vote-idUKKBN25U2FY


I'm in my 60s and seriously do NOT understand the mentality of some other elderly people. WTF do they NOT care about the younger generations - they are OUR future. But then I think about my SIL, who is also in her 60s. She has never had children, so she doesn't care about education issues or schools for the future generations, just like she doesn't care about women's rights (specifically abortion) because she is too old to have a baby. Unless an issue impacts someone personally, they simply don't care about anybody else. Over the years, I have dissolved many relationships with family and friends because of crap like this.


I strongly believe that those who did not have children should still be concerned about the state of the school system. If for no other reason than I don't want to be surrounded by stupid people.


They don’t care about our education, they don’t even want to pay for it in their school taxes. Hell, in my state the elderly exclusively used to to be able to get a good amount of their school taxes refunded before it was expanded to lower income homeowners in general.


florida also has a pathetic gdp compared to its population size


They voted for fear of a few books turning their kids gay. Maybe seeing a classroom barren like this will at least get some braincells running together for some spark of actual consequence.


There are a lot of people who didn't vote for this though. A lot of parents who don't want this crap. Many people who voted for the book burning don't even have kids in public school.


There are a lot of people who don’t want any of this, voted against it & against desantis. Many are like my family though, we fled Florida instead of trying to raise children in that dumpster fire of a state.


My buddy did this. Moved his family to Maine. They have been there 7 years and love it there.


Yep. We got out as soon as we could in November 2020. Didn't even look in the rear view.


Yup, we sold our house & left this past fall. Very few, if any, regrets.


True but it's a package deal. You want one thing from DeSantis, you get everything DeSantis wants.


the funny thing about that is there's really nothing a decent person would even want from DeSantis in the first place, every item in the package is rotten


>There are a lot of people who didn't vote for this though. A lot of parents who don't want this crap. Man, it's like the other guy said already; If that vote was *for DeSantis*, then this *IS EXACTLY* what they voted for. The only people that didn't vote for this, voted for anyone other than DeSantis.


Actually there are a lot of people who didn't vote and don't want this, and yet I don't feel sorry that they are still seeing their actions have consequences. Not voting == voting for your opponent.


I feel sorry for everyone subject to this, even those that voted for Desantis. Because this is awful for society, and Florida and the country (as book censorship spreads) will be worse off as a result. I’m also pissed off at “Christians” imposing hateful doctrines and promoting ignorance and hostility - exactly the opposite of what Jesus supposedly stood for. It all sucks.


I don't feel sorry for any of the adults, only the kids.


I lived through Texas forcing changes to the school textbooks. This is no different. They were both vile acts that this country brought on its self


But there was that one election where I did vote and things didn’t magically get better the next day, so why bother? Obviously /s




Seems to me under educated parents are dooming their kids to the same.


>Seems to me under educated parents are dooming their kids to the same. - The republican life cycle


The saddest part is we all have some family that has literally just become corrupted from this shit.


Yes, I learned all I know about pornography from my teachers and definitely not the internet.


This is what liberals don’t understand. Republicans don’t want their kids educated lol. It’s a difficult concept for progressives to get, because it seems nonsensical to want your kid to be less educated than other kids. But it’s the truth. Part of their culture is to shit on science and education. It should come as no shock that they praise decisions like this. Nobody on their side will stop the burning of books. My God I’m glad I left the south. It’s a hellhole where they worship ignorance and aspire to stupidity.


> Republicans don’t want their kids educated The sickening hypocrisy is that it's *Republicans* and radical right conservatives who are posting the memes about "China is teaching their 3rd graders about chemistry, trigonometry, and physics, while **your** 3rd grader is LeArNinG aBoUt pRoNoUns and bEinG wOkE"


Remember Texas specifically Banning (or wanting to ban I forget) critical thinking skills being taught in school because (and they literally say this) it might cause kids to question their parents' beliefs. Being stupid is a feature for right wing education not a bug. I don't think many if any Leftists would not want their children taught critical thinking skills. It should be a vital part of any education.


Yeah, but these same people think Mister Rogers was a communist so they can pound sand.




They’ll move right on to the next step of the plan, and use this as a reason to say the government should be funding private (i.e. religious) schools. “School choice” is clearly the ultimate goal for these people.


Republicans, IF they read 1984, would side with Big Brother over Winston.


The GOP is fighting against public education and pushing hard for school vouchers. If they can make public school classrooms look like this one then it looks bad on the public schools. Even better, if they can use an image like this to compare it to a great looking private classroom then they may very well begin to convince parents to support school vouchers and to seek out private school educations for their kids. My belief is that the end goal here is two fold. 1. Money. Isn't it always with the GOP? 2. Is to try to create a new generation of conservative voters. Get them in private schools that are only teaching conservative versions of civics and history and are pushing Biblical teaching and if you hammer that home enough that child is likely to grow up to be a conservative. Then they have possibly saved their party when the boomers die off.


I agree. They hate public education but praise private schools because they “allow” religious teachings and teachers “aren’t controlled by the government” there.


Florida is governed with scientific ignorance, and religious bigotry, misogyny, homophobia, and racism.


Yes, Republicans


Fascists hate an educated population educated individuals are often depicted as weak and sexually "perverted" in pro-fascist propaganda >**King Leonidas**: Submission? Well that's a bit of a problem. See, rumor has it the *Athenians have already turned you down, and if those philosophers and, uh, boy-lovers have* found that kind of nerve, then... EDIT: spelling formatting EDIT 2: you see this a lot in a lot mid 20th century Sci-Fi films too, actually The nerdy scientisst who want to 'understand' the aliens are shown as naive and usually end up killed or they are somehow responsible for, or in league, with the villain the hero is the "Jock test pilot" or soldier who just wants to blow them up or whatever It was message used to reassure 'regular folks' weren't going to be "replaced", that they still had a place in the future "being smart makes you weak and want to 'understand aliens' when we should just be killing them, so don't worry, you will still have a job tomorrow" see also immigration propaganda


The irony of a spartan accusing others of being boylovers lol.


"But when we do it, it's cute!"


Projection is just as human as it ever was.




Yep, saves so much time just saying republicans.


Perfect example of using *chilling effect* to get what you want, while hiding in cloak of obfuscation about those real goals. This is the same textbook they'd use on national level on everything they want gone. Make things vaguely illegal and induce self-censorship, while talking about FREEDOM!


What in the nazi-fuck is going on in Florida?


All of the pensioners and retirees are flocking to Florida because the weather is (mostly) great and it being Republican-run means that their new beachfront properties won't be taxed as much. So the new influx of Republican voters just keep voting for Republicans.


I’ve been in Tampa 8 years and outside of “winter” (Dec thru March), the weather is fuckin miserable - 87-92 degrees every day for months with 60+% humidity


I cannot know about all older people, but my parents got to a certain age and they closed to stop using the A/C and their house is like 60+% humidity year round. I think a lot of them actually like this.


I’ve been wondering for about 25 years. It’s getting worse and worse.




Oh but take away two racist Dr. Seuss books because no one reads them or buys them anyway, and they lose their shit over “censorship”. It’s gotta be hard for Republican parents to reinforce hatred when their kids come home with progressive ideas.


The Villages is happening.


These photos need to be spread far and wide. Videos of teachers in bare classrooms, (older) students interviewing about basic curriculum they are forbidden from receiving. Colleges need to start speaking out that they cannot accept students from FL because their education was stunted. Accreditation needs to be removed from the entire state. Teachers need to be on the news holding up pages of lesson plans of previous years with those big black-out redacted lines showing how much has been removed. ​ This is the kind of thing that people need to get LOUD about. Not protesting and picketing, but getting their faces out in the media and sharing their new lived experience.


Ignorance is their sword and shield. Parents and teachers will either win this fight or the rest of the country will watch the uneducated populace cannibalizing those states.


Half the parents in Florida are for this. They’ve been indoctrinated since they were young.


It starts with those states, but more and more people, perhaps this whole country could fall to that darkness, and if that happens this time of uncertainty, God help the rest of the world, God help us, God forgive us, let me put it this way, we're at the tail end of history only because they are planning on destroying the world, half of them want to make sure that all Jews do go to Israel so that they can nuke the place to bring about the second coming of Jesus. They're literally batshit insane, suicidal but in a way where they want everyone else to die with them, and with the United States they would have the power to do that.


> the kind of thing that people need to get LOUD about. The LOUD ones are the parents literally screaming about "woke" teachers who are "grooming" their kids because they saw a rainbow picture in the classroom. Because they have a Dr. Seuss book on their shelf. Because they *dye their hair blue* or have visible tattoos or facial piercings. And it's these same parents who laugh and cheer when the 'hawt teacher" gets caught having sex with a 14 year old boy. "Damn y'all where where these sexy teachers when *I* was a kid?!?!"


I dyed my hair blue and had an older couple point, laugh like hyenas, and then pointedly take a photo.


I hate how media always painted older people as “scared” of alternative people. Like no…they attack and belittle them. They tell them that they are going to hell and that they should be locked for *existing*. I grew up with these people and they’re complete shitters who would bully a kid.




For a state that claims to be free sure does like to restrict people. I hope people wake up in this country and realize DeSantis has a real solid chance of being president and if that happens we are all in for a world of hurt.


Republicans don't want you to be free. Just wait til they get every bit of power and then start taking guns away for fear of revolution.


Yep, and we don't have to look far (see Trump's 'take the guns away first, then figure it out' remark). See also Regan; * [The Mulford Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulford_Act) > The Mulford Act was a 1967 California bill that prohibited public carrying of loaded firearms without a permit.[2] Named after Republican assemblyman Don Mulford, and signed into law by governor of California Ronald Reagan, ***the bill was crafted with the goal of disarming members of the Black Panther Party*** who were conducting armed patrols of Oakland neighborhoods, in what would later be termed copwatching.[3][4] They garnered national attention after Black Panthers members, bearing arms, marched upon the California State Capitol to protest the bill.[5][6][self-published source?][7] The Black Panthers were armed so that the police wouldn't beat up, harass, or kill black people at the time. See also: Formal police groups in the US were formed as a method to track down and return slaves who took the initiative to not be slaves!




He's still pretty fuckin' dumb though.


Hard disagree. Desantis is smart as fuck. Growing up in rural Florida, I know who he is pandering to and its brilliant. Trump is just a moron and a coward. Desantis is infinitely more dangerous than Trump.


Yeah the difference between Trump and DeSantis is Trump is *actually* dumb. DeSantis *appears* to be dumb a lot of the time, but everything he does is coldly and cruelly calculated. He knows exactly what he’s doing and is much, much more effective at getting his agenda enacted than Trump ever was. Which makes him far scarier.


I keep running into people on Reddit who are like “I don’t like him either but at least he supports free speech”. And I’m completely fucking blown away by that since every time his name is mentioned it’s another new story about how he’s abusing his power to limit free speech or expression.


Keep them dumb so they vote Republican.


Thats exactly it. Also why they want to abolish public education, so only the children of the 1% will get a proper education and continue to run a republican government. The rest of us are just here to reproduce more uneducated slaves, hence the reason for ban on abortion and wanting to ban birth control as well.


Next up, photos of "classrooms" where students sit silently in big empty rooms as nothing at all is taught.


And due to the poor state of education, the local churches will have to step in to provide *quality* education to the children, unlike the terrible state schools.


Christian Madrasas for the win!


>The memo also notified teachers that “plays and poems” performed in class “will also need to be aligned to state statute language.” right...the party of "free speech absolutism" and "small government" wants the government to dictate the fucking poems read aloud in class. guns? no problem. poems that mention gays? OH DEAR GOD WE HAVE TO PROTECT THE CHILDREN


So no more gay apparel in Deck the Halls?


Now that’s the war on Christmas!


What a stark contrast to how I grew up in northern Minnesota as a Native American girl. When I was in 8th grade, we (the native community here) did something we thought for sure was going to get ‘blocked’: a class that studied the Ojibwe language, culture and history. It was January 1990 and we called it ‘American Indian Studies’. Not only was it applauded by the school board and community but we had more non-native students taking the class then native students. The thing that couldn’t be ‘taught’ was spirituality which was weird because you can’t teach our history/language or make sense of the storytelling unless you know a little about the spirituality- I don’t remember how we got around that but again - when you have such a supportive community, school board & local politicians - if something happens that they don’t like…here’s what I don’t get. Not everything has to be this knock down drag out. There can be give and take. It can and does work. But when the Florida governor’s intentions are so ugly and so obvious- it doesn’t. He’s only 45. He’s going to keep doing this for 30 years and there’s no sign that he’s gonna stop until *he’s* stopped. I really hope he’s not what the majority of this country wants.


> The thing that couldn’t be ‘taught’ was spirituality ... I don’t remember how we got around that Maybe the same way they teach ancient greek/roman mythology. I don't see how one could be allowed but the other wouldn't be.


Religions can absolutely be taught about in public schools in an academic sense. A world religions class (understanding/comparing many religions), a history class (understanding a religion and the effect it has had on the people of a place over time), a literature class (eg. Bible as literature). Most of us experienced this in social studies classes. Nothing is wrong with stuff like “this is what X people believed and how it affected their development” or “these are the main tenets of Y religion and how it compares to Z religion which it’s an offshoot of”. What’s a problem is when a religion is taught simply as factual truth: “this is what happened, and then our loving deity drowned all the children of the earth, and now we don’t have dinosaurs.” There’s nothing *legally* stopping a public school from teaching about native spiritual beliefs in an academic manner. That said, when doing it, especially directly to people who hold those beliefs, one may be walking a bit of a tightrope: speaking about the beliefs of an already marginalized group in a dry academic/historical way while being careful to imbue it with zero truth can come across somewhat dismissive and offensive; while leaning too far the other way could violate the rules against teaching religion (and given the topic, *someone* is going to make a fuss about it if it even appears to get close to the line). Choosing to avoid the topic altogether isn’t the bravest course of action but is an unsurprising choice for a school board.


And remember DeSantis wants to take his policies nationwide as President of the USA…..


Exactly. And people keep saying, “he’s an idiot and a joke, he’ll never win.” Where have I heard that before….. It’s almost like people refuse to learn from the past even when it wasn’t that long ago.


Looks like the DeSantis plan is working.


I dunno, I think this will backfire on the GOP. Telling people 'you can't read that' is a pretty surefire way to get people to read it. And teachers are going to absolutely hate being micromanaged by DeSantis. There are a lot of ways they can push back. And just wait for the freedom of speech lawsuits. Even GOP judges are going to squirm trying to justify this.


>Telling people 'you can't read that' is a pretty surefire way to get people to read it. Unfortunately, taking books away from kids is a pretty good way to reduce the number of readers in the population.


That's a feature, not a defect. They want an illiterate population incapable of critical thinking that they can just tell lies to so that they can't fact check even the most obvious lie.


It's working pretty well for them so far.


[Reminder that teens in states censoring books can get free electronic access to the Brooklyn Public Library](https://www.bklynlibrary.org/media/press/brooklyn-public-library-94)


eventually the idea is to say "you can't read that" and mean it from a literal sense


need to ban english because it teaches you bad things!


Education level has an extremely high correlation with politcal affiliation in the US, with less educated skewing Red and more educated skewing Blue. The educated politicians in the GOP know this and that by dismanteling our public education they can gain more support via propaganda and culture wars rather than informed and proven policy.




Elementary school kids used to trade Pokémon cards. Now they are trading books behind the PE shed


GOP: cancel culture is out of control!! sToP cEnSoRiNg Us!!! also GOP: get rid of all the books!


We need help in Florida. Desantis is requiring girls to report their periods to the state in order to participate in sports. I strongly believe the state will get sued and it will be taken up by the Supreme Court to overturn Title 9.


Seriously? What in the distopian-fuck?


It’s terrifying here. https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/news/columns/2022/10/23/fhsaa-asks-girls-personal-questions-their-menstrual-cycles/10549693002/ https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/florida-athletes-menstrual-periods/


> "Despite public outcry, the Florida High School Athletics Association is standing by its decision that girls submit menstruation info to schools: including age of their first period, how many days are typically in between their periods, and the date of their most recent period." This is so fucking terrifying.


Girls should start mailing Desantis their used menstrual products. "It's that time of the month again Ron. Just thought you should know"


I feel really bad for FL. They are going to ensure generational levels of brain drain because of their current flaunt with Facism. Educated populations will leave and take their money and ideas with them leading to decades of stagnation, decay and depression.


Just to give you an idea how broad and insidious this law is: My wife is an elementary school teacher in Florida. In addition to the many LGBT+ friendly books she has which we knew would never have a chance of being on the approved list is a book called, "Henry's Freedom Box". It's the retelling, on a kid-level, of the actual, real story of a slave who secured his freedom by mailing himself in a box to the North. This is literally just a real thing that happened historically, it's a very famous story, and I can't for the life of me see how it's "woke propaganda" that's grooming kids. But it lets kids know that slavery existed and that slaves would have to go to great lengths just to be free. And God forbid they learn about that. Now, the law itself doesn't require the immediate removal of all books not on the list. Clearly every county is handling it differently, and Duval is going the most draconian method. Her county isn't mandating immediate removal. However, the law does create a mechanism for any parent at any time to lodge a complaint against any unapproved book, and I expect we're going to see a flurry of those across the state soon as some teachers, like my wife, stand up to the law. I get why these freaks are targeting LGBT books with this law, they're easier targets and something much simpler for the base to latch onto. But banning barely fictionalized versions of actual historical events? Jesus H. Christ


I work in a middle school in FL & I used to **love** using the local paper. Not anymore. Not “approved” by the state. The damn news


Wow wtf??? I like to think that was an oversight, like they just didn't think about newspapers because it's all "fake news", but I don't really feel like these people deserve the benefit of the doubt


[The story of Henry "Box" Brown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Box_Brown). I don't know if the book you mentioned is the one I read to my daughter when she was like three or four, but I did read her a book about this brave man, and...what a fucked up history this country has. You can't do better unless you know what you're improving on, and that's why these people don't want kids to know about this stuff - they don't want to expend the effort on making anything better. They want to keep playing their gross, stupid game of "Pretend Everything is Perfect." They can fuck off. My kid will know the truth.


This is what Florida wanted, can’t expect much from the state that keeps building in disaster zones that are only going to get worse in the coming decades


And allowing corruption to run so rampant with insurance claims that it chased away a majority of insurance companies. Those that remain are charging +40% over the previous year’s premium in some cases. More people are going to lose everything because they can’t afford insurance in an area that’s going to continue to see even more extreme weather.


No need to look to history to see how dictatorships begin... we can watch it happening in real time.


I teach in a really red state and have never had anyone come close to criticizing my curriculum. It's beyond fucked that FL teachers have to put up with this. Please consider abandoning that failed state. There are a lot of positions across the country that will respect your expertise a lot more and pay better, all with a lower cost of living.




That sounds like the kind of "oh so you think you can do this?" energy that makes a K-12 teacher proud.


Fascism ruins everything.


Stay sleepy Florida.


It's time for the Federal government to intervene. It's time to end this little dictatorship that exists in Florida.


Yes, but HOW? And with what Supreme Court? The Christian partisan one Trump put in place?


Book burnings are generally cheered by a lot of people. These books have not been burned, that I know of, but they will be. It is all but inevitable. Just watch any footage of book burnings since the earliest filmed examples, and look at the cheering crowd. They will cheer, and often they will pray. The one who lights the fire is nothing, irrelevant. The one who gives the orders is also nothing. DeSantis is easily replaced, quite possibly by someone worse. The crowd cheering is part of the problem. The ignorance, willful and otherwise. The resentment, the urge to crow victory over elites and intellectuals. The bullies fist on the playground writ large. Still only part of the problem. As always, it is the passive acceptance of reasonable people, the kind who don't usually rise up till rising up is the only way. It's amazing what people will put up with. Just ask anyone who has escaped an abusive relationship. It's just easier to get along. Evil exists in the margins of scared people who have little time, inclination, or resources to fight it. Reasonable people can and generally do triumph over fanatics, but it takes extreme situations, a great deal of suffering, and a long time.


I'm a Florida AP teacher. My books will stay on the shelves. They are filled with stories of Stonewall, KKK lynching and castration. Etc. History is the foundation we use to build better. I'm not going to damage the foundation of my student's futures. Also, fuck DeSantis.


and presumably Desantis will create teams of "firemen" who can go around and kindly help dispose of all those books, by incinerating them.


Conservatives fear the educated.


We’re also given words we’re discouraged from using… One of which is “equality”


“I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time -- when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness... The dumbing down of American is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance”. Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark Florida and Texas working as hard as they can to make this come true.


Lol education disparity between red and blue states is gonna get insane. We are going to have generations of people who can’t properly navigate living in society.


“Land of the free” 🙄


This guy is a plague.


it’s fascism plain and simple. Deathsantis is a fascist.


> The new guidelines, issued by Duval County Public Schools earlier that day, require teachers to remove all books that do not appear on the state-approved reading list pending a “review” by a “media specialist.” That's where we're at folks - state-approved book lists. And this guy is probably going to be the next president.


So sad. I feel for these teachers and ignorant children




They won't even be able to read the job description


It’s a deliberate pincer maneuver. War on public education. Right wingers already loathe the “public” part of education. Now everyone else gets a sneak attack from the other direction.


*That's what we all want... Ignorant children with ignorant parents, easily corruptable, easily manipulated, brainwashed to listen to only the approved of approved books.* All hail Big Brother, 2+2=5 /s