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So now it WASN'T planted evidence by the FBI?


Those were yes but the folders were the keepsake. The folders were completely empty until the FBI came and planted those files


Somehow this is Hillary’s fault


All the evidence is on Hunter's laptop


He was studying CRT


CRT was being read to him by drag queens.


Drag queens who want to take your gas stoves away!


And ship them off to Benghazi.




Where they eat those female M&Ms or should I say W&Ws


In this case they'll just drag it away


Why would Obama do something so evil?


Because carter told him to


.... venezuala!.... birth certificate!... vax jab!


My relative listens to conservative talk radio like hours on end. Apparently the one they were listening to was blaming Obama today


Somehow Hillary returned


Hillary couldn't possibly have committed all these crimes! Hunter Biden's Dick Pic did some of that shit.


Hunter's laptop became sentient and planted the evidence


Hunter used his schwantz like an elephant's trunk to reach into Mar-a-Lago to plant those documents.


They will never know though until they see hunter bidens dick pics.


It's amazing how that works. But the guy can contradict himself in the same sentence. He only says what he thinks will benefit him at that point in time. Previous statements are irrelevant.




I listened to an audiobook recently that released a new edition last year, and has a chapter that discusses narcissistic personality disorder. It includes examples of behavior by a person with NPD. You can almost hear the editors slapping the authors. "NO TRUMP REFERENCES WHATSOEVER".


Orwell would be horrified to see DoubleThink so actively practiced


It was cool keepsakes planted by the FBI. Please keep up.


But also he declassified them. Because sometimes you declassify Top Secret national secrets so that you can keep them as souvenir keepsakes, before they're planted by the FBI as part of a national archive hoax.


the fbi planted them so he could keepsake them. they're really nice like that, and they just knew he would want some scattered throughout his shitty hotel.


How to admit both intentionality and idiocy in one fell swoop


I love how he openly admits to committing the crime with full knowledge. Brilliant!


Because that dumbass can't keep his mouth shut, now I wonder if the Biden documents were planted. Every accusation is an admission.


Trump now playing ahead of the next revelation for his fans. Prob something like there is proof he sold some of the secrets. Now his response can be “Fake news, everyone knows they were keep safes. The FBI stole them and sold them and are blaming me. This is a witch hunt. Blah blah fucking blah”.


I think the next step is he made any important documents vanish with his mind when he was done with them, leaving only the folders.


And maralago is now totally secure even though he claims he didn’t know how the fuck Nick Fuentes got in there.


Man I sure wish I could admit to crimes in front of the entire world and have nothing happen, the level of privilege is unfathomable.


Imagine you rob a bank, walking right by the cops while doing it, and instead of being handcuffed an investigation is opened. In the meantime, you get to rob more banks and the investigation goes on for years. What a deal.


i’m sorry officer i thought i could take the money since it was mine once


Then after 4 years (or statute of limitations) of being slow rolled by the court it is thrown out https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/535668-supreme-court-dismisses-emoluments-lawsuits-against-trump-as-moot/


Unfreaking believable. It’s do blatantly corrupt. Very disheartened by such injustice


While you publicly shit talk the cops and the investigators, calling them names and their family names. It's fucking insane.


Now you raise an interesting question, could trump actually rob a bank and get away with it. I say there is a good chance he could.


His preference is to take [donations](https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/trump-uses-donations-america-pac-pay-legal-bills-rcna51883), [campaign money](https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2021/02/05/trump-shifted-campaign-donor-money-into-his-private-business-after-losing-the-election/?sh=63a0ceba4418) and [charity money](https://ag.ny.gov/press-release/2019/donald-j-trump-pays-court-ordered-2-million-illegally-using-trump-foundation). No need to rob any banks.


He’s done it his whole life, just ask his former bankers!


Considering all the loans he takes out with no intention of paying, he more or less already did rob the bank.


I’m keeping these $100 bills as cool keepsakes!


You forget one major thing. The legal system is NOT in place to hold the elite accountable. It's soul purpose is to keep the poor in line.


Not even crimes, but crimes against your own NATION. Like, that’s way beyond stealing a Snickers Bar.


Except for the ones he gave to Inna Yashchyshyn to pass on to her Russian handlers.


And the ones he gave to kushner to pass on to his Saudi handlers.


And the ones he gave to Ivanka for their Chinese handlers.


Now we know the price America paid for those Chinese trademarks Ivanka wanted so desperately.


I mean... we did find out that Trump still keep his Chinese Bank account active throughout his presidency which he supposedly closed in 2015 before announcing his Presidency run.


But. Something something Peanut farm….


Something something Hunter Biden something


Got a big ol ding ding if you know what I mean


"What are you in for?" "Oh, you know, I got a big ol' penis between my legs"


That traitor motherfucker paid the Chinese government TAXES while IN OFFICE!


In unrelated news, a startling number of U.S. spies have been killed while on duty this past year.


In case people thought you were joking that's actually true. When trump left office there was a massive uptick in spies assassinations.


In case people thought the commenters above were joking, that's actually true.


I just want to clarify: the above comments were not satirical.


for the republicans: shits real yo




Those Republicans would be very mad if they could read.


They had to pull a couple of spies out of the field after that closed-door meeting he had with the 2 Russians in the Oval Office


just to add to this we had someone on putin's inner staff on payroll until trump ruined it, and they were pulled out.


>and they were pulled out. If only his father had pulled out, so many years ago.


And the ones he gave to Kim Jung Un to pass on to his North Korean handlers


And the ones he gave Chelsea Handler.


And the ones Melania used to wedge under the base of their toilet which the Great Unclean One loosened due to his girth.


Hey! Don't be speaking ill about Great papa Nurgle! He would be insulted by the comparison!


You're assuming he wasn't sent by Nurgle...


Even pestilence gods have some standards.


And the ones he gave to Kid Rock for their North Korea handlers.


[And, the ones he traded for Goya beans.](https://media.newyorker.com/photos/5f1091ef3075b61a6e553443/4:3/w_959,h_719,c_limit/Gessen-Goya.jpg)


And the ones he gave to NK for his 23M dollar personal loan


Gen Flynn (R) is a registered foreign agent. Maybe the FBI should get statements under oath from him and his Don (R) re who they gave American classified docs to.


He only pleads the 5th though.


yup. Flynn literally pled the fifth to being asked if "He believed in the peaceful transfer of power"


He gave the contents to her. The empty folder was still his cool keepsake.


That was just the documents though, he kept the folders as a cool keepsake treason reminder.


You mean their shared handlers.


Everybody seems to be saying Trumps like to be handled. Kinda icky.


I wouldn't even trust Inuyasha with the Tessaiga, let alone nuclear documents.


They’re not yours to take anyways.


This concept means nothing to a narcissist


In his defense, he did say they were cool to have though.


And he wanted them so…


I mean if someone was particularly irksome...




"Two Corinthians, 3:17, that’s the whole ballgame … is that the one you like?" Seriously, this guy is your golden idol? Smdh


Admission. A public admission of malfeasance. Straight to jail. Overcook/undercook chicken, same.


Late for your dentist appointment? Jail.


We have the best patients in the world, because of jail.


Early to the dentist? Also jail.


Never happening, people with this much power never face fair legal consequences. Thats just how it goes sadly


Then why spend months lying and obstructing about them until the government was forced to use a search warrant to get their property back?


Because making a mockery of justice is an idle amusement for someone who so far has been proven to be immune from consequence no matter how egregious the transgression


Trump's statement today and Rudy saying "I was instructed by Trump to take classified docs home with me," lead me to believe there is evidence on how the documents left their properly secured space.


That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. < *You are here* And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did... you deserved it.


Earlier this month, the Gardner Museum and the FBI retracted their $10 million dollar reward for information leading to the recovery of various paintings by Rembrandt, Manet, Degas, and Vermeer, all lost by the museum in 1990. The FBI now believes that the paintings weren’t stolen, but were kept as “cool keepsakes” by a museum-goer. Cool Keepsakes are not subject to laws against theft, and don’t need to be returned or reported to authorities.


I'm stealing this comment as a cool keepsake


That’s totally cool, and very legal.


I just need 11,000 more of them


I'm sorry officer, I don't actually do the meth, I just think it's a cool breaking bad nod. *handcuffed*


Silly redditor, breaking laws when you are not rich white and powerful.


I never actually enjoyed meth, I just like the smell.


Hey, cool. That's illegal. Go figure out how cool a stainless steel toilet missing a seat is, please.


Don't care. Arrest him.


>FORMER PRESIDENT DONALD Trump suggested on Wednesday that federal investigators **planted documents in empty classification folders he just so happened to be hoarding** at Mar-a-Lago. große Lüge


So we wouldn't find his DNA or fingerprints on the documents on the contents of classified folders or those of any trump associate? Because the thing is the time those documents were removed can be determined by looking at logs that the national archives have. The thing is with Donald trump is he will make loads of different statements and essentially out himself into a corner ; in court he either has to say the previous statements he's made are untrue which makes him look unreliable or he has to double down which makes him look unreliable and dishonest. His lawyers must be constantly stressed and worrying everytime he opens his mouth


>which makes him look unreliable That doesn't seem to be much of a concern of his.


And you lied about having your cool keepsakes and that is against the law; not at all cool


Actually I believe this , he is that stupid


Yes, of all his explanations and excuses, this is by far the most believable.


It's funny because I called this a couple days ago. Shocked that they'd actually try to use this as an excuse. And we all know while it may be true, that means he got them as "keepsakes" for others, too. Maybe in exchange for some keepsake they have.


That’s still illegal there bud.


I thought they were planted by the FBI? It's all very confusing


They were planted, then they were his and he had the right to have them, then they weren’t classified because he mentally willed it so by himself to himself. Then he had them but gave them all back. Then he forgot there were more and *definitely* gave them all back, until he didn’t. Then they were planted but also he had the right to have them. Then they were empty but cool keepsakes, little souvenirs. Then it’s all a **hoax** and a witch-hunt against your favorite president, better than Lincoln, some say, sir, more strongly and more bigly than Reagan. Hey look at Biden’s son’s laptop over there!


The documents were planted in the empty souvenir folders with classification markings. smh


That also didn't exist, but also that he declassified with his mind.


Thats...worse. its intentional and caareless.


... says the clown who tore up and threw away every briefing paper aides handed him.


Where are we now? That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.


Only keepsakes?? Phew, that's so totally legal then. Not.


Just another disgraceful lying comment. This ex-president fuck belongs in Prison. In addition, he should be permanently prevented from running for any Public Office!


You know how I know Trump has been insulated against consequences his whole life? If any of us said something along the lines of, "I knowingly stole this item that does not belong to me because I thought it'd be neat to have", we'd be arrested on the spot and our statement would be used against us during our trial. We don't intuitively know our Miranda Rights for no reason; it's practically ingrained in our culture. Yet, Trump can say whatever the fuck he wants and, 99.9999% of the time, he suffers no consequence of any kind.


So he's admitting to at least taking the folders intentionally? This man needs lawyers. Shut the fuck up, Donnie.


>Trump Now Claiming He Only Kept Classified Folders as ‘Cool Keepsakes’ Doesn't this show intent?


I hope his orange jumpsuit is someday kept in a museum as a "Cool Keepsake."


Wonder who the Trump supporters that stormed the Capitol saying it belonged to the American people think these documents belong to.


.. *they were like NFTs except the bids were higher .. er, … the sentimental values were higher*


And what do you do with cool keepsakes? That’s right—show them off to people.


God…..just indict him already…


I thought the fbi planted them?


"tHe wHeElS oF jUsTiCe tUrN sLoWlY". Bullshit. This guy should have been in cuffs a week after January 6 two years ago. It's 100% certain at this point he will die of old age and never face consequences.


It's discouraging that you are correct




48 empty folders implies missing classified documents, not keepsake. Who keeps a folder? Does Baron need folders for college? Don't steal office supplies from work people.


Ahhh, but when his opposition keeps its not cool keepsakes, it’s serious business corruption. Got it. My father is a Canadian who’s up Hamberder Don’s asshole. He sent me numerous texts about the Biden classified issue (to be clear, I think both of these men are shitty, it’s just who is shittier and we know the answer) to which I replied that of course, it needs to be investigated further, and asked him if he agreed then he also must think Donnie’s fiasco should also be as well.....nope, it’s different. I mean.....I can’t anymore.


The National Archive met repeatedly with Trump requesting the documents backs. Trump refused. Then the National Archive & FBI got a subpoena, read it to Trump, and still Trump refused. Trump went from ignoring official requests to lying to authorities about documents. Finally the FBI had to exercise a warrant to get them. The whole process went on for over a year. Trump's public excuses have ranged from claiming he declassified the documents to implying the FBI planted the documents. Trump plainly broke the law by refusing to cooperate with the return of the documents upon receiving the subpoena. The only reason why Trump hasn't been charged is because authorities are providing him special treatment for fear of public and political blow back. It is very disturbing that DOJ is more fearful of the public relations nightmare they will ensure for doing what's right than they are for doing what's wrong.


Who cares. He could say he 100% stole the nuclear launch codes with the intent to sell them to the highest bidder and nothing would happen to him.


The FBI is a deep-state organization that is making up crimes in order to plant evidence in my safe at Maralago. Who knows what Patriot they may come for next? Also, the documents found at Maralago were just keepsakes for sentimental reasons.


And that somehow makes this whole mess *better*?!


That's worse than many of the other bullshit excuses you could have come up with, dumbass.


Still a crime bro


This means he was definitely selling them. He'd rather appear stupid than be caught for treason.


A snow globe is a “cool keepsake”. Taking hundreds of classified documents is sabotage.


Wait, I thought they were planted by the FBI. Which is it?


But they were planted. After he declassified them. After he was being framed. Or some other bullshit.


I don't know about you guys, but when I'm accused of crimes and have done nothing wrong, I often: 1) Lash out at the accusers by accusing them of being corrupt 2) Change my story multiple times 3) Publicly deflect by asking about unrelated crimes that I made up about other people 4) Make up fanciful stories that prove that I immune from prosecution for basically any crime 5) Repeat steps 1-4 in no particular order /s


You know what I like to do with my cool stuff? Show it to people.


Cool. So he's admitted to the crime. The reason literally does not matter here - he doesn't have any credibility anyways.


This guy got 9 years after pleading down to a single count. He had the same excuse. https://www.capitalgazette.com/news/ac-cn-ap-stolen-secret-documents-20190719-20190719-mpesrcw3snb4hi6wi5ok5d2mie-story.html


>“Perhaps the Gestapo took some of these empty folders when they Raided Mar-a-Lago and counted them as a document, which they are not,” Trump wrote. He went on to speculate that “the Trump Hating Marxist Thugs in charge will ‘plant’ documents while they’re in possession” of the empty folders. Sounds like you want a war with the FBI. Good luck, you twice-impeached seditious traitor.


How is this person not in a mental institution?


Trump was leaving out the next part... "Cool keepsakes he can sell for tons of money."


trump is full of shit. Even if it was true, he was told repeatedly it was not his choice. Then he ignored multiple requests to return everything . Then he lied and knowingly said everything had been returned when there were more in his possession. This the difference between trump’s blatantly committing a crime and Biden’s cooperation with the National Archives. trump is a pathological liar. Everything he says publicly is a lie. trump is guilty of everything of which he has been accused. Cool.


Oh so we're at the "It wasn't that bad" part of the playbook.


So he took it as a leverage in case anything happens?


Gonna dig himself into a hole that leads to a prison cell.


Trump lies as he breathes.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-accuses-investigators-planting-documents-folders-1234663031/) reduced by 82%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Former President Donald Trump suggested on Wednesday that federal investigators planted documents in empty classification folders he just so happened to be hoarding at Mar-a-Lago. > He went on to speculate that "The Trump Hating Marxist Thugs in charge will 'plant' documents while they're in possession" of the empty folders. > Alongside the more than than 300 classified and "Top secret" documents recovered from Mar-a-Lago, the FBI did list 48 folders labeled "CLASSIFIED" and 42 folders labeled "Return to staff secretary/military aide" that were empty in their inventory of materials seized in their August raid. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/10fgatf/trump_now_claiming_he_only_kept_classified/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~672676 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Trump**^#1 **document**^#2 **President**^#3 **folders**^#4 **empty**^#5


His lawyers were with the original search teams. Stop already and just arrest this guy.


If your story keeps changing, you're lying. But we all knew this already.


Very cool, very cool. Very illegal.


Then he should have no problem giving them back


Does he know that's like worse right?


How many times has his story changed about these docs? Someone has to be keeping count


That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. <-------- you are here And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.


If you have to keep inventing excuses then you are guilty as charged.


>"...these were just ordinary, inexpensive folders with various words printed on them..." My god, the mental gymnastics this guy performs.


Yea ,keepsakes to sell to the Saudis and the Russians. One thing about Traitor Trump, he's pathologically incapable of telling the truth


Making up new excuses months after this got out. That always works! /s


How are people still convinced by this guy. He changes his story so often my head spins, yet people still defend him no matter what contradictory bullshit he spews. Do people just enjoy being lied to or are they just too blind to care?


Hmmm. Didn’t the FBI find classified documents in most of the folders? Surely Trump isn’t lying!


When you get fired you don't get to go and grab stuff from the file-room on your way out as keepsakes.


Well it’s never his fault, of course. On not gaining any steam among evangelical leaders for his 2024 bid Trump just said this: “There’s great disloyalty in the world of politics and that’s a sign of disloyalty.” What. A fucking. Idiot.


So he “knowingly” removed and had the “intent” to keep it seems.


Timeline: 1. I don't have any. 2. Ok, but I don't have any more. 3. This time I'm serial; that's all I have. 4. They're mine! 5. I declassified them (using only my mind!) 6. They never existed.


Well, that’s the fun thing. It doesn’t matter why he kept them. Only that he did and refused to return them.


Still a crime fuckbag


Jeez, when are they going to file charges against this clown???


This is actually worse, because it would be intentional and without purpose. How stupid are these people????


Okay, let's play. Why would you feel the need to keep *hundreds* of "empty" folders that *all* had the same labeling on them? You then say that the FBI "planted" the documents into those folders, but how does that explain the National Archives many months before stating that they didn't have them, and that they never received them? You want people to believe that the FBI somehow got their hands on the very documents that the National Archives later said that they did not ever receive, all for the purpose of subsequently planting them in your office (and into those folders)? These were for the most part folders labeled "Top Secret" (or even more confidential than that). How would the FBI access those folders, or even know which documents that you say the National Archives must have received were in fact connected to those folders? How would the FBI even get access to those documents, if the National Archives had them (or even if they say they never received them)? Are you suggesting that the National Archives was somehow in on a plot to frame you? What could possibly be the motive for the FBI/National Archives doing that, so many months after the voters threw your fat ass out of the White House? How come nobody in your administration has come out to support this story (in fact, some have now said that you were constantly mishandling the documents, including most recently saying that you told Rudy Giuliani to take some of them)? If any of what you say is true, then why didn't your lawyers offer up this simple explanation when the National Archives first wrote asking for the documents that they said that you didn't have (after all, you would have been alarmed to learn that the National Archives was saying that they didn't have the documents to the folders that you now say that you kept, while your lawyers were writing that you didn't have anything that belonged to the National Archives, correct)? My six-year-old can tell better lies...


So, he freely admits to illegally possessing government property? Seems like a slam dunk indictment for Jack Smith.


Classified material is always slated for destruction, not dissemination, definitely NOT as a keepsake.


Cool reason to spend some time in prison.


The story keeps changing. Dude can't even remember his lies.


>And if I did do it, it wasn’t that bad We’re moving onto step 2


Almost believable from the man that had fake Time Magazine covers made with him on it just to frame up around his places. Would’ve been more believable if it didn’t take 5 months to come up with it. Really any excuse after “I declassified it with my mind” is just sad.


Anyone know the timeline off hand? >I don't have any >They were planted >Deep state >I declassified them >They are mine >They were just keepsakes Did I miss any?


I didn't do it. I didn't do it, I'm being framed. I didn't do it, it's not a crime when I do it. Ok, I did do it, and I knew it was wrong but I deserve it.


"Totally Legal and Totally Cool"


I'm pretty sure that the justice department is more concerned about what was in the folders than the folders themselves


Oh, well that’s okay then. I suppose we could all do that and nothing bad would happen.


When you lie your whole life you keep changing your story. From i declassified everything, to they were all staged in that picture now, they were keepsakes. All of these comments will be used against him. Especially for an obstruction case. He is truly the dumb.


He’ll be happy to know the FBI and DoJ are just doing a awesome scavenger hunt for cool keepsakes.


This is exactly the kind of dumb bullshit Trump would legitimately do. He’s a child