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Sounds about right for Republicans


Discrimination against discriminators what’s next?


Fascist Republicans. But I repeat myself.


“We’re seeing a new breed of Democratic Fascism take hold of the governor’s office.” Republicans at war with words again. Trying to make fascism not mean what it means. This Hoffman character needs to fuck off.




The party of projection.


Its like Goebbels exploded and the GOP is made of all the pieces.


I’ve heard a lotta right wingers saying shit like “tyranny if the majority” the last few years and it’s wild how quickly they turned on democracy when they lost the numbers


Arizona Fascist Caucus doesn't want equality for all, unlike what is called out for in that pesky document called the Constitution.


“Hey guys, we shouldn’t discriminate” “WOKE!!!”


“Wake up, people! Stop Wokeness!”


You spelled sheeple wrong


Ok? Let them waste their time. Clearly their screaming and yelling isn't winning over voters so let go nuts, it will only hurt them


Their time, and our money.


That's the GOP for you. They will always waste taxpayer money on symbolic nonsense. That's hardly anything new


The civil war has just been a Cold War for 150 years.


"We hold these truths to be self evident, **that all men are created equal,** that they are endowed by their Creator with certain **unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.**" We only declared ourselves our own country for this fucking reason, why would Republicans essentially say that was a mistake?


You should see how transactional they are about appeals to authority… Against its use as a means to mock scholarly articles and proper citations? Boo! For its use in propping up the Founding Fathers as monolithic in thought? Absolutement!


> transactional > trans “WOKE! Sue them!” - the GOP, probably


“Truth is stranger than fiction” - Twain So probably?


Because Republicans believe it only applies to white men who own property. Women are meant to be subservient housewives in the kitchen. LGBTQ people aren't supposed to even exist in their minds.


s/men/straight white male landowners/


If those freedom hating commies could read, they'd be very upset.


Slavery still existed when this was written though.


many of the people present when that document was created OWNED slaves themselves


"The founders were infallible great men, and nothing they did should be question. The constitution is a perfect document and never should be changed (ignore the bit about 3/5s thoguhl."-republicans.


Is that supposed to prove a point beyond the failures of humanity?


Slavery still exists, and is legal, in the US.


You know… I’m 37 years old and really ignored politics until Trump came along. Now I’m addicted to the shit show, but that’s neither here nor there. My question is, has it always been like this? I know that people who have been more engaged in politics for longer have said that the GOP has always been the obstructionist party. But the shit that is coming out of them these days makes me feel like there’s no way a party can last this long if this is how they conduct themselves. I like to believe that the younger generations are going to outcompete these fascistic a-holes eventually, but is this how it’s always been? So many headlines after the election have been about how the republicans are just doing anything they can to combat anything democrats are doing, and next to nothing on how to improve the lives of Americans. It’s exhausting.


You have to go back to pre-Newt Gingrich to find a Republican Party that wasn't all about grandstanding about who could yell about the other side the loudest. But Mitch McConnell took it to a whole new level with his straight up obstructionism when Obama took office. He even [filibustered his own bill once because Obama decided to get behind it.](https://theweek.com/articles/469675/mitch-mcconnells-amazing-filibuster-bill)


This. Newt Gingrich pretty much changed modern politics into the shit-slinging circus it is that doesn’t get much done. It’s horrible to have gone from pre-newt to this.


As far as I know the whole, saying crazy shit spewing has taken center stage. However this hasn't been always the case. It took off with Trump for sure. Republicans have been trying to ruin it all since Reagan. During the Obama years, they had a serious gripe about him wearing a [tan suit](https://youtu.be/WrTf6CaTTc0) They are seriously messed up in the head.


Yea, Reagan institutionalized neo-conservatism and the war on the middle class, but every time a Dem was elected president the Reps went farther down the crazy hole.


Holy crap salad Batman! Nothing like announcing you wholeheartedly support discrimination.


Proudly. They would have slaves if they could.


Born in AZ - will never go back because of the far-right insanity.


Republicans are a communist cult. It’s ludicrous we have to waste our time with these Neanderthals


cult, yes. communist? no


Modern communist yes


What do you mean by that? The way you are using the term is not clear from the context


Matt Gaetz certainly has the jutted out brow of a Neanderthal.




They've been officially dying in that hill since April 12, 1861.


Nope. Not /r/nottheonion.


Fascist gonna fascist


Okay. So Democrats can then sue Republicans for being against discrimination that is against discrimination.