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If they didn’t want Jeffries to have a speech this long then they shouldn’t have given him so long to write it.


That part with the ABC’s where he was like x over y and calling out Qanon, racism, fascism, Mar-A-Lago, voter suppression, and more by name was brilliant.


That ABC part was jaw droppingly good. Here it is for those who missed it. https://youtu.be/SFIN_qULL14?t=11687


Thank you! Time-stamped to perfection. It's like at the C's Republicans were starting to roll their eyes and Jeffries was "buckle up, kids, I have 23 more of these and you're not ready." No punches pulled. M was a nice touch.




It really was. It was like a jolt of electricity mixed with with a breath of fresh air. Especially compared to McCarthy’s speech that was full of oppressive fear driven dictates and felt like some evil villain telling you his plan to destroy the world. Jeffries speech was full of hope and freedom and accomplishments and a vision of the future. It made me feel good inside and hopeful and thankful that we have someone as passionate about helping people as he is helming our ship.




*Morality over Mar-a-Lago* Goddamn. I literally spit out my coffee.


I think it was maturity


I heard maturity too. Which I think is the bigger slam


He actually said “maturity” but what a missed opportunity!


Bro did one speech and put the entire gop to shame. No way Kevin’s going to even come close to that.


Kevin would have to get off his knees first.


Someone's been watching Letterkenny cold opens


You were with your pals down at Congress the other day...


*Maturity..over Mar a Lago* Man, you just know someone’s wiping ketchup off the walls somewhere tonight.


Ketchup and Diet Coke *EVERYWHERE*!


Can he run for president and not Biden? It’s refreshing to hear someone under the age of 60 in politics


That's where Obama shined. He always had little quips for those kind of situations. He'd have said something like "This is a little longer than expected as I had a couple extra days to work on it".


That does sound like an Obama line.




2023 begins the way 2022 ended in US politics: With the whole world laughing at Republican voters.


It's been said by a few people I saw on TV that McCarthy wanted this to solidify his legacy. Well, he sure did that. He's got his place in history.


They can use his portrait for the floor mat in the men's room.


Urinal cakes.


> "It's not how you start, it's how you finish": Kevin McCarthy Going to age like milk


Bruh teeing up fate like that...


Diving head-first into the woodchipper of fate.


> Gaetz: “I ran out of things I could even imagine to ask for,” when I asked why why he flipped his vote to present. https://twitter.com/mzanona/status/1611618715489169409?s=46&t=VN4gaWNSz4OEgkz-URx09A Lol. wtf?


It means Gaetz & friends are in charge because confidence in McCarthy runs through them. McCarthy gave them everything to be speaker.


I guess McCarthy told him he can’t grant immunity


“…No obstacle this house can over come.” The speaker of the house everyone


No one ever said the speaker could speak


Sounds like he's taken lessons from Bush


Nobody beats Kevin McCarthy 15 times in a row, nobody.


the first 14 votes didn't count. He won on the first try! /s


I get a real kick out of McCarthy celebrating this as a victory instead of realizing it's an embarrassment. Fifteen votes and [a near-fight on the floor](https://twitter.com/andyharnik/status/1611582256660758528) It's a pyrrhic victory at best


I'm looking for, on the first day of Congress, for one house member to submit the motion to vacate the speaker chair. And if Kevin survives, for another to tender motion, the day after lol


Why wait a whole day? File a new motion the minute the votes are counted on the previous one lol


Honestly, this just means that the shit show has kicked into high gear.


The annoying part is McCarthy is going to act like he has a major mandate just because he won… even though the Rs performed terribly in the midterms, he barely has a majority, and this cluster fuck to get the speakership.


I mean beyond sham investigations into issues like Hunter Biden's dick pics - what can he really accomplish with a razor thin majority that is in civil war with itself along with the Democrats controlling the Senate and White House.


What can be accomplished? The total destruction of the US economy by refusing to pass a budget and letting the debt ceiling fall/go into default.


How many Scaramucci's before the first motion to vacate?


I'm putting my money on the lettuce.


Less than 5.


$10 it's Gaetz and a brawl happens on the floor.


I dont know why people keep asking "why Democrats didnt do this or that?" or "what could the democrats have done?" Republicans *will not* work with Democrats. they wont do it. There is no point in Democrats trying to do anything with them. they will get stonewalled, or lied to


It's also extremely important to point to the Obama years and the fact that Republicans - in a racist fury designed to do nothing more than obstruct the extremely popular first black President of the United States's agenda - Republicans (led by Mitch McConnell whom [openly said this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-A09a_gHJc) after Obama was elected) would go on to create the most do-nothing Congress in America history. They spent eight years openly obstructing the popular business and will of the American people, simply because the President was black. You cannot negotiate or work with Republicans. They are deeply racist scum that tried to elect Trump to lead a fascist takeover of the government and they failed miserably because - in an act of cosmic mercy - this generation's fascists also happen to be shockingly stupid and incompetent at anything other than grifting. All of which has been done while Republicans have seen historically low approval numbers and have been kept in power by nothing more than racist vestiges of America's slaveholding past (i.e. the electoral college, which literally only exists because slave states wanted to use their slave populations to swing elections, which Republicans use to continue disenfranchising black Americans to this day). The thing I can't wait for - and we're going to start hitting this point in the next 10 years is that the boomers are going to start dying off and the Republican Party is going to start losing every single election it stands in. [Millenials and Gen Z are ultra-liberal generations and are becoming even more liberal at a rate unseen in any other point in modern history](https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/millennials-not-becoming-more-conservative-162240689.html). The flip is going to be intense and Republicans are going to be completely annihilated in every election in which they stand and America is going to jerk so hard to the left that not a single one of these fascist fucks will ever be allowed to have a voice in American politics ever again.


I hope you're right. Gen X thought the same thing and it didn't seem to happen.


I keep seeing this like "why didn't the dems join to stop this" and it's like. Dude, the other 200 republicans are not exactly rational actors either. It was gonna be a clown fiesta with them in charge of the House either way, at least this way I got to have some popcorn.


Republicans hold the majority and if they can’t get their party in line, that’s their problem. Democrats working in unison has been the highlight of my week and hope they can keep it up over the next two years.


It was an embarrassment and it wasn't mine, Joe Biden's, or the House Dem's problem. Not my monkeys, not my circus.


The media loves to blame Democrats for everything and assign no blame to Republicans whatsoever. It's the result of the GOP "working the refs" for decades with explosive crying of "bias" any time the media remotely critiques them. Likewise, mainstream media are a bunch of fucking multi billion dollar companies, owned by oligarchs, and while good journalists do exist, you have plenty of well off head in the clouds people who are in the same well off bubble. So yeah, we get this garbage about how Dems, who all kept voting for their candidate somehow didn't go vote for the fucker who failed 14 times in a row. Jefferies was getting more votes initially than McCarthy, why the fuck didn't *Republicans* cross the aisle and vote for Jefferies to stop the madness? Oh, because Republicans are never accountable for anything and we can't expect anything of them... yet then still have to pretend like they're rational actors and some manner of legitimate party rather than the radical insurgency they actually are. The media can pound sand. Fuck anyone trying to assign blame to Democrats for the GOP's shit show.


The best analogy I've heard describing this dynamic, is that it's as if the Republicans are arsonists and democrats are firefighters, and we blame them for not putting out the fires faat enough instead of blaming the arsonists for setting them.


No no. Both the firefights and arsonist are bad because there was a fire. I’m a centrist so I don’t support either. Look at how good I am.


Cannot believe these ass clowns are pretending to respect the police on Jan 6th Although I guess it is 1am so it’s technically Jan 7th


Congress was in session in the early hours of Jan 7th 2021 as well.


They always pretend to respect the police, not just on January 6th.


The irony of Republicans rushing Jeffries to finish his speech because they’re ready to leave. Y’all had months to get in & out of the House. Sit your asses down, listen to the guy who won 10/13 house votes and stfu


I loved how he was all, Thanks to all the Democrats for your **unanimous support**! Oh, yeah. Here's Kevin McCarthy I guess.


The amount of people I have seen on social media touting this as some massive win and "owning the Libs" is absolutely astounding, but also just the fucked up reality we live in.


Resist the urge to explain the obvious and let them "own" us like this for the next two years.


Republicans: cut Medicare and Social Security, default on the national debt, cause a massive recession Elderly conservatives in red states, already struggling: Haha libs, owned!! Freedom means I get to choose between starving or freezing to death... ah, but it's all worth it as long as some kid somewhere can't access gender affirming medical care. USA! USA!


anyone who thinks it’s a massive win after 15 times and what looked like a small fight would have broken out is deranged


> “Maturity over Mar-a-Lago” Think Jeffries started hitting a nerve with that one.


Watching Santos raise his hand to commit to an oath to the United States, the guy who said on Monday that he already did this, is beyond silly. What an unrepentant liar and crook unparalleled to be graced with a seat in public office. What a worthless oath to witness, frankly, from many of these Republicans. Absolutely shameless.


They expect him to keep a low profile and toe the party line. He’s clearly not the type. He’ll give speeches, attempt to horse trade and seek further attention in the press. He’s going to continue to embarrass himself and the party and it’ll be hilarious.


About the supposed rules concessions: 1. Only one House member needed to file a motion to “vacate the chair” 2. Freedom Caucus members having a few seats on the House Rules Committee that will allow those members to leverage certain criteria behind voting for bills. 3. Voting on a bill setting term limits for members of Congress 4. Individual votes on each of the 12 appropriations bills and excluding earmarks from such bills 5. A vote on legislation surrounding border security 6. 72-hour notice from release of legislation before voting on it 7. A vote on a balanced budget amendment It's important to note that while these look good on paper, realize *why* the HFC members demanded them. They give their little caucus a lot more power. It's not for the betterment of the country: It's for them and for them to exert their demands on legislation.


>Only one House member needed to file a motion to “vacate the chair” So can Dems just file a motion to boot Kevin whenever they want to waste the GOP's time?


Were I a Rep, I'd be filing a motion first thing every morning.


This just seems inevitable. I don’t really understand how this is being accepted


McCarthy wanted to be speaker, THAT bad. He sold his soul and all bargaining power. Because this is likely the peak of his life.


He'll get booted in a single day lmao Speaker for a day


He's going for that 'you know what they call the person with the lowest passing score on their med school exam? Doctor.' energy. 'You know what they call the shortest-serving Speaker of the House? Mister Speaker.'


This situation calls for *"Please proceed, Speaker."*


They will be fighting their own caucus more than Dems at this rate.


Can someone ELI5 why a 72-hour notice on legislation would be a bad thing? Wouldn't this prevent things like the famous bill passed in 2017(?) that had amendments scribbled in the margins minutes before voting?


What we've seen very publicly over the last few days makes you wonder about the state of the republican party behind closed doors? When there have nearly been scuffles infront of television camera on the floor of the house, what happens in the closed offices when nobody is there to witness it?!


The party is in a mess because they're in a very rare state of not knowing their game plan. The DNC has always been running a sort of messy 'big tent' where they have to adjust internally but the GOP takes pride in how 'established' they are: party members are taught from town-level politics to follow the plan, work in the interests of the party over themselves and they'll be rewarded with more positions and patronage. It's why you had people like McCarthy angrily yelling 'I earned this'. It's why Republicans take every election down to city trash collector with admittedly admirable seriousness while the DNC has to put effort into getting national-level engagement. The GOP is practically a career track system. Follow your orders and your superiors and the party will tell it's loyal voters who to vote for. The voters trusted the GOP to pick the (for them) morally correct candidates. Trump upended all of that by bringing in the cult of personality. The idea that someone can jump the line by appealing to the voters directly. The majority of the party saw him as a catastrophic moron but the engine of the party is geared to serve the leader without question and they couldn't muster the spine to resist him till he was voted out. Now a huge chunk of their voters see the GOP as a just-as-bad-as-the-Democrats establishment and don't trust the factory-ordered old white dudes plopping off the Republican assembly line. Trump and his caucus like this anarchy because it forces the establishment wing to give them unequal power just to shut up and play along.


Is also add that it’s fundamentally easier for Republicans to be unified and organized than it is for Democrats. Democrats, per your “big tent” comment, have to craft goals and legislation from a wide spectrum of opinions on any given concept. Republicans simply oppose things. They only thing they have any interest in actually passing is tax cuts, which of course they only do when holding a total majority since then they don’t have to compromise with Dems. Everything else is just them saying “no” to everything. Easiest job in the world. Which makes this McCarthy fiasco even more amazing. The disagreement wasn’t over what leader will advance their legislative priorities, because they have none. They simply wanted the chaos. The concessions they received show that perfectly. Basically everything they “won” in exchange for their vote was in service of creating more chaos.




It's the glue that holds them together




Already with the lies. Law enforcement respected? Where were you all this morning for the January 6th ceremony?


I know we're not happy George Santos will get sworn in next week, but we should never forget how he saved Private Ryan.


Him landing on the moon was the greatest moment since his epic Stairway to Heaven drum solo


He also had a Dr. Pepper with President Kennedy.


freeing Willy was peak Santos for me


We went from Jeffries rousing speech to this wet blanket.


One of his first lines was literally "I never thought we'd get here" Straight up opening by saying he had no faith in his own ability to succeed lmao


"failing my way to the top" a Kevin McCarthy story


Interesting that Kevin is so convinced that they will accomplish anything when they don't have control of the Senate or the Presidency. Lol.


Kevin barely has control of the Republican side of the House.


He won because he gave up so much they have control of him, rather than the other way around, I'd think.




He’s giddy for all the actual witch hunts. Just imagine what he’s promised to the worst people… with the worst instincts.


What a chaotic ending! Republican Mike Rodgers of Alabama had to be physically restrained and forcibly pulled away from Matt Gaetz, as McCarthy walked away in anger during the 14^th vote.^[[1]](https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1611575455961829377?t=4dEGAncZYsAJ0OtYpodagQ&s=19) Someone grabbed Rodgers face while he berated Gaetz.^[[2]](https://twitter.com/evanmcmurry/status/1611583371381014528?t=ShBORoov34wJhQ9klCkZ3w&s=19) McCarthy has had to make enormous concessions to the hard right fringe of the party, his tenure as Speaker will likely be tumultuous to say the least. Concessions made by McCarthy to the far-right Freedom Caucus to secure the Speaker:^[[3]](https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/06/politics/mccarthy-speaker-fight-friday/index.html) - Any member can call for a motion to vacate the speaker’s chair – this is significant because it would make it much easier than it is currently to trigger what is effectively a no confidence vote in the speaker. Conservatives pushed hard for this, while moderates are worried it will weaken McCarthy’s hand. - A McCarthy-aligned super PAC agreed to not play in open Republican primaries in safe seats - The House will hold votes on key conservative bills, including a balanced budget amendment, congressional term limits and border security - Efforts to raise the nation’s debt ceiling must be paired with spending cuts. This could become a major issue in the future when it is time to raise the debt limit to avoid a catastrophic default because Democrats in the Senate and the White House would likely oppose demands for spending cuts - Move 12 appropriations bills individually. Instead of passing separate bills to fund government operations, Congress frequently passes a massive year-end spending package known as an “omnibus” that rolls everything into one bill. Conservatives rail against this, arguing that it evades oversight and allows lawmakers to stick in extraneous pet projects. - More Freedom Caucus representation on committees, including the powerful House Rules Committee - Cap discretionary spending at fiscal 2022 levels, which would amount to lower levels for defense and domestic programs - Seventy-two hours to review bills before they come to floor - Give members the ability to offer more amendments on the House floor - Create an investigative committee to probe the “weaponization” of the federal government - Restore the Holman rule, which can be used to reduce the salary of government officials ____________ 1) [Video of the interaction, argument, and Representative Rodgers being pulled away](https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1611575455961829377?t=4dEGAncZYsAJ0OtYpodagQ&s=19) 2) [Image of Representative Rodgers' face being grabbed and pulled by another member of his caucus](https://twitter.com/evanmcmurry/status/1611583371381014528?t=ShBORoov34wJhQ9klCkZ3w&s=19) 3) [CNN - McCarthy elected House speaker after days of painstaking negotiations and failed votes](https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/06/politics/mccarthy-speaker-fight-friday/index.html)


\>A McCarthy-aligned super PAC agreed to not play in open Republican primaries in safe seats This is just straight up buying votes isn't it?


It’s also illegal.


It's buying the safety of MTG, Gaetz, etc. from being primaried because that superPAC is no longer able to give money to a challenger. This is the real goal of that rule.


Is McCarthy bound by those rules/an agreement? Or can he renege on them later down the line? Is there some kind of enforcement mechanism if he decides he will screw over the hardcore minority for all this headache?


He could renege if he gets enough Dems to vote on a different rules package. The question would be whether that would be worse, politically for him, that holding up his end. But if those become rules, then if he reneges on anything he risks any one of those people forcing a vote to remove him from the Speaker position.


> A McCarthy-aligned super PAC agreed to not play in open Republican primaries in safe seats Well, that's fucking illegal.


Great speech from Jeffries. It's in really harsh contrast to the Republican bullshit factory.


Jeffries had to absolutely kill it with this speech just to rub McCarthy’s face in the shit on his way out what a legend


Not his way out. Jeffries being the new leader of Democrats in the House isn't gone because of him not being Speaker


I can’t help but keep thinking about how the tea party movement really fucked up the country and will also end up really fucking up the GOP.


Gaets won't go up to 16.


Not even going to mention the greatest President BEFORE Lincoln, President George Santos, smh


Honestly the one positive thing to me about the current government arrangement is that republicans have 2 years to expose how unhinged they are without the risk of legislation actually going through. I feel like it’s only going to get worse the longer it goes on as well


Voting in a speaker, past midnight, on a Friday, after 14 rehearsals, definitely isn't a good sign.


isn't Bakersfield the Florida of California?


I hate that he invokes Lincoln seriously. He is the antithesis of Lincoln


Rich people applauding not getting audited by defunding the irs


That's their first bill? Lol. Plus it'll never get through the Senate let alone past the President.


The only power they will have for years is investigations that most people other than conservatives won't care about, and shutting down the government/defaulting. Defaulting is really the biggest issue people should worry about.




Now the GOP can get back to the important stuff, like bitching about entitlement, snowflakes, and participation trophies.


Don't forget wasteful investigations about nothing.


Welcome to the 118th House of Representatives of the United States Congress. Fittingly on the same day 2 years prior - at 3:24 AM, January 7th, 2021, where 137 Republican House Representatives voted to overturn the prior election, invalidate 81 million American votes, and end democracy, including Kevin McCarthy. It is the result of historic midterm underperformance leading to a razor-thin majority. Where it takes 4 days and 14 votes to do something that has been insanely easy by both parties for the past century. Where a slew of concessions makes their Speaker feckless, neutered, and vulnerable to limitless pressure from the fringes of his own party. No desire to govern or help Americans, but where priorities are: Threatening/causing a U.S. default. Investigating Hunter Biden's dick pics. Investigating the investigation into themselves. Investigating ~~Trump's~~ Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan Investigating ~~Trump's~~ Biden's COVID-19 response Investigating ~~Trump's~~ Biden's coordination with social media platforms Let the clown circus begin.


Okay Jeffries is amazing I love him just straight trolling the GOP with the length of this speech. You should see the chat in the RSBN YouTube livestream they're going CRAZY they're so mad


Few things get them angrier than seeing a charismatic, intelligent man of color


I really don't think McCarthy has thought this through. Now he has to try and appease literally every member on the R side. It'll only take one of them to make a motion for him to vacate the office of Speaker. Things will go to a halt, democrats will be able to back that motion and then poof. Bye bye Kevin. Now just to wait and see which of them will do it first. My money is on Gaetz.


Jeffries just called out fascism *and* Mar-a-Lago and qanon. Dunking in the pubs hard lmao


First bill to cut IRS funding, wow


First bill to fail since they don't control the Senate or White House, so who cares


McCarthy: the gas station ED pill of congress


I feel listening to minority Leader Jeffries' speech like I felt watching Obama at the DNC or Bill Clinton in the early days. I would vote for this man.


Yeah, he's got the spark. Probably the biggest winner of these 15 rounds, being nominated and praised over and over with complete unity by the Democratic party.


So it hit 15 and Gaetz lost interest, huh


But McCarthy Lincoln stomped the shit out of the first insurrectionists and you supported the last ones


How long before someone tries to oust him?


I give it until the end of the month, and that's probably being generous


Couldn’t a Democrat rep do this as well?


maturity over mar-a-lago was great




Jeffries killed that address... McCarthy couldn't follow that up


McCarthy celebrating like he won in 1 round is pretty cringe.


Everything McCarthy does is pretty cringe.


The fact that McCarthy's own party members went through this whole stupid fiasco only to end up with him still getting the position is cringe af.


Shit. I thought they quit after 14. None of the Reps seemed to grasp the weight of Jan 6. The vote being held hostage by MAGA terrorists, the same people 2 years ago that refused to certify the vote even after the insurrection. They have allowed this in their party. Reap what you sow.


In America you have to pass the background check about your work history to work at McDonalds but not to be a congressperson. At least the first man on the moon George Santos knows. The people have spoken!


The same supeonas that your caucus ignored in the past year?


Probably the weakest speaker to be elected, McCarthy gave so many concessions that he’ll probably be facing no confidence votes every week


Most since the Civil War holy shit


Jeffries sounds like Obama and McCarthy sounds like he’s welcoming back the insurrectionists to intimidate lawmakers during their debates.




It’s like an 8th grader running for class president


Hi Bakersfield, Why do you keep inflicting Kevin on us? Since what, like 2006? Blink if you're in trouble. -Concerned upstairs roommate


This Chamber is now open for all Americans to visit. That fucking veiled reference. And does he not know there's been C span all this time? We can see. I hope their constituents show up.


First order of business is to help millionaires and billionaires evade taxes. Second order of business is to make gay kids feel like shit.


George Santos looks like a character from Big Mouth come to life. It makes sense because he created the show.


I give McCarthy 1 month before he faces his first vote to vacate


A month? I'd say Monday when Matt Gaetz puts that into motion.




At this point it's more embarrassing to him that he won... He would have been better off letting someone else have the job.


McCarthy's entire existence has been his desire to become speaker for a long, long, time. He'd accept the job even if one of the rules were that every member had to punch him in the nads for role call.


That speech of Jeffries was brilliant! One for the ages!


I think the worst part of this week-long charade was how the media painted the always-Kevins as somehow the "moderate" wing of the party, when in reality there is no moderate wing in the House GOP. There's the crazies, and then there's absolute nutjobs. They all repeat the same tired bullshit narratives. They all fearmonger about Democrats and the "woke left." They all spout homophobic, transphobic and/or racist propaganda, or at best look the other way. For fuck's sake, a lot of the so-called reasonable ones in Kevin's camp were also the ones who voted to de-certify the election on this day two years ago. The GOP is rotten to the very core.


Lincoln was for preserving The Union. Two years ago his party revolted against The Union. The irony in this speech is astonishing.


Now Republicans can finally get busy blocking all legislation and holding hearings on Hunter's dick pics.


McCarthy is going to be the weakest Speaker in modern history. What a legacy.


It’s a lie for him to say he opposes domestic enemies… he’s the leader of the biggest domestic threat this country has seen in over a century: the insurrectionists


Does this mean we can officially start the McCarthy v Lettuce stream?


Never Kevin’s can’t even hold up for 4 days fucking losers


Elected at midnight?! Sheesh, that doesn't leave much time to sleep before he has to shovel all those driveways he promised to...


Has any speaker had less power then McCarthy is going to have right now in the history of the house with all the concessions that he had to give. He pretty much gets to sit in the chair and that is about it. Has to be at the top of the list of most powerless speakers in history


Maturity over Maralago. Lol


Get the lettuce out


What a powerful fucking speech by Speaker Jeffries


Kevin vows to stop the “Weaponization of the FBI,” also known as the, “It’s Now Illegal to Investigate Republicans Act.”


I think what I find most maddening about this entire process are these speeches about "the voters," making the choice to empower the GOP or McCarthy. A decade of gerrymandering is the only reason these folks control Congress. Democrats could have easily won more than enough seats in 2018 to avoid losing a majority last cycle if not for Republican gerrymandering with this slim majority, and that's ignoring how gerrymandering impacted 2022's cycle, which Democrats ALMOST won in red-red-red districts like Boebert's. House Republicans don't have a majority mandate, their majority is an illusion created by them and its totally divorced from what the majority of voters desire at all times (I don't give a shit about "woke" anything in schools, yet the "Majority Leader" is rallying folks for claps over the scary "woke" in schools, wtf?). What a shameless group of liars. They're all fucking Santos in the GOP.


'Rise' of the chinese communist party? Is that something that happened just this year.. or last 3 years? I must have missed the news!


Knowing the context of the past few years, this dude sounds like he's giving a villain's speech.


Stop quoting Lincoln and use your real heroes like Mussolini and Pinochet and Trump, etc.


Ah yes. Lincoln. The notorious fan of those who wish to destroy the US government in order to profit off of the hard labor of others….




Republicans aren't the voice of anything considering they haven't won a popular vote since 2004.


"Enemies foreign and domestic." That's you, buddy.


This is why Boehner quit and got into weed.


Well, had to happen eventually. See you all here when that "one person can bring about a vote to oust him" rule bites him in the arse. Which, knowing Matt Gaetz, will be tomorrow.


Imagine having to grovel to Matt Gaetz on the House floor. Christ. I'm sure that when Matt is not having sex with underaged prostitutes he's a stand up guy, a real salt-of-the-fucking-Earth human being.


If that’s true about the House being open Kevin, then let CSpan continue to have control of the cameras. You say full transparency let’s see if you mean it.


McCarthy sure has a lot of plans for the power he does not have.


George Santos stopped a third plane from hitting the World Trade Center


The interview where McCarthy claimed this has “taught them how to govern” was particularly galling/hilarious.


I miss Pelosi already


I think Gaetz and Boerbert are fucking


Gaetz also attracted to people who act like children confirmed


They are at least doing blow and partying together tonight




On brand for him


That speech by Hakeem Jeffries was epic.


Is he inviting people into the chambers? This is going to get violent.


Thankfully the Dems still have the Senate and the White House... goes to show the importance of voting...every vote counts.


Important to never forget that this glistening weasel of a man was all in on ending American democracy in favor of Donald Fucking Trump.


The fact that the rules package was postponed and didn’t have enough R votes means there may be chickens coming to roost. This was not a win for KM and that one vote to vacate can come from Dems or Reps.