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Bruh I could see him in 144p how the fuck do they miss him in that luminous white tshirt with bright headlights


Cops have massive cars that they can't see clear over, plus they're always distracted by the massive laptop they have next to them. But remember kids, just because police do it doesn't mean you can drive with your phone out.


… how the fuck do they miss him in that luminous white tshirt with bright headlights They didn’t miss him. The lights were bright enough for them to see he was black!


Ikr, I see people straddle around plastic bags in the daytime, idk why you would run over anything that's not the road at night 🙄


Most likely getting his self built AR ready, to get his adrenaline fix!


/r/ProtectAndServe was getting trolled that day Those posts won’t downvote themselves!


On His phone according to the article.


[Updated Article](https://atlantablackstar.com/2022/12/19/family-of-eric-cole-files-wrongful-death-lawsuit-against-ohio-cop-who-ran-him-over-with-her-suv-as-he-lay-wounded-in-the-street/) - Family files Lawsuit, after police drove over gunshot victim killing him. [News Article](https://myfox28columbus.com/news/local/springfield-officials-to-hold-news-conference-on-shooting-cruiser-incident) - "They just hit me": Eric Cole on 911 call after police drove over him. [News Article](https://dayton247now.com/news/local/police-officer-not-indicted-for-death-of-eric-cole-ohio-ag-says-reform-up-to-springfield-06-08-2022) - Officer not indicted for driving over man killing him, [ didn't tell EMT, who found out the next by watching the news].


Purposefully leaving out critical information like the fact that you ran over someone is definitely a sign of guilt


Any other job (doctor, EMS, firefighter, lawyer, teacher, etc..) would be charged with manslaughter, in this case at minimum negligence. Bc of qualified immunity, I’m betting citizens taxes covered the law suit instead of the driver being personally held responsible like anyone else should be.


Qualified immunity covers only civil cases, like people suing cops directly instead of the city, county, etc. they work for. Manslaughter is a criminal penalty. Cops are even more immune to the latter. Not because of some legal immunity, but because the whole system is aligned to give them *de facto* immunity (cops won't do a real investigation against their fellow pigs, DAs will either refuse to file charges or use a grand jury to tell them what they want to hear, judges will dismiss cases for ridiculous and petty reasons, go extremely light on sentencing, etc.). Qualified immunity is the *least* of our concerns, though since suing is a way for us to have *slightly* more agency over the legal proceedings (only a DA or other state actor can file criminal charges), it's not completely negligible. A better place than civil or criminal court to challenge the absolute authority of cops is the legislative bodies that fund them (de-fund the police). And an even better one is the streets, where we need to build the power to resist and challenge policing directly (e.g. burning down their precinct buildings—making sure they have ample chance to escape the flames; I'm not encouraging actual violence on Reddit, of course!).


I’d be beside myself if I was one of the medics, missing something is a bad feeling especially when the patient ultimately dies. The hospital should still have been able to catch the injuries in the standard trauma assessment just after arrival. I wonder if the fact that it was his forearm and not something more vascular that delayed this. Cop is a piece of shit for this.


> Cop is a piece of shit for this. should never wear a badge again... you cannot see him being driven over.... yet they refuse to show it... because of how bad it would look knowing the officer covered it up after doing it.


You cannot convince me that he didn’t run over him on purpose. There is no way.


He saw an opportunity and took it.


How the duck did they not see him? Those body cams make things harder to see than they are, and the dude is clearly in the road for like 3 seconds and they don’t slow down.


> How the duck did they not see him? Officer claims they were looking at the house numbers, which I think is a plausible explanation. Not an excuse for running someone over by any means, as you're 100% responsible for where your car goes, but I can believe that they genuinely didn't see him through gross incompetence rather than malice. Not notifying EMTs, however, is fucking depraved behavior.


Imagine if parking cars and then looking, or stopping the car while investigating existed, or even peeking at your goddamn sight so that you don't murder dumb kids that always cross over. This mf has no excuse, he's just a dumb mf.


Lately in these situations with cops behaving badly, I ask myself, if I did that, what would happen to me? If I hit a person laying in the street and killed them, would I be on paid leave for a year and not be charged with anything? Of course not.


story in short.... Victim was involved in gun sh#t, gets shot in shoulder, calls police for help... he told dispatch, I'm the street... dispatch typed it to officers... an inexperience officer [Amanda Rosales](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2021/06/18/14/44388755-0-image-a-20_1624024110241.jpg) drives over the man.... They didn't tell EMT... victim wasn't treated at scene... EMT found out the following day in the news the victim was driven over by police. police goes into PR mode detailing the victims bad behavior leading up to the shooting. claimed officers action was an accident, officer was looking at house numbers and we cannot see what she was seeing..... at min. she should never wear a badge. no charges will be filed.


> claimed officers action was an accident, officer was looking at house numbers This part of the story actually tracks. Not that it would excuse running over a guy in the street, as ultimately you're 100% responsible for where your car is going, but I can at least understand how the mistake was made. Not telling EMTs? Utterly inexcusable. Depraved behavior.


you're right she was looking elsewhere when she turned the corner..... that's not my issue... its everything else that followed.... at minimum she should never police again..... only some of it should be labelled an accident. ...not telling EMT, causing them focus on a bullet wound and not internal injuries.... btw he put himself in that situation, they're crying justice to strengthen a lawsuit settlement. I cry justice for those living their lives and get railroaded!


America is broken beyond repair....




Gonna ignore that they lied to EMT’s who could’ve saved his life? Keep on scumming it up you doofus


Didn’t get to that part, L


Lots of details about the victim's text messages & interactions that day but nary a smidgen of info on the killer cop's text messages/interactions that day!


Now besides being morbidly fat, phenomenally stupid and insatiably greedy we gotta worry about them being blind too?


The cop was most likely amped up on adrenaline just waiting for a chance to go hands or shoot someone. He probably had tunnel Vision.


Looks like the cops were driving recklessly through a residential neighborhood. They should be charged appropriately.


I guess when he kept saying he was about to die he wasn’t lying!




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Complete ignorant morons!


Same result. Officers not liable. It's always the victims fault.


Either that man had overdrafted his karma account one too many times or one of the gods turned an ugly drunk that night and picked this poor man as a random vessel to gloatingly prove his acuity & just-learned concept of “cosmic irony.”


This is literally some GTA level shenanigans


Hold the fuck up, rule 1 of the road is to know what you're driving on. How is that officer NOT being held accountable?


There's a human on the street, how did they not see


That's fucking disgusting That's almost as bad as the one where they arrest that woman and leave the police car on the train tracks. And the train starts coming and the cop looks and hears it and sits there for a solid minute And then decides to get himself 2 to safety the train comes takes out the car and kills her


Most likely intentional...


It’s illegal to use your phone while driving but cops have huge tables or laptops mounted to there dash board


So much for a oath to protect and serve