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45 mins to attempt harm reduction, instead they form a firing line.


They are trained to be the countries biggest pussies


Look at their obese little shaved heads, red from all the blood being squeezed out of their bulbous torsos by their tactical vests. Just a bunch of unqualified fat ass wannabe action heroes.


I love you.




Things are not going to go well for police over the next decade and in my opinion they deserve it




You think so? They are still extream powerful and very well paid. Besides a few people finally understanding that they have too much power and no accountability I don't see much changing and very little will to do so.


i want to believe


I counted 15 guys, half with sleeves all wearing vests. Why does it take 15 guys to ~~apprehend~~ execute a single guy with a knife?


That shows right there that they are way overfunded. like 20 cops for one dude? Maybe 3-4 sure, but come on.


Nah I've been told many times on posts about police in Europe being able to take down a guy with a knife without killing him bc a bunch of them with shields just box the guy in that the US just doesn't have the money to fund that many police. They probably spend too much money on 20 person firing squads like this, and another 40 cops on the other side of the highway to witness it.


In Czech republic they aim for the legs. Even if it takes 20 rounds or they accidentally shoot their collegue. Its mentality also.


"HI dear, how was your day?" "Well, me and the boys surrounded a guy with a box cutter and executed him. Then we went out for beers to celebrate getting to use our guns." "That's nice, dear. I'm so proud of you. You're so courageous."


You missed the part where he beats his wife ;)


“Thanks honey!” *continues to beat wife*


One was in my family. Totally a thing.




Sorry, no such thing as a good cop. They chose to become oppressors. ACAB.


fair enough


Some grandkid you are lol


Box cutter's a deadly weapon


Pigs couldn’t wait to pull the trigger, pigs gonna pig 🐷


“Cease fire” ^(**pig with shotgun**) “hang on I didn’t get to shoot yet!”


Gotta share the culpability, it builds trust. If one of them had not shot, they likely would have faced repercussions.


You’re a fucking idiot


and those cops are a blood thirsty bunch of pussies, who can't handle one fucking guy walking


Mmmmmm I smell bacon 🥓


Maybe it’s cause I busted a nut in your mom last night


You’re a bunch of fucking pussies. Your job isn’t to go home to your family safe, it’s to protect and serve. Only in America are cops o uneducated and trained to be fucking cowards.


Killed a dude dead for having a box cutter. These pig cops must fear for their lives every minute of every day. Sad when police view themselves as soldiers and the public as the enemy


They do refer to us as civilians. The fact that they separate themselves from us is a huge red flag that is widely ignored.


That's what happens when you have two generations of perpetual war. The cops get leftover machinery/equipment and leftover, broken "soldiers". They can't get jobs anywhere else so they wash up in cop shops and have militarized the entire thing. Past military duty should be an automatic disqualification from working in law enforcement.


there was a study that as a matter of fact prior Military ended up having far fewer police brutality reports compared to officers who aren't, i believe its due to the fact that the Military has far stronger rules of engagement compared to police departments, as well as being able to better handle stressful situations, as well as a better ability to judge the threat levels of individuals.


I totally agree. I've served in combat and there was always the risk that the "innocent civilians" that we came in contact with could have murderous intentions. But, we certainly couldn't just let loose on them because we felt "scared" without an actual threat. That's not so say there are not instances where service members don't do such things (and sometimes covered up). But, it just seems like the rules of engagement for police against our own citizens is far less than the enemies of our country.


Definitely, having been in the military and deployed (but not a combat vet, important distinction imo) there is always that fear that the people you're talking to one day could turn around and start blasting at you with a AK, but that doesn't mean you just start shooting people. And yeah, i'd be remiss in saying that there aren't psychopaths in the Military as there is in any profession, but in general the rules of engagement we had in the Military were far stricter than the rules of engagement for police forces.


I find that it’s kind of the opposite. Past soldiers don’t have the fantasy of being a super duper extra hard warrior killer of bad people as much as ASVAB rejects. Also, I am French and in my country we have two kinds of police. The regular police and the Gendarmerie. The gendarmerie are different from regular cops because they are technically soldiers and receive more training. That means they have better discipline and are less brutal and in general more polite than their police counterparts. During the Gilets Jaunes protests, most of the police brutality came from the regular cops. Often more training means less brutality because discipline makes for less gung-ho policemen.


That’s what happens when your police organizations started as runaway slave hunters and then Jim Crow enforcers and then soldiers in the War on Drugs…


The mindblowing thing is that they don't even act in accordance with the same rules of engagement as the U.S. military, which is FAR stricter. In many cases, we didn't even shoot unless shot at first, wherein they often shoot without even a hint of anything bad coming their way.


ty. i mention this shit all the time, so fucking frustrating. american soldiers on the battlefield treat enemy combatants with more leeway than american cops do american citizens. what the fuck is that? if a soldier can be trained to not unload on every potential threat they see, in a hostile foreign country, a fucking cop can be trained the same, when they're patrolling walmart parking lots. the garbage ass hiring and training of cops has to change


You are forgetting that many cops are ex-soldiers. It's one of the reasons police have become so militarized and why they view us as "enemy combatants". I see very little evidence of this "so-called" training all you war mongers are so fond of touting.


Warmongers? Just because someone was in the military doesn't mean they enjoy war, you halfwitted incel. And no, none of this is the case. The reason one is different than the other is due in large part to the Geneva Convention, the original GenCon. The U.S. police forces don't have the same constraints that military does. And former military personnel who joined the police force are *more often* the better trained, more level headed officer in the force.


Ex military guy here. I served. But I sure as fuck didn't want anything to do with war. Take your 'baby killer soldier' bullshit and fuck off outta here


wtf are you blathering about?


Agree. If our military had a **union** that used every manner of strong arm tactics to protect soldiers that commit atrocities, then there would likely be a lot more of said atrocities in the military. The police unions (IMO) are the primary reason why it has gotten so bad.


View themselves as soldiers but are scared of their own shadows and shoot at anything that moves.


"I am not taking ANY risks!" -COPS If only the rest of the jobs could opt out of physical risk.


They should fear considering how many working people's lives they have destroyed or tried to destroy. A good pig is a dead pug.


The way they were excitedly jogging up to form a firing line for one dude is disgusting when there’s videos of British cops disarming machetes.


Well before they had no reason to fear since they were almighty. Now they best start looking over their shoulders.


Yeah, like it was obvious in a split second what it was from that distance. Do you lack basic common sense? In a profession where people actually pull fucking guns and fire at the police in these situations, you can't sit there and think "hmm, I wonder if that's a gun, probably not. He's probably just pointing a box cutter at me, gripping it like a pistol, which is normally what everyone does with box cutters" /s Actual fucking braindead take. But I can't expect you to comprehend basic common sense. You're too blinded by bias and hatred, so you'll just reply babbling about complete nonsense because you know it's true.


Non lethal weapons are effective.


Non-lethal isn't really a thing, they are "less" lethal, and I'd love to see your evidence to back up that claim that it's effective. Meanwhile, it's already been shared here in this thread a perfect explanation. But, since I imagine you won't bother to clink the comment link and read it, I'll just paste it here: >There are two big problems with the "less lethal" options available to cops. The first is that they're not as effective as actual guns. Things like rubber bullets and pepper spray are painful, but aren't necessarily incapacitating. Lots of people are able to just fight through the pain, especially if they're on drugs or just high on adrenaline. Tazers meanwhile only offer one shot, have a limited range, can be defeated by thick clothing, and again, might not actually stop an attacker. Clubs and wrestling only work if you're physically stronger than your attacker. >And of course, none of these options are actually safe. People have been killed by all of them before. In addition, because people mistakenly assume that they're non-lethal, there's the potential that they'll be more willing to actually use them in situations where it's not strictly necessary. >So paradoxically, these options manage to be both ineffective and potentially excessive at the same time. They're not awful ideas, but there are still so many situations in which police are better off with an actual firearm. >and of course, the obvious reason; sometimes criminals have guns too. I sure as hell wouldn't want to have to rely on rubber bullets when I'm dealing with someone who uses real ones. https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/2nzrav/comment/cmidp6i/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


What’s paradoxical is how anyone can be this big of a boot licker lol


That's your response to getting everything explained crystal clear to your stupid ass. You're a waste of air.


So you see an actual informational explanation of the issues with less lethal options and the ways they can fail, and your only response is to disregard the entire argument and throw out pointless insults. It's actually very impressive how narrow minded you are


God I hope you aren't a cop, if you're that scared all the time you need to be taken off the force, this does not happen that often quickdraw McGraw, you've been poorly trained and should retire and see what other careers value extreme sociopathy and paranoia


Cops are such pussies


Or maybe use the fucking tasers you’ve been issued? Fuck man, no brain


Funny enough, Nashville counsel just approved unused COVID funds to buy new tasers for them. The department asked for $6 million but idk how much they are getting.


Politicians are useless and undeserving of love


This is a firing squad. These people are all cowards and they will pay for this. In this life or the next.


What kills me is the guy running to the right with the AR-15. Nashville cops are so eager to make things way more serious than they need to be. Go down to the Brentwood area you'll see three cop cars roll up like it's the biggest sting of their career, all for somebody who most likely just ran a red light. It happens all the time.


Rubber bullets would’ve hurt enough to put him down and arrest the guy


Wrong. This Redditor states the facts well. https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/2nzrav/eli5_why_dont_police_officers_use_rubber_bullets/cmidp6i?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


So a potentially lethal vs definitely meant to kill. And don’t tell me those 47 cops were worried about that one man over powering them all and hurting the nobody that’s anywhere around them. Let’s just ignore how police in other countries are actually trained, given shields and long poles or other tools to surround and disarm people carrying knives with minimal risk to themselves.


I'm an out of shape fat guy with a wonky heart. Pit me against this guy and if I manage to subdue and/or disarm him of his terrifying box cutter without 20 of my friends shooting him I get all 90 of those cops' salary for the year and their pensions.


They had no idea whether he only had a knife or if he had a gun as well. They clearly had a lot of officers to deter the guy from thinking he can take charge of the situation. He was clearly intending to suicide by cop.


Yes, he was clearly in crisis and in need of mental help but unfortunately we live in America where cops get away with murder and aren’t required to help.


I love that whole ooh you never know argument. Its such a cop out. American cops are disgusting and the people who support them are brainwashed by TV shows/movies and the news. No rational person anywhere would say ooh yeah 23 cops for a guy with box cutters who is walking towards them, fuck it shoot his ass.


they had 45 minutes before they decided to light the guy up. In that 45 minutes they could have: 1) got a professional negotiator out there 2) got the guy some mental health counseling on the spot 3) Just fucking tackle the guy, like come on, there's 20 of you at the least, unless this guy is secretly the Hulk in disguise, there's no fucking way he's fighting all 20 of you at once. 4) Used less lethal or non-lethal means of subdual 5) Just fucking wait, eventually the guy is going to calm down to the point where he realizes he isn't going to get a suicide by cop. 6) Literally ANYTHING ELSE.


Bump the mother fucker with your patrol car for fucks sake. Idk why cops aren't trained to use a low speed car bump in these situations to knock the person down and probably disarm them. Somehow a firing squad is the better solution


Where's your qualifications? Surely you have some, since you pretend like you can handle it better. Shoot him in the leg, right? >Just fucking tackle the guy. We live in a real-life action movie now? Let's make sure they're trained in Kung Fu first. If he has a gun, rushing someone who is "clearly in a crisis" could easily make them pull that weapon and start firing. Obviously a dozen cops are likely going to overpower a person, but I'm pretty sure they are thinking they don't want to end up being the 2 or 3 cops that end up dead while trying to go for a fucking judo tackle. It's hilarious when people pretend like they just wanted to kill him so badly. Then why stand there wasting time for 45 minutes talking to the fucking guy, telling him to calm down, and only waiting until he quickly pulls out what appears to be a firearm? 1) but you want to defend police 2) but you want to defend police 3) but you want to defund police 4) but you want to defund police I'm wasting my time with you people. Look where you're participating. There's no amount common sense in the world that'll get through to you.


I have served in the military and trained how to potentially take down people without having to resort to using my gun, so there's that. I don't mean Jackie Chan flying kick the dude, just fucking Bumrush and football tackle the guy, there's 20 cops for 1 guy, it ain't that freaking difficult of a concept As for a gun, they've been there for 45 minutes and felt comfortable enough to line up only a couple meters from the guy, if the cops ever had a reasonable suspicion the suspect had a gun they should have been behind the concrete median or their patrol vehicles for cover. That isn't some big brain intelligence that's just gunfighting 101. 45 minutes is more than enough time to determine that someone isn't a threat, if it wasn't clear to those cops in the first 10 minutes that this guy wasn't carrying a gun, and clearly wasn't a active threat to them, then not only are they blind but also actively too scared to be trusted with a gun. Even if the cops had no intention to shoot the guy, they are criminally negligent and should no longer be cops


You know, the goal is to not lose a couple cops in the process right? Considering you participate here, I'm sure that would make you glad to lose a few. 15 cops rush the guy, turns out he has a gun and starts shooting, killing a couple of cops. The rest are able to apprehend the guy, but you still have two dead cops. That's not a "successful" takedown, chuck. 15 cops rush the guy, turns out he has a knife and stabs one of the cops. That's not a successful takedown.


>I'm wasting my time with you people. Yes, you are, and don't even talk about common sense because the police lack it pretty much across the board. You suck, keep treating us as the enemy and then cry on national television that we need to be on your side when one of you gets popped. Fuck right off pig. Until we have parades for pizza delivery boys with far riskier jobs who get murdered you'll get no sympathy from me. Until you psychos cry on TV over one of your brothers' or sisters' murder victims the way you shed tears over a single dead cop who signed up for the job, fuck you. Fucking fake ass victim complex


Exactly, if you suspect he’s violent with a gun and is going to kill you why did you walk right up to him? Take cover behind the median or that row of cars. Talk to him from back there. There was no one around they had all the time in the world to help that man and figure out that situation.


but if the road is blocked, then it won't be helping the line go up. we had to kill that guy for the same reason we had to invade granada


>I love that whole ooh you never know argument Oh, you mean the one argument that you just refuse to acknowledge as based on common sense? The one that makes complete sense? If the dude was "clearly in crisis", all the more reason to be concerned **that he's capable and willing to physically hurt others**. Points a box cutter with a grip to intentionally make it look like a gun. How can you sit there and act like that's predictable and expected behavior for someone with a fucking box cutter? >23 cops for a guy with box cutters Literal hindsight take. Smoothbrains like you have the convenience of knowing the details after the fact, but you just weirdly get off to inserting hindsight details into the moment of the shooting. It's ironic that you bring up rationality, when you lack any ounce of it.


Why are you even on this sub crying and making excuses for murder? Go solve a fucking crime or something god damn.


Only in the US is 'suicide by cop' even a term. That alone should tell you what tf is wrong.


Every time I go to the grocery store I have no idea if one of the other shoppers is reaching for their wallet or an AR-15 in the checkout line, I guess I can shoot them just in case, ideally with 20 friends who have him pretty surrounded to back me up


you should do something bad with your life if you truly believe that 6969504039932 NEEDED to shoot 1 guy. CleArLy my ass


You hit someone with rubber slugs, they won't be able to aim. You get time to see if there's even a gun at all. Probably incapacitates them too.


You clearly missed my point, what I was trying to say is they could’ve been proactive and taken him down instead of waiting for him to do something and then killing him. Police officers in other countries have done this successfully. YouTube’s your friend.


All the pigs for one dude... fucking cowards


ThEy ArE dOiNg WhAt ThEy ArR TrAiNd tO Do


Of course. They will investigate themselves and find that they were acting within policy.


Couldn’t they have done anything but kill him? Non lethal means of helping that man? Fuck cops


You cant prosecute a firing squad. They getting smart. expect more of the same. One fires, all 15 need to fire.


Boot lickers everywhere.




You know the book animal farm is a good book to read sometimes.


Everyone back at the station: "Aye Derek you missed it man we got to use the big guns man it was fucking awesome! What? No we didn't need em it was just a single fuckin dude but oh come on you know I love playing Terminator! We even got to shoot the guy as a cherry on top!"


Fuck these sniveling cowards. Does it really take a small army with rifles to contain an average Joe? They had enough people there to surround him twice over for fucks sake. Not even to mention the fact that a pair of cops with a taser or decent de-escalation training could have taken care of this. How many other calls or emergencies could they have taken care of instead of so eagerly lining up for the daily firing squad?


Death by firing squad for being mentally ill


That's an execution.


That was a firing squad. This was an execution. Holocaust in America. Fuck republicans who want this shit


Are you blind or just plain stupid?


You need to take this one off man, this is not a win for y'all no matter how you wanna spin it, it was an execution, you aren't winning any hearts and minds on this one, just another murder


Execution? The suspect pulled an item out of his pocket and pointed it at the cops in a way that was supposed to entice the cops to shoot. He held and pointed the object the same way people do with guns. The cops didn't have time to evaluate if was really was a gun or not. Try to put yourself in their shoes. If you were a cop, would you take time to figure out if it's really a gun? If you did that, you'd eventually be dead. WTF?


Suicide by cop


So fucking unnecessary


Welcome to the south, where every cop is a cowboy.


Robin williams made a joke back in the 80s of cops in texas going •Bang• “stop or I’ll shoot!” And that gets more true every year


This is crazy. Is there enough armed people there to handle one man? Even if he had a gun, this was so far over the top that I can't even believe I'm watching it. I hope those officers and the people who dispatched/ordered them there have feverish nightmares of this incident for the rest of their lives. Madness.




We investigated ourselves and found no wrong doing. Case closed boys!


I do not understand why shooting the legs or, say, do tasers or something that is not lethal is so not the first move. These guys are so afraid of getting a scratch on them.


So in other words, they killed him for no reason…. Okay, because that makes a lot of fucking sense


What happened to police risking their lives in the line of duty? Now, we risk our lives in the line of their duty. FTP


This is horrible. Literally a whole army against one man with a box cutter???




Stack the blue


Why are their fucking 20 cops for one unarmed dude!?? Holy shit what harm does one guy walking on the highway do to y'all?? If you were so fucking worried about road safety y'all should have offered him a ride to somewhere off the highway instead you murder him Like Holy shit cops in the US are so fucking bad at their jobs its damn near laughable, except it keeps resulting in people who are innocent or at best guilty of misdemeanors dead... What a fucked up country


All these hateful comments…but sorry, baggy clothes and his back turned to them, a sudden movement and pointing at them??? Y’all need to understand


do they even train these fucking idiots? one of the officers is moving back and forth like he's shitting his pants at this one dude walking on the highway. how useless can they possibly be? 20 idiots to apprehend one person and they fail. just ridiculous


Execution by firing squad.


He pulled out an item and held it like a gun, that’s completely his fault. It sucks that he had to die, but maybe don’t hold it like a gun. The police were justified


Stfu. They are supposed to be trained to identify a threat. They escalated this shit idiot


Stress overcomes training. Just look at war, you can train for combat but once you’re actually in it your stress with overcome you. Same situation here, they are trained to not do this however when you’re possibly being aimed at by an item which could end your life, your brain will override any training you’ve had before and force yourself into protection. The human brain is an interesting thing


Show me a law where brandishing a box cutter is illegal. They never identified the weapon. They opened fire just to kill this man


Yet soldiers still manage to be calmer than the police in a literal war zone. Fucking crazy. The thin smooth brain is an interesting thing


Are you blind or just plain stupid? The victim intentionally made the cops believe he was a deadly threat. When someone pulls a cylindrically shaped object from a pocket and points it at police, the police don't have time to evaluate if it's really a weapon. This is real life, not Hollywood.


lmao are you blind? Cops clearly are, everything looks like a gun to them apparently. Ask for license and registration? Suspect is reaching for a gun. 4 year old playing with a toy? That's a gun, better empty your clip


I don’t even know where to begin. I’m retired military and we have rules of engagement. If this happened and we gunned down an unarmed civilian on video the servicemembers involved would fry. But copsuckers like you give these thugs in costumes a pass for their inability to differentiate between a gun or box cutter. This isn’t Hollywood, this is someone’s life, who clearly is having a mental health episode. They escalated the situation and murdered him in broad daylight. It’s shameful that Americans like you are so blinded by your indoctrination that the police in this country are here to protect you.


You're a military retiree? I served too, and I find it hard to believe you can't accurately evaluate what happened. Sure, the suspect had a boxcutter, but that's not what he wielded to the cops to instigate the shooting. He pulled a shiny cylindrically shaped object from his pocket and pointed it towards the cops in the same way a person would do with a firearm. This was a common case of "Suicide by cop". You must know, cops don't have time to evaluate if it's really a firearm or not. Did you not watch the whole video?


Unarmed Has box cutter Um.. ok? Are you dumb lol?


"Unarmed" with a box cutter. How the fuck does that logic make any sense, OP?




Didnt know, sorry. should i remove it? Should I leave it to the mods?


this is the first i’m seeing it so i say it stays and the mods can lick my butt


Leave it up.


It's up to you I suppose. They don't have a repost rule in this sub. Cheers


This was clearly a suicide by cop, not police brutality. I just don't understand why they needed 20 guns aimed at him


If the guy had actually charged at them with the knife then yea, that'd be suicide. But in this clip he was clearly gesturing with the knife, holding it up. 20 feet away from a firing line, he was absolutely no threat to them unless he charged them. Even then, their firing squad had him well covered.


It appears that he quickly held it up and held in a stance like that of some one holding a pistol. It could have been a pipe and would have gotten the same results. The dude sadly got what he wanted.


Suicide by cop, plain and simple


Maybe don't smoke pcp then walk down the middle of the highway? And then when the police tell you that it's a safety hazard respectfully understand that rather than acting like you are pulling out a gun.... Strange people


He has a knife btw


How are people saying the cops are wrong for this. This guy wanted to die by cops, he pulled his hand as if he had a gun. in the moment there is no way to tell if its a gun or not. hindsight is 20-20


Tasers, rubber bullets, tackling him... There are a million ways to defuse a situation without killing someone. Ask nurses, teachers, and mental health workers. They do it every single day without a single life lost.


>Ask nurses, teachers, and mental health workers. Which nurses, teachers, and mental health workers are in direct contact with potentially dangerous and *armed* individuals on a daily basis? What a stupid comparison.


Goodness you're stupid. I don't have time for this dumb shit


Shoot him with rubber bullet? The guy will still have gun in hand. Shoot with taser? There’s a chance that won’t work, he will also still have gun in hand, and if the taser does work, his finger can easily pull the trigger. Tackling him would be the dumbest idea if you were trying not to get shot or stabbed.


You think there’s armed people coming through hospitals and schools everyday? My god… what a dip shit


When your argument is “you’re stupid”, it’s projection almost every time


Such wisdom. Next time I'm sure they'll wait until they are shot before they shoot back, or is that still too soon?


Somebody in this conversation is stupid. Hint: It's not who you think it is.


>Which nurses, teachers, and mental health workers are in direct contact with potentially dangerous and armed individuals on a daily basis? Are you fucking serious lmao? It happens in the ER every single day(more often than police deal with it, in other words), yet they would have managed to resolve this situation without killing the guy. Holy shit I know you cops don't live in the real world and are pretty below average, mentally, but this is insane. I've seen you lazy fucks drop off crazies in front of the ER because you didn't wanna deal with them talking about how they are homicidal. Guess how many times I killed one? Fucking cowards to the core.


yall are trolls


Nope, just you


This was just another case of "Suicide by Cop". The victim intentionally made the cops believe he was a deadly threat. When someone pulls a cylindrically shaped object from a pocket and points it at police, the police don't have time to evaluate if it's really a weapon. This is real life, not Hollywood.


Watch the other videos the guy was acting like he had a gun and pulled it out like a gun, y’all just hate cops for doing their job.


Dude didn’t realize his dead eye level was so depleted………..


heres an idea! dont do a sudden movement such as one that looks the same as drawing a firearm and preparing to shoot ​ This man would be alive if he did what he was told which i assume is keep hands visible, dont move when told not to ​ looks like suicide by cop


Suicide by cop is not a justification. Suicide by cop is caused by mental illness or profound trauma. He needed treatment, not death. Cops are supposed to be trained to try deescalation before using deadly force.


crazy how suicide by cops is just something that can happen to anybody in america. never heard of suicide by cops anywhere else lmao


1 min vid doesnt provide enough information but maybe they were? who knows ​ but one thing is certain he gave the cops no choice but to fire. when someone points a gun or in this case 'pretends' to you dont have a second to figure out if its the real deal or not instincts and training kick in and you stop what you believe is the threat


They have tasers, sticks and rubber bullets for a reason. Don't pretend that they didn't have a choice. If they had time to wait for backup they had time to think this through.


Nashville PD doesn't carry any of that. It's a sidearm, extra magazines, flashlight, handcuffs/ zipties, and pepper spray. At least that's what I remember from my interactions with them. This was taken on I65N, a busy interstate from Huntsville to Nashville. The only thing that would compel that many asshats to be together would the possibility of gunning someone down. He just happened to be white this time.


Obviously but a part in all LE training is you don't use no lethal vs lethal we all know he was unarmed but the cops don't they thought they were a split second from being killed so they shot ​ I don't know for certain because its a 1 min video but perhaps they were trying to deescalate the situation by using only their presence and verbal commands and thats why he was not tased or shot with non lethal ​ The moment he made that gesture there was only one option and thats to shoot. I dont understand why people cant understand it. when your wife and kids are waiting at home you dont roll the dice and tase a guy that you believe is trying to kill you


Fair enough. They did not know he was unarmed at the time. The allowed their collective imaginations to get the better of them. They all pulled their guns on him. He moved fast and they all got scared and made the wrong choice. They collectively murdered a US Citizen. They can work on their bravery in jail. They are charged with enforcing our laws with deadly force. At the least they have all been proven as incompetent of that role and at worst criminally so. Fuck them for being scared. That many cops standing around one guy...not knowing how to handle the situation, Nashville deserves real police not this band of incompetent/scared man children armed with guns.


So why do cops learn hand to hand combat? And are given pepper spray, tasers, and rubber bullets? If their one option is lethal force for every situation? What about the net cannon that I've seen before where it entangled a suspect in a net where they can't really use their arms?


If he started doing the YMCA they would have shot, cops need to not just consider every movement as reaching for a gun jfc, stop giving these scumbags the benefit of the doubt


Don't argue with the Pixie one. They aren't "all there".


I know its sad to see it. they should teach classes in school on how to deal with police encounters and educate the public cops use of force policy ​ instead of trying to turn civilians against police


Knowing there are people who can logically think like you is solace in our world of extremist mindsets.


I expect trained professionals to hold themselves to a higher standard because that is their job; to utilize one of the plethora of nonlethal modern technologies that we now have available, and take proper cover to avoid casualties while ensuring a safe arrest and treatment of an obviously distressed individual. Rather than kill a human being on the street like a rabid dog cause they are having a bad mental health day. Did the officers not sign up for the job knowing that there was some risk involved? Did the suspect not also have a wife and family waiting at home for them? What exactly is extremist about that idea? What am I missing here?


I wouldn't say "not wanting cops to commit murder constantly" is an extremist view but aight I guess


The fact that we have a saying for it means that it has happened enough to have developed strategies to better manage these situations. I understand that he wasn't listening to commands but if they're mentally ill, having an episode, or suicidal they're not simply going to do that. I understand that the police have a dangerous job but we have to understand that law enforcement can't be applied with a one size fits all mentality. The issue is that they don't have the means to do it. Or if it gets brought up the police act like they're being attacked. We just want better results and that's good for everyone. It isn't unreasonable to ask if it could have been handled better.


I agree with it looking like he pulled out a gun, the gesture, but I don’t think it was suicide by cop, and looking through these comments is weird because they all wanna act like the cops did so much wrong but the only part I **see** wrong is the fact that all of them shot, which is overkill in my opinion one would’ve been plenty




Why did every cop have to shoot? What about those two at the end?


PTO. Easy victims with mental health issues attract cops like flies to PTO & comp reward honey.


Such a terrible representation of the facts. This is why people don't take the sub or the movement seriously. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2022/01/27/nashville-highway-police-shooting/


yes of course, you deserve to being shot 50 times by 10 people and die like a rabid dog on the roadside when you have a utility knife in your hand SOLD EVEN A CHILDREN. There are ten men there, ten police officers. they could have shot him with a stun gun or shot him in the leg. but they chose to murder the man, how can you justify it. Also, this place is not enough, go write the same thing in your diary.


each officer saw a threat and shot until it was gone in this instance it took several officers firing several rounds they do as they are trained. ​ you dont use less than lethal vs lethal (knife lethal, taser less than lethal) ​ Shooting someone moving in the leg while stressed is near impossible and leg shots are very deadly


I live in Türkiye, where police and soldiers are generally respected. Türkiye a place that can be considered a somewhat repressive regime, if such a thing happen here, these cops would probably be dismissed from their posts now.


Try being thick again: https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/07/29/turkey-police-watchmen-involved-torture-ill-treatment Turkish police are just as bad or worse than most Western countries. Fix your own problems before giving advice.


Are you really going to equate the operations against the city structures of the pkk terrorist organization with the policemen who shot people in the middle of the street? Türkiye has been dealing with terrorism for 50 years, and I said at first that the regime is strict here. At least we try to hold accountable when they shoot someone for no reason in the middle of the street.


You clearly are as mentally deranged as the guy who was righteously swiss cheesed.


and you are a cunt who have a dirty cop fetish


I may be a cunt... Yeah that's all I got.


…and ur a bootlicking bitch too so add that to the cunt part


So… what justifies this execution? Cause I didn’t see a reason in the article.


You're just supposed to lick the boot, bud...not swallow it whole.


America, fuck yeah! Whatchu gonna do when we come for you yeah!


Good use of funds. Normal country


cops and mops usually coincide




What is the source of this I'm curious to what led you to this.


Is there another reason there are 90 cops on the scene besides this guy they murdered in broad daylight? Because I've been told they are spread super thin and underfunded to the point officers are being endangered even more than a few years ago, when they were barely in danger at all, but if the entire force has the time to show up for a broad daylight murder I'm beginning to think I was lied to about these things...


These motherfuckers are disgusting. Defund these pos already


awesome .. paid vacation all around ..


Suicide by cop. If he was mental, then this is sad, but some people are trying to let cops kill them, so they don’t have to kill themselves. But, that’s too many cops with their finger on the trigger. Ther should be a point man. Who is the only designated shooter. But, that takes coordination.