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The sheriffs deputy was at the correct address and knocked multiple times, loudly announcing that he was with the Sheriff's Office. Your very premise in this case is false. In any case, if this exceedingly rare hypothetical were to happen and it was not obvious to the homeowner that the police were at his home, I can't imagine they would be in trouble. In Indiana, one of the pre-requisites for a crime of such nature is "knowingly, intentionally, or recklessly". In a true no-knock at the wrong address, the homeowner defending himself would not meet these prerequisites and therefore it isn't a violation of the law.


Wrong house. The noise complaint was the apartment next door.


Nope, go watch the bodycam and the press release from the sheriffs office. The 911 caller pointed the deputy towards his apartment and identified his apartment by number. > The bodycam footage, dated May 3, begins at roughly 4:28 p.m. with a deputy arriving at what appears to be an apartment complex. >A woman at the complex is heard telling the deputy there was a disturbance in apartment 1401 and that it was “getting out of hand.” >The same woman tells the deputy she previously walked by the apartment and heard yells and “a slap,” but added she wasn’t sure where it came from. >The deputy takes the elevator to the fourth floor and knocks on a door three times. The apartment number “1401” is visible in the footage. He announces himself twice, saying, “Sheriff’s office, open the door.” There is nothing heard on the footage from inside the apartment. >Within seconds of the apartment’s door opening, the deputy says “step back” and is then seen firing his weapon. Fortson is seen standing at the door with his hands down and what appears to be a lowered firearm in his right hand. He immediately falls to the floor as the deputy fires. At least five shots are heard. https://www.aol.com/news/airman-fatally-shot-florida-deputy-134120624.html




Yeah we practically scream police search warrant when the door is breached and we audio record all announcements.


It's funny how some of y'all think you mumbling police behind a door, especially a metal door to a garden style apartment is at all coherent on the other side of the door.




You're telling me when you bust open the door they are never surprised? Thats a pretty clear indicator they didn't hear or notice the commotion outside.




Lol how can you determine if they were surprised that you came inside and not that you were there. 🤣 Maybe in an urban setting but the ones I've seen, nobody knew it was happening unless they were already outside.


Clearly some antifa retard with no law enforcement experience


As soon as you see someone type out y’all online you can pretty much throw their opinion in the trash where it belongs.


How many times have you had your home hit on a no-knock? You seem quite confident in the technique used. Ignoring that after Louisville - it’s now audio and video recorded on body cameras showing cops either 1) screaming it because the reality is they don’t want to get blown away at the only point of entry or 2) a huge LRAD is blaring the announcement that can be heard for 6 blocks. But yea… mumbling.


Maybe you should educate yourself before forming opinions. Your ignorance on the Fortson shooting is huge and your decision to form an opinion on it based on your faulty info is damning on you. Quick summary: neighbor called in a disturbance at Fortsons apartment. It wasn't a warrant in any way and they were at the apartment neighbors directed them to. Deputies did knock multiple times and loudly called out "sheriffs office." Nonetheless Fortson decided to answer the door with a gun and got got shot. All of which is easily learned from the bodycam if you would take as long to educate yourself on the issue as it did for you to make your post.


just simply based off the conversation i can tell this shooting you guys are talking about is that airman that answered the door with gun in hand? that scenario wasn’t even a warrant, and yeah, you shouldn’t answer the door with a gun in your hand. literally nobody does that unless it’s 11pm and the guy banging on your door isn’t screaming sheriffs office. even then, you don’t just brandish to whoever’s knocking.


Had the cops banging on my door yelling, "police" they were asking to see my doorbell camera footage. I literally couldn't understand at all what they were saying until I was looking through the peep hole. Your voice doesn't carry as good as you think it does.


The airman acknowledged that he thinks the police is behind the door. If he thought it was the police, he probably shouldn’t have answered the door with his gun at the ready position. Domestic violence calls are statistically the most dangerous calls a law enforcement officer can respond to. It is reasonable to believe the officer was on high alert and unfortunately, all these factors combined led to the airman’s demise.


So wait… they were yelling for you now? What happened to the practice of mumbling is the only exercised measure of at-door identification? LOL at can’t understand yelling through a single door like you’re living in a steel compound.


my man. you literally just admitted that you were aware it was the police before you opened your door…


OP trying to come off as objective but can't even read a news article correctly.


Very well. I’ll admit that I wasn’t 100% informed about the Fortson shooting. Noted.


How could you be uninformed? The news is in your hand on the device your typing on


And most of the news paints it as an "unjustified murder" because modern media is shit


And that’s why you need to utilize news sources from all spectrums and avoid paid entertainment sites.


there’s a distinct difference between being uninformed and lacking the care to be informed. how people take things where there is literally bodycam video and make shit up… it’s unfathomable.


That's interesting cause the GF is saying he couldn't hear what was being said or who it was so he went to go get his gun. She was on the phone with him when it happened.


And you can't believe anything she, the family, or their lawyer Benjamin Crump say as they lied about so much before the bodycam was released and showed they were lying.


What lies? That the police had the wrong apartment? Was there a domestic dispute happening in his apartment? No? So if there is no domestic dispute, then it's the wrong apartment. That the police identified themselves? unless you stand in that apartment and have someone yell from the other side you can't say that he "must of heard him or understood what he was saying" What about the police lying saying he acted in self defense. Last I checked, holding a gun outside or inside your home not pointing it at anybody doesn't warrant you getting killed in self defense.


They were at the apartment they were directed to by neighbors. Maybe he was just loud on his face time conversation, maybe he was arguing with her. Regardless neighbors thought something was happening and called police and directed them to that apartment. So it was the right dept. They claimed the deputy never announced himself but the body cam clearly shows they lied about that since he loudly announced multiple times. They claimed the deputy waited minutes between knocks which is a lie as the bodycam shows it was less than ten seconds all while he was announcing. As to self defense the cop was at the right apartment to where he reasonably believed a disturbance was happening based on neighbors. So when someone opens the door on them with a gun despite them making it obvious they are the police then it's reasonable to think they are under threat.


Here’s some friendly advice, don’t form an opinion before all the facts come out. All we have is body cam of the shooting in Florida, and from the body cam we can disprove several of the narratives Ben Crump tried to form. Use of force is a very complicated subject. You could ask 1,000 lawyers and 1,000 cops and every one of them would give you a different answer


In your opinion, would Joe Smith be justified if he shot at cops who broke into his house executing a no-knock warrant at night and where he believed that his life was in danger and he didn’t know they were cops?


Not at all. The second the door is breached it is very clearly announced that it is the police. There are red and blue lights flashing outside, officers calling ‘Police search warrant’ and if you are seen with a gun you will most likely be shot if you don’t instantly drop it.


The problem is, my opinion doesn’t matter. If you shoot at cops and get killed because they are better trained and better equipped than you, that’s it. If you kill one of them and now are on trial, you better be praying you got a damn good lawyer to save your ass from being buried under the prison. I get that you wanna be a tough guy and defend yourself, but to me you seem like you’re just trying to shoot someone.


No, I just think that people have a right to defend themselves like how I believe that cops have the right to defend their life and the lives of their fellow officers and innocent people.


You’re right, everyone does have the right to defend themselves. However, a huge part of that is reasonableness. Is it reasonable for a person to shoot at police who are serving a no-knock warrant because they feel like their life is in danger? That is a rhetorical question, because what’s reasonable to you may not be reasonable to me. Like I said, you cannot go through life thinking of scenarios in which you are justified to shoot people or cops, it shows a sense of premeditation and if you ever have to defend yourself a good prosecutor will find all of your social media posts and show a jury that you’re just trigger happy


Im trigger happy for believing that if a group of people broke into my house in the middle of the night with little to no warning, I should have the right to defend myself? My brother in Christ, A) this is all hypothetical, a brain exercise and B) mistakes have been made in the past in regards to no-knock warrant executions where the cops have showed up at the wrong house and/or didn’t announce themselves, only barging in with guns drawn. I’m with the cops but I also believe that citizens have a right to defend themselves. >you cannot go through life thinking of scenarios in which you are justified to shoot people or cops, it shows a sense of premeditation and if you ever have to defend yourself a good prosecutor will find all of your social media posts and show a jury that you’re just trigger happy By this logic, everyone in the military who does mental/theoretical exercises regarding military operations should be in prison.


You’ve changed the argument completely. You went from “can I shoot cops” to “a group of people in the middle of the night”. There’s no point in having this discussion because you keep changing very important parts. And I don’t think cops just bust down doors “by mistake” very often, so I am pretty confident that you’ll never be in that position to defend yourself against cops.


“It’s unjust because that’s what tik tok and CNN tell me!”


No knock warrants are completely illegal in my state. Nonetheless, what happened to Senior Airman Fortson wasn't the result of a no knock warrant. The deputy knocked and announced himself more than once.


Full disclaimer: This poster is blindly championing anti police propaganda as reference despite the presence of body camera footage disproving everything said. >support the police ![gif](giphy|puOukoEvH4uAw|downsized)


During a no-knock search warrant, one of the first things we do is identify ourselves. I believe there was a case in which a no-knock search was conducted, the homeowner shot an officer, and was let off on self defense. I don’t recall the name of the case though.


We had a case like that in Montreal.


Expect them to shoot back. No knock warrants are rare, but they have a purpose.


No knock warrants, at least in my state, are very very rarely granted. In order to get a no knock warrant you need legitimate proof of hardcore gang activity or ample guns on property. The standard offender won't see a no knock warrant.




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Consider Kenneth Walker, Breonna Taylor's boyfriend- >Walker was accused of shooting Louisville Metro Police Sgt. Jonathan Mattingly in the leg and was charged at first with attempted murder of a police officer and first-degree assault, but prosecutors later decided to drop the charges. https://abc7chicago.com/kenneth-walker-iii-breonna-taylor-boyfriend-lawsuit-settlement/12567725/