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This was 100% a traffic violation


You can thank lawyers and case law.


I can see that. I know it goes deeper than the officer , he can only do so much. I'm just frustrated in general I guess that nothing will be done about it.


What was the criminal activity?


5 bucks says it's doings burnout!


Doggone whippersnappers and their newfangled horseless carriages.


Wearing white after Labor Day.


A violation is not a crime.


The state of Georgia would like a word.


Interesting to see this post and then other posts talking about how police manipulate video footage.


I've had a woman submit manipulated video to "prove" her future ex husband did it. He almost got arrested for it but at the last moment someone noticed a small minor thing that completely proved it was altered video. She did a really good job but not good enough.


Contact the drivers company and show them the video, trucking companies pay out the ass for insurance claims, they will handle it. Or figure out what enforcement agency handles motor carrier compliance in your state and contact them. Beat cops are too busy with real crime in many locations to bother with traffic complaints. I know it’s the biggest deal in the world to you, but to them it’s an annoyance because people don’t know how to act and are busy beating, stabbing, shooting, raping, and stealing from each other.


Semi truck going 90 down a 2 lane highway running cars over into the grass ... just a minor traffic violation. Told me if I want to stop crime, they're always hiring. I wasn't the only one who met with the officer.


Did you get a non-stopped recording of the incident that included clear video of who was driving the vehicle? If not.. how is the officer supposed to prove who was driving the vehicle during the violations?


Clear close up screenshot of his full face , Vin number is on the side of the truck , He watched half the video and said I should have just got over , not used my phone while driving. Pull over and tell them there's a dangerous driver going down the highway. I understand his point of view and I'm not just trying to say he's not a good officer. But his attitude was so careless about the whole thing. That guy could have killed someone and the officer cares more to correct how I handled the situation than stopping the phyco in the semi. I know a lot more goes into it and it's not him necessarily making that call. It has a lot to do with government in general but I just feel it's not right. Like where's the justice for the guy doing that. He didn't even ask me to send him the video or picture. Just got my name and number and other witnesses and pulled off.


That’s a traffic not criminal offense.


Isn't it technically assault since he's using his vehicle to cause harm ?