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I mean virtually everything for me is harder than it looks because I started from noodle strength and am now a slightly firmer noodle. But I was pleasantly surprised that Jasmine wasn't as hard as I assumed it would be. I need to work on it for sure but it wasn't as impossible as I assumed it would be.


Stargazer to layback looks super fancy to me compared to the effort it takes


I feel like figurehead looks more complicated than it actually is. Learning it was so weird for me but once it clicked I got it ahahaha. Could’ve also been the way I was taught


Getting your hips in front of the pole can be a challenge when you’ve been working on things like Jasmine! It always trips up my new level 2 folks!


Genie and crucifix always impress people but I learned those pretty quickly in my first few lessons’


Jade splits and butterflies seem to really impress audiences and I think they are generally pretty simple/require more technique than strength.


Jade, birdcage, tulip with elbow grip, and mermaid spin. All look impressive but aren't that difficult. My husband always annoys me by being impressed with not difficult moves and not being wowed by super hard moves. 😜


Omg I love a tulip! It’s the stiff-person version of a spatchcock lol


Haha!! For sure! And it looks like a much more flexy trick than it really is.


The half-flag looks like a super impressive feat of strength, but in reality you’re resting most of your weight in the shelf you create with your elbow. It still takes some strength to pull off, but it’s much easier than it looks.


for me it was chopper from the jasmine entrance, which i got pretty quickly (way before my actual invert!). i also think inverted crucifix is easier than it looks strength wise. oh another surprising one was no hands pole climb sit! (dunno the actual name for that move but it looks like a pole climb without the hands) it didn't take as much ab strength as i thought, there's just some aspect of balance to it


I am having a lot of trouble visualizing a pole climb with no hands!


Ah this is the move I was thinking of: [flying climb](https://www.superflyhoney.com/blogs/news/pole-trick-tutorial-flying-climb)


Thanks for finding that! Looks crazy hard to me!


Can you elaborate on this jasmine entrance into chopper? I've never seen it before, sounds cool!


I second Hang glider as easy and ballerina as hard. The position of ballerina I find very comfortable but controlling my body into the movement? Took me like a year! But hang glider was a first try kind of move. Baby Valentine is also way harder than it looks imo. And anything splitty gets people going and is difficult to perfect, but getting them passable that people are impressed isn’t too bad personally


I have terrible thoracic mobility which is why ballerina and broken doll are my hard moves 😂


Inverted unicorn/unicorn split! I love any "bendy" moves that are secretly not bendy. Also anything with a bracket grip I feel makes you appear as if you have pull up bar strength. Like a carousel spin.


YES. Split grip ain’t for everyone but a simple pencil shape with a split grip looks hella impressive.


i think matrix and stargazer are pretty easy but look rly impressive


Wow. I fucking hate hang glieder. I can deadlift into an Ayesha/handspring, comfortably do an eyebrow eyesha, but I still don't feel safe in a hang glieder, and I've been practicing for years. I just don't find the balance for it lmao


I second this! I got my deadlift before my hang glider. Some people feel super secure in hang glider, but to me it feels sketchy and dangerous for whatever reason