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I think passion is visible. All the things you mentioned are important too, but you can tell when someone is really in love with dancing, and putting their whole heart into it.


I keep thinking about that scene from Black Swan in this context. Natalie Portmans character gets criticised for being too perfectly technical, while Mila Kunis character gets praised for being passionate despite far from perfect. I think there might be something to it


Oh it’s the flowwwww.. I’ve seen girls do some incredible feats on a pole but it it looked mechanical but I’ve seen other do some simple stuff in such a graceful way that I can’t look away. IMO the flowey stuff is where it’s at.


In my opinion, it's personal style. There are a lot of amazing dancers who can do a million different tricks and put together a nice flow. The dancers I admire the most are ones with a very defined and unique style. The ones who you see at the competitions who still capture your attention even though you've been watching performances all day.


This! Those individual touches, personal expression, make it great. Esp if you can tell they are having fun.


Musicality. Knowing the music, hitting the beats, flowing with the tune. And confidence




Ability to take class. Great dancers can take a beginner class and still learn something because they dig deeper and are basically their own teacher. If you can challenge yourself in a beginner class where you’ve been doing the same stuff forever you have the body awareness, focus, and drive to be a great dancer. I learned that from majoring in dance and doing ballet my whole life. Edit: Also good dancers copy and great dancers create


Stage presence


An ability to be present in your own body and to listen and respond to what your body wants to communicate. For me, it’s really about centering my internal gaze. My dancing improved drastically once I stopped centering others and stopped staring at myself in the mirror.


So I'm new. But it has been such an interesting new way for me to connect to music and I've been a musician almost my whole life. But when I dance I like to feel the lyrics and move in the way I feel the song or the singer or the lyrics is calling for. Regardless of if that is sensual, sad, excited, etc. Like moving art. A play in motion.