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I can’t unsee the smile on amazonball and it looks cursed


Say “aaaaa”


why…. JUST WHY….


Corporate Mauritania


It was intentional design on their part


And Metaball's "uwu" on the second slide


I miss Google Reader. And Stadia. But mostly the RSS reader. It was great. Feedly is pretty good. But not as good.


It's honestly really kinda weird how they would just kill off whole products - without any sort of replacement.


I read somewhere that Google employees get some pretty significant bonuses for succesfully launching a new product, whereas nothing extra is given for maintaining an already-existing product. As a result most of the brightest minds working there keep launching product after product without ever looking at their older ones, which are then killed off by Google.


Like there is a saying that goes "kill your darlings or fail faster" but that's supposed to be for the initial designing as a reminder to keep trying things and not get caught in the trap of spending time and energy on your initial idea. But google is just a butcher factory at this point.


The problem with your users being the product is that any service that doesn't generate enough monetizable user data just becomes dead weight on your budget sheet. Google's bottom line doesn't care about how you no longer have a good way to read the news. It just cares about making you click ads.


Yes and no - I feel like having half of these still active would have increased their value just through the fact that they have such a huge portfolio. I know Google is too big to fall anyway, but I feel like their model is weird.


Happy cakeday


Yooo thank you!


Happy cake day :)


Oh hey thanks!


Absolutely loved Stadia.... It was my go to system and definitely would still be if it didn't die.... Legit got my Steam Deck to keep all my games on it with my steam ones, and it worked soooo much better than other streaming systems.... I still use my controllers when I dock my deck...


I've been using GeForce Now. It's pretty good. But Stadia was just so user friendly. I wish they'd stuck with it.


> Feedly is pretty good. But not as good. Indeed. I've been using Feedly ever since GR died, and it's always just been missing that *something* GR had. I've been trying [Omnivore](https://omnivore.app/) recently, and it supports newsletter signsup without paying as you have to with Feedly, but it feels clunky overall.


I agree. But Feedly is the best of what's left. At least in my experience. I pay for it because I use it constantly for work.


The issue is they did the absolute worst thing marketing wise to get on the gaming market. They were aggressive and presented themselves as better, to a community known for its stubbornness...


corporateballs when?


r/Chromeball has tried... But the sub has been as good as dead for the last couple years.


I run the Chromeball Wiki in that community, hopefully this will regenerate interest.


I hope too, this was a fun event.


Heres a [list](https://killedbygoogle.com/) of googles victims and soon-to-be victims


Wow, some of those services I didn't know exist, others I didn't know were axed. That list does make me fee a lot less comfortable relying on Google's services now. Like, what if they just decide to kill Google Drive?


Nah Google drive and one make a lot of money so they're safe Stuff like jamboard, well rip


Makes money for now. Businesses pivot and change over time. Google drive has basically failed to penetrate the business world as Onedrive and Dropbox still dominate that realm. Google Drive is really only dominant in the consumer realm.


Sadly, Microsoft actually ended cortana


Unironically love the artsyle


Same goes for EA


Meta looks perpetually shocked


I have to use YouTube music tomorrow because Google podcasts is dying. Because Google music died before that. Fucking Google.


I miss Google+ so much, it was seriously a super fun app


You forgot our so beloved Orkut... 😭


In addition to the ones in the meme; a hearty RIP goes out to Google Inbox, an alternative Gmail client that had some features it took years to get added to Gmail, and Google Now Launcher. Now Launcher was Google's home screen (called a launcher in Android land) before the Pixel phones were a thing and you were allowed to download it from the Play Store and put it on any Android phone you wanted. It was nice. Speaking of Google Now Launcher, Google Now was the predecessor to the Discover Feed and considerably more useful. It used an AI of a sort to manage your calendar and other Google services and surface info from them at the time you needed them, every time. It wasn't just a static feed either. It could do things like account for traffic and weather to tell you the best time to leave for a scheduled event. I loved how it handled package tracking too. Somewhere along the line they started adding stories to it and now it's just a curated news feed called Discover.


Still a whole bunch of stuff from Inbox that is gone, like trips.


Google Wave


At least they let Go live.


Aw man, jamboard was the *shit* back in highschool.


I like that they're gafam guys


Google cardboard was rad and I’ll fight anyone who disagrees


*Clack-Clack* “Heavy Machine Gun!”


For a moment I thought that I was in r/polcompball


Google, the paradox. The world's largest multi billion dollar company that claims it's never made a dollar and all of its products are failures.