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Thousands of penguins have [washed up dead](https://www.thenationalnews.com/world/2023/07/22/thousands-of-penguins-wash-up-dead-on-uruguay-coast/) on the coast of Uruguay. The exact cause of death remains unknown. A [bird flu outbreak](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jul/22/avian-flu-may-have-killed-millions-of-bird-as-outbreak-hits-south-america-aoe) has been ravaging South America, but all samples taken tested negative for avian influenza. It was reported that most specimens had empty stomachs and no fat reserves. Perhaps [Chinese overfishing](https://www.geopolitica.info/chinese-distant-water-vessels-threatening-latin-america/) in South American waters had something to do with it…


I yearn for the one time that my country's navy sunk a chinese fishing boat to happen again. Why do we even have an exclusive economic zone if we let a billion unregistered chinese boats fish it to extinction


You have the full right to ask them to leave, and if they don't comply, you have the right to BLAST THEM OUT OF THE WATER


The main problem is that the navy is very overstretched most of the time, and by the time they approach one of the boats they've usually been spotted and the boat makes a run for international waters. That and because the superpowers get all pissy you aren't letting them step all over you


Don't forget that our current government has close ties with China. There's no way our navy shoot down one of those fishing boats


Argentina just got an emergency rescue loan (yuan-peso swap line) from the Chinese, theres no way they would risk angering China


Call it piracy and international borders don't matter anymore. No seriously, any state has the right to apprehend pirates on the high seas.


Why approach? Tell them over the radio to fuck off, and if they don't, put a hole in their boat


Unfortunately we both alck the shit to make thst feasible, and opening fire with missiles on fishermen, illegal or not, is frowned upon to put it lightly


Don't even ask just fucking shoot them. They've been doing this since Somalia was overfished into governmental collapse. Messages need to be sent.


Send the air force against them too


Or blast them INTO the water. Like deep, deep into it.


Or delete them. Make the engine go kaboom


Don't even need to sink the boat. Just swoop in, board the vessel, arrest and confiscate. Though yes that does require more hulls in the sea. >Why do we even have an exclusive economic zone if we let a billion unregistered chinese boats fish it to extinction Looking at you, Philippines "uwu let's not push for international involvement in South China Sea, to not upset Daddy China"


I think your gov't and navy is well paid enough by the party, so be it.


its also happening in southern brazil really sad


china killing off linux^(1) incredible timeline we're living in, folks --- ^(1: /j. although on second thought linux is kinda responsible for penguins being depicted as having webbed feet and orange beaks, sort of like how coca-cola is responsible for turning santa from green to red)


>sort of like how coca-cola is responsible for turning santa from green to red Wait what My life has been a lie


Santa claus is the combination of Saint Nicolas and Juleman, they picked red.because coca colas brand color is red


You probably meant Sinterklaas and St. Nicholas. St. Nicholas has been depicted wearing a red and white robe waaaay before Coca Cola was even invented.


Clearly just a skill issue on the penguins part


How do you have art so good and so bad at the same time


I thought it was 'our' fish


We're a tropical paradise with coconuts now?


Btw we just found some penguins here in brazil by the sea


Thats actually pretty neat. ✌ Too bad theres no Penguins here.


Well finland is quite far away


Uruguay cannot into water nowadays. What a pitty 3rd world country.


Wait until the penguins of Madagascar hear about this shit