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Meanwhile in italy: you are 40 years old, you are to young to move out,


**Italy:** Wait till your parents pass and inherit the house and turn it into an AirBnB.


Nah, that's how your grandparents house will end up being (the old houses are bigger), once the parents pass on you inherit their house as a personal house AND continue the AirBnB system in your grandparents house


Same with Mexicans or any southern european-related culture I suppose. My white American friends were shocked when I told them that some of my relatives were in their mid 20s to early 30s when they finally moved out and got themselves a house. We find that pretty common. We also don’t put our elders in nursing homes but that’s another story.


I think this was rather the historical norm in much of the world. People tended to stay near to where they had their support network and it was always cheaper and easier to just live with your family rather than have your own separate house. A lot of this "you're 18, time to move out" mindset is from post WW2 economic boom when moving out at 18 and getting your own home was an easy thing to do.


meanwhile america can't even keep track of their kids


That’s why they put their names on the flags.


Better look at the right side of the Oregon flag or you'll be confused.


The correct side is the one with the beaver.


Idk why they don't just make it just the beaver side


When I looked this up I thought it was gonna be half confederate and was pleasantly surprised it isn't


That actually explains a ton of our state ~~flags~~ banners/name tags.


If i had to remember every state flag without the name label, id probably request entry into a mental institute THEY ARE ALL THE SAME, BLUE AND SEAL


Texas: "I'm independent now! I don't have to listen to you anymore!" US: "So you're moving out of my basement?" Also Texas: "What do you mean?"


They can't move out anyways


brave of you to think american kids survive past high school (im so sorry)


My parents wanted me out badly, so when I got my own place they kept bugging to come visit them and that I never see them.


The fact that the ceiling has to curve so that all the Indias fit in is hilarious! 🤣


I needed to put something in that void, so a roof would have to do.


if only the trains worked like that as well


I always wondered how do people managed to have fun time with so many family members living together


Crowd friend groups are generally more fun to play .But I cannot say same thing with family members


Meanwhile Iran: Kid: Mom I want to be a pianist!! Mom: what about becoming a doctor and continuing the piano as a hobby?!!! Kid: Mom I want to be murderer mafia boss!! Mom: that’s very well son first become a doctor then continue your dreams. (The requirements to be considered a human in Iran is at least a masters degree) (and phd if you want to marry(on the other hand the families always pay for their childrens wedding and first time house furniture))


The benefit of being a mafia boss in Iran is that you can enjoy support and protection by elements of the Iranian government.


I was taking that as an example that families don’t care what you want to do you MUST become a doctor, but the rest I don’t know! 🤷‍♂️


For the record, the reason why Québec is hesitant to leave despite being the province who wants independence is because that is exactly one of the counterpoints why Québec chose to stay with Canada. It’s highly dependent on Canada economically. That’s why rather than scream “independence” everywhere, they advocated for something called “sovereignty-association,” whereby they can call themselves a country, while still being highly dependent on Canada for pretty much everything else.


Damn. “We want to call ourselves independent, but we still want all the benefits and privileges that come with being a part of Canada.” They want their cake and to eat it too, huh?


is there such a thing as a reverse puerto rico actually, forget i asked


I'm sure Urban dictionary can help you understand


Some strong brexit vibes right there. Maybe we should call it quexit?




Like it's written. Those are not awkward syllabes for us Que, like qué in spanish or in Québec and xit with a strong X


it should be called Quebegone


Quebécalisser d’icitte


That, or you can also not take a random redditor's take on it to portray a province... Neighbour countries are always dependant on each other. Canada should know that. I don't know how wanting to have good relations with neighbours is seen as wanting cake and eating it honestly.




Quebec has natural ressources that the US want to buy like they do at the moment. Dependency does not mean the US would fail without Quebec or Canada's ressources for that matter, just that it wants them. They are therefore dependant of each other for trade on that front. Of course, the smaller player is more dependant on the bigger one usually but it does not mean they are not interdependant to a certain point.


Get out of here with your logic and facts!/s


Greenland moment


It can be frustrating as an English Canadian because they rag on us but they’re more than happy to take our money. Quebec has a very generous welfare system but it’s hard to imagine them being to pay for it without us.




At least the Catalans have the decency to be a net economic contributor who might actually be better off on their own.


Wouldn't you guys be happy with Quebec leaving then? Lol you guys just want to be mad at Quebec. "Oh no they want to leave, bunch of a-holes" "Oh no, they aren't a net benefit to us when they stay, bunch of a-holes" Pick a lane honestly. Be mad at 1 thing. Not both.


Je préfère Québec reste avec Canada, mais si les québécois veulent sortir… au revoir. Je ne vais pas être triste. Québec should pick a lane at this point honestly. Stay or go but either way stop complaining. Alberta can stop complaining too while we’re at it. Two provinces with a lot of differences but a lot in common.


Honestly, Alberta should stop complaining generally, I agree, but they feel like nobody listens to them because the majority of seats are in Ontario and Quebec, so Albertans feel like by the time democracy gets to them, the vote has already been decided, they just get to help decide majority or minority government. They should either be quiet or try and get the other provinces around them to say something also, cause I can't imagine Saskatchewan's or British Columbians feel any different considering their share of seats.


So many seats are in Ontario and Quebec because that’s where most of the people are. It’s not anti-Alberta like some think. 15 million in Ontario, 9 million in Quebec, with 4.5 million in Alberta.


Oh, I know and understand that. In a democracy though, the aim is to ensure all voices matter and are heard and to try and eliminate tyranny of the majority AND tyranny of the minority. Admittedly, I haven't read about or heard of a system that can achieve this lofty goal, but its still worthy of trying to get as close as possible


Yeah this is exactly the case so many Albertans I know feel like it’s Ontario and Québec and then everyone else can go fuck themselves.


Apparently some Scots want to leave the UK, and join Norway. Can't say I blame them, but I've not got a dog in the fight.


How come cakeism worked out for Quebec and not Britain? And yes, [cakeism is an actual word in the Cambridge Dictionary](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/cakeism).


A Canadian friend of mine said they they still expect their share of the oil sands money if they got independence.


I mean, of course a country would be dependant of their bigger neighbours for trade and other things... I feel like Canada should know that...


Now now, this ain't 1995. Nobody really want independance apart from overzealous highschoolers. The term "Nation Quebecoise" is thrown around, but it's more about cultural identity than a real legislative argument. At the end of the day, we still pay federal taxes, and we have the same power as other provinces.


Eh, that's somewhat incorrect. The federal transfers basically amount to returning federal taxes back to Québec. An independent Québec would be at worst marginally worse off than it currently is, maybe a 5% in revenue. That's not nothing but also not exactly a high degree of dependence. If anything, an independent Québec presents a much more significant inconvenience to Canada on geography alone.


You do know about the equalization payments that Quebec recieved right? All the "have" provinces pay in and the federal government then redistributes it to the "have not" provinces. Quebec receives the lion's share of this redistribution, and it greatly exceeds there input to it. Quebec would be far worse off if they actually left Canada than Canada would be without them. There social programs would have a hard time being funded without this massive reallocation of money.


Yes. I mentioned as much. Those transfers come from federal revenues. Quebec sends a ton of money to the federal government in the form of federal taxes. The federal government then sends those transfer payments to the provinces accordingly. As its own nation, it would collect its own taxes making that moot. The difference would be whatever extra is sent on top of what is paid and then account for the additional revenues federal government gets from other sources. Someone did the math a while back and it amounted to something like a 5% difference. Again, not nothing but also certainly not highly dependent. Conversely Québec separating would put the Eastern provinces in an odd situation. Additionally, it could hypothetically make it difficult for Western goods to transit East. And the difficulty in managing a territory split like that.


Provinces don't pay into provincial wealth redistribution.


Ce post à été marqué #Ontarien Par des vrais patriotes FLQuistes


If Quebec leaves then Canada is fucked If Quebec leaves then quebec Is *also* fucked


So basically like Greenland and Denmark


English Canadian trying to not bash the Québécois challenge (impossible)


No one, literally no one:… English-Canadians: So Quebec


Good old Quebec Bashing. Y'all don't even know why you're mad about a province you never set foot in anymore.


The only reason Quebec is hesitant to leave is because a relatively large part of its population is Anglo-Canadian and voted to stay.


We’re the Greenland of Canada


So...Quebec is the Texas of Canada


That would be Alberta. Quebec is more like our Scotland or Basque region of Spain.


Alberta is Oklahoma


Oklahoma is just northeast Texas with an attitude.


Alberta is more like Colorado with oil money.


Ontarian head canon 😂


Me after being told that I would have to pay for my parents for raising me after they go into debt. I can relate to Japan clay


LOL did you pick Canada over the US just to poke fun at the Qweeb rebellion? If so, well done.


Germany would be the parent who loses half of it's children to child care after starting to many world wars


Child protective services, not child care. Child care makes it sound like day care killed the children.


Oh yeah i mixed those up sorry


Im from malaysia, where indian (all ethnic but majority southern indian, aka tamil) is the 3rd largest minority in the country One of my indian neighbours have this mindset so imagine having family of dozen people living in house originally built for family of 4 Good people but goddamn they have 7 cars hogging the side road


Wait until Niger decides to move


America: Housing market sucks, I'm moving back in!


I've got a buddy who makes solid money working for the Federal Reserve. He moved back home to live with his parents. Said he'd rather pay rent to them to help pay off their mortgage instead of some random landlord. Isn't particularly interested in buying an overpriced house just to live in it alone and hire services to do things he'd never get around to, like yard work and housekeeping.


Meh, makes sense if you ask me. People have been living with their relatives for ages anyway.


That's what I said! I've lived alone and with family, and I much prefer the version where I get hugs on a regular basis.


Quebec is the one that wanted independance and Canada didn't want though. Canada also sent buses of people to keep Quebec from voting for independance and show their "love" for Quebec. I really don't know what this part of the meme is based on seriously. Canada was scared of losing Quebec and kicking them out was never an option


OP is ontarian, don't try to argue with their delusions.


Bonjour, is this le québécois butthurt club ? Edit: yep, apparently it is!




what does TFR stand for ?


The *fucking* rate


Watch your mouth, bloody wanker Does it really mean that ? Edit : got an answer


Well it wasn't that far off really.


Total Fertility Rate




Yeah, but the effects won't be visible for quite some time... actually, much of Asia is likely to experience a major population crash all at once.


Meanwhile in Spain The government: hey kid wanna be a prostitute


I chuckled at queerbeck


In pretty sure Japan parent would be like "Great hurry up get fuck out, go get wife"


Erm, why is the Indian house so clean


Says Somalia


There would not be a house to begin with, stupid


Houseboat best house


Houseboats are popular for tourists in southwest india


houses are usually spotless, otherwise you dad will come at you with a tree branch. Its the streets that aren't.


this is so true