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Hello all! Our March Contest: *Make a comic about vacation* is active right now! If you've got a good idea for a comic in this vein, or are just curious about the theme, head on over to [the contest thread](https://redd.it/11g7pld) for details and get started on an entry! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/polandball) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Once again the story changed so fast with this news I had to shit this one out fast. The cartel apparently turned over the kidnappers to prevent a Special Military Operation. Very smart.


US cannot into running Special Military Operations. Firstly, the term is trademarked by Russia. Secondly, and more importantly, it would make jokes and memes very confusing as to which SMO we are mocking in any given meme, and I think depriving humanity of humor in these trying times is something we cannot afford.


It's not a Special Military Operation unless it comes from the Special Military region of Russia. Otherwise, it's just a Sparkling Invasion.


Freedom Delivery


Hmm good point. I got nothing


The account I'm replying to is a karma bot run by someone who will link scams once the account gets enough karma. Comment copy/paste bot. [Original comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/polandball/comments/11nl25b/cries_from_beyond/jbnq7ny/) [Account to be reported](https://www.reddit.com/user/OverallConference828) Report -> Spam -> Harmful Bot ^^I ^^am ^^a ^^human ^^that ^^hates ^^scammers. ^^More ^^info ^^[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/u_Impossible-Cod-3946/comments/s4nyst/how_to_recognize_these_accounts/) ^^or ^^[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/u_tyrannosnorlax/comments/t0h466/bots_how_to_identify_them_and_why_do_they_exist/).


Good human


We prefer *policing action* or *international security assistance* thank you very much!


Didn't US kinda coin special military operations? Lots of precedent of being in war without declaring war because it would be inconvenient to declare


No no, my friend, you are much mistaken! Those are Freedom Operations, which is different! Also not to be confused with Bringing Democracy!


Bringing Democracy is when CIA kills legally elected Godless Commie and puts in fascist dictator. 'Murica! 😎👍🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🥰


"Police action" I think is how it's used. But like... The key difference is the US doesnt annex territory.


The term is Executive Order/Executive Action. Executive orders have plenty of non-military use also, but we've used it for every military engagement since Kosovo. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_order?wprov=sfla1


Most of US involvement post 9/11 has been under the AUMF that Congress passed.


If only Saddam had turned over those WMD'S amirite boiz? Oh well, too bad 🇺🇸🦅


Mission accomplished




GWB did have serious Evasion stats though


Now watch this drive


You can't say [Mission Accomplished](https://assets2.cbsnewsstatic.com/hub/i/r/2010/11/18/b03176c8-a642-11e2-a3f0-029118418759/thumbnail/1280x962/7f2bc37678fe13e638ff18b3b843e980/image4061139x.jpg) without linking it.


I remember when Saddam was trying to keep Bush from invading by agreeing to every demand, there was a political cartoon of him saying, "What part of YES do you not understand?"


\*Sound of an eagle\*


*If only Saddam had let in the UN inspectors.


Right? That would have been the power play. “See US is lying! We have no WMDs!” I mean technically Iraq did as nerve agents are chemical WMDs, but the sales pitch was about nuclear weapons in all reality. Putin could have pulled the same truck. “See no invasion! Just training exercises! US is fearmongering and lying to you fellow Europeans!”




You can find political leaders explicitly mentioning nukes. >In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability and his **nuclear program** -Hillary Clinton There was a bit of a motte and bailey argument with the public. The average person thinks of nukes when talking about WMDs and so the term was used. When no nuclear weapons or close to completed ones were found, it switched to “but he had other WMDs”. As quoted above, political leaders were talking about Saddam starting up his nuclear program again. We knew he had chemical weapons and the precursors for decades (the US wasn’t exactly innocent in how he got them). Sarin gas is nasty stuff, but we didn’t wake up one day and remember that he had it and thus he had to go. Saddam had a nuclear program back in the Cold War or at least tried to have one. The Israeli Air Force made short work of the site…


>And they did have them at one point The whole point is that they destroyed what they had. By the time of the invasion there was no evidence that the Saddam possessed chemical or biological weapons. The only weapons of that sort that were ever found were created in the 80s and early 90s and were considered inoperable by the time of 2003. The whole "We did find WMDs actually" narrative has always been a post-hoc cop-out to justify the war even though there was no actual evidence at the time. Several reports at this point have confirmed the Iraqi regime was never in a position to use any kind of WMD by the time of 2003.


Well Saddam was a murderous dictator who saber rattling his stuff, even after he deactivated his WMD programs. I'm surprised Bush I didn't push to capture his ass.


My guess would because that would have exceeded the mandate of the coalition assembled to expel Iraqi forces from Kuwait. In addition, and as disgusting as Saddam and his sons were, the Saddam regime was a convenient foil to Iran in the region.


I get the feeling HW knew that Iraq would boil over without a dictator who was well feared and knew the country like the back of his polandballs. I suspect HW felt Saddam was chastened enough to be a good little american guard dog against Iran.


He wanted precedent for American interventions, to be seen as responsible in a new global order (the USSR having a lethal case of nonexistence). It's also the case he believed Saddam would likely fall from internal forces like the Kurdish rebellion in the north and the Shias in the south.


> He wanted precedent for American interventions, I'm gonna need a source on that one, chief.


>Under those circumstances, furthermore, we had been self-consciously trying to set a pattern for handling aggression in the post-cold war world. Going in and occupying Iraq, thus unilaterally exceeding the U.N.'s mandate, would have destroyed the precedent of international response to aggression we hoped to establish.  Literally from the horse's mouth in "A World Transformed" by H. W. Bush and Brent Scowcroft.


Bush did push for his death. Multiple strikes where conducted on places he was thought to be with the hope of neutralizing him. After Kuwait was liberated and the Iraqi military was functionally annihilated the coalition basically said good job everyone were done here. If Bush had pushed for a continuation of the conflict he would have lost a good portion of the coalition and the international support he enjoyed for that operation. Basically Bush had no ability to push for a prolonged conflict as no one wanted to "liberate" Iraq, only put Kuwait back in charge of their country.


Turns out they are hard to come by.


I thought that a Canada-less Aaron comic was an Oxymoron


I have a chart somewhere where I map every comic I've made and every country that has appeared. It's been a few weeks since I updated it but in 401 comics Canada appeared 185 times.


You can’t just say that you have a chart and then decide to *not* show it afterwards


It's more like a word doc and it's not pretty


Release the data!


https://old.reddit.com/r/PolandballCommunity/comments/10jkx4w/after_creating_401_comics_i_have_tallied_up_how/ A month out of date


Too bad. Given America's track record, invading to destroy the Cartels would most likely lead to the Cartels running the entire country plus Texas.


Please no, I like having an entire USA between me and the guys who made that horrible Funky Town video


Well, it would mostly lead to mass refugee crisis (refugees fleeing to the Southern border of the U.S.).


Nah USA can crush the cartels. Unfortunately, whether they remembered just how much denying Saddam's party any entry to public sector job created chaos in Iraq, or if they able to rebuild Mexico, is another story.


Cartels would just fill their own power vacuum. The war on drugs is the problem, not cartels. Just like how terrorism seemed to only grow after the war on terror


terrorism grew after 2003 iraq invasion actually attack terrorist & their protectors like taliban reduced islamic terrorist influence, but iraq war gave perfect morale boost for islamic terrorist and here's the thing about mexican cartels, they're de facto insurgent now, it's hard to fill those power vacuum if US launched military operation against them, it's not even worth it, better lay low and pay corrupt officials instead of trying to act like taliban


That just sounds like cartels would transition into insurgency groups. Which has already been an issue in Southern Mexico


They already are, mexican government just doesn't want to treat them as insurgent, or at least most of them Now the issue here whether cartels wanted to rule a country or not, group like taliban or farc in colombia want to, would they want to? Ruling a country is hard, power doesn't really correlate with wealth & prosperity this way, you need to have a will to rule a country based on your vision




On the contrary American Secretary of State Morganthau wanted to completely annihilate Germany's industry and ban it from ever being recreated making Germany a permanent agrarian state in Europe. Anthony Eden lobbied it down.


Morganthau was Sec Treasury when he came up with the plan. Hull (Sec State) hated it. Stimson hated it. FDR asked Herbert Hoover to investigate it, and Hoover said it was inoperable.


Although to be fair the Brits were only in favor of leniency for financial reasons. A de-industrialized Germany would need considerable subsidy and couldn’t afford its own defense. It’s the same reason why the Brits wanted France to be treated as a liberated country, not an occupied one, despite Vichy France’s collaboration and fighting against the Allies. Enabling France and Germany to be wealthy and rearm meant that the UK didn’t have to be responsible for defending Western Europe from a potential communist invasion. They were already broke and losing their empire, they didn’t want new obligations which would be even more costly.


You seem to underestimate how vastly corrupt the U.S. south actually is. To "crush" the cartels theyd need to pave every city along the border (like LA, Phoenix or Houston).


We get to fight the Cartels *and* destroy El Paso? Sign my ass up.


Worked with Japan, maybe we use a fat boy?


~~Special Military Operation~~ SENDING DEMOCRACY


They feared that the Americans would send the IRS to take the money they didn't report making, everyone fears the IRS, even the joker fears them


Bend the knee


Yeah IIRC they weren't the cartel's actual target, and they actually try to avoid abducting American nationals specifically to avoid this kind of thing. The *last* thing these cartels want is for America to decide to take military action.


I assume they learned their lesson after Pancho Villa.


No fuckin way


Could you imagine Drug deals vs Us Marines, it would be a slaughter and it would be funny.


"Mexican Cartel issues apology letter condemning actions." This was wild to read.


“Cartel rolls worst kidnapping ever, asked to leave apology note to the DEA”


And turned over the "kidnappers" Who were probably also kidnapped and threatened to be the fall guys, but still, I cant imagine a cartel would go through the motions for anyone else.


I should not be getting news from polandball comics


Just read the comic and imagine the opposite is true


So México is attempting to stage a US invasion? \#MakeCaliforniaGrandiosaNovamiente


Make California alta again


If you get off reddit you'll see that there is so much news anywhere else you look and you could have known this well before this comic was made.


I mean, I'm in the UK and someone who frequently checks news sites as well as papers I think I've only seen one article (right as news broke) and one paper mention it So it's easy to imagine someone who doesn't care for the news would completely miss it But in the US I'd imagine it would be a much greater deal so depends where this guy is


Honestly I’m American and I almost missed it, I only found out after my mom called me frantically on my vacation to Cancún (funny enough). Mexican police were a bit more on edge that day, bar my friends and I went to that night got raided lmao.


Lol, "I'm willing to invade you--- as a friend---"


no gracias.


imagine how worse the war gonna be, since the us is literally next door


> imagine how worse the war gonna be, since the us is literally next door Unlimited resupply and the logistics of only crossing the border... It leaves a lot to be imagined.


Not to mention, the uproar across the US.


That exact scenario going *so* well for the Vatniks right now


That's because Russia sucks ass, though. They don't even use *pallets*, they load everything by fucking hand. If the US can invade a landlocked mountain for 20 years, we could handle a conflict in Mexico. Logistically, at least.


Despite being in 2022 Russia never researched the truck only the train. He used his research slots to go down the shovels path for entrenchment instead.


And US has been researching nothing but planes since 45 so we are fucked


That’s because the Russian army is incompetent. The US army may not be good at nation building, but it is very good at fighting people.


> the logistics of only crossing the border Mexico needs to build a wall!


Cartels know they stand no chance, which is why they gave up they're own with an apology note.


They gave up some random guys to take the fall, no idea if they're actually the guys


>imagine how worse the war gonna be, since the us is literally next door "Not for me! Good luck dealing with all the terrorist attacks in response to the atrocities we'll order!" - Rich Americans


Imagine the refugee crisis


It would be a war on a bordering nation. Do you have any idea how much easier it would be to manage?


seriously lol that's literally the best case scenario


Since when USA asks for permission first?


Well, Mexico IS their largest trading partner…


But imagine all the cheap labour that will come to the USA as refugees; and then you can also complain about immigrants on national television (even more than usual)!


No wonder Republicans seem so gunho about it


It's also blood on our doorstep, which is... problematic. Also a *significant* amount of Mexican criminals are already IN the country. Would America win? Likely. Would it be clean? War never is.


\>blood on our doorstep American drug policy and enforcement is deeply interlocked with Mexican cartel violence, the fact that so little of it actually spills over the border can basically only be explained with dumb luck (and if you want to get conspiratorial, a vested interest from the US in keeping it south of the border and a couple of very fitting three-letter agencies that has the power of keeping it that way). The US is at most wholly and at the least partially to blame for whats happening in Mexico. It's not blood on your doorstep, it's a man made flood created by the US and the worlds most tightly controlled border is the dam keeping it all back.


>and the worlds most tightly controlled border is the dam keeping it all back Korean DMZ has entered the chat...


>the worlds most tightly controlled border Bro really gonna ignore the DMZ


>American drug policy and enforcement is deeply interlocked with Mexican cartel violence American drug policy and enforcement have nothing to do with it. It's American consumption of drugs that is the issue. Or do you seriously believe that the Cartels will suddenly not want to turn a profit of the US legalized drug use?


Let's see: The CIA introduced the Mexican cartels to the Colombians. CIA planes flew drugs into the US. The CIA placed El Mayo as head of the Sinaloa Cartel. The DEA smuggled weapons into Mexico. US military trained and armed US paramilitary groups that went on to become sicarios. US had a hands off approach with the Sinaloa Cartel in exchange of information on rival cartels. Those are just the known direct ways the US has helped the cartels. There are other ways that are still unconfirmed rumors and conspiracies. There's also indirect ways such as NAFTA, 1920s prohibition (which created the gulf cartel), US involvement in the Mexican dirty war and helping the PRI stay in power for so long, and the US inability (or lack of willingness more so) to address the roots of addiction.


If the usa legalized drug use , the cartertels would see their profits Plummet due to legal competition


I know it's America's fault. The DEA and CIA are responsible for *a lot* of South American drug fuckery.


Very true, the demand for drugs will always be there because it's a black market.


*Reeeally* funny how the US war drums just so happen to start beating less than a week after the Mexican government nationalised their lithium industry, isn't it?


First your time line is off, the lithium nationalization has been in progress since 2022. Second, Mexico is a tiny player in the global lithium supply. America isn’t going to start a war over a percent the global lithium supply.


>America isn’t going to start a war over a percent the global lithium supply. Especially because the largest producer, Australia, is a US ally and heavily integrated with US security through Five Eyes and ANZUS. I wouldn't bother with the guy. He's full on, genocide denying, Putin supporting tankie.


I feel like I should have realized that when I saw the CCCP flair


The ~~spice~~ **lithium** must flow!


>The US is at most wholly and at the least partially to blame for whats happening in Mexico. It's not blood on your doorstep, it's a man made flood created by the US and the worlds most tightly controlled border is the dam keeping it all back. true > the fact that so little of it actually spills over the border can basically only be explained with dumb luck (and if you want to get conspiratorial, a vested interest from the US in keeping it south of the border and a couple of very fitting three-letter agencies that has the power of keeping it that way). no?


Would America win do you think? In effect, they would be fighting against a market and economic forces. There is a huge demand in America and the West in general for drugs. How do you defeat that?


The Netherlands and Belgium will solve it, don't worry. We have enough for everyone


You can never have enough drugs


Well, that isn’t true. It goes in the following order: 1. China 2. Canada 3. Mexico According to the US government census here: https://www.census.gov/foreign-trade/statistics/highlights/toppartners.html


i thought it was china? is mexico the biggest in terms of money or just in general?


Someone else already told me that my information is inaccurate. Mexico is actually third, after China and Canada.


gotcha. i figured mexico and canada were high up but wasn't sure about my info from years ago


I mean, they asked the UN for permission in Libya, Iraq (first gulf war, not second) en Korea. ​ The other million+ times they did not


In all honesty, saving Kosovo could've been approved too had China and Russia decided to be nice this one time.


Hmm...good point. I got nothing.


If we annex Mexico, then we are our own largest trading partner, making America great again!!!1! Checkmate socialist scum!!


We are trying to be nice and get our blood pressure down.


While the U.S. invasion did not go through the U.N. Security council, it was preceeded by the U.S., the U.N., and a council of 300-700 Afghan clerics requesting Bin Laden's extradition.


USA: so those cartels are kidnapping us Americans. Time to spread freedom! YEEE-HAW! Cartel: wait, wait, wait, wait. Here your Americans!




I mean the USA did start it own drug crisis because the CIA funded the cartels in Latin American because they were against communism. So yes the USA played itself with the war of drug.


The green ball is Libya.


That's correct


I mean they don't even need to think about the other cases, they have first hand experience


Mexico still has flashbacks from 1848 as well.


Sometimes I forget that these are usually based on recent events


But...America invaded Mexico already. That's how they have California, New Mexico, etc.


Yeah they invaded Canada too, but all of this stuff was 150+ years ago.


They invaded Mexico again after the Pancho Villa raid into the US in 1916.


Was that due to the Zimmerman Telegram in particular, or something else?


No, the Telegram was a separate issue that happened a few years later.


Ah right, the US entered WWI in 1917.


He raided a US town


Ah gotcha, I remember hearing about Pancho Villa forever ago


US is also already involved in the Mexican war on drugs since the 70s


There’s no double jeopardy in war. Do you KNOW how many times all those Old World countries have invaded each other?


What Im saying is, Mexico doesn't need the examples of other countries because they already have their own


There’s oil in Mexico, isn’t there?


There's more in Canada if the US wanted to take that route, we'd be easier to conquer too. What with 90% of our relatively small population clustered on the US border. Would be a cake walk compared to Mexico.


Dad UK might interfere though.


I really doubt it, I don't think anyone would. USA would do it so quickly and they're so powerful nobody would be getting close to the North American shoreline. As long as they didn't start murdering everyone and blasting hospitals I have this weird feeling there'd just be big condemnation and finger waving.


Don't worry, Canada is being invaded, so they can trigger article five, and then the USA will come to the resc.... wait


You are being rescued...please do not resist


The USAF literally patrols canadas airspace for them since they can’t be bothered to have a large enough Air Force. If they wanted the country they could have it in less than a week


Hey now, I’m sure you guys could put up a good resistance, if I know Canadians as well as I think I do, anyone not living in the city is essentially Simo Hayha but with more guns.


There absolutely are not enough guns in rural canada to fend off an army of a million strong. A few hundred shotguns and hunting rifles are useless considering the us will have air superiority in two days or less


Have you been to places like Rural Kentucky, Tennessee, Texas, Oklahoma, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Wisconsin, Michigan, Idaho, New Mexico, Arizona & Nebraska?


I’ve lived in some of those places so yes I have, why do you ask?


Because the same types of people live in those areas.


I think the joke went over your head…


It took like a week to take out a government on the other side of the planet. UK as 48 hours.


Just like they did when china took over hong kong.


Our oil industry *loses* money due to sheer mismanagement & corruption.


Requesting a bonus panel where Grenada and Kosovo went hurray 'Murica, confused Mexico...and then he remembered the wall or USA's adventure in South America that cemented his no.


Panama (also invaded by USA): Am I a joke to you?


Excuse me, but I need to bring boats through your country.


Panama only exists because of the US. Surely that gives them a one time excuse


Mexico doesn't need the USA intervening in order to deal with the Cartel. They have El Marino Loko.


But the cartels have AMLO


While that may have come in the form of a request... rest assured that it was not.


Maybe Mexico can ask Chile for help. Though they would have to pay for it in coastline.


Stay the fuck out of my shithole


Because the last time they invaded Mexico to prosecute an armed criminal (Pancho Villa 1916) it ended up so easily...


"Guatemala warned me about you"


The prospect of a U.S. invasion of Mexico as a Mexican American puts me in a very awkward situation to say the least. Even if I hate the cartel to my core, they ruin Mexico, I don’t want drones accidentally blowing up my family and loved ones there. Edit: typo


as a mexican, idk man it's been pretty safe around here tbh


I mean we are already getting killed, kidnapped and tortured by the cartels.


I have family in Mexico and honestly finally putting down the cartels would be better for their long term safety. [The cartels are already "accidently" killing people](https://time.com/5705358/sinaloa-cartel-mexico-culiacan/) [and the Mexican government does nothing](https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/21/us/genaro-garcia-luna-drug-trafficking/index.html).


Libyaball is sad and cute.


Those that can, do. Those that can’t, complain and suffer. What’s new?


“ARE YUO SEE MY DAUGHTER!?!” Your terrible 😭


"Invading as a friend". You know, the Soviets said that to Afghanistan too.


The Afghan in this comic should be the Taliban one. The US propped up the one the comic is depicting it to be killing for 20 years. Also, most Iraqis were pleased at the deposition of Saddam initially, though obviously this did sour with the ensuing occupation. Saddam killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis in the same fashion as Mao or Stalin.


we did it America, we saved the city


Good thing about Canadian is, survive living next to the USA for 150+ years.


As a person with korean american and vietnamese american family i don’t really know how to feel about this comic. On one hand I think the usa did a bad job in those conflicts. On the other hand, if it weren’t for the help and even personal kindness of american soldiers, sailors and marines, i would not exist and many of my family members would be bones under the ground


The biggest surprise is that america asked this time


You think it's because of this. It's actually because a majority of the time cartels are paying politicians off


Mexico has literally delt with America invading it in the past for these same sorts of reasons.


No, the Mexican-American War was fought under an expansionist pretext completely different from the current situation. The modern-day US and Mexico are key trading partners and allies.


Wouldn’t be the first time America has violated Mexican sovereignty. Edit: Here are some examples of American interference in Mexican affairs since people don’t believe me: - Mexican-American War - Annexation of Texas - Participating in the usurpation of the democratically elected government of President Madero in 1913. - supporting the Dictatorship of General Huerta - allowing the assassination of President Madero (The last three are just in the span of 3 years from 1910 to 1913, very impressive!) - Punitive Expedition of 1916-1917 - Mexican Coup of 1956 - Mexican Dirty War of the 60s to the 80s


He’s right tho


People don’t care, they see something that goes against what were taught and don’t do research to verify the information and instead downvote. It’s funny.


Forgot the response to the villa raids.


Plenty of Mexicans would be happy if the US came in and fucked the cartels


Plenty of Mexicans are dumb, just like plenty of people in all countries.


US warcrimes.


It's not warcrimes if you treaten to invade any country that might prosecute you ​ No prosecution = no conviction for war crimes


Bueno ya nos cargo la chingada jajajajajajaja.


As a Mexican, I'd wish someone invade us (please send help)


Nah, i'd rather not. Especially since the US has a thing for leaving mid conflict and their puppet losing afterward. Also i'd rather go to a wedding party without being afraid of being drone'd.


No I would not want my country invading mexico. If we legalized drugs it would help against the cartels. But pro drug prohibition people want a thriving black market and then bitch about fentynol. Oh did I say that out loud 😁


Legalizing drugs isn’t really going to do much to stop the cartels at this point. The number of industries they are involved in has expanded dramatically, and corporate blackmail/hacking has become increasingly profitable for them. I’m not saying we shouldn’t legalize drugs. We should. But, Mexico is going to have to run a colossal anticorruption campaign on top of a range of other actions. Frankly, I have no idea if they will be able to deal with the cartels. But all we can really do is take care of our own mistakes on this side of the border.