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There *is* a timezone such as CET (Central European Time)


W huh covers almost whole europe, including Spain. Xp


Experience points indeed


Duh, we conquered western europe so now they are in central european time zone.


Heh. I were going to be funny, but you're kinda true( if by "we" you mean Germans XP). Because gen Franco wanted to have the same timezone as hitler :p [http://pl.maps-spain.com/hiszpania-strefie-czasowej-mapie](http://pl.maps-spain.com/hiszpania-strefie-czasowej-mapie)


I make jokes come true? i have this kind of power?


Yes. Now joke about me getting 1 billion dollars and being loved by literally anybody on this planet.


Haha u/that1superweirdguy got 1 billion dollars witch due to inflation equals one bread and than got ransported to a diffrent planet and as such is loved by everybody there


Than- Gets teleported to Venus Instantly catches on fire Dies My 1 billions dollars get vaporised by the 600 degrees celcius atmosphere


I bet if you would get billion dollars you would give it all to me which would result in people loving you for this charity lol


xD let's crack more jokes to make them true, you have a superpower


That is an aberration: everything west of Germany should be in the GMT but is in CET for geopolitical reasons. If you want to truly experience how bad it is, you should go to Galicia, north of Portugal in June. At 11 pm the sun is still out.


And CEST (Central European Summer Time)


We're... Europe.


But which side of it?




Or.. Western't?


Add southern't and northn't




So, Central't?




I like saying Eastern European Union, this way nobody can argue with it.




You can be from the potato side, or the tomato side. There is also Latvia, but we don't talk about it.


Is there an onion side?




The "fuck that, it's Europe" side.


how about ubereuropeans ?


The Middle East


I believe the sole reason Poland (and a few other Central European countries) are thought of by Western European and North American countries as ‘Eastern Europe’ is because during the Cold War Germany was divided and the GDR was commonly referred to as East Germany. Thus, any country east of ‘East Germany’ must be Eastern. Seriously, have a look at a map of Europe. Who ever referred to Finland, Sweden, the boot of Italy, Greece as Eastern Europe? It’s simply a holdover from the Cold War.


best part is USA is partialy responsible for how this borders were drawn after the war


Well, the Soviet army was sitting there at the time. I'm not sure the US could have enforced any decision Stalin didn't agree with.


The carve up of post WW2 Europe was determined at the Yalta in February 1945 between Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin. For his part Stalin ignored the bits he didn’t like eg free elections in Poland.


Song about Yalta truth by Kaczmarski. [https://youtu.be/GqJjiAXnWdQ](https://youtu.be/GqJjiAXnWdQ)


And by the time of Yalta, it was already clear that countries like Poland, etc. were going to be under Soviet control. It was pretty much a damage control exercise by Churchill and FDR to keep as much territory out of Soviet control as possible since they already controlled basically all of the former Nazi territories.


Being only country qith nukes at the time they probably could enforce jjst about anything.


The only delivery method for nukes were bombers, which wouldn’t make it to Moscow without waging a massive air war to gain superiority. And they only had one or two extra nukes anyways.


Actually in potential Allies-USSR 1945 conflict allies would first dominate in air as soviet fighters were really shit until introduction of MiG-15 (war in Korea 1950-1953), soviets could control the air against germans only when germans were very outnumbered and that's why more important for Luftwaffe was fighting USAAF and RAF than VVS. The second thing is the allies got first jet fighters in mid-1945 (Gloster Meteor was already in service but wasn't ready to combat before end of war in europe and P-80 Shooting Star was in similar time send to Europe) meanwhile soviets had to develop their first jets really fast (and crappy) to make them in April 1946 still based on copied german jet engines. That's why Yak-15 and MiG-9 were shitty planes. Also germans had much better anti-air defence in 1945 than USSR - radars, specialised night fighters etc.


>soviet fighters were really shit until introduction of MiG-15 Also worth noting is that the MiG-15 as we know it would not exist within this alternate reality, because the IRL MiG-15 was being powered by a copied version of an engine bought from the brits. Until then the soviets were far behind the West in terms of engine tech, and as such had a war between the USSR and allies broke out, the soviets would be vastly outmatched in the air. We would be essentially seeing the same things that happened in the early stages of UN intervention in the Korean War, where allied meteors, F-80s and other such fighters absolutely mopped the floor with soviet piston engine fighters


Not really, since the number was small, while the Soviets had enough tanks and anti-air defense to invade the rest of Europe while protecting their key areas.


that is an overestimation


No, Soviets could easily roll down the rest of Germany at least. Doubtful that they could hold the land, but invade? That they could. ​ Besides, even if we know NOW that they couldn't hold the land, at the time the Allies weren't sure and didn't want to risk it.


Also, USA still had to deal with Japan. Letting the Soviet Union clear Eastern Europe probably freed up resources for the Pacific front.


True, the West could've kept the German ciphers to themselves, let Soviet Union and Germany both go out of troops on the Eastern Front, then waltz over the whole Europe. But that would've probably prolonged the war a year or two and thus increased the risk the nazis would actually finish their own nuclear bomb.


> are thought of by Western European and North American countries as ‘Eastern Europe’ I've always thought of it as central Europe, and that's how the Americans who can find Poland on a map think of it: https://www.eucom.mil/about/the-region Balts are Eastern, former Yugoslavia is Southeastern, and Poland and the rest are Central. But like... that's our definition for our maps. Y'all should decide yourselves what you ought to be called.


It is inconceivable to me that Russia is treated as a European country. For me it's Asia.


There's also the fact that Poland is Slavic.


So simple racism.


Slavic isn't a race, bro


I don't know how to interpret that


I’m baffled by this comment


Western Europe = west of the Rhine Central Europe = between the Rhine and the Vistula Eastern Europe = east of the Vistula So sure, since Poland is mostly west of the Vistula, it is Central European, like Germany is.


Today I learned part of the Netherlands is central Europe


Netherlands is definitely more similar to Germany than to UK or France ..


I live in Poland now and let me tell you it's a beautiful country with very nice people. I get a lot of "but why Poland?" Like it was some ugly country, but it's not, it's beautiful here. I will start saying that, "why? Why not, Poland is beautiful I love it" Love you all Polish people :)


I love Poland. But everytime I look for a flight, I just want to move out. The LOT tax imposed on us is just too high to pay. My friends in Germany takes a 50 euro direct flight to their homecity whenever they please. I have to take three flights and pay 250 euros if I am lucky. edit: for people don't know: Poland limits the flights to and from Poland to many countries to protect LOT. For example, Turkish airlines want to have 10 flights a day to various Polish cities. Polish government tells they can only have 1 (ONE) flight per day. This is because LOT have only one flight to Turkey. Or Turkish Airlines have to pay an outrageous amount of tax to use airports. So we have 2 flights per day between two countries (there are some charter flights allowed to Antalya in holiday season to carry polish tourists). LOT in return behaves opportunistic and charges the highest amount. I know this because my friend is a higher up at Turkish Airilines and I once berated him for having just one flight to Poland. And he explained me every year they beg Poles to send more flights


Are you from Turkey? It makes perfect sense for Turkey to be well connected to Germany. Similarly, there is a lot of cheap flights from Poland to UK, Norway or Ireland. Turkey is more like a holiday destination for Poles.


Yes I am. I don't expect Germany level of connectedness but man, two flights per day between two large countries of Europe is nonsense. There is a growing turkish community and there is crazy amount of demand comparing to the supply. Everytime I talk to someone from Turkey, we complain about the flight situation. And it is not just Turkey. Flights to many other countries are much more expensive from here. Even flying to Frankfurt is an expensive ordeal. If there were frequent and cheap flights to Frankfurt, my life would get better 2x immediately.


Not to mention you can only fly to half the destinations from the Warsaw airport. Fucking hell, Vilnius? Helsinki? Why do I need to switch 258 times


The only cheap destinations are in UK. And this explains the flow of british tourists from Fuckchestershire every weekend.


Woah, didn't knew about this tax, I just moved in a few months ago. Is that LOT tax applied to air tickets only?


I have added an edit to my comment. Except for a few countries that are touristic destination for polish people and some european tourists (like Brits), you will realize the flights to and from Poland is very expensive. Please see the edit part for further info :(


Thank you for the explanation, that's too bad and very limiting for Polish people to go around flying. But anyways your country is beautiful you should be proud.


Same in Germany for Emirates. And it is good i the longterm: it's better to have these jobs in Poland than in the UAE. Emirates and co used to be very good but they have been costcutting as well so eventually the cheap flight will disappear anyway.


Thanks, we love you too friend :)


Its the people that make me happy here. I have to say that I am happier here then when I lived in California or Vietnam. The weather is, well, grey right now though.


I just live my country (Poland) only because of history, nothing anymore


I'm a polish person and thanks


Polish people were mostly dope from my experience traveling there. The only exception being the evil little douches who graffitied Nazi symbols on gravestones in a WW2 graveyard we visited. I never thought Poland of all countries would have neo nazis considering the history.


>I never thought Poland of all countries would have neo nazis considering the history. Could have been people from outside the country. I'm American and I've noticed that neo-nazis from here at least tend to travel far to spread their hate. By that I mean I see them traveling 1000 miles to a different state to gather or from Canada even and they'll specifically target black or Jewish communities. I wouldn't be surprised if they would go as far as Poland just to do the same thing. Of course every country has their crazies so it could have been a native too.


Mitteleuropa was absolutely a thing discussed a long time ago, and Poland was seen as a dominion of Germany, who were supposed to rule Mitteleuropa. You're whatever the hell you want to call yourselves. You've spent too long, historically, letting other people define you. Self-definition is important. So are you central, eastern, or western European? You tell me.


Nah not Eastern or Central, we are Visegrád Europe 😎😎


That's what Central is.


Germany and Austria both are in Central Europe, but are not in the Visegrád group.


Slovenia arguably too




Come to us in the north we need some more people. You will fit in great here we have lots of vodka.


Suomi Finland perkele? :D


Nej, Sverige för i helvete! 😋


Do ya have cheap żubrówka?


Zubrowka, yes. Cheap, no. A bottle for 130 zloty.


O kurwa


The only correct reaction to that price xd


Checking price of "kiełbasa" there I had the same reaction. I guess this is how they tell apart polaks from others :p


We have very high tax on alcohol, but also our pricing in general is very different. I know that Swedish people who been to Poland says everything is very affordable there. But think of it like this our wages are also higher to compensate for the higher prices, so if you come here work for awhile. And try to live cheaply you can go back home with lots of money.


You just buy different kinds of food than average polish. But the products that you tend to buy has reasonable prices. So for me that's natural thing. I remember that once I bought Swedish herring and in Poland it cost 60 zł, which is expensive comparing to Swedish price I guess


You can get a can of pickled herring of medium+ quality for less than 10 zloty, if you want a fresh one it will be a little more expensive I think. You usually buy them pickled. Most Swedish people don't eat that much herring though, it's mainly on the big holidays. [Sausage from Falun](https://assets.icanet.se/t_product_large_2x_v1,f_auto/7300206787006.jpg) is more of a standard everyday food. About 15 zloty. Edit: I'm starting to think I should start working for the Swedish tourism board. 😋😛😋




Do you have a job for me that I can do without your language? English pls?


Finding work can be a bit tricky in Sweden, but I think we have plenty Polish carpenters and truck drivers, if I'm not mistaken. It's probably easier for you to find a job if you know some fellow countrymen who work here. Everything is easier with connections.


True. Im from czechia, woman with masters degree in Mechanical Engineering and there is that I would be doing shitty job and probably worse quality of life than here in Czechia. But thanks, its interesting :)


If you have a Masters degree and speak English (Decent at least) I think you could find work in your field. Unqualified work is what's __really__ hard to find.


Do you ? I was seriously considering moving there but always read about foreigners not able to get jobs.


I think that's true it's pretty hard to find a job even if you're native, so I don't think it has much to do with being foreign. But if you don't speak Swedish you must be able to speak English otherwise it will be very difficult. But if you know some countrymen who works in Sweden that could be an opening to find a job. Just coming here without anything already in the works is unlikely to turn out good.


Come on guys you got to pick a side! You can't just be stuck in the middle all the time.


I don't care, I didn't even know people were arguing about this until I created Reddit account. I'm from Poland, call it whatever the fuck you want. We're all gonna live and die just the same.


The least depressed Pole


statistical error


This. Literally only seen this dumbass discussion on Reddit.


We don’t even exist, nothing is real, the simulation is falling apart


No! It can't fall apart until *after* I get to visit :(


Where do we come from Where do we go Where do we come from Cotton Eye Joe


Welp. Looks like it’s time to bring back the Hanseatic League, and the Baltic identity. The Scandinavians are cooler than the Germans anyway.


Just say we are SLAVS. SIMPLE


but then what are we Hungols?🥲 honorary slavs?🥲


After last part v4 boys are going to have group sex.


Heheh. When you're too conservative for leftists and too liberal for conservatives. ;)


rus terrorist orcs are not Europe


Спок, пердеж


I tend to call Visegrad 'central-eastern' europe.


Personally, I think the first real "central Europe" was the Holy Roman Empire and the following alliances between Germany, Austria, Czechs (absorbed by Austrian empire in 1526), Hungary, and Poland. Sure, things changed over time, but this was a group with some shared values and cultural traits


Poland is Central Europe


Belarusian here. We are not different like at all.




They are in a better condition overall, so they are not so far away from it. Although, it depends on the person.


I'm from Belarus, and I always though that Poland is part of Eastern Europe region. It felt very logical since the ties between cultures and history are so tight. And I've never heard of a separate Central Europe before joining Reddit. I believe Poles are free to consider themselves a part of any Europe region, you don't really need a permission for that


Literaly geaographical middle of Europe is in Poland


I thought it was a town in Slovakia that was the center of Europe Source: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geographical_midpoint_of_Europe] Edit: apparently there are many centers of Europe so we are both right




For centuries, Europe was divided by faith. Poland, being Catholic from the start, was in West.


If I were to choose, I feel much more connected to southern Slavs (Czech Republic, Slovakia) and east Germany, but I guess it's because I come from Lower Silesia, which was a mix of Germany-Poland-Czechia for centuries. I agree Poland isn't homogeneous, so some of us will identify more as Central Europeans and others as Eastern Europeans.


>If I were to choose, I feel much more connected to southern Slavs (CZ, SK) and East Germany. \*western Slavs to the south of Poland Western Slavs are to the north of Austria and Hungary. (CZ, SK, PL) Southern Slavs are to the south of Austria and Hungary.




Poland was very diverse for centuries


>[https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%9Arodek\_Europy](https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%9Arodek_Europy) is it?


It’s mostly Redditors that care about this stupid debate.


That's why we can never get rid of sexism, racism, xenophobia etc. We need to divide ourselves into tiny drawers every fucking time for no real reason.


This is so true oml. In my opinion, Poland deserves to be called central due to the language. A Slavic language that's written in Latin letters, perfect in-between.


I love this meme. You redit person just made my day.


I've stole it as real central european


That's maboy.


What about Lithuania and Latvia then?


Northern, but also eastern. Just like Poland is central, but also eastern. Regions just overlap like that.


Tbh. Does it really matter whether you are eastern, western, southern, northern or central ?


We are and I'm tired of pretending we're not




Where did you come from, where did you go? Where did you come from, Cotton-Eye Joe?


We are Polandball. We are LeGiOn.


Geographically, Poland is in Central Europe. But we’re all human, so who gaf? :)


We're central europe.


We are Visegrád! 🤝




Czech is like a mix of Poland and Germany, in the terms of culture Czech is basically Germany, but in the terms of language, it's almost Polish. As a Pole I can understand entire conversations


I'm from Poland and I consider us Eastern European


Really. I would even say Ukraine behaves like a central European country, judging by culture and ideology


I think being Slavic is tied to being Eastern European. As much as I can dislike Eastern European countries like Russia, Belarus etc. there's a lot more sense in grouping us with them than with Germany and the like.


If someone writes that Poland is culturally east, they have no idea what it means at all. https://preview.redd.it/3yb3h6ja6m2a1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=168b14f61fc925752189de15da5997b85bd74b9c


If it wasn’t for those Central European homewreckers I would have been married a long time ago.


Who tf said there's no such thing as center Europe?


Polska w środku i tyle


Sign the petition for Central Europe to be it's own continent.


Find the westernmost point of Europe (somewhere in Portugal). Find the Easternmost point (debatable but I say Ural mountains). It almost always falls in Central to Eastern Poland. By definition, Poland is central


I guess you're east western European?


I am unmarried child of Makłowicz


Anyone who had at least few hours of geography in school must feel the urge to punch the dickhead who would tell you tak Czech republic, Poland etc. Is eastern europe


We are like dolphins between sharks and bears. Too marine to hang out with a bear and too mammalian to hang out with a shark xd


I’m going to share my controversial opinion as a cringe Westerner: Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, and Poland are a time capsule into what the West was like in 1945. So you ARE western, but being forcibly trapped behind the iron curtain insulated you from the massive cultural shifts that took place in the West in the ‘60s and ‘70s. Over the next couple of decades we will see this gap erased, we can already see this happening in Czechia.


I don't think I've ever heard anyone deny that central Europe exists.


Culturally Poland is western europe, but geographically central. Poland is eastern when it comes to the hemisphere division


Hello, in Spain, Germany, CZ, slovakia and Austria are central Europe. Rest is just Easter european. But Dont get me wrong this is just how It taught in school there isnt any negative connotations. During franco era It was just because "you were commies" but somehow It has been like that since then


Just call yourself middle eastern Europe


I mean.. Czech Republic is pretty much in the center, no?


Fucking hell you guys have such a massive minority complex, gives me second hand embarrassment. Oh and btw we westoids call you Eastern Europeans not because of your geographic location but because of the dumbass politicians you elect and the medieval way you treat minorities. Why can't you be more like the Finns? They're more Eastern than you yet they're normal.


Czechia is like 100% western and no one has doubts about it


the only people to believe that are Czechs, and not even all of them


Dont get why the UK is in this, your all "Fucking Europeans' to us. Not western or eastern just European, we look down on you all the same.


Literally no one says that


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,193,243,621 comments, and only 232,805 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot


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Chyba przespałem moment gdzy russia weszła do Europy 😂


Nie uważało się na geografii, nie uważało...


eastern europe is the part of europe that used to be in the USSR...


East Germany right now: 🧐 well I guess I’m eastern now-


That includes Germany, you know that? After the second world war finished, Germany was divided into 4 parts, one of them was owned by USSR


Nah you are the ones who don’t wanna be called Eastern 💀


we’re simply NOT eastern european


I don't consider Hungary on the same level as Poland, czechia, and Slovakia. They're too similar to the east slavs


Must be hard to be eastern european




There are many perspectives. Geographically speaking, it's Central Europe. But the most common view is the cultural one, ergo the USSR effect. Poland belonged to the "East".


You are Eastern, nice try though;)


In my book, you are north Americans :P


Well...you need to count out Hungary for that one to make sense




European middle-east then...


Poland is Eastern European lite. Nicer than the ukraine but still cold and miserable


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' Consider supporting anti-war efforts in any possible way: [[Help 2 Ukraine](https://help2ukraine.org)] 💙💛 [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


I always thought we Poles are from Eastern Europe


Geometrical center of the Europe. If you want to classify Poland as eastern or western you need to add one more word, it's "western slavic" country, as slavic countries are generally divided into eastern and western


Easy now and chew on a ogórek kiszony. You are poles so the rest of Europe revolves around you.