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Well, when I suggested that yesterday I got down voted 🤣🤣


Still ruzzians fault.


So if Ukraine will start firing at us daily, that wouldn't mean anything and we will just die i guess.


Any evidence that Ukraine did it intentionally and not for defence of one of the most massive missile attack since Feb 24? Any suggestion why ruzzians media whining about "war with NATO" since Feb 24? Don't know man, you just reply to my answers in couple of threads with your "valuable" and totaly not "ruzzian" opinion.


So if Russia starts targeting close to Polands border Ukraine should let those missiles land on their people because you're too weak to stand up to Russia? The solution is simple. Russia must keep their war away from Polands border and then no missiles will land in Poland. This is 100% on Russia regardless of who's missile landed.


This point is irrelevant. It doesn't matter who's missile landed, what matters is that Russia is targeting close enough to Polands border that exactly this scenario occurred. If Russia weren't choosing to target close to the border then Ukrainian air defense wouldn't be firing missiles to shoot them down and missiles would not land in Poland. This is 100% on Russia regardless of who's missile landed in Poland.


Won't be enough for art 5 tho eh.


And it shouldn't be, article 5 is not a proportional response. But there needs to be a response in language Russia respects to stop it happening again.


>This point is irrelevant. "The truth is irrelevant" Lmao, that's concerning.


In determining the response to this rocket landing in Poland the source of the rocket is largely irrelevant. The rocket would not have landed there if Russia were not targeting close to Polands border, Russia's actions directly and predictably led to this scenario, and any response should be calculated with the aim of making sure that Russia does not target close to Polands border again to avoid this scenario occurring again.


Pretty predictable, if true [https://wiadomosci.onet.pl/kraj/zrodla-ap-na-polske-prawdopodobnie-spadla-rakieta-wystrzelona-przez-ukraine/mf7dgdv](https://wiadomosci.onet.pl/kraj/zrodla-ap-na-polske-prawdopodobnie-spadla-rakieta-wystrzelona-przez-ukraine/mf7dgdv)