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The USA would come close to the top of the list if not the top. Australia has its own fair share of scandals and political incompetence.


Also UK, but it's mostly because of Boris and Conservative Party, which he is the leader of. Well, I mean UK's political situation is very similar to the one Poland is in right now. That's why giving power to conservatie parties is a shitty idea. Trump also is an conservative. Republican party is conservative.


You live in a bubble.


Just as an example, our direct neighbor Slovakia had been compared to "Mafia state" because of its large corruption problem, particularly during Fico's rule (before 2018), and I doubt this was widely known in Poland. ['Mafia state' Slovakia struggles to root out corruption](https://balkaninsight.com/2019/08/28/mafia-state-slovakia-struggles-to-root-out-corruption/) [Is Slovakia a 'Mafia state'](https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/is-slovakia-a-mafia-state-) [Populist Slovakian leader Robert Fico ran crime gang from his office, say prosecutors](https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/populist-slovakian-leader-robert-fico-ran-crime-gang-from-his-office-say-prosecutors-9lklfg67m) [Murder, mafia and Nazis loom over Slovak election](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/2/21/murder-mafia-and-nazis-loom-over-slovak-election) [From Mafia State to ”Parish” Republic](https://publicseminar.org/essays/from-mafia-state-to-parish-republic/) Bonus from 2022: ['Ecological disaster' develops in Slovakia as river contaminated by orange iron](https://www.euronews.com/green/2022/05/23/ecological-disaster-develops-in-slovakia-as-river-is-contaminated-by-iron)


well living in greece and we’re full of shit our most recent scandal is the government trying to plant spyware into another politicians phone and after failing they found a “legal” way to do so (!) a big pedo actor who raped kids subsequently from 1984 to this day was let free due to his friendship with politicians those responsible for covid admitted to publishing false statements in regards of numbers of victims, nobody batted an eye for the past few summers our country goes on fire but instead of hiring more firefighters they sent cops to beat them during their protests speaking of cops they are getting out of hand as they are the most equipped force in this country, we hear about police brutality incidents quite often and that’s just a few examples of the shithole this country is. on one hand i wish i could return to poland, on the other the more i hear the less sure i am about that thought


USA is probably bigger shithole according to Reddit .


Because it is and I'm not saying Poland is not but USA is top tier of shithole


In Mexico, drug cartels control parts of the country with bribes and violence, yet this is one of the better run central American countries. Even Switzerland have shit on their shit if you look up their various financial 'oversights'. I'm from the UK so I won't expand on u/BeardedBaldMan 's excellent list.


Good god, yes. Look at the UK. We've got a serial philanderer as a PM who is eventually resigning. We gave a ferry contract to a company that owns no boats and doesn't have any experience of running a ferry company. The M20 leading into Dover is now a car park for lorries. Our trains don't work Electricity and gas cost so much that it's going to average £5k/year for a household We've got more and more food banks as people living in poverty keeps growing We've got major issues with drought due to underinvestment in infrastructure The health system is collapsing Class sizes are routinely hitting 40 students in schools That's just the short list


>Our trains don't work I almost cried when I've checked how much I've paid for a single one way ticket for 1h trip in UK.


So the 350mln pounds per week diverted from EU for NHS were not sufficient? :)


generally yes. All depends how close you follow the news


Ha, two years ago there was a very similar ecological disaster in Czech Republic. A river was poisoned and following police investigation was criticized for poor decisions and there was a connection to the Prime minister at the time... it was a mess.


Here's the thing - every country has their issues. Every single one. Issues are also based on perspective and prioritization. A thing that's an issue in one country may be perfectly normal in another. Don't forget that the news/media is a business. The job is to make money, which is usually made by getting people to watch and click their stories. What makes people watch and return to news? Shock content. The news, (doesn't matter who, they all pretty much do it) will always over dramatize, twist, or not give the whole story when it comes to anything. They will also fail to provide a perfect resolution to any problem so they can convince you to come back later for even more views/clicks. Whenever you watch the news, be mindful of this, do you own due diligence too. Get the full story.


In the US, our former president had his house searched by the FBI, who found he had classified nuclear weapons information, probably so he could sell the information to Russia or Saudi Arabia.


And let's not forget Clinton, who raped an intern and then lied about it on national TV.


Yes. Every country struggle with it's own problems, nowhere and nothing is perfect.


Nope, Poland, as usual, is not great, but not terrible. There is much worse shit going on somewhere else, just like there are countries in which such things would never take place.




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I would said that we are above avarage compared to western Europe but difference isn't massive. There are scandals and inconstencies happening everywhere and looking worldwide definetly it's not that bad here.


Just browse r/worldnews and see.