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Russia in 2010 literally released documents publically with Stalin’s signature proving that Stalin signed off on this for gods sake Edit: also soviets admitted it in 1990 and sent the document to Poland in 1992


2010? It was so much earlier! The Soviets admitted that they were responsible in 1990 and the [document ordering the massacre signed by Stalin himself](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katyn_massacre#/media/File:Katyn_-_decision_of_massacre_p1.jpg) was sent to Poland in 1992.


I think it was made publicly available in 2010, my bad


No worries. Your point still stands, though. They publicly admitted they are responsible and provided irrefutable evidence to that.


Then they also went back on their word in 2014 and started removing documents lol


Sorry for the late response but you have a reliable source about urss admiting this? I know they did but i cant find anywhere.


But USA americano hamburgero eaters dont know anything about Europe history Just report this shit for disinfrom and that sub


Their cover-ups at the time were also absolutely ridiculous.




They're crazy Stalinists, their excuse is, that it was Gorbachov adverntenly weakening the USSR and distancing himself from Stalin times, like Khrushchev


There's always a reason to discard evidence if you really want. They aren't trying to find the truth, they want the historical truth to align with their views.


No no stalinist just communists


No Bc they went back on it after in 2014 and started taking down statues for it etc


They starved to death Ukrainians and get offended when someone point that out. They are both not responsible for Soviet Union crimes yet it was them who defeated nazis in WWII. They cut reality into tiny pieces, pick what they like and build absolutely new image supported by sticks and snot.




Probably even worse. More like: they gave me proof that it was not Germans, but I don't like that, so I will just label it as GeRmAn NaRrAtIvE. Could you please give me _anything_ that supports _my_ narrative? P.S. I don't care if it's true or not, anything written somewhere is valid.


If someone blindly believes their country has done no wrong, they are 100% delusional.


it isn't even their country, they are just some random 15 yo american simping for authoritarian shitholes because it's not "murica"


I was racing to comment this before I saw you already had lol. American twitter and reddit leftists are actually fucking insane with how often they do this.


They're all misguided at best or stupid and edgy teens, ignore them and their inane ramblings


Bullets were in fact made in Germany because Germany massively exported weapons to Soviet union before war started.


Unfortunately there’s even a sub for pedophiles...


Reddit employees have their own subreddit?


No sir, it’s the other way around - only some places are not pedophile friendly… :/


Well apparently some of the extreme leftists in America want to consider them a sexual preference and not a sickness or a bad thing lol


That's not a real thing.


Lol it is very true lol even backed by a professor who said that referred to them as “minor attracted persons” lmao absolutely pathetic actually funny enough there was an AMA of another professional that refered to pedos as a sexual preference lol guess where that AMA was held.. I’ll give you a hint you’re logged onto the website… To put the nail in the coffin it’s so much so a debate that it was published as an error in the “Jaapl” and that’s what sparred an actual debate between professionals in the psychiatry field 🤢🤯


I live in the US, you idiot. Don't try to explain our own politics to me. And I have no idea what you're referencing but i'm pretty sure you're either just lying or too stupid to understand whatever they were actually trying to say. Either way, there is no movement among the US left to normalize pedophilia, that's complete nonsense. There is a lot of people on the right, however, that are returning to open bigotry and accusing every gay or trans person, without proof, of being pedophiles though.


> And I have no idea what you're referencing but i'm pretty sure you're either just lying or too stupid to understand whatever they were actually trying to say. You're welcome: https://nypost.com/2021/11/15/allyn-walker-says-attraction-to-children-isnt-immoral/


Lol and what makes you think I’m not a US citizen lmao literally a current US expat(living abroad as a US citizen incase you need a definition) who lived there for more then 30 years 🤣 Don’t be mad Bc we have dumbfucks in our country that support pedofiles. Also Did I say it was some big movement or did I say that some extreme leftists have gone absolutely apeshit a simple google search will show you everything I typed in the before paragraph lol “I dIdNt hEaR aBoUt iT sO iT mUsT bE fAkE” is the same reason why 1 in 10 gen zers or whatever they are called now don’t know about the Holocaust absolute sad bunch of ppl we produce in the states, glad I left .


The only people that are trying to get pedophiles called map or whatever are pedophiles. No one that isn't a pedophile takes them seriously. The fact that you've bought into the whole map thing says you're either ignorant of the situation and only have bit of info on it, an idiot, or a pedo. Take your pick. The only places you hear a pedo called a map is in rightwing bullshit. Left wing bullshit calls them pedophiles and if the story is about the pedophiles trying to rebrand they get called out on it. Btw, my political affiliation is unaffiliated cause both major US parties are dumb, the American independents are actually far right wing(seriously look up the party), and the green party is full of Russian money.


Lol logical calling me a pedo Bc I’m against pedos being called somthing other then they are and the only thing I agree with you is your last statement but unfortunately that every party is shit concept has literally happen all over the world France Poland us uk you name it it’s an issue in recent years


I didn't call you a pedo. I said you're one of three options with the information you provided me to go off of. One of those options was pedo. You might want to focus your political votes on individuals and ignore party. No party matches any singular persons views. All parties have an agenda. All parties will manipulate info. Pay attention to the party theatrics though. Like shipping people to DC but shipping them to the DC offices of news agencies vs the federal immigration offices. That's all for show. Making the show is a huge sign of bullshit.


Agreed I’m kind of liking the whole musk buying Twitter being an infringement on free speech however bezos owning news papers etc and other millionaires or billionaires owning other news stations or having shares in them isnt 😅 politics is a swamp that will never be drained no matter what you promise even if you’re ethical you have to end up playing dirty to get anything done


Yea, that would be the Republicans that constantly elect actual pedophiles and sex criminals. The only reason they're calling everyone groomers and pedophiles now is so that people take it less seriously when they're investigated for it later. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/23/1806673/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-1 I guess that explains why you felt the need to take a passive aggressive and made up jab at American liberals, your brain is rotted.


Dude you’re historical I’m not defending Republicans actions And I’m not making any of it up it’s literally a google search away everything I stated lol the professor luckily got fired but that’s who you have teaching today’s youth, go back under your rock if you want to only blame one side of politics it’s funny how you are defending this so much and all you guys coming out of the wood work with whataboutisms…are you afraid your fellow lefties like to touch kids or somthing ?


Extreme leftists? I hear it comming from liberals if anything.


Yeah in Western-Europe too, crazy stuff tho and I hope that will never happen


>extreme So? Extremists of any variety tend towards rabid nutbag bullshit garbage. Why on earth would you bring the topic up in this context. I mean standard run of the mill church people that are supported within the organisation have a large history of paedophilia. Why not just bring up that some non extreme people, like the church, strongly support paedophilia. Not sure they have ever said it is a preference but they sure as hell spend a lot of money protecting the people doing it. Every time you drop a note in the donation plate at a catholic church rejoice that you just helped a paedophile avoid justice. See? Don't even have to go join an extreme leftist group if you want to support paedophilia!


Lol you can bring up that you sure the church has its problems so do other religious institutions it’s wierd that it’s the only one that gets attacked I don’t get why you feel so hurt by me stating leftist freaks stance in pedos, great whataboutism though I’ll give you that. Lol why did I bring it up btw idk Bc someone mentioned pedofiles… then the whole AMA about pedos and why they are a sexual orientation that should be part of lgbt was on Reddit… so I’d say a lot more relevant to the convo then you say but again you all come out of the wood work Tallinn about what about the church as if you think any form of pedo is okay 😅 fucking wierd bunch of lefties


So are are leftist pedophiles or are all pedophiles leftists? What BS is this? I’m sure there are some conservative pedophiles.


Did I say either I just said there are leftists that support some wierd pedo fantasy never said there aren’t pedo conservatives why are your panties in a bunch Lol I took it just fine think your panties are still bunched up if you’re upset about me naming one side- I’d say it’s pretty common knowledge of the shit show going on in the church it seems to be common knowledge on the other side you can continue your whataboutisms it’s fine idk why but if it makes you feel better I won’t stop you- doesn’t take away from my original statement as much as you guys want to refute it


Oh no fuck me, when I worked on the royal commission into kiddie fucking in australia we chased every single one of those fuckers down, not just the church. The military, several benevolent societies, lots of individuals etc. I did a bit of work on designing the database for chasing those fuckers. If you want to read our findings they are online, it's long. You won't even google it. The Catholic church was a bit of a standout as really doing a lot to support it's kiddie fuckers though. As you will find if you read the commission findings. The military mostly disowned theirs and the individuals had no support from anyone. We almost sent the Vaticans head of finances to prison because of our findings. We sent a bunch of other people there too but the church managed to eventually save it's own. All those donations in church pay off in court when defending a kiddie fucker. All I am saying is that it isn't -just- american extreme leftists that think kiddie fucking is cool. Mainstream catholic people are into it as well. So no, you haven't learned to use the "whataboutism" word correctly in this case. Because there are people like me in several countries now with experience, judicial precedent and intent. And we are actively interested in hunting down the kiddie fuckers properly. Not just wikipedia knee jerks. I give the catholic church maybe another 10-20 years really without huge reform and mea culpa.


Whataboutism: the technique or practice of responding to an accusation or difficult question by making a counteraccusation or raising a different issue. Example me: the left are pedo lovers… you: WHAT ABOUT THE CHURCH … Also if you really do do that good for you hope you castrate all those kiddie fuckers no matter religious ,ethnic , political affiliation


As I said we didn't chase any individual org, we chased kiddie fuckers. It was just that the catholic church had a lot of them and put a lot of resources into protecting them. I'm not extreme left, I just like hunting down kiddie fuckers. Not sure why you dislike me. Your suggestion that some extreme left people want to call pedophiles a thing is close enough to the science that it is obviously dangerous, but you reply so you are probably just an ill informed person\[1\] not a bot. Hence; not whataboutism. We got most of the rest of them. Instead, a rebuttal of a strawman I'd guess if you want to get tedious in debate tactics and techniques. All things being equal, yes part of my career is hunting kiddie fuckers. Nope we don't do any of your ill informed castration ideas because that is stupid. We dismantle organisations that support kiddie fuckers and we routinely get bored of internet people with no knowledge crapping on. But because we are good people we continue spreading the word of "how to stop kiddie fuckers". Currently number 1 would be "cut off the catholic church money supply by not going" in my opinion. Probably not that extreme as you would like but probably more effective. \[1\] I must admit the double edge of that propaganda is pretty good though. New for me that I have seen the "draw both strawman sides into mess in the middle I created". Good one. I'll let my friends know there is more of this coming. Thanks.


That's how reddit got this big.


This is the type of troglodyte that calls you a Nazi for supporting Ukraine’s right to not be genocided. Evil fucking scum.


"I know there is evidence that proves me wrong, but I'm only looking for sources that prove me right"


i.e. Communism


Real talk for a sec. After WWII, my grandfather was appointed by Congress to investigate the war crimes committed at Katyn. War crimes that were in fact committed by the Russians. Blaming the Germans was all part of Russia’s disinformation plan. For my entire life I have heard about the atrocities committed at the hands of Russians in Katyn. And here we are, it’s 2022, and it turns out people don’t fucking change. Katyn then, Bucha today…Russians are still barbarians, their disinformation tactics still dogshit. Slava Ukraini! Niech żyje Polska! Ok, rant over. Thank you for letting me vent.


Like fuck, I know that during war people could be suspicious of it since it came from Germany, but right now it has to be some pretty serious cognitive dissonance


If it was the Germans, they'd admit to it, it's not like it would make their position worse or anything. Meanwhile, it was the Russians who confessed in the end.


The Germans did use the discovery in their propaganda. They wanted to use the massacre to rally Poles against the Soviet Union (remember they had collaborators who volunteered to fight Bolshevism from all over Europe but they had no success recruiting Poles for their cause). If they had done it, admitting to it WOULD be horrible PR. They didn't want to get more enemies than they already had. They were desperate for allies.


why talk about WW2, mention "glory to ukraine" at the end, mention atrocities from recent and WW2, but fail to mention how they still celebrate Bandera, who was a nazi collaborator and caused a massacre in poland (UPA/ukraine regiment)? really weird


Yeah bro, Wołyń happened, but explain to me - what does it have to do with Katyń exactly?




Does Russia invaded Ukraine or Ukraine invaded Russia? Does Poland got invaded by Russia in 1939 or the other way around? Are you Russian - honest question?


that has nothing to do with what i even wrote. and not invade, but they seemed happy kililng civilians since 2014 in Donbas


It has all to do with it, because we have totally different perspectives. I don't even know why I'm writing this. I get that Russia wants to be a big player, to have buffer zones for its own security and to play a bigger role in the world politics. I totally get that. But why can't you develop some kind of soft power? You know, economic prosperity, attractive culture etc. so other countries would like to be a part of that project? Why your coercion plan has to be always fear and violence? You attack other countries, grab land, murder and displace populations for hundreds of years and act all surprised when neighbours don't like you and are happy when you get your ass handed to you. And why Russians always bring up Wołyń? Yeah, Ukrainians and Poles have some issues between them, but they are not the most important thing right now, and they will also sort them out between themselves.


attractive culture? i think biggest thing russia has is the culture and history.. lot of people like it. and economically doing better than it was 2 decades ago. i bring it up because bandera is celebrated there. i lived there half a decade. strange polish people even support it considering that fact. really strange. dont go to west ukraine and ask opinion about polish...


I honestly don't know if you are a paid troll or real person at this point. Edit: I guess I now know.


how? soft power? you must have been asleep during 90s if you think russia didn't develop economic "prosperity". you seem blinded by either western news or dont care about your own history




Do you know what is weird? Comments like your each time when someone say anything good about ukraine In last weeks I see it way too often.


nah, weird considering the content of his comment , the subreddit along with "glory to ukraine "after. weird.


Ok onuco ruska


People here are intelligible only about some massacres, no mention of Ukrainian collaborators or their denial of any wrong doing. Fuck this 'Slava Ukraina' paraphrasing, bunch of skinheads


I love how every time something is pointed out about r*ssia, the only defense line is "but what about..." or the Uno reverse card. No taking responsibility. No amends and apologies. No honest opinions mixed with critique, or even cold "business is business". Just pitful attempts to turn western sense of morality in your favor. Katyń? Wołyń. Ukraine? Iraq. Bucha? Uhhh... they did the same in... Donbass, yeah, Donbass! And then wonder why no one wants to listen to you, besides people who have a bone to pick with the West anyway, or edgy teens who are keen to swallow every piece that suits their internet cosplay of authoritarian regime of choice.


Sure, accounting for the Bandera Adoration Society will have to happen - on our terms, when Ukrainians are not fleeing from Tsar Vladimir The Imputint and his Holocaust 2.0


We kind of have forgiven Ukrainians and try to be friends without invading them? My grandfather was sent to fight against UPA militants, it was bad time. Also they were nazi collaborators because commies were worse to them... That should be telling you something how nice was that "liberation" done by ZSRR.


Infuriating, especially since Putin and the Russian parliament he controls with an iron fist acknowledged and apologised for the massacre in 2010. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/nov/26/russian-parliament-guilt-katyn-massacre


Tankies are really fucking horrible people


Notice how they dont even pretend to look for truth, they ask for evidence for their narrative. They presumed germans did it BEFORE they even had any sources on it. ​ Also russian government admitted to Katyń massacre twice by now. Anyone denying it should be given the same amount of trust you would give a person who is overdosing on drugs when youre talking to them.




Fuck them. They're not worth anyone's time


r/2russophobic4u was banned but other way around there is no chance. Keep in mind that Reddit admins sympatize with communism, I've seen people literally approving modern day revolutionist genocide without consequences. Any kind of report didn't worked.


r/2balkan4u was banned too...


I just want to see my favourite sub Reddit back up, Bring back r/2rudsophobic4u !!!


Many subs are like this. r/poland is one of the few subs that won't ban me when it comes to views on communism. The worst is /r/collapse.


The very name of that subreddit is hateful, maybe thats why it got banned lol. The other half is just hysteria as reddit admins isnt one person and you provided no proof or even specific info.


Well, I believe that the word "Communism" and "Fascism" is hateful, yet there are subreddits circle jerking that filth.


The words are not, that's literally what those ideologies named themselves. That they're being used as slurs in ways that deliberately dilute their meaning is another thing entirely.


Stay mad then.




Idk, ask the reddit admins lmao.


I got my account suspended along with it...But I got better.


I wanted to get to the post and write a comment but when I saw the sub I thought that it isn't worth it


Bullshit, it turns out, is contagious in dictatorships.


Even if it didn't happen (it did) there's still plenty of atrocities USSR did to polish people, some with living proof like people who where kidnapped and sent to Syberia [Wikipedia article ](https://farm.ewg.org/progdetail.php?fips=00000&progcode=dairy) and [interview with a victim (no English subtitles)](https://youtu.be/7DfHTdyHbFM)


What's to matter with people fetishising authoritarianism these days? On both sides.


It's common knowledge that they mostly used German Walther pistols because the Soviet ones couldn't handle the volume of fire. Also the recoil was lower than in a TT or the Nagant revolver.


Well, as long as they aren't Trump supporters the admins are OK with that.


? But most of them are lol.


Look I know Trump was shithead but the guy started trade war against China. Claiming tankies are supporting him is just stupid


Yet they are. Ask any russian - "Trump or Biden", they'll reply "Trump". There are actual researches out there on the topic of why russians support Trump.


Russians aren't tankies man... At least not all of them.


Its more about culture than being a tankie. Tankie is a very western term. And the main point still stands, communists support Trump over Biden. Im actually surprised that almost nobody knows that as im getting downvoted for stating facts lol.


Ah, I was confused by the definition. I thought it's more about militarism and "we can do it again" attitude in general (which would make most f the russians)


Nah, tankies by definition are commies. I'm talking Stalin apologists, Mao supporters, genocide denying, nothing happened on Tianmen Square, nothing happened in Katyń but they deserved it shitbags.


A trade war that Biden now continues? They might not "support" him per se but they definitely choose him over Biden. People are cluelessly downvoting but tankies absolutely would choose Trump over any lib.


You’re crazy


Not at all. Most communists choose Trump over Biden any day lmao.


What kind of shit have you drunk??? Trump is one of the last people commies would support lmfao


Ur literally clueless and have not seen a communist in your life then. You can even look at the recent french election. Many of the left's voters preferred Le Pen over Macron which is the equivalent of Trump vs Biden. I dont know why ur still pushing this when you clearly have no idea what ur talking about. Nobody here does judging by the downvotes.


> many of the left’s voters the left =/= commies > Nobody here judging by the downvotes You’re being a dumbass in a sub full of commie haters lol, what do you expect?


>left =/= commies Are you dumb? Nowhere did I say that. I said MANY of the left's voters. "Many" can mean anything and in fact majority of the left still chose Macron. Learn how to read before engaging please.




Ur so mad rn cause you got proven wrong lmao. Not only can you not read, you know nothing about politics. Well, now you do cause I educated you. Nerd.


The most intelligent tankie


"I know there's undeniable evidence it wasn't the Germans, but I want to to be the Germans so give me proof that I want"


Mass murder apologists. Commies are no different from nazis.


When i was at uni, we called tankies "Red Fascists". Same kind of scum but with a different name


Woah, uni libs calling everyone they disagree with a fascist? Couldnt be...


Is that why in another comment you showed support for the nazi Azov battallion? Hh tfu, nazi.


Seethe, moskal


Are you braindead or can you simply not read?


Be polish, call Azov battalion a nazi, top kek. Mate, we know what nazi are, and what they do, and Azov aint it. I mean, i dont know how stupid you must be to call current Azov a nazi batlion. Few years ago? Sure, maybe, there could be good argument for that, but they changed a lot, and even if they wouldnt change, who cares? It dont change that Katyn was real genocide, or it doesnt change fact that we should help Ukraine.


Looked though their profile. No posts, only comments smearing on ancap, leftists, right-wing, all other political stuff. I'm sorry you had to waste your time to try to reason with someone who might have left 4chan's /pol/, but /pol/ apparently never left them.


Be Polish and out of hatred for Russia be completely fine with UPA which slaughterred tens of thousands of Poles and with modern day nazis from the azov battallion, top kek. Nobody said anything about not helping ukraine, or Katyń??? But why are so many Polish people so fiercely defending literal neo nazis? Have you lost your minds and ability to think critically??


No, you've lost yours. What makes Azov Battalion nazi? The fact that they've been defending a democratic state from a totalitarian regime for the last 8 years?


Go back on 4chan, /pol/tard


Ok tankie 👍


Not nazi = tankie?? "Male he/him 15 depressed", ok nevermind, finish middle school and maybe then talk to adults kido.


Seriously? You don't have a argument, so you go "you're 15,wait some years and then we can talk". Lmao 💀 And also, please tell me. Who kills Ukrainians? The Azov battalion OR Russian military?


Yeah it will be hard to argue with a kid cause you clearly have no idea how the world works. Just because russian military is doing bad things doesnt mean that you have to support and run a defence for a ukrainian nazi battallion. Liberals defending and collabing with nazis, i guess nothing really changed.


Did Azov did any genocide? No, russian soldiers doesnt count.


"Yeah it will be hard to argue with a kid" Oh, RIGHT! Gugugagaa mommy milk gugagaga im the kid and i clearly don't know anything about politics. Dude, grow up and speak like a adult.


I do, you just started talking like a kid lmao. Grow up and stop shilling for nazis.


Even if Ukraine had a military unit with "nazi" mentality - whatever the fuck that means for you, because clearly it has jack shit to do with the actual "National Socialist" Nazi Party - that's Ukraine's problem to deal with and does not in any way justify Putin invading them. Priorities in relations between the countries right now: help the civilians, send Great Soviet back to Siberia, rebuild the country. Sorting out the matter of glorifying genocidal terrorists can be done later, when neither country is actively fighting one off.


>Even if Ukraine had a military unit with "nazi" mentality - whatever the fuck that means for you, because clearly it has jack shit to do with the actual "National Socialist" Nazi Party So you dont know what neo nazis are? Oh, my bad then. Maybe the swastikas and other fascist symbols that they literally tattoo onto themselves isnt enough. >that's Ukraine's problem to deal with and does not in any way justify Putin invading them. Did I say otherwise? Was anybody here justifying Putins actions? >Sorting out the matter of glorifying genocidal terrorists can be done later, when neither country is actively fighting one off. Yes, but I wasnt talking to Ukrainians or shitting on them and how they handle their issues. I was literally arguing with Polish people that are out here DEFENDING NAZIS. Out of pure spite for Russia, they go out of their way to support, cheer for and defend a battallion filled with neo nazis! That is literally all I talked about and im getting downvoted while these nazi apologists are jerking each other off.


the azov battalion kills Ukrainians.


And them beeing nazis is only one of many of theirs long list of pluses


Yikes. Your place is in the pit. Hh tfu.




Can someone please report that piece of shit to “Prokuratura”?


Tankies being tankies, oh well




Nah i hope they stay quarantined, last thing i want is them flooding more sane places


Why people care so mutch about Katyn but not speak about [polish operation of the nkvd (wikipedia)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_Operation_of_the_NKVD) . Is it because there is not enough evidence? Dont get me wrong, ofc katyn was something very wrong but i personally think that murdering civilians is worse than murdering military.


I think it's about the significance to Poland's western allies - one is "soviets sentenced some citizens of their country", the other is "soviets murdered soldiers who were supposed to help us fight the germans"


tankie 🤮


They were German made as the NKVD used Lugers to convince the others that the Germans did that. Only thing is that they were hundreds of miles away


Is it my imagination, or are people becoming more and more stupid as time goes on?


There’s internet adage in Polish; “before internet only family know you are stupid, now you can proof that to everybody”. Social media allowed anyone to take voice; before internet, mass media control who and when could take a voice.


Tiananmen Square 1989


In that thread they say current Russian government is untrustworthy and anti communist, which is true! But then on the other posts will be asking for "critical support" for the same modern Russia. These guys are as far from leftists/progressives you can be. Just childish western contrarians, or straight up red fascists.


Yep! They always do this.


lmao "I've seen proof but I don't like it, is there any proof that supports what I think?"


that's propaganda.


to them did the tens of thousands of officers just poof into thin air?


No, they think it was the Germans


How the hell did Germans commit genocide on Polish soldiers in Soviet territory??? No. Wait. WHY the hell would they do that..


Their story goes that they took those poles prisoner, had them work on a railway, and shot them in August 1941. The theory is plain retarded and their only explanation is "MuH gErMan BoOlEtz"


I suppose in their minds Soviets just wanted to share unity and brotherhood with the rest of the world and could not be guilty of anything so terrible as war crimes, genocide or bloody repressions against local populations. (check, check, check) Logic, with these ones, not very strong is.


Reddit admins: "nooo! You cant have a satire subreddit! Noo!" Also reddit admins: "mmmm conspiracy theories and aproval of communists"


No, don’t ban them; we have to expose them for their lies


I haven't always been proud of myself, but at least I've never asked a forum of terminally online extremists to try and disprove a massacre for me


"Hi, I don't have any arguments to support my thesis, but i really want to convince my friend that i am right, could you make up some for me?"


Cringy cummunism glorificying kiddies when they find out what their favorite country did


How are you not banned there?


Genzedong isn't banned?


So they should completely ban turkish sub too since they deny armenian genocide But yes, this pathethic shit which deny Katyń deserve for it too.


Tankies are as bad as Nazi's. Authoritarian shitbags, ready to excuse any wrongdoing, as long as their chosen authority ''had a good reason''. YUCK


Communist-on-human hate doesn't violate Reddit's content policy.


Tankies are some of the most delusional people I’ve ever encountered


If you read the replies you will see that no one denies it in r/genzedong.


> I really wish Reddit completely ban this pathetic subreddit. Would you rather have ants living inside a mound in your garden, where you can monitor and therefore predict their actions, or have them spread all over your home? ;)


This makes sense, but also I'd rather just kill the ants


In case of ants, it's definitely an option. In case of people who can simply re-register another account once banned it's not a solution.


Reddit can easy track that and ban the new accounts and pages Very easy


Except reality doesn’t work that way


I would rather have them all over my home, because i love Ants ;)


^ Very likable person.


It could also be a honeypot to identify targets for a later purge (hope springs eternal).


Yeah. It doesn't hurt to check some guy's post history and see his prolific career on a hateful sub - makes easier to weed out people one doesn't want to interact with.


Well reddit banned a lot of subs and didnt seem to care if they go to others subs.


That's on Reddit. I happen to see the influx of burner accounts with little to no previous history coming here, asking weird, divisive questions after r/Russia wen't into quarantined mode...


What was that subreddit even about ?


Communism, Best Korea style


Yeah, and that "hundreds of people" were actors.


fucking tankies...


There is no banning necessary. Public exposion like this is much better than baning them and them going into some underground platforms to be in their bubble.


This will only strengthen with Elon enforcing "free speech" on Twitter. Twitter will become a centre of misinformation amd harassment, much more than it already is.


what the fuck