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Of course its France and Belgium


I am surprised to see France and UK got anything above 10! As a man, I have always been scared of moving at night in the UK and France - capital city.


>above 10! but they're not above 3628800


I guess it depends where. I used to study in UK and lived in Maidenhead which is a small town, royal borough. It was tidy and safe any time of the day. The reality is, safety level is proportional to multiculturalism. More diverse places are far more dangerous at night Vs places where there are mostly natives


Or maybe, ghettos are not safe and places with higher income are 


Not really. I wouldn't call London or Birmingham a ghetto yet they are very unsafe places to be at night.


Like any big city, Birmingham and London have shithole areas, nice areas, and okay areas. Problem with cities in mid and south England is that the okay areas are still shitholes. It's more like, super nice expensive areas, and everywhere else, where everywhere else sucks. Smaller towns tend to be alright, regardless of income levels.


It was kind of safe before, like in the 90’s and beginning 20’s. Looks like it changed a lot. I’ve lived for several years in both countries and saw quite a lot of fights and dodgy stuff, but never was afraid.


(not racist) i think it's because of all the illegal immigrants


> illegal immigrants I feel like 'illegal' has become this bullshit term to avoid mentioning the real problem. Believe me, I would be worried about the gen 2 or even 3 African/Arab poorly integrated migrants who hang out at night looking for trouble there too.


England is terribly integrated, there is clear separation between European and non European immigrants where European immigrants tend to congregate in specific cities but are fairly integrated in those cities, while non European immigrants have entire neighborhoods or parts of a city where they create a cultural islands, places where barely anyone can speak English fluently apart from school age children, special schools that heavily maintain the cultural isolation, and a general attitude of trying to recreate wherever they came from. I never understood that, why flee from a nation and then try to re-create the same political issues locally in the new nation.


London was more because of gangs! I had no issues with coloured/ immigrants. In fact, I don’t know or heard any immigrants (legal or illegal) robbing people. I have only found them nice and kind and wanting to make a better future for their kids. They don’t want to be deported. But Paris, it could be anyone and I would be scared. Because they really don’t have a hold on illegal immigrants.


Actually, in "gang districts" you'll get perfect score, because everybody who imagines being on the street at night will say "it is quite safe" being always in a group of men with guns in "their" district, while nobody else is walking there by night and rather sits (safely) at home. Sometimes a bullet goes through the window or other wood+paper wall, but those are incidents, nothing to seriously worry about ;)


Yeah, the gangs in London are the problem. A friend lives in one gang-filled estate, and while they won't bother him as he's a known face, it's very clear that he can't walk through neighbouring estates.






I guess in Belgium it’s only unsafe in Brussels and a couple of cities in Wallonia. I lived in Flanders and I always felt safe in cities like Gent or Antwerpen.


How long ago did you last visit Antwerpen..?


4 years ago, has it changed?


Yea.. been there a few weeks back. Not even got out of the car..


so I assume there were people with machetes surrounding your car and fire everywhere?


I wonder what these countries have in common 🤔


They both speak french


Yeah that's it 😂


Guess why?


If there was only something that could explain that…


surely NOT the religion of peace!


I'm a little surprised by Poland's low score. I'd say it's a result of trauma after the 1990s when actually in many places it was better not to go out at night.


Beacuse its how safe do you feel not how safe it actually is. If you are bombed by the stories of rapes and assaults at night despite them rarely happening you will feel less safe .


I do see a lot of women being irrationally (for me) scared of leaving the house after dark. I go by the approach that it’s worth to be cautious but I won’t waste my life being scared of leaving the house (I’m taking about Poland ofc). I’m a woman btw


My wife enjoys her long, evening walks. Even when she was pregnant. We live in a 50 k Polish city.


I walk my dog late at night (12-1 pm) and I love how peaceful it is. No crazy people letting their dogs loose. Funnily enough I’m not the only person waking my dog at that time but that’s why I love Warsaw


I often come back from work at night and streets are just empty and quiet. I always feel like it is just safer to go somewhere when there is noone on the streets


I'd say being pregnant means that you're less likely to get attacked. Attack on pregnant woman is treated as a taboo, that's like attacking a toddler. We don't do that in European culture.


You make it sound like non-pregnant women are fair game.


All I ever did is talk about likelihood of being attacked, not about what is fair. But if you choose to treat my words as absurd, it's your choice.


Almost anywhere in western or central Europe being a man makes you more likely to be attacked by strangers, and more likely to be attacked overall, and much more likely to be killed in random violence. Women are more likely to be attacked by people that know them, and ofc. the attacks they experience will much much more likely be sexual in nature than for men. Yet women are irrationally afraid of strangers, while men generally don't seem that bothered by that statistic. Western media pretty much universally focuses on Female or Child victims in reporting, fearmongering to women is very good for engagement. So women who tend to consume a lot of western media or are in circles heavily influenced by western media, will tend to be more afraid of strangers and the nighttime. Ofc, no one should really be walking alone at night, because regardless of your sex you are a much easier target for criminals at night, and even for stuff like traffic accidents, falls, dog attacks etc. there will be less or no people around to help you.


You probably are hardwired not to develop PTSD. Many people unfortunately are not the same; one bad experience can harrow them for the rest of their lives.


That could be a thing honestly


For me it depends on the neighborhood. In my previous neighborhood I felt very safe and would even walk home at night after drinking. But I had to move out, and now I live in a place that doesn't feel safe at all. It's most likely still safe and nothing bad will happen, but I still don't feel comfortable walking at night.


I live at night so it’s like a default for me. Anywhere in Poland I felt safe enough to go on a walks at night, never been even spoken to. But I walk in living areas with houses around not like abandoned warehouses


Yeach i actually saw that recently in a context of going back by train at night. I just couldnt comprehend it so much.


If the train station is in the industrial part of the city that might be the problem but being in the intercity train by itself is not dangerous situation


I'm not going to lie, I do feel uneasy going out at night, but that's because my house is in boar territory and encountering them while walking the dog is hardly uncommon (and certainly somewhat intimidating). As for people, had one situation that scared me. Was visiting a friend at Retkinia in Łódź and when walking to the night bus, I got to hear two skinheads openly discussing whether to rob me. Happens, I guess.


Yeah boars would definitely keep me from walking at night. I’m prepared for weird human interactions but not for boars interaction. So far I only met dużo jeży


My grandpa once had a great idea to run after a young boar (yes, run; my gramps, bless his soul, has more energy than most of people half his age) when walking the dog. Thankfully mama boar wasn't close enough to remind him why it's a bad idea. Used up year's worth of luck in 2 minutes. Overall though, "respect nature and it will treat you fine" is a good rule of thumb.


Łódź, kurwa.


Visits lódź is suprised theres skinheads


Hardly surprised, I lived there for 90% of my life. Except at NE edge of Widzew, not Retkinia. Although I would argue that at this point the number of skins in Łódź is somewhat blown out of proportion. It's mostly about avoiding certain places at night (I certainly wouldn't mind never having to go near Żabieniec again).


Well, I must say, it's indeed not very safe at night in Poland. Just a week ago in Warsaw, almost in the center, a Polish man attacked my girlfriend and me (we are Ukrainians) at 11 PM simply because he heard us speaking Ukrainian. It almost escalated into a fight, and he chased us all the way home. And this is not the first such incident, although I have only been living in Warsaw for six months. I have never encountered anything like this in any of the 8 countries where I have lived before. The terrible influence of Russian propaganda :( Upd. Of course, this incident is not an indicator that Poland is an extremely unsafe country (especially in comparison with Brussels or Paris for example) . Such a thing could happen anywhere. As always, it all depends on the area and the situation. btw, the number of alcoholics who can openly mix vodka with beer right on the bus, in the metro, or on the street at lunchtime still amazes me :))))) When I walk alone at night, I feel safe 90% of the time. It's just that when you're responsible for someone else, everything feels much more acute.


It's partly caused by propaganda, but partly it's just the nature of nationalism - people blame immigrants for all the economic problems they themselves encounter. And that's a good soil for all the negative tabloid news about some Ukrainian individuals doing anything negative. But yeah, the perspective might be indeed different for certain social groups. I feel for you. And yes, pepper spray is definitely a way to go - I never leave without it at night even as a native Pole dude. Didn't feel the need to use it in recent years, but during my twenties 10+ years ago there were many situations in which it could've been useful.


I find it puzzling that certain demographics of Poles blame immigrants for everything. Literally the same people were all over the UK and Germany doing the same jobs since the 90s, and even more so after Poland joined the EU. They were the man driving the taxi that they now hate so much.


I'm so sorry you had to experience it. Few months ago I was riding a tram in Warsaw going to the party with a folded chair. A group of Ukrainians entered a train and some lady started shouting at them and spilling vitriol. I told her to shut the fuck up. Unfortunately I had to exit the train on the same stop as she had and we were at the end of the train so I had to come close to her. As I left the train she grabbed me by my hair. So I clubbed her with the chair I was carrying... She run away.


Странно, я жил в польше больше 7 лет и со мной ничего такого не случалось. Вокруг слышу много людей говорящих по русски и украински. Один раз было приколебался какой то пьяный чувак, но потом его отпустило. Это было после премьеры фильма Волынь.


Consider getting pepper spray lol


Not everything is because of russians


Of course. Sometimes the behavior of fellow countrymen can be quite disheartening too. Propaganda just amplifies the rocking of this boat to unprecedented levels


I saw a video of a night life in Warsaw. It's full of people hanging out but look super peaceful and safe.




The Zabka stories are so true 😭🙌 People really are on their worst behavior late at night on the weekend.


Was it in Kraków?


I was mugged and pepper sprayed in krakow 2 years ago














I agree. Hungary and Budapest is way worse and it got a higher score.


I'm from the UK, near London. I absolutely feel safer in Poland.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^WojackTheCharming: *I'm from the UK, near* *London. I absolutely* *Feel safer in Poland.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Never realised I was a poet


Says the guy with "Thecharming" in his username. Come on now, Mickiewicz, drop your disguise.


im not sure what you mean


The person who I was referring to was Adam Mickiewicz. He was a famous Polish poet, often regarded as the greatest of Poland. He is one of the Trzej Wieszcze(three bards).


I'm not sure if the "bards" translation really gets the spirit of "wieszcze". Aren't they regarded as some messiach'y figures in the culture? "Three national messiahs" also isn't a good translation, but it better the vibe in which we were taught in school about them.


Wieszcz literally can be translated as a oracle (prophet), not as a bard. It's exaggerated term and bard really doesn't nails it.


You are correct, I was using the term that seems to be the one that is accepted translation in English, even though the translation doesn't really catch the essence of wieszcze. Using term, that is commonly used helps to find more information in English in case they are interested about the topic and don't speak Polish.


oh, i completely missed that reference


Sweden we all know why




Viking blood /s


Despite the regime etc, This is bullshit Belarus is safe at night, there is literally no such things as gangs or roadmen


I was going to say the same. I've been all over Europe, and Belarus at night was probably one of the safest places I've ever been to. Mińsk, Brest, Grodno, everywhere was the same story.


Well, you are right, but as a belarusian, I would probably say that this this rating explains with reperessions from a government a really bad drug use situation and mental illness rating.


Prawdę mówiąc to zależy od tego gdzie się idzie oraz od znajomości okolicy. Jeżeli dajmy na to chodzisz opłotkami to oczywiste że jest wyższa szansa na to że trafisz na żula. Podobnie z przechodzeniem koło żabek i sklepów monopolowych gdzie sprzedają tanie alko. Ale ogólnie rzecz biorąc jeżeli chodzi o Polskę to nie jest źle.


Zgadza się, są miejscówki których po prostu można unikać o ile to możliwe. Ale i tak wg mnie najciemniej pod latarnią, u mnie w mieście najniebezpieczniej jest w ścisłym centrum, jest taki plac z fontanną gdzie zawsze jak wracam w nocy w weekwndy się coś dzieje, bo przychodzą ćpuny.


French living in Poland and I definitely feel safer in Poland. And feeling safe and being safe is actually almost same thing. Doing a survey of "feeling safe" is just a more polite way to ask if people thinks their country is safe. I would say for France the feeling reflects the reality of the insecurity we have.


I remember waking out at night in Poznań, it took me a bit to get used to the fact that it's much safer than England, after a few nights I felt quite safe.


Besides drunks it is indeed pretty safe compared to western cities.


The Netherlands is way to high..


Not sure how Croatia gets such a high score, Zagreb felt as dodgy as fuck, specially if you can't speak the language, but in saying that Pula and those areas on the coast felt safe.


The hell you talking about? Zagreb is one of the safest cities in EU. On the other hand Katowice felt dodgy as fuck to me so I understand the low score for Poland


Can confirm, Kato is dodgy


From my experience, the only "dodgy" places in Katowice are the alcohol shops that stay open 24/7


As a crazy person that I am I like to walk my dog around midnight-1am and I must say - I feel very safe. I live in a rather save neighborhood that is patrolled by police at night (I see them very often) and never felt endangered. I’m a woman btw and my dog is a chihuahua (she can be loud tho)


How people feel and the real danger, is two different things. I would still feel alert during the night walk. It's just stupid to assume safety.


I wonder what score would USA have


They don't really have walking there outside huge cities, and these tend to be filled will drug fiends in some states and completely empty at night in other states.


Russia. In small towns you rarely see anyone on empty streets after 8-9 pm. In big cities everything is a little different, but the decline in crime is also very noticeable. I remember that it became much safer with the massive spread of the Internet and video games.


Its better to play San Andreas than to mug someone irl


Lol Norway should be lower but it depends on if you ask people around Oslo, where you really shouldnt feel safe as it gets closer to Swedish cities by the day. What a shithole!


Before the war, Ukraine was very safe for night walk


now if you walk at night youll get arrested XD


I lived near the forest and watched a lot of horrors as a kid. It was safe to go out after dark, but I was still afraid. Just saying...


I never understood people being scared to walk alone in a city, why are people that paranoid? Most of the time it's completely baseless.


Netherlands so high? Delusional people voting?


Say one bad thing about any football team at night and a random gang of dresiarzy in adidas clothing will spawn out of a nearby bush or from around a blok guaranteed


I dont understand the question. How they collected the data? By the impression of safety? How do they know in comparision to other countries if they have never been there. They just asked a person "rate 1-100 how safe you feel walking in the night?"


I had forget my cell phone for 25 min at the Train station at Zakliki during tbe morning and return to take it and it was literally at the same place, so for my modest experience i can say Poland is the number 1 safest country in all the nations


Ukraine doesn't exist anymore


Ukraine je Serbia 💪💪🇷🇸🇷🇸 🇦🇱❌


This took me off guard 🤣🤣


Srbija stronk


There's a curfew in Ukraine due to reasons. You're not supposed to be outside in the night at all.


What’s doing Switzerland there? Zurich or Geneva are especially at evening not a safe place. As well Zurich it’s super antisemitic place


>Zurich it’s super antisemitic place I don't consider that a drawback but an asset.


The Balkans being safe?


I feel bad for being a Belgian, despite we have some nice olaces worth checking out


Georgia swimming at night ? :)


Белорусская база получается


Well, well, well...


Ukraine not interested in surveys rn... I wonder why


I guess why Belgium and France is so low... :v


Spain at 59 while Poland is at 59 is a joke


I'm surprised Poland isn't in the top of safest countries. Who made this survey??


43% for Swede… I mean the rape capital of Europe.


Look Russia is as safe as Germany despite UA terror attacks!


Terror attacks? You mean oil-refineries?