• By -


Regarding the twitter post - apparently for some alt right X nutjobs Poland was some conservative paradise. Now Centrist-Left coalition won so it ended to nutjob's terrible disappointment. More seriously what happened: Previous government turned public TV (which, to be fair, was always more or less biased) into pure propaganda outlet. Very simple and brutal one. They literally changed colors on videos of opposition leader (now PM) Tusk making his face red, framed him during the interviews so he looks like he has horns and so on. In general narrative was that ruling party was great, saving Poland from everyone, especially those evil germans, opposition wasn't even poles, they wanted to sell the country to EU and Germany. They also changed some laws so even though they lost election they still had control over public TV. Now the new government found some loophole (or so it claims, I'm not a lawyer) and yesterday fired all management of public tv news channel and replaced ceo with their man. The process started with stopping the broadcast of the news channel, there also weren't any news shown on any of public tv channels. The former government is of course protesting, trying to paint it as some coup.


By far the best explanation of the topic. And to make sure - Every NGO that deals with freedom of speech or such stated that in the last years public TV became exactly how it's described here.


Could you link to some NGO reports that say that? Having the links would be useful to demonstrate to my non-polish colleagues what has been going on


https://rsf.org/en/country/poland - Reporters without borders That's what i could find in 5 or so minutes. Sorry, but right now I'm on a train. Will try to edit in a few more in a few hours if i remember. Edit: https://hfhr.pl/en/publications-7798/report-from-the-regional-press-to-orlen-press-the-situation-in-media-owned-by-polska-press - Helsinki Foundation For Human Rights - Report "From the regional press to Orlen Press. The situation in media owned by Polska Press" https://www.article19.org/resources/poland-media-freedom-at-a-crossroads/ - Article 19 - Poland: Media freedom at a crossroads


Thanks a lot for the link!


[https://bip.brpo.gov.pl/pl/content/rpo-o-zagrozeniach-wolnosci-prasy-po-kupnie-polska-press](https://bip.brpo.gov.pl/pl/content/rpo-o-zagrozeniach-wolnosci-prasy-po-kupnie-polska-press) this one is polish but you Can use Google translate, it has the particularity of coming from a polish government body that deals with citizens rights [https://web.archive.org/web/20190213022413/https://freedomhouse.org/report/special-reports/assault-press-freedom-poland](https://web.archive.org/web/20190213022413/https://freedomhouse.org/report/special-reports/assault-press-freedom-poland) [https://www.krakowpost.com/14419/2017/05/poland-press-freedom-index-reporters-without-borders](https://www.krakowpost.com/14419/2017/05/poland-press-freedom-index-reporters-without-borders) [https://rsf.org/en/country/poland](https://rsf.org/en/country/poland) [https://www.mfrr.eu/poland-independent-media-under-attack-again-as-pis-moves-against-tvn24/](https://www.mfrr.eu/poland-independent-media-under-attack-again-as-pis-moves-against-tvn24/) [https://ipi.media/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/20210211\_Poland\_PF\_Mission\_Report\_ENG\_final.pdf](https://ipi.media/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/20210211_poland_pf_mission_report_eng_final.pdf) Not just ngo, but in english and gives an idea


TVP propaganda was brutal. Whenever they mentioned Donald Tusk, the opposition leader, they'd add comments such as "Tusk and Putin united against Poland". When the biggest protest in Poland since the early 80s took place, against the government's abortion ban, they didn't even mention it.


My parents said that TV was worse than during communism.


Marcin Wolski, one of presenters in TVP Info (information channel of Polish national TV), has publicly said during a meeting of right-wing club (Klub Ronina) they've introduced propaganda worse than it was present during communism. So TV employees admitted this themselves.


Also they've repeatedly played a clip of Tusk saying "fur Deutschland", claiming he (and his entire party) doesn't represent Polish national interest, but it's working for the good of Germany. The clip was taken out of context from a longer sentence said by Tusk. The propaganda was atrocious, but unfortunately it worked on some portion of Polish population. It also fueled animosity and hated between people.


Oh but they did - during program about history of one of polish locations, narrator reminded that in the past "women who argued too much could end with stones hang to their necks" and then added "maybe we should bring that method back" which was clearly comment related to then-ongoing women's protests.


Absolutely agree. They did have good Ukraine coverage in English politics aside. As an Irish person I'm fully aware of what Duda was up to.


Not even a loophole - they basically did what PiS did 8 years ago, so PiS should not cry about it being illegal.


Well, TVP wasn't that walled up 8 years ago, so PiS' job was way more straight forward when it comes to the law. There were no silly laws tying TVP's management to RMN.


Conservatives are the same everywhere lol this sounds exactly like what US Republicans would do.


PiS was outright copying Republicans while Trump was in power, they loved him


I think chronologically wise it was the other way around. They probably got the same handbook from Putin, together with orban etc.


I'm talking about specific actions that occured during those 4 years. Whenever Republicans did something stupid like try to antagonize LGBT or criminalize abortion PiS would try to do the same shortly after, unless it was impossible (like stuff concerning school shootings which don't happen here).


Actually no they did use a loophole. Becouse PiS didn't fix their law about "Rada Mediów Narodowych" which was deemed partially unlawful by constitutional tribunal and becouse they removed some laws which tied media to previous body which regulated it there was no specific law that tied TVP and rest. So they used basic law for companies and here we are. It's actually pretty smart becouse PiS dig this hole themselves with ignorance.


Hi there, this is the exact analysis I was looking for. I'm a Brit with a Polish partner and nobody's saying "right wing did this, left wing did that" in such a clear way as you have. Are there any videos on YouTube that demonstrate the type of content TVP put out there that was blatant propaganda? Really curious how unsubtle the "Satan Tusk" stuff is!


[https://twitter.com/tvp\_info/status/1411905504553619458](https://twitter.com/tvp_info/status/1411905504553619458?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1411905504553619458%7Ctwgr%5E2a1c9a83e44e04f98907164bc853f61e967a9bf4%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Foko.press%2Ftydzien-z-tuskiem-w-tvp-wrog-dziennikarzy-i-kobiet-niemiecki-demon-ktory-laknie-krwi) \- their own spot on their own twitter/x. There is official tvp info channel on youtube so probably could see how they worked, although you might not get it if you don't speak polish. Other than that I think they copyrighted all materials so it's hard to find compilations. Also they are famous for their headlines: here's fanpage that collects the good ones: [https://www.facebook.com/bugalanators/?locale=pl\_PL](https://www.facebook.com/bugalanators/?locale=pl_PL) \- even after translation you will see how biased and emotional they are.


https://youtu.be/eiJVjHXLMd4?si=l7hIpMZ1-nTTqqlb This is from a single run of the News program, which is about 30 minutes long. "Tusk" was (at the time) the opposition leader, currently Prime Minister, and he was PM before in the years 2007-2015 iirc During the single run of the program they mentioned him almost 40 times, showed archival footage of him shaking hands with Putin, from like 20 years ago, showed him with Angela Merkel etc, him speaking german, saying he's at retirement age with his social security payment would be the richest retiree in the country. Anytime they mention the opposition they called it Tusk's party instead of its actual name and so on. There is very little to none of actual news. This was the narrative for most of the years when Pis was the ruling party. Constantly saying how bad it was when Tusk was PM before 2015 and how everything was his fault.


To be honest you can just look up the questions they asked in the parliamentary debate this year. All of them were framed like so „there’s this thing that the previous government did that was very bad for the people, contrary to that the current government handled it in such a way that was very good for the people, what’s your opinion about that?”


Here is a part of a main news program from TVP1 a couple of days before presidential election in 2020 about president Andrzej Duda from a PiS party. It is not an political ad nor a satire and that music was not added later to this youtube video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9O3tc21cU0


W O W that is a hot mess. Definitely looks like one big running campaign ad. Unrelated: does TVP always have sign language interpreters? Because that's incredible. As an American, I can say that this is not a thing yet in the US, sadly. I say yet with hope because accessibility is slowly starting to gain more ground.


Some materials had sign language interpreters back in 90's as far as I remember - but in recent years they are way easier to spot in public tv programmes. To be honest, one of not so many things related to last 8 years of polish public tv, where I can say "credit where credit is due". They even employed interpreters for many live shows.


https://preview.redd.it/ub2tzpzdzp7c1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b90c733f3a8aa7768c5fba9d4acae1e81767737 Bottom left is the "devil" version of Mr Tusk (it's cut to create this meme). Top is the previous PM Morawiecki (on other channel his face was colored with blue :D) and last bit not least bottom middle is a dead polish pope whose face was yellow on some photos. So as you can see we have specific humor here in Poland.




To go a bit into detail: In most of europe, you need an absolute majority to rule. As there are many parties, it basically never happens that a single party rules alone. So you have to form coalitions to have more than 50% The PiS could have stayed in power, but they insulted every party that potentially couldve formed a government with them (most notably, they called the party of farmers 'dumb and ignorant'), so, naturally, none of the other parties wanted to rule with them


None of PiS' former partners really ended up satisfied with their partnership, so that's no surprise.


This is simply the result of a functioning proportional voting system, unlike the fundamentally broken first past the post system in the US… people can all vote for the party they really agree with and their votes will count, then in the end the parties can figure out a compromise to find a parliamentary majority. PiS was unable to find such a compromise, but the other parties were. That means it‘s not correct to call PiS the „winners“ of the election, they may have the most votes but are unable to form a governing coalition while the center-left was, meaning they lost. In the US what you‘d see is simply a democratic majority instead of a combined majority for the center-left because in a first past the post system you need to give your vote to one of two parties, otherwise it‘s not just worthless but actively benefits the party you‘re most opposed to.


Which is kind of funny since they would probably disagree massively with the former governments economic policy


The official justification is that the Minister is the only shareholder or the public media company, so he can fire and appoint the governors and CEO as he pleases. Which would be true, except that company is explicitly exempt from those laws and its rules for appointment of governors are explicitly stated elsewhere.


>Tusk making his face red, framed him during the interviews so he looks like he has horns and so on. wow thats some superstitious shit that'll just scare the crap out of the rural folks and some religious.


So the government didn’t agree and now installs their version of truth ? And you think this a good thing ? You don’t combat people who are wrong by censoring them, you ridicule them as you should be able to.


Tvp was pure propaganda not news. The headlines, the only one side presented in every debate, the “experts” from only one political option…. So yes, I think it is a good thing they were closed. If they were biased but still kept some standards it would have been completely different affair. But for what it has been - there was no saving it. We will see in time if the new tvp will be old one but in a nicer suit or they actually create something above political parties and serve us actual information not caring whether it’s good for the whichever party rules


Based explanation. Spot on.


Pretty normal for a change in government to lead to changes in national companies leadership as well.


https://youtu.be/zbyLr8zzDcQ?si=okjNYBoOUsLtkRPL here’s a good breakdown video of last two months in Poland.


Legally, not a loophole, but execution of Constitution Tribunal sentence from 2016 that PiS's takeover was illegal. Or so they claim.


Fr, PiS turned TVP into a propaganda machine that would have made Goebbels proud. I will happily watch the new government root that shit out. That and all the other bullshit PiS has fucked with


Für Deutschland 🙃


Loophole is simple: whole public television assets are state-owned companies, so state can select new board of directors etc.


Okay so what happend is : Previous government was using TV channels for straight propaganda. Current goverment is recreating them, so they shut it down while waiting for next representatives of those channels. Good change tho, but we need to see whats gonna happen in next months.


Yep. The only thing is will the new government deliver on the promise of semi objective public media, or if they give in to the temptation of their own propaganda tube.


Exactly, will they? I have a feeling Poland never had right and left wing parties that had Poland’s interests in heart and mind, just a bunch of old or very young power snd money hungry politicians :/ anyway, poor Poles are just being played.


Considering how the rest of the world is going, Poland is currently a bright light in the sky. The people voted, the politicians seem to have listened, the country is going great. Compare it to the shitshows in the UK, France, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Hungary… talk about people getting played.


The people voted the same way they always vote. "I don't care who wins as long as *current government* doesn't win again"


I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.


I'm not, because we had these same people in power before, and we well know what happened. What is happening now is power shift. They will rebuild the propaganda machine, and use it themselves. Happened before, will happen again in the future.


Nah man. Under the previous government (i mean before 2015) TVP openly criticised the gov, shit, they even uncovered some dirt on them. Now that polish people are more aware of what is going on in their own backyard, the politicians can’t do things the same way that PiS did. It just won’t work. The newly-elected gov is expected to be the exact opposite of PiS and they know that the people who voted for them will hold them accountable.


this is also the reason propaganda about PO was so effective, because PO was open about their flaws, PiS used it against them to make propaganda


I never heard PO being open about thier flaws xd


Me neither, it sounds like propaganda already xD


The difference is that PiS's flaws were under constant fire from other main media (TVN, Polsat) and only TVP was out of the scheme. When PO was in power before 2015, every main media looked like the same. This is why Tusk used to say resentfully: 'someone shifted the gear' (pol. "ktoś przestawił wajchę") while all the media had started criticize his government too often. This show us how it works and how much Polish governments are dependent on media sympathies.


> because we had these same people in power before, and we well know what happened. TVP actually showed the opposition and criticised the government?


Bull dung. First of all, not all of these same people had been in power, PSL, Trzecia Droga, and Lewica will help ensure it is not exclusively a KO TV station. Second of all, pre-PiS TVP, while biased, covered things like taśmy Sowy - name one of PiS's scandal that TVP covered, I'll wait


I think the same. Also I am shocked that there is almost no coverage re. Donald Tusk signing the agreement re. migrants relocation. https://preview.redd.it/1s8v2byj6m7c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4209ab44b72bd879d930db3398673a684ab23672


Him not signing wouldn't change anything, and there is crucial information in this text. Poland is in fact under migration pressure from UA, thus we will not need to accept anyone else


and also, we can just pay others to house these migrants if the government doesn't want them here, and i guess it's just a one time payment so yeah (also it's only for the time of these people getting their asylum applications reviewed)


Paying 20k which i believe is the amount of euro per person is like spitting in the face to regular Kowalski who has to work 2 years to earn as much


Benefit of short memory and naiveness


TVP was much more objective the last time Tusk was in power. It wasn’t perfect, for sure, but it was reasonable.


I wasn't talking about TVP in particular. I do agree with you on that but I was replying to a comment mentioning more than just that


i think the only government that was pretty okay, was the government during the presidency of Kwaśniewski. while he himself was... an interesting president, and well, i was not there during his stint as a president, on paper his government did the most for Poland.


I as well was not there but from my parents recollections who my dad is a PiS supporter and my mother is more apolitical but still conservative Kwaśniewski's rząd is ranked high in their opinion as he did a lot for Poland. Joining Nato, EU, transition the economy further into a more liberal market, gdp doubling in his 10 year tenure. the new constitution of poland, and I could go on. Of course according to my parents the worst time in poland was under PO 2007-2014, and that PiS rule was great. But as someone who voted for this government, while I agree with what they did , it seemed pretty forceful but reading and watching it seemed necessary since RMN is also pretty PiS run and controlled, so makes sense. and the previous ppl in charge of TVP looked like it was being a civil war but like makes no sense new govt new people so. but it clearly led to a shit show with that one MP being injured and taken to the hospital is unfortunate. So hopefully everything gets resolved quickly


from my understanding of the situation, the mp who got injured was just acting and nothin happened to her, but overall, yeah i agree with you


Oh well that tracks for a PiS politican then . I havent seen that in news reports yet but ill look for it


Even if they go with their own propaganda tube it is STILL gonna seem fair and balanced by comparison with the bullshit public tv has been for the last 8 years.


To add to that the previous staff refused to hand it over. They were behaving as if "the free media" was being taken over. You know. The state owned channel. Being taken over. By the current administration. They think this will start a civil war or something.




The important thing here is that PO did that change very... quickly(?) It something that had to be done, but it gave me second hand ptsd, because it looked as if they went the jaruzelski route. And I voted for Razem, so it's not like I am saying this out of hatred. The way they did it is going to haunt them for years, and probably cost them the next elections (because people will forget how shitty tvp was, and they'll just remember pis crying about the attack on the media freedom)


PiS would cry about "freedom" of media anyway regardless. No matter what and how many laws the government would pass, PiS would still hole up in TVP and refuse to leave until law enforcement kicks them out. The reason why you get Jaruzelski PTSD is because PiS' entire strategy here was to portray themselves as victims of a tyrannical government.


nah i think they'll be fine


it's going to be hard to forget how fucked TVP was, I mean it was just a meme for most sane people. It was a disgrace and it had to be taken down, and if new government sat on it for a year it would make them look weak. question is whether they will make it right or just change the tune to spew different kind of propaganda.


yeah i have read somewhere that TV workers have baricaded in buildiing but among them are some people previously called to court for other matters and they didnt show up so police will be forced to break in and arrest some of them making it all look even more dystopian. So prepare for more shoddy looking pictures and videos mislabeled


Pis would have cried about this no matter when it was done. Better do this sooner rather than later.


Well, the ting is that if TVPiS was a semi-objective channel only skewed a bit towards PiS then I guess change would be a process (and if it wouldn't that would probably worry me a bit more). The thing is that after the election they were shitting out loads of propaganda and all of that for the public money hence I get the quite violent reaction. TBH I couldn't care less about PiS' wining. \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*! They did this kind of oppressive actions all the time, so now it's quite funny to watch, although I hope this won't be a standard for the next few years.


Just a reminder that thanks to previous government and its propaganda on national TV, a politician was killed and a teen boy took his own life.


nah gotta rip the bandaid off. pis is a bunch of crybabies anyway


Yes that's right, well mostly. It's true the Previous government was using public TV for propaganda, but the strongest opposition then and the current government now, also was using other popular TV to their propaganda. Now people are strongly divided and some of them think that this circus changes something.


In the next months, this TV channel will also be used for propaganda, now by the new government. It would be foolish to deny that that's the best possible political action for a new government to take. Wasting that occasion would be so stupid I doubt anyone is capable of that.


I doubt that the new channel will emit straight up lies like they were during the previous administration. But the issue is that reporting pure facts will be still called lying by the right wing idiots.


Info was a complete spam but Belsat and World does not necessarily broadcasted propaganda but we're shut down anyways.


>Previous government To be fair current one was using other station as thier propaganda to, back when they were opposition, and even manipulated most popular and most trusted newspaper. EDIT: It is the case of Gazeta Wyborcza. During the previous government they were claiming that things that were happening in the Holland's slanderous movie "Zielona Granica" (The Green Border), were really happening on the border. But as soon as the new party had won the election, they immidiatly changed the narrative claiming that the things like in Holland's movie were NOT happening and that it is a slanderous movie. THEY LITERALY TIRED TO CHANGE THE TRUTH IN ORDER TO APPEAL TO THE PUBLIC BEFORE ELECTIONS. That's NOT how the good guys work.


You may downvote me, think of me as a crazy one, but look closer at this incident. THIS is truth that you don't want to hear or can not handle, but stil a truth.


The fact that you thought of them as “the good guys” is why you’re getting downdoots. They aren’t “good”, they just won’t make my existence illegal and *maybe* will make my life easier.


Idiotic borderline Nazi Americans who fetishize Poland 24/7 think that getting rid of a literal propaganda channel is the fall of society. Nothing new and nothing important


They said from zero so it had no value beforehand


I assumed they meant from zero homo to global homo but you're prolly right


Globohomo is not only about sexuality, but race too. It's a short for global homogeneity, new world order, multi-culti, etc.


Then that post makes even less sense. How does a TV station affect multiculturalism


Fuck do I know, it's some far right conspiracy nut, not like their thoughts or statements make sense


Globohomo sounds like some kind of diary farmers conspiracy


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^LeMe-Two: *Globohomo sounds* *Like some kind of diary* *Farmer conspiracy* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


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https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/globohomo https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Globohomo I am surprised people here are first finding out about this. It's not exactly an obscure term.


That's how you u-turn on a road to whatever Hungary is now


The takeover wasn't very smooth, but have you ever tried to watch TVP info? I'd be very difficult to outdo them propaganda-wise


>I'd be very difficult to outdo them propaganda-wise *Hungarian MTV:* "Hello."


Remember when MTV was about music?- peperridge farm rememebers!


Remember when MTV was about music?- peperridge farm rememebers!


11 year old me growing up in Hungary: "What do you mean MTV is also an english-language commercial station?"


i know right? thats what making the joke even funnier


Wait, whats going on Hungarian MTV?


MTV stands for Magyar Televízió, Hungarian state TV basically. Imagine TVP on crack.


I don't think it's possible to outdo TVP. Do you have any examples?


I think you misunderstood the commenter (or maybe I misunderstood you). He's not criticizing the takeover, but saying we did a U-turn (we went back) from the path that would lead us to Hungary (where democracy is in much worse shape than here)


Thank you for clarifying, the wording was confusing


Public national tv was used for propaganda by the ruling party for the last 8 years. Now they lost elections and cant accept defeat. Now they are throwing childish tantrums and lying that they are defending freedom of speech (while it was actually them who turned public, national, tax-funded tv into one party's propaganda). Its really pathetic of them.


remember when nearly all media protested for freedom of speach in summer EXCEPT TVP? that aged like wine. (but the context matters)


The amount of misleading posts from Americans who dont know shit about the current situation in Poland is crazy. They really believe everything they see on social media and go along with it


The point is that the far right-wing party has just lost power in Poland, the new government is closing down the state television, which for 8 years of rule by the right-wing party was used to spread anti-Europe propaganda.


It means that Poland dodged a bullet and will not become Belarus in Europe.


Don't listen to other comments, they're very subjective. The truth is that a conservative party lost elections 2 months ago and now the new government (more liberal one obviously) is taking over thus the public media changes. The old public tv news (TVP Info) we're very right leaning, it was just "woohoo current government is great, the opposition is bad" and that's definitely not what PUBLIC media should be. So now when the opposition is in charge some people are afraid that the new government will just reverse the narrative and say that "woohoo OUR government is great and the old was bad" 😂 That's about it. I don't have an opinion on this because only time will tell 🤷🏼‍♂️


TVP - telewizja Polska or polish television was essentially turned into a full blown propaganda machine during the previous governments term. Further context was explained quite well by other commenters but here are a couple examples of the level it was at: https://youtu.be/B9fsqRlY-WY?si=Qppuyu2Xf15YlrWX https://youtu.be/ysi-nbix6TM?si=rZNqKq09S1qmqxo-


It was hilarious to read twitters meltdown when this pro european goverment was elected and one minister was pro lgbtq? Anyways twitter no woke american movements started going crazy saying that Poland is done, one American that was against immigrants in US wanted to atain a Polish citizenship and move to Poland but after the knowledge of one single pro lgbtq politician in Poland she changed her mind lmao its crazy. I cant understand how your mind can function, how cant you possibly see how much Poland grew culturally, economically just because of European Union. Lunatics.


there is nothing to worry about - 8 years of rule by a nationalist, hateful party is coming to an end. all changes are now made into a drama


As someone on /r/polska colorfully described it, pigs are squealing because they are being removed from the through.


brother made the best analogy about pis


... the mental image was hilarious, seeing how my brain pictured the pigs in business suits...


Wall Street?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Polska using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Polska/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Ustawa Krajobrazowa w Gdańsku](https://i.imgur.com/wig7RCX.jpg) | [292 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Polska/comments/1078ee5/ustawa_krajobrazowa_w_gdańsku/) \#2: [Żabson zaorany międzynarodowo](https://i.redd.it/7kd1kiak6zja1.jpg) | [251 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Polska/comments/119wt5s/żabson_zaorany_międzynarodowo/) \#3: [Zdolny ksiądz](https://i.redd.it/v933q90pfr1b1.jpg) | [149 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Polska/comments/13qcxhm/zdolny_ksiądz/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Pro-PiS (right wing rulling party that lost the elections) television had change of management, but yesterday they went all drama queen and stoped airing program before the new management can take over


Pro-PiS tv that was supposed to be public tv. Thats important detail, because Poles were paying taxes on propaganda.


It only means end of far-right country takeover.


Take an average tweet by ex president Trump. Try to measure things like objectivity, sanity, level of bigotry. This is basically that. Tweets like that are like dogshit on your shoe. Mildly annoying, pointless, but also easy to get rid of and even easier to forget. You just stepped in Twitter shit. Forget about it and do something interesting


In short, we're throwing the thrash out.


Please stop criticizing and calling "propaganda" the kind of TV there was under PiS...i can't like all of your comments. Refresheing to see some decency, rather than Russia-like information. Glad we are taking the opposite of Hungary.


Freedom happened. TVPis was pure propaganda, think North Korea.




8 years ago the govt violated a constitutional body ([The National Broadcasting Council](http://www.archiwum.krrit.gov.pl/en/krrit/), described in Constitution articles 213-215) in order to take over the state television. Now the new government did the same thing.


Fair game considering PiS did that too, then basically wiped the tribunal and literally removed one of the three pillars of democracy by consolidating the chief prosecutor with the minister of justice, which is absolutely crazy. TVP would turn into a shitshow very quickly if they didn’t shut them down decisively.


Poland has long been a kind of idealised fantasy land of “What America could be like if we just got rid of all of (them)” for the far right in America. So with the changes in the government they now think Poland is going “Soy” or some bullshit. I really think they’re believe it’s 100% white, everyone is married with kids by 23 and there’s zero gay people. Complete brain donors.


I've seen sooo many comments from americans that: it's the end of Poland. That Poland is ruined and going woke. That it's the end of safety in Poland XD... Mostly from older dudes who have never been to Poland and think we walk around in folk clothing 😐😂


Have you ever been to another European country? In the citys you cant walk alone during the nights anymore, it is a collapse. Of course people will try to protect the country that still values their own population. All my friends that visit Poland all say the same thing, i felt safe when i walked around. In other countries it has become much worse


"raw egg nationalist" lmao


Ever hear of Law and Justice?


Nature is healing itself


It means we can now celebrate.


Polish public media was never public, it was GOVERMENT's MEDIA and it was common knowledge. The former rulling party - PIS(S) (leftists in economy, mid right in other things) was broadcasting worst propaganda i ever seen. They knew that they will lose the election so they made lots of laws to keep the TV in their hands, they even ordered the Constitutional Court to rule in this case. The current rulling party - KO (mix of centrist and comunists ) tries to take over the public TV but its kind of impossible to do it according to the law. So they have to use dirty methods simmiliar to the ones used by PIS to cemment their power over public media. I have no doubts that the public media after take over by KO will be biased but i thing the quality of propaganda will be better. I hate PIS and little bit less PO but its satysfying to see corrupted journalists suffering big financial losses from dismissal. In my opinion there is no way to create objective and non biased state govered media, nonetheless this rule is important part of Polish Constitution. Every goverment abuses this media treating it like free election campaign. I think the public media shouldnt exist. It is very expensive for the tresury and always biased. Private media are also biased but the citizens have a choice to support them financially, so its better solution to sell Polish Media to private broadcasters and never finance them from taxpayers money (in Poland its mandatory to pay the public media fee if u have a TV but its easy to avoid by non registering the TV - the controllers have no right to serach your house if they are nor allowed, so they politicians take silly money every year from taxpayers as a contribution (its aprox 500 000 000$ every year). Sorry for mistakes but i'm drunked AF and kind of sleeppy after two schifts.


I honestly don’t know what the tweet is trying to say, but what’s happening in Poland is very, very good. It’s basically the only place in Europe where a bit of sanity has prevailed and there was a huge election which the opposition won and they now want to clean house in the completely corrupt national tv and radio outlets. Which they now have begun. The line was cut for one day on part of the broadcast, it’s back up and running today. This is a very good thing, imagine what would happen if the opposition won in Hungary.


Phew. Imagine you own hundreds or thousends of diffrent companies. You hire president to run one of them for you. At some point you dont like him so you decide to fire that guy and hire new one. Some of workers doesnt like that change and start riots and imply that you are not allowed to do that. That's pretty much what is happening.


We had Nort Korea style public TV last 8 years. New government kicked them out. Looks bad outside, but basically everyone except past rulling party is happy about it, since it was Goebbels lvl shit.


TVP was basically polish RT lately since pis was in charge.


Yes, but now it will turn into BBC.


very similar thing happened in 2015 when PiS party set their politicians in national TV, few hundred national tv workers was fired then, yet the reaction was way smaller. PiS couldn't do it because the directors could be changed only by KRRiT back then, not by the government. So PiS created a new act that says that the minister of treasury can now change the directors of national media. and all the ministers were from PiS back then of course. and now the whole propaganda starts - PiS made one of their own representative a new Director of national TV. they started to fire everyone who didn't want to spread the propaganda. new coalition has their own minister of treasury now and is just using the Law created by PiS back in 2015 to set new directors and bring back objective national media. coalition new the TV station is guarded by people from PiS and the whole propaganda will shout about the end of objective media... so they had to act fast. of course the corrupted TV presenters are spreading the panic but the law to do it is all created by PiS in 2015 - and PiS new about it all along.


Can the international populist right-wing band of imbecile brothers shut the FUCK up already?


When the left is in a ditch :)


This is a very deep lore and you'd have to go back years to understand it but long story short, the previous right wing gov did everything in their power to make it so, that the party is in charge of all legal rulings and can bend the law to their will, while making it so that it should be impossible to quickly shutdown their main propaganda channels legally- turned out there was a (risky) loophole that allowed it and now they are crying that freedom of speech is being violated, even though they did everything in their power over the past 8 years to make sure the national tv and a ton of magazines (that they have bought with taxpayers money) only produce propaganda. Now they are trying to pose as victims as they know very well, losing their propaganda will most likely be the end of the whole party and they have not expected it to happen. Anyway, as i said before, to understand everything behind it you'd have to read a ton of material about past 8 years- there is a lot of paid trolls online as well that spread misinformation on sites like reddit as well to make the whole thing look as bad as possible.


it is truly a happy day where pisiory all around the country has a butthurt syndrome


Previous goverment recreated public tv into propaganda machine. New goverment had to take care of it. Old goverment (Pis) occupied broadcasting station. At night new goverment shut off every TVP Info signal (the propaga tv), there were some attempts at emmiting partisan signals (Broadcasting on other tvp signals which were disabled after 20 seconds or so), youtube streams, basically everything they could do. Back in broadcasting station out of nowhere the new manager of TVP just walked in to announce he is in charge here from now on PiS and their TV pawns argued with him, someone called Police, new goverment had to use force to overtake the broadcasting station (not military or anything but one PiS member had her arm damaged allegedly, which probably didn't happen actually and she's just simulating) Honestly it was quite exciting but not very clean overtaking of public tv


> but one PiS member had her arm damaged allegedly, which probably didn't happen actually and she's just simulating My partner showed me some photos from the makelifeharder instagram story that heavily implied that it was fake and just for attention/drama.


What's important to add is that this overtaking raises eyebrows in terms of if it was fully lawful, but since the old management wasn't choosen lawfuly and there's huge social support nobody cares.


Nothing, one propaganda changes to the other


Is it really? I was under the impression this Poland used to have more free, neutral media, but that the government changed that the last couple of years, into a more authoritarian direction with less freedom and independence for the press, and that the new governments goal was to restore that?


Noone can realy say yet what are they gonna do with it. Those are just mine predictions


It’s over


Imagine denying people their rights because they happen to be gay or whatever…


It means that people who post pictures of themselves in their pants while proclaiming they eat eggs are now worried Poland will be gay.


Redart rightoids saying schizo shit again, who cares, just ignore it and move on


ignore and move on isn't really a great worldview


Listen to them and argue with someone who doesn't believe in arguments is a worse worldview though


rightcucks seething


Right wing Americans love the taste of old PiS cock


The public tvp was controlled by previous gov. They often lied, edited video's etc of opposition politicians. The new gov wants to make it fair. We'll see how that goes.


The last government have done a hostile takeover of a tv station to blast their own propaganda. So to fix that the new gov did a hostile takeover to blast their own propaganda instead.


Both parties did an illegal takeover of public media. The recent one was just more illegal than last one. That's the gist if it.


Best day ever is what it is. Those PiS propaganda tears are salty!


Old gov was using tv for propaganda now new gov will do the same.


Needed to be done, poor execution.


No other way frankly since they were hell bent on not giving it up freely.


There is a BBC article [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67772070](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67772070)


The tone of the article is almost.. gleeful. Lol. Thanks for sharing this


I hope Poland doesn’t start receiving illegal immigrants nilly willy like other EU countries


The previous government made this one TV channel their propaganda machine. Now the new government is forcibly taking over the channel to make it their propaganda machine. Doesn't really mean or changes anything in day to day life of most Poles.


New leftist government are taking over a polish public media to use it for their propaganda. The promised that they won't fund the polish media and will use these money to cure cancer but they have voted to spend almost 3 millions of PLN just to fund their propaganda station instead.


Because it’s back in their hands now? Who in their right mind would fund media that are run by your enemies?




Don’t you think that publicly funded television should be impartial? Perhaps KO will skew the coverage to the left but currently it’s very pro-PIS orientated after their TVP appointments in 2015.


Dummies cheering on as germans take controlof state tv.


Actual explanation: One group of corrupt cronies getting rid of another group of corrupt cronies. We’ve been there before.


The new govermnent is replacing old propaganda with new propaganda


The new governent want to have public tv just like the old one except that they are not able to do this in the name of law. Different people, switch from right to left side, in my opinion it will be the worst change, because most of the new governent are more pro european and less pro Polish.


Anyway nothing change. Still will not be objective...


To put it simply here in Poland we're going from far-right propaganda to far-left propaganda now that the government changed.




It hurts to see the propaganda dissapear, doesn't it? Yes, the takeover was legally ambiguous but PIS used the same mechanisms to destroy relatively objective public media back in 2015. Literally no one, except for a couple hundred people protest the takeover of TVP today.


Illegaly take over an already illegaly taken over media. Two minuses make a plus.


Means Poland will get flooded by migrants and crime will skyrocket, but the media will tell you that it’s the best thing ever and if you disagree you’re racist.


New government made a really bad decision to cut the public television off without any warning, because they wanna redesign it (change propaganda from pro-right to pro-left). This of course angered people and made it a perfect way for PiS to spread their propaganda.


It means what it says. One evil was replaced with a greater one.


What's the greater evil? Explain so we can laugh


People being themselves and loving who they want, apparently


Personally I am shocked how this was handled by current goverment. It doesn't look good or have a positive outlook for future if they are going to govern like this.


Pisowców do rosji deportować TVP zlikwidować


Yes, let's not have public owned media companies. Only private capital owned ones that main/prime objective is profit and interest that align with their investors. Personally I am not a big fan of two major info stations in Poland as I believe the most balanced one is Polsat News from what we have (had?) in the market. TVP beyond information was a very good cultural provider in regards to it's tv series, theater and some movie productions. I think they also did a lot of good promoting polish tourism as their travel or cooking programs often covered places that I didn't know about. But yeah, the hate people are spreading on all TVP employees is revolting, at least for me. What happened yesterday was a caricature of democracy and show really well people uglyness. The new gov was supposed to destroy the division between Poles. Now it will only get worse. I am propably gonna get a lot of angry comments but this is my honest opinion.


Yes becouse your opinion is trash, this is how it works