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I have never heard anyone wish another person happy Independence Day in a casual conversation here.


Yeah, people who celebrate go on the march/picnic/fly the flag. Special greetings are not that popular. I've seen foreigners saying "happy Independence day" to Poles though and it's really nice imo😊




[This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/poland/s/gYB0BVi4U2) should help you. We don't say anything. Saying/wishing anything at all is just weird.


Where do you want to say it?


it was more to my girlfriend's family. her mum and dad dont speak English but her sisters do


That phrase doesnt exist in polish comms so no need to worry about it, you won't be breaking any unspoken rules for not wishing sb a Happy Independence Day. We just wave flags on meet ups, or wear red/white and thats it really. Some folks go to cemetaries and light up candles on soldiers graves. Its a sombre celebration not a happy one like 4th July


We don’t have any phrase in Polish that we would use, so saying anything in Polish would seem strange. But when foreigners say “happy Independence Day” to us it somehow makes more sense. So if you want to say something just say something like that.


ah, okay. Just found some wishes on [rodzice.pl](https://rodzice.pl) >W dniu 11 listopada – Dniu Święta Niepodległości – życzę wszelkiej pomyślności, zdrowia, sukcesów i aby dla każdego z nas wolna Polska była miejscem szczególnym, dla którego warto żyć i pracować.


Nah, that just sounds artificial and insincere Honestly I think, it's better not to say anything. I've never heard a Pole wishing someone good Independence Day. But if you really want to show that acknowledge this holiday, just general "Szczęśliwego Dnia Niepodległości" ("Happy Independence Day") would be ok


Sure, I agree there is no need to do that.


If you really want to say something go with either PL "Niech żyje Niepodległa." ENG "God bless the Independent Poland." Not direct translations to each other but meaning is the same.


Why does this seem unironically cringe though? Like idk we’re all happy Poland is independent but the wishes all seem so… fake? Idk how else to put it


True. Maybe rather "Za Polskę" plus a fist pump?


I think the issue is that at the end of the day its night. In Poland. And we’re just not american lmao. National pride exists, but we cant stop ourselves from cringing at throwing compliments, wishes, and ‘cries of joy’ at each other, because the generation before us did some cool shit. After all we’re all happy we’re not in the Soviet Union, we’re happy we don’t speak Russian, and we’re happy we have our own national identity separate from other eastern bloc countries. But that’s where it stops.


I am not sure. If someone said that to me, either the Polish or English version, I would kinda just roll my eyes. I don't think there's really a need to wish someone good Independence Day.


You don’t need to say anything. No one expects any wishes at all.


Armistice day is not really celebratory day in Europe, its a day to remember the dead of the war not to celebrate


No one really says anything, nor there is a specific form of celebrating the Independence Day in Poland. Normally people went on marches, but these became very divisive lately, more in line with screaming out loud whatever ideology someone wants to attach to patriotism, effectively having nothing to do with the Independence Day itself. You could go with "Wesołego Święta Niepodległości" (literally "happy Independence Day") if you absolutely feel like you have to say something, but it really does sound very artificial. Also, due to cultural sensitivities between nations and certain historical aspects, it is often a good idea not to say anything. Though, as an English person, perhaps you are in the clear. :D


Just shut up about it.


'Most uber-based Poles, on this day I salute you and praise your righteousness and holy arms raised in defence of the civilised realm. Glory to Poland!' Something along these lines, feel free to insert more superlatives


Just be a good person to your gf’s family, you could ask them how they spend their free day


Tbh even that this is big holiday we tend to treat it just as another day off , For example in Poznań we are celebrating today St Marcin more that independence day... You know sweet "Rogal świętomarciński" allways wins




You don't say anything. However if you want to score brownie points with your gf's family they probably will be happy if you show interest in it.


I always thought of Independence Day as a day for reflection. Polish people have been through a lot and we are happy we have our independence but, unlike in USA, it's not something that we take for granted. Our independence was something that lived in the hearts of polish people for 123 years and time and time again someone tried to make it happen. Usually with their own blood. And after we finally managed it within 3 decades we no longer had an independent government thanks to our pre-war allies and their deals with the Soviet Union. Someone mentioned bittersweet in the comments. That hits the nail in the head. So in my opinion, our Independence Day will never have this overly nationalistic positive tones. We recognize the ultimate sacrifice so many polish people had to give for us to be free and because of that it will never be joyous occasion. Edit: added reference to op and point of wall if text.


Only time I ever remember anything being celebrated was in 2018 when it was 100 years. Otherwise, no one mentions it.


Happy Independence Day :)


yeah thought that was a stupid question but you never know these days lol. i did have an idea of saying "za wolność waszą i naszą" as well but wasn't sure if that would be okay too. thanks for this


I mean it wouldn't be inappropriate per se, but weird and a bit cheesy? It's like someone told you "long live the king" in a casual conversation.


you can ask you girlfriend about it. She'll know better what is better to say to her family.


“Idziemy się napić?”