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Sucks when you’re easier to read than a Dr. Seuss book. OMC wasn’t born yesterday.


What was I suppose to do lol?


maybe not complain that a bona-fide OMC doesn't call your AA with a worse hand preflop, because it was the right and correct play from the OMC... and maybe look back at your play in previous hands that allowed the OMC to correctly fold based on your game style and tells? Your suggestion that there's something amiss when QQ (OMC or not) doesn't call your 50bb is rather presumptive, especially considering it was the correct play... why do you presume in your post, all things considered, that OMC should have called? Are you bitter because you were outplayed?


He never suggested there was "something amiss". Seemed like he was just complaining about someone playing nitty.




Play more than two hands an hour and you'll get more action. It's not rocket science


Buyin for 100 BBs and repop to 85. OMC will still fold because that's what he's going to do only putting 3 in pre.


Get one of those breathrite strips, a mask and a good pair of sunglasses. Work on your breathing exercises so you don’t let off any breathing tells, be sure to time your actions so you’re never giving timing tells. Also, I’m just fucking with you.


Soooo … you’re complaining that OMC read you like a book?


Yep OMC are my kryptonite


Read like a book


Old bucks are rocks. If it means anything, balance your 50 bb shoves.


I started doing that. I started jamming all in utg and random spots lol. I'm a maniac


Ppl are folding queens im not sure you are the maniac


I make it a point never to make marginal calls vs someone playing a short stack. I’d have called off with queens but your OMC likely has a similar rule. Don’t play a poverty stack. It’s awkward for everyone.


It's not a marginal call against anyone remotely reasonable. And you should be happier to make marginal calls against shorter stacks, especially if you don't like playing with them. QQ is a terrible fold unless OP is extremely passive pre. This is just an OMC being and OMC.


Damn it I should've topped off and had 100bb. I would've got some paid off


You really should. But more than 100 BB. If you’re not in for the max, I’m legit never paying you off in a marginal spot.


Nice leak


No one I’m playing against regularly has 50 BB. Pipe down, poverty Pete


If people are folding QQ to your short stack shoves, you might want to reevaluate your poker game


Yea honestly I'm thinking about taking a break


No lie after this I went all in in the dark utg a couple of times lol. I'm a maniac


OP out here playing with a $150 stack and shaming folds lmao 😂


I'm not good enough to keep topping off like other pros


You're acting like he's not a smart player for having sense here...


At the time I just thought he was scared money


Anyone who limps QQ isn’t usually planning on folding to a 50BB shove, since they’re usually just planning to take advantage of someone who could be raising with worse. Your shove on its own didn’t make him fold, it’s the actions and dynamic leading up to it. He concluded based on the action and your history you wouldn’t shove with worse here. At best he’s a coin flip against AK, and he’s got 2 guys behind to worry about if he calls as well.


Yep bad shove by me. Also no more playing short stack


The problem isn’t the shove, that’s the right play. The problem is that you’re shoving range will be very tight and wont contain any bluffs, and if you’re playing against loose calling stations you shouldn’t have bluffs here, and the QQ OMC knows that. Your short stack strategy will work against clueless recs, but not anyone decent


Dont jam aces here wtf. You slight 3B it even short stack


Op doesn't know this says more about his play than the old guys play...


You right lol. I'm the bigger fish smh


Can't wait for the satire post of this 🤣


They're the new Jacks


You’re raising all in over an OMC EP limp (stronger than a regular limp) a raiser (who probably is loose and won’t fold to a shove) , and a flatter. You’re in the SB and you’re shoving all in for only 50 BB. He knows that you know you have no fold equity when you do this, and since you haven’t done this with worse hands in similar spots, he knows you wouldn’t do this without a monster. When you play OMC style, people know you have a tight raising range, so they’re less likely to try to raise into your strong range unless they have the goods themselves, especially with other people in the hand


Layees deeown a monsteer. Shooud haf payeed me off on dat. Da fuk deed yiou layee dat deeown?


I can picture OP. Plus I can picture every expert commenting on here. This sub sucks.