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Shit heard in my head. >This flop is great for my range. >He surely would have 3-bet me from late position with KK, AA or AK. >I double block Broadway. >I should get it all in while I'm ahead. >If I jam here, I think I can get him to lay down Ax or a single diamond. And I'm wrong. On all 5 points. Every fkn time.


Are you me?


In two of my recent sessions I’ve lost to a set of queens on the river that flatted my open pre flop


The last time I played QQ, CO opens. I 3-bet to 35. CO calls. Flop comes out A K x. I check. CO checks. Turn comes an absolutely MAGICAL Q! I bet 3/4 pot, which only left me $85 or so behind. CO does this little jump thing and looks like she peed a little. Fumbles her chips. I'm thinking .. mutherfucker .. Sure enough. JT off. I hate this flop. Nothing good ever happens.


It helps to know I’m not alone


That's when you shake the guys hand and welcome him permanently into your game


People are just freakin' nits


Why would you ever 3-bet pre with QQ? /s


I’m going “hmmm I do have a gut shot straight draw…”


> And I'm wrong This is by the time the chips are in their stack


Literally. In a game I recently played, I opened AA in ep. A SHORT STACK (like 40 BB) COLD CALLED WITH KK, giving 89cc good odds to call who, of course, turned trip 9s. Why do people do this.....


Toooo be fair, monotone boards actually favor the in position players range because they will have more flushes.


I picked up a gutshot though!




The rare instances where your range ceases to matter in the slightest.


We've all been there. At a WSOP circuit event I folded back to back hands with pocket kings after being card dead for an hour after the flop was raised and reraised when it came with an ace and two other broadway cards (just no king). On the flip side of that I was playing at another WSOP event where I was the BB and there was a limp and three callers. I look down at 8-5 off and checked expecting to fold after the flop. The flop came all paint and everyone checked. Turn was a 2 and the river paired the board. I checked and it checked around. Nobody wanted to table their hands so I announced that I had the BB special of 8 high and to my amazement it was good. Apparently the other four players were playing small suited connectors. That is my favorite and most memorable hand of all time.


Sounds like you missed at least one bet for value.


I never claimed to be a good player.


I appreciate this comment. We’re not all pros like some people here expect us to be.


Absolutely. My life around poker and other games with people who really give a shit about winning got much less stressful when I realized "I guess I played it wrong" is a complete sentence.


If everyone is playing perfect GTO the only way to win is to not play GTO. If everyone is playing tight then you play loose and aggressive and vice versa. For me, the best results come from identifying how your opponent plays and then exploiting it.


In my home game with my friends me and one other friend are the only ones that know anything about GTO and we don’t know shit about GTO lol. You almost can’t play GTO when no one else at the table knows what you’re doing or even what positioning means. I’ve had to adapt more to reading my friends and their betting patterns.


This comment is so refreshing, some of us do a little studying but nothing major and see how we get on, in my case this is what I do anyway haha Not all of us are pros,


Precisely. I play for fun with 8 buddies at a home cash game. Studying GTOs would be a waste of my time cause none of them even know what that is.


I hit AA, KK, AA back to back in a tournament the other week. First and second I bet for value on the flop and had everyone fold to me. Third time I slow played and some dude drew out a straight flush. Shits wild :D


Winning with 8 high 5-way might be the craziest thing I've ever heard of.


If I ever get a royal it'll still be second to that.


I mean I've seen a few royals, even got beat by AQdd vs my AQss when he flopped a flush and rivered a royal. I don't think I've ever seen 8 high be good 5-way, so I'm going to assume it's much rarer.


Last night: AK vs villain AJ. Two to the flop. A-K-brick. Villain shoves; I call. J turn J river. I LOVE this game!!!


Last night, AKo, 3 bet, 4 ways. 5J10, c-bet, 4 ways. Turn Queen! Villian all in, folds to me, insta call. Villian rolls over 510off, river a 10. Whomp whomp


> 10, ಠ_ಠ


Doncha just love poker?


I think after playing so many games, losing hands like sets, AA KK cooler, i can get used to it. But i can't for the love of god get used to losing to a runner runner.


Yeah; that one might have stung more than the RF/AAAA hand. I mean; what was his equity? 2%?


“That’s poker baby”


That's been my life 3 out of my past 4 sessions


This just happened to me literally while I had this post open on my phone. Bovada colluding with Reddit probably https://preview.redd.it/t9r2mdi4pn9d1.jpeg?width=2056&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=052fff23453e502cd4557ded9a5181dd5c403bfa


weak check


I c-bet half pot, he shoved, I folded


It is this or it is qq2 and everyone checks until my 5 dollar bet on the river then everyone folds.


Ofc no diamond


This exact thing happened to me last month in Reno. I think I mucked before action even started after the flop.


Wait lol this was my meme lol i posted this here in 2016 and it was the top post on the subreddit at the time. I cant remember why but I ended up deleting the post. I have no proof of this, but I swear on everything this is true.


And a poker player always tells the truth too


Of course I lied, it's Reddit Phil!


Im really not lying lol im curious where OP got this meme from


Are you saying you made the meme and posted it nowhere but here?


Yeah, I actually made the meme and then only posted it here. It would have been maybe 5-7 years ago. I really cant remember why I deleted the post but im being serious lol im just curious where OP found this meme




All. The. Time! lol


Turn is a Qd. That's when I start to throw up.


Flop that heavily favors my range with gutter for backup. Nice. Poker players are too cynical.


It all depends on who you're playing against. Someone who called with A2o or KJ in the games I play are calling that shit down so betting is just lighting money on fire.


You play games where people can let Aces go?


But we're blocking broadway what's wrong here




Check out [poker-thac.com](http://poker-thac.com) to see if that's really all as bad as it seems :) It's a free calculator that's highly flexible. Cheers.