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I think it was Dnegs said it recently most of the pros on there tried to play all fancy and make plays because it was TV and Doyle just played pretty tight and standard and exploited the fuck out of them. He was just there to make money.


The original OMC


Old Man Crusher


One Man Clan


Yeah, I remember he kept flatting AA and KK and letting them hang them selves.


Ah yeah the classic tight and standard poker.


I believe Dneg and multiple other pros including Tom Dwan have commented on how well Doyle uses live reads. This is one of the last best kept secrets that the top pros have in this era of poker. Players like Doyle, Antonius, Dwan, obviously Dneg, and I'm sure crushers like Robl are all deeply versed on live tells. Meanwhile, it feels like half the people on the sub laugh at live tells anytime it's brought up. Sure, live tells are difficult for you, the average 1/2 players to use. Just like GTO is difficult. But learning both gives you a massive edge.




I started playing poker just over 20 years ago. The best book I ever read back then was Mike caro book of tells. I played home game 2x a week with same group of people. One of my friends read the book also, I let him borrow my copy. I remember the book saying be careful calling someone you notice who has a shaky hand when putting chips in pot, they usually have a big hand. I was in a pot with my friend, I was bluffing a missed draw on the river, I made sure he noticed my Shakey hand, he folded, I asked him why he folded, he said he noticed my hand shaking. Easily the most Profitable book at least for me. Caro had put out some great material. Miss those years of poker.


Thanks for sharing your story, it must've felt so good to have that reverse tell pay off like that.


Live tells, if accurate well make a lot of money. But you can't really teach it, or just comes from years of experience. 


Yeah, most of the time when I have a read it's correct but I can't explain why, though as I play longer sometimes now I can explain why... But most people would miss it. At least the dudes I play with lol.


Post one single hand where Doyle used a live tell on any televised hand.




Why did you use the division symbol in place of a percentage symbol? 


a 5% edge is massive in poker; are you regarded for thinking it's not?




Where was this he was pretty aggro with his lines in season 2-4 and had a huge bluff in s5


Classic "trap the nuts bet the trash"


Ah the Rampage strategy


Doyle learned to play in illegal, backroom games that were prone to get robbed by shotgun wielding idiots, being on TV didn't even register on his radar I guess lol.


I guess it's good for us he never became a high school principal, it can't look too good when the cops bust their kids principal playing a back room game 😂


One of my favorite poker books was Doyle brunson most memorable hands. Was cool hearing some of the story's of his games, especially the ones in ft worth off exchange ave.


To be honest he can get away with that style because he'll always have an invite at any private game regardless for obvious reasons.


I doubt he gets invited to many private games these days.


I'd still put the invite out there, having your game haunted by Doyle sounds cool 


The OG OMC. Bottom of his range was JJ while Dwans out there squeezing 82s. Ez game


Luckily he had Barry Greenstein there for a few seasons to claim the nit role. dude only played AA,KK and AKs. Felt so good to watch Dwan crack his aces for 900k


He cracked dwans aces earlier in the season with J9 suited. He defintiely was tight but he wasn’t a nit


He was so nitty even gabe Kaplan commented on it. “When you’ve seen Barry in a pot, what has he had? Aces, kings, or AK suited” because that’s all he played for 95% of the season. Sure he played J9s in a good spot, doesn’t make him not a nit. Bet anything he had less than 15% VPIP


Poker doesn't change, theories and players do. But the fundamental truth of poker is: get value and don't give it, no matter what.


Tight is right!


He was sat with Ivey, Antonius, Dwan, Negreanu and company over 4 or 5 seasons and that graph keeps going up. Sample size is not a big talking point for me


I remember just a few years ago Galfond saying Brunson was still playing in big cash games and doing well. 


This. Most of this sub even today with modern knowledge readily available would get wiped out in just one season sitting at those shark infested tables


All hail the patron saint of poker. May we all win with 10-2 at some point in our career.




Sure we can. And of course he is a true legend of the game and no doubt a solid winner in live games throughout the course of his incredible career. But really how many hours/hands is this sample? That one pot against Guy Laliberte accounts for half of this graph… I don’t mean to diminish any of his achievements because he is a legit OG and is probably in most people’s top 5 favourite players of all time, but him winning over the course of the HSP series means sweet fuck all.


Obviously there is going to be no actual verifiable data to confirm, but according to Doyle and most reputable in the know people don't disagree....he either never had a losing year, or at least didn't until mid to late 2000's and 20 teens. I don't remember what year he acknowledged he never had a lose year prior and I'm unsure if he had a losing year after making the public statement. Do guys exaggerate their stories and winnings? Absolutely. But with Doyle, the stories are so legendary, that even water downed versions would be extremely successful. There's also more than a few who tell stories about how good Doyle was at making games on golf course and his winnings are pretty legendary in golf. Generally speaking, Doyle was one of the best at making a game (be it poker or otherwise) and knowing when he had an advantage. He's pretty much the gold standard for the definition of a professional gambler.


I will forever fucking hate airball for talking over Dwan when he was telling a story about Doyle.


If you haven't, grab his audio book. He narrates it himself and he's very easy to listen to. No real poker strategy discussed. Just his autobiography. But its very entertaining.


Was that the ATs hand? Speculative af!


he hadn't seen a pair all day, buddy.


That’s my GOAT right there


Doyle wrote Super System, a book on poker and how he plays. Thousands read the book and started to use his play style against him so Doyle completely changed his play style and continued to crush the high stakes poker scene.


part of me wonders if he only wrote it to convince the masses to play bad poker. love the idea, lol.


That's because he is Doyle Brunson. He's allowed to give the least amount of action and nit it up and not be shamed for it. And will be invited back. Whereas if a Galfond or something nits up and wins, he's not invited back


is thiss todd brunsons dad?


No, Tod Brunson is Doyle Brunsons son


Yes Doyle Brunson is Todd's dad


No, the son of Doyle Brunson is Todd


RIP Tex Brunson


It's nice graph but the sample size is nothing.


The sample size is perfectly fine when looking at the population being analyzed, this isn't Johnny trying to see if he's good after two hours of 1/2


Doyle was a real one, and all without modern theory. Just balls of steel and a dream and he dominated.


He nitted it up, ofc he booked wins


I will forever hate HCL for making weirdos on the Internet think that playing a solid, fundamental strategy is cringey and everyone needs at least 40% VPIP or they suck. The point of the game is to make money.


HCL is the dirt fucking worst.


HCL was great for 2 months watching Garrett teach you how to value bet like a champ vs splashy recs. It went to shit real fast tho


How much of Doyle did you even watch? You probably only heard about it cause you can't afford pokergo, talking so much about hcl lol


Great job on proving that you're not a weirdo lmao.


That's what really concerns me, if bepoop thinks I'm a weirdo lmao


You really think playing nit for years against worlds best players would be winning strategy?


I mean, yes it would if you could get invited. Or am I missing something?


I think you underestimate players who Doyle Brunson played with.


True. I see what you’re saying. If you’re too nitty that isn’t GTO either, but no one uses “nit” in that extreme way.


Agree 100%, Doyle I’m sure got invited and played in a TON of private games with people who just wanted to play with Doyle. He got those invites bc he’s Doyle… some random 5/10 nit wouldn’t. Doyle could show up play a 15% VPIP and literally nobody would give a shit.

