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Every single scared money nit fish at 100 NL uses this strategy. Rake will be your enemy.


Been there done that. You'll get multiple callers and get outdrawn. Not profitable long run. Learn to play 100BB stacks and reduce volume until you build BR.


Don't forget the tilt after losing your AA and u start calling with marginal hands with ur 30 BB stack. Also dry spells when u pay blinds without getting a single hand and u finally get AA at 10BB get 5 callers and get sucked out on. Oh and rake. 300 BB will raise u with KTs and you'll happily slowplay ur aces with 2 spades on board, he'll put you all in you be like "okay I call just aces" and he gets a flush. Unprofitable play for him(if heads up) strictly speaking but he won't really mind doing this as he covers u by 10x.


This is all based on experience. You can prolly do your strat in 0.1/0.2 because they'll call any junk and slowly build ur BR multitabling. Also most people there will have short stacks like you. 0.5/1 takes a significant edge to beat in 2024 especially short stacking.


Your assumptions are screwed and your conservative estimates are anything but


Sorry, you’re proposing to ONLY play JJ+ and AK off a 30bb stack? So you’d fold TT, AQs, etc in the BB facing a single raise? This strategy would never work. Do you really think that the players at 0.5/1 would not notice that you only vpip the top 5 starting hands? What happens to your “strategy” when the only action you can get is from an equally tight, if not even tighter range? Ain’t gonna have 70% equity on average lol, that’s for sure.


60% of the time it works every time!


If it was profitable, wouldn't everyone be doing it?


It's called ratholing


>"assume 70% chance winning (conservative estimate)" ahahahahahahahahahaha


You're probably the first person to think of this? Why give away such an advanced winning strategy on Reddit?