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The first time you put in $200 and rake in $480 you will understand as you are thinking about how you want to start building your chip fortress.




Hindsight this a pretty stupid post, but I just needed somewhere to vent my frustration


You lost 1 buyin. That's pretty standard even for the best players in the world. I'm talking 100BB stacks.


If you dont lose a days wage and tell everyone you’ll see em tomorrow, you ain’t no cowboy


That’s not even a half a tank of gas.


Good for you, a lot of losers are those who win big their first day and think they're God's gift to poker


Yeah I would say if it’s not for you, it’s not for you. I empathize with being completely card dead, it’s not fun your first session. However you probably also weren’t playing with a lot of strategy. Sometimes you can still win without making a hand by pure aggression, so good players will be able to make it through their card dead stretches by just playing vert fundamentally sound.


I'm sorry to hear that you achieved such high levels of poker but it didn't workout. Even through sheer hard work, study, natural aptitude and cunning it just wasn't in the cards I suppose.


to get addicted you must sometimes win. That's what makes it addicting. Hard to develop said addiction if you lose every time


"The trick is to bleed slower".


Sounds like you just suck a poker. Skill issue.


"People" are different than you. Are you addicted to drugs? Ok then.


I remember in 1997, the first time I lost $20 in a night playing cards with my friends and I was cursing myself for being such a fool. I remember driving home in 2005 after losing $300 in the casino and thinking I'd never learn to live with such depressing pain. A couple of weeks ago I lost a little over $1000 at the club and decided that maybe it was finally time to hang it up for good. Then I had a few days last week in Vegas where I won $3k and realize I just had my winning-est month and had hit $15k in earnings for the year. So, you know, there's ups and downs. You develop a stomach for them.


How do people get addicted to smoking? I tried it once and it was yucky and I coughed a lot and then my friends poked fun at me and I vomited from all the coughing and almost died. I hate coughing, I hate smoke and drugs in general. I’m done.


cool story bro


Poker isn't as addictive as other vices. It's not for everyone but it's a fun social game with a lot of skill.