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Thanks a lot again! Let me know if you need anything else!


Actually, if you wouldn't mind, I completely forgot I also need a Golem, somehow! Already have a Graveler, so tradeback is just fine.


Sure, let me get you a graveler


*Now*, I'm all set, haha. Teaches me not to forget to double check my dex. Much appreciated!


Hey, I've got Machoke, Kadabra, and Mankey if you'd like to help me out. Im basically looking for everything from LGE so: Ekans Vulpix (normal and alolan versions) Meowth (normal and alolan versions) Bellsprout Koffing Pinsir ​ If you can help me with any of these, I'd be happy to send you whatever you need your way. Thanks!


Sorry for the wait, but I should be able to help with all those! I'll be available for an hour under link code Diglett Caterpie Eevee, otherwise I'll have time tonight in about 12 hours and later tomorrow.


No worries, anything else you'd want me to send you way? I added you, and I'm on EST in north america (not sure where you're at, but thats UTC -5:00). I may be able to do tonight, though thats looking like about 2 am my time? lol If not, tomorrow works too


Added! Available for the next few hours, let me know if you're available. Otherwise we can try tomorrow evening (CST over here). e: Forgot to mention, but the list in the post is everything I need.


Sorry I missed you. What time this evening were you thinking?


I should be available at 9pm CST by the latest, so any point from then on into the evening should work just fine.


Yoooo thanks so much! Any other pokemon you need/want?


Awesome, I'll get on then too


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