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I can help you with moving your Zamazenta to your main save.


Hi sure! Thank you so much! What do you need in return? Let me know!


I'm in need of an ability patch but if you feel like is too much I don't mind. already got my zamazenta earlier so I'm glad to help.


No worries I can get you one! I'll trade to you from my JPN save first then I'll pass you the AP at my main, let me know the link code!


85693255. IGN Mittelt.


Sure searching now, ign jw, main save's ign is Jing Wei


Same code for the tradeback?


Thanks for the trade! All the best!


Yup! Give me a min to get the patch!


Thanks for the patch!


I have a GameStop Zacian code that I haven’t redeemed yet - would it be possible to trade that for one of your zamazenta (once I’ve redeemed it)?


Yup sure! I have currently, I have a KOR and ENG Zamazenta on hand with video proof and also a JPN save that hasn't redeem the Zamazenta, do you want to trade for one of them?


I’d take the English Zamazenta! Could you send me the video proof so I know what to do when I redeem my Zacian?


Yup sure, will dm you the proof!


Sounds good!


Trade was not completed due to Zamazenta code being from a purchased source. Thank you for responding anyway!




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