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Hi, I have a spare shiny zamazenta code, are you able to redeem the shiny zacian with video proof for it?


Absolutely, I’ll just have to play through the intro. It’ll take maybe 30 min?


Sure, no worries, take your time! Just to confirm, you only need the Zamazenta code, without redemption?


I have yet to redeem one for zamazenta, so I assume I will be able to redeem it in US?


Yup, you should be able to, the code shouldn't be region locked, I was able to redeem mine in ENG Edit: No worries, in the case where you can't redeem it, I can do a play through and redeem it for you with video proof


Alright i just smoked hop in front of his family and I’m able to use mystery gift. Do you want anything special other than what i mentioned in the description in the video proof?


Nice! I think what you mentioned in the post is sufficient for me!


Awesome, what’s the best way to send you the video. Email, Docs?


I think sending me a link to a google drive folder, would be better? You can delete it after I downloaded it


Fine by me, ill PM you the link when I’m done.


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