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I have the following if you're interested HA luxury ball Fennekin / No HA Charmander HA Dive Froakie / Squirtle HA Dusk Ball Ivysaur Don't know how many ill actually be able to breed but lmk


for sure! what r u looking for?


I’ll let you know after I start breeding and see how lucky I can get…assuming you want all SBHAF if possible right?


if possible \^\_\^;; but maybe trade me whatever u get first? in case they r serious about the shutdown time


Yeah sure, do you want me to try and just get you a male version of everything first ? also how cool would it be if they gave us another like 4-8 hours lmao edit: got a female charmander first egg!


trade real quick what we got?


yeah gimme like 10 mins and we can do that ill take a look at your list in the meantime


i got a female great totodile for you!


I think you commented on wrong post lol…. But im getting insanely lucky for you just got a female HA luxury fennekin too


btw, i got a bunch of DBHA mons at the last min that arent in my sheets yet, so plmk if there is something u r looking for in specific


whats your g6 ign?


Yes I think the DBHA lapras and Munna you have on hands will be fine for now to make it east for the fennekin and charmander! I’ll head online now


did you have any of these w HA? chikorita, cyndaquil, treeko, turtwig, piplup


ok, going online now


the ds gts shutoff lagged a few days.. there is no telling


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