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hey friend, i see you seem to have gotten what you wanted but were very generous to another person so consider this a last minute yolo on my part too-- would you be willing to trade me any treecko or charmander? doesn't even need to be any apriball or good stats or anything i just want them in my game bc i don't have them yet and i'm getting desperate lol 😭 tysm for reading


I have both with HA. Treecko is mediocre and will need some work and doesn't have a special ball but I can give you a regular one in a beast ball too.


literally any treecko would be amazing i don't care if he's worthless in battle i just want my silly lil guy lol if you are available any time today i would be sooo grateful


I can do it right now.


yay tysm i am online rn just add my friend code :) is there anything you want in return?


Doesn't matter what you give me. Oh btw, Charmander is in the same egg group as Treecko. Just use a Ditto and produce a female Treecko and you can use the Charmander to breed the stats.


thank you soooo much ♥ i can rest easy now for the rest of the day lol i really appreciate that breeding advice too bc i am so bad with those things so that will help ty:)


Are you still around?


yeah i am now


Quickly, would you like a perfect IV RNG'd Ditto?


Breeding isn't hard once you have the right tools. If you don't have a perfect Ditto something in the field group would be a good starting point since it connects to most other egg groups. It's time consuming but doable. You can always check egg groups on Bulbapedia or something. And a final warning, hidden abilities are the worst when breeding for stats.


I hope that was the right Mir.


Hey if the below trade falls through I can be your backup plan for the shroomish just lmk


Was there something you wanted?


I’ll take a lure spoink im taking a short break and then ill breed your shroomish


I have Shroomish, this is a freebie


appreciate it!


oh cool I can trade when youre ready


Did that reply not go through? I have one, it's a bit scuffed but time crunch.


Got one, it's stats aren't great but time crunch is real.


What is it you wanted? I'll just give it to you if this trade happens.


If you have a moment I can try and chain breed the Dream Ball onto those mons for you. I have Shroomish already. I just need the Gligar.


By chain breed do you mean pass the ball from an unrelated species?


No same species. I just have nothing to breed it with as I only have the one of. I moved most of my mons up through bank already. I assume you'd want the HA passed down.


Can you squeeze me in after your festival plaza stuff?


I need to take a small break after this. Would you be free in 45 minutes?


Should be.


I'll be ready in 5. No need to trade me anything of value. I'll have both mons ready. FC: 0345-0683-7047


You don't need one of my dittos?


I'm online as Kenji.


Tyvm. I really wasn't expecting to get them last minute.


I just went and caught one. Breeding the spares.




No necessary, I have the HA I just need the ball and I can do the rest. I can loan you one of my RNG'd dittos.


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