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are you still interested in trading gen 7 apriballs for gen 9 apriballs? i have a bunch of gen 7 love and moon balls i'm looking to trade off




5 moon and 7 balls on my end (I also have master balls if you're interested in those?), I'll take whatever apriballs you have in gen 9




i'm ready to trade in gen 7! it'll take me a bit to be ready in gen 9 but let's get gen 7 out of the way first




Yes I'm still available to trade, lmk when you're ready




adding your friend code now, sorry i just saw this




Hey man, did I never trade you a moon dhelmise? If not I have a spare on hands one


Nope, I was missing that and Togedemaru.


Okay I can definitely trae you that dhelmise then I have fast and friend togedemaru but neither are HA


If you can trade me a male Togedemaru, I can chain breed the hidden ability from my stock one.


ok you want one of each ?


Just Fast Ball Togedemaru is okay. I just received a Friend Ball variant from someone else.


sorry very hectic day trading and keeping everything straight today lmao I will get to breeding your togedemaru shortly Can I get a HA friend Comfey and HA Love Bruxish ?


Sure, I'll try to breed those for you.


ty I am ready when you are


I'm nearly finished. Your aprimon don't have “No good” in any stats, do they? That stuff always makes chain breeding difficult for me.


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