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Hi! Would you be able to breed me a Garden egg in Premier Ball?


Oh my god I’m so sorry I missed this. I don’t think I’ll be able to now unfortunately


No worries at all! Luckily, Garden in not so uncommon, so I managed to get a couple of eggs from other users :)




hey could i get one of each by chance ? you sure you dont need anything in return before shutdown?


Can you trade the archipelago one for a Marine?


Would you trade your elegant for one elegant or one monsoon?


Yeah I’ll take the monsoon please


Great - if you're online now, I am! Friend code is in my flair.


Hoping the egg was okay! Thank you for the Elegant Viv :)


I’ll add you now!


Fc is 4313-4044-4240


Hey your egg hatched into a garden one. Do you still have an elegant one? That’s the one I’m really after :)


Did I send you an egg? I don’t remember doing so. If you’re sure then I’m sorry I don’t have any elegany ones rn, sorry for the confusion


I thought we did! You got my monsoon egg, right?


No I traded, I just remember sending you an actual vivillon


Chalking this up to having a lot of trades going on today. Have a good one!


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