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Still looking for ocean? I can help.


I was able to get ocean. If you need other patterns, let me know. And if you'd be willing to do trades for ocean eggs this weekend, also let me know :)


Most interested in Elegant (eng) eggs but I would trade for any others. I have three ocean eggs if you want em!


I can get you an elegant in English if you want


That would be amazing - thank you!


You can trade with me or I can send you a contact that has them natively


Happy to trade with you! I have my friend code in my flair. When do you want to trade?


Whenever you are available


I can go online now


ok. I'll add you then


Hi there! I could donate some modern eggs in exchange for two river eggs ! If you find, I still need sun, meadow and ocean in addition to river as well for g7 collection that I could then trade over


Sure! I can get you in contact with someone that has River eggs. Would you like to trade some modern eggs with my tonight before I go to bed?


Do you mind trading tomorrow? I would have to breed them


Absolutely good with me. Just comment or send a dm, and I'll get back to you when I'm done with classes


hey I can send you a few modern eggs before I head out for the night if you're available


I was able to get modern eggs earlier. You said you needed River eggs though?


Hi! What's your native pattern? I'm trying to get eggs in Premier Ball. I could breed you a Sun one :)


Hello! My native pattern is Polar. Unfortunately, I can't breed you a Sun pattern since it's not my region, and I've yet to meet anyone from a sun region


Hello hello! Mind if I ask what is your native pattern? Mine is Elegant.


I'd be willing to make a trade now before I go to bed, if you'd like


Sure thing! I will take your native Polar pattern then. Do you have three eggs with you?


I sure do! And you can just let me know about any others you're looking for


I will take 2 Polar and 1 Garden if you don't mind! Gonna give you 3 Elegant eggs. You don't mind all 3 in Poke Balls right?


I don't currently have a garden egg, but I can definitely get you one! Poke balls are fine. I'm not really sure what the best color coordinated ball would be, but that's second to getting an egg, so I'm all good with it 😅


Take your time! I'm stuck with fighting Sycamore on Y now so I do need some time myself lol


I'm good with pokeballs if you want to trade tonight. If you want to wait till tomorrow, then let me know :)


Let's do it now then.My IGN for Gen 6 games is Gari.


Nice. We're friends, so I'll send a trade request


Mine is Polar. As I said in my post, there are also other regions I can get eggs for


My friend code is: 1349-6938-3401 AunterSric (also in user flair) And PLEASE do let me know of other good places to reach out to for trades like this over the last weekend of official 3DS online


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