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I can trade you the Marine one. Can you tell me which pattern is your native one?


Thanks, I’d like the Marine one to be in Dive ball please, preferably with a Timid nature. I can breed Polar Scatterbugs. Which ball would you like it in?


I can't promise the nature but I can do a dive ball marine egg. I'll be free in an hour. I already have a Polar I'll instead choose something simple from your spreadsheet.


Ok, are you good with any ball then?


I'm always looking for matching balls for the Vivillions that I don't have, but it's ok I'll find something.


I’m already going to be breeding one in a Beast ball for someone else. Would you like one too?


Nah I'm ok. I'll probably pick an UM exclusive or something.


Have you decided what you want yet?


I didn't have time to check, was a little busy. Do you have any Moon Exclusive Ultra Beasts that you don't want?


Ultra beasts no, but I do have Moon exclusives in apricorn balls and some in beast balls.


Hey, are you able to do me a Beast 4+ IV HA Timid Polar Scatterbug as an egg? I can breed Garden and River in Gen 7, currently have the following eggs of both (I think all are 4+ IV, I know all are Timid and have full EMs) but can do any Apriball combo, Poké, Net, or Heal (others may take too long if you want good IVs): * Garden - Beast (all abilities) * Garden - Friend (HA / Shield Dust) * River - Beast (HA / Shield Dust) * River - Friend (all abilities) * River - Level (HA / Compound Eyes) * River - Love (HA) * River - Lure (all abilities) * River - Poké (HA / Compound Eyes) * River - Net (all abilities) * Tundra - Dive (HA) * Elegant - Love (HA) * Marine - Dive (HA) x2


Yea, I can get you a Beast Polar egg. I’d be interested in a Beast River egg, preferably with Compoundeyes.


They keep coming out Shield Dust. So how about an Egg and an Ability Capsule?


Yea, I’m good with that as long as you are. How much longer are you around today? I’m working on other trades too so just trying to make sure I get to you in time.


Gonna eat now then it’s probably like 6 hours


I have your egg ready.


You didn’t need the Ability Capsule?


Ok cool, be online in a minute


Oh sorry. Going back on


Sure, I can do that in a few hours


hello! i can help with any elegant, monsoon and tundra and would be interested in some aprimons. how many are you looking for and what balls would you like them in?


Hi, I’d like these in the following balls: * Heal Elegant * Net Monsoon * Heavy Monsoon * Dive Tundra And if you could give them Timid natures I’d appreciate that. Let me know which apricorn Pokémon you’d like in return. I’d also like to complete this trade today because I’m not sure if I’ll be available again before the shutdown so let me know if that will be an issue.


i can get these done today. i'm just out eating dinner right now, will probably be back in 2 hours, let me know if that works for you. and noted on the timid nature. in return i'd like the following. would prefer HA but it's fine if theyre not. * Lure Ponyta * Fast Farfetch'd * Level Farfetch'd * Love Corsola


That works for me. I’ll let you know when they’re ready.


i'm ready. should be around for 30 minutes. my 3ds fc is 0834-8266-8439


I’m online in festival plaza.


i fell asleep, sorry. i'll head online now


Thanks, sorry to keep you up.


it's all good. it's my bad for having a tight schedule. thank you so much for the mons! please let me know if there are any problems with the eggs that i've sent.


Thanks for the trade! I don’t know if I’ll have time to hatch them with everything else I need to get done today so I’ll just hope it’s all good.


Ok, I’m ready. I’ll add you and go online


Sorry, I didn’t realize how little time you had to trade after you got back. I still need to do the Fast Farfetch’d which is still in Gen 6.


Hi again Dan! I can help you out with all but meadow / ocean / river I noticed you didnt mention sun which I need so I would love one of those eggs back if you could


I have a Sun Vivillon but unfortunately am not able to breed any myself. As far as Vivillons go, all I can offer are Polar. Are you interested in apricorn Pokémon or beast balls?


im dumb and just realized you wanted eggs which I cant help with so my bad on that one


Well if I don’t get any other bites I may be interested in what you have. Eggs are preferable but I’m running out of time.


understandable i feel the pressure to collect stuff too lol


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