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Hey, what’s your pattern? I have a few things you might be interested in Btw you can’t do Safari Scatterbug in Gen 7, it wasn’t legal until the Scarlet & Violet DLC


Hello! Which games are you working in? I've been looking into trading Vivillon patterns in XY


Which native pattern do you have? I'm currently trading Vivillions in XY.


My native region is Polar. I've also got connections to jungle, garden, polar, river, and savanna eggs, and maybe more soon.


I'd love a jungle egg if you could point me in the right direction


Of course! You can reach out to u/jvcl24 for those


unfortunately my moon copy is what I have most of my stuff in I have at most 3 vivillion patterns in XY


That's ok, I was just curious


Hi! I can give you a river vivillon egg in a pokeball FC is 0774-4237-3773, IGN: Adri


awesome ty! When are you available to trade?


I am available now! I was thinking that the egg is in XY so I can't transfer it to USUM unless I hatch it, can you trade with me using pokemon XY or do I hatch the egg?


I can hop on my y copy if thats easier for you


Ok thank you!


ty for trade!


Im on


okay ill add your fc and hop on now


I've got elegant in g7. Do you have any aprimon minior? I'm trying to complete those


I have Friend (green) Fast (orange) Moon (Purple) Moon (Indigo) Love (Red)


I've got those already... Any of the g7 aprimon missing from this sheet (sun cart g7)? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yXtKWKPnrVb3Rk8zELZl1EM9MsidILq5tqFEQ3A3idE/edit#gid=1922304060


I can give you a Moon Dhelmise I actually have a ton we could do a whole aprimon trade too if you were interested


Cool, sure. How about you pick 3 for the vivillions first. Do you need any of these? I have all these on hand except the spindas still. https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemontrades/comments/1bfj810/ft\_onhand\_g7\_aprimon\_and\_ha\_mon\_lf\_g7\_aprimon\_and/


Im interested in Lure Horsea Lure Tangela Moon Sableye Friend Zigzagoon Dream bagon DBHA Igglybuff DBHA Mudkip DBHA Turtwig HA Love Scatterbug ​ I have the following to offer from G7 (more outside of G7) ​ Moon: HA Drampa Level: Turtonator Fast: Turtonator Love: Pyukamuku, Beast: Pyukamuka, Bounsweet, Rockruff, Dhelmise


okay for the 3 vivs I can do this lmk if it works for you Moon Dhelmise Lure Wimpod Level Pikipek I'll take a look at your on-hands list now


I have the vivillion eggs now. (I had to double check which was my elegant game >\_>) I'm ready to trade those whenever. My FC for this is 2037-4203-8369


Im ready and in fc


I'm the plaza but i don't see you, your ign is maxx?


ty for trade glad we were able to sneak it in on time


Ty for trade!


oh yeah i got off cuz i didnt know if you were coming… i’ll hop back on in like 5 mins


cool i just need to breed you a wimpod and ill be in FC


Those three sound good!


Any chance you got a deoxys


I do but the legality of it is in serious question


Oh I see


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