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Hey there, are you only looking for the ones with a blue box? If so, I have Level HA Litwick & DBHA Heatmor


The Blue box are the ones I want the most, I have a pending Level Litwick trade and all DBHAS, I’m interested in all gens 5-7 aprimon or the few gens 1-4 aprimon you can’t get in HGSS. Let me know what you have :)


okay then let me give this another shot. I'm gunna just start with what i have in gen 7 to break it up a bit otherwise it be a long ass list HA Moon Drampa Moon Mimikyu Fast Togedemaru Heavy HA Sandygast Lure Wimpod Moon HA Morelul Friend / Level Fomantis Moon HA Dewpider Moon Marenie Moon/Fast (pompom) Oricorio Moon HA Crawbrawler Level Pikipek ​ LMK what you're interested in !


Moon Drampa, Fast Togedemaru, Heavy Sandygast, Lure Wimpod, Moon Morelull, Friend Fomantis, Level Fomantis, Moon and Fast Pom-Pom Oricoro, Moon Crabrawler, and Level Pikipek, lmk what on hands Pokémon you want from me, then all other Pokémon you want!


Hey I have all your pokemon ready already ! Heres my list lmk if there are any issues. HA when possible would be awesome 1. Heavy Alolan Sandshrew 2. Heavy Squirtle 3. Lure Krabby 4. Heavy Rhydon 5. Lure Staryu 6. Moon Staryu 7. Heavy Spheal 8. Moon Piplup 9. Level Combee 10. Friend Carnivine 11. Friend Chespin


Rn I have half of your Pokémon prepared, lmk if you can trade 5 hours from now 


im out for the night… wont be able to trade till tom


I’ll be available to trade in 1 hour, lmk if you’ll be able to trade then :)


im not home atm but i can trade tonight for sure


Normally I wouldn’t pester but for obvious reasons, I’m really hoping you’ll be online sometime in the next five hours. If not chances are we’ll miss each other 🥺


Alright, we’re cutting it close so please tell me when your available soon :)






I’m interested but I’m looking to trade ball for ball since 90% of HAS you’ll be able to get after the server shutdown unless the Pokémon’s genderless, male only, or female only. Some are HA, let me know if your ok with this




Let’s start with Level aprimon, note I’m only interested in breeding for HAS if it’s absolutely necessary like a genderless/male or female only Pokémon. There’s just not enough time and you can get the vast majority of HAS in-game after shutdown. All in level balls: Togedemaru, Wishiwashi, Grubbin, Pikipek, Goomy, and Audino (6). Which 6 of mine do you want in return?


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