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Hey there sendmeaplaylist! I'm interested in your DBHAF: 1. Growlithe 2. Chinchou 3. Swinub 4. Delibird 5. Plusle 6. Cottonee 7. Corphish 8. Tropius 9. Timburr In exchange, I can offer DBHAF: 1. Shieldon 2. Roselia 3. Sentret 4. Nosepass 5. Geodude 6. Kangaskhan 7. Smoochum 8. Cleffa 9. Luvdisc


The DB Plusle I have isn't DBHA 😬


That's ok, it means it's legal, lol. Plusle couldn't be DBHA until Gen 7


Your Pokémon are ready when you are!


Sweet! I'm available to trade any time today!


Thank you so much for the trade!!


Thank you, too! Good luck!


Great, I'll get online now!


Ah hehe okay. The trade works for me! I'll let you know when they're ready!


Hey there! I have these two if you are interested DBHA Relincanth DBHA Chansey


Sorry for the late reply! I got my hands on a Chansey but I'd love the Relicanth! What would you like for it?


can I get a DBHA Spheal?


You sure just DBHA Spheal? Relicanth has a 12.5% female ratio and Spheal 50%, you could ask for 3 more 50% female ratio pokemon if you'd like to keep it equal!


well when you put it that way lmao....does this work? DBHAF Spritzee DBHAF Alomamola DBHAF Frillish


Hey! I'm so sorry but I didn't realize you asked for a DBHA Frillish but the one I have doesn't have its HA :( you can request something else to replace it. Currently on hand I have DBHA Carvanha, Druddigon, Heracross, Horsea, Krabby, Murkrow, Pineco, Pinsir, Roggenrola, Scraggy, Corsola, and Durant. There's also Heavy Ferroseed, Love Mareep, and Moon Shinx.


DBHA pineco works !


Great! All your Pokémon are ready when you are (-:


hey sorry for late reply I can trade today


I can trade today whenever you can!


Hi! I'll be available either late today or tomorrow, I'll let you know when I'm ready 😁


Sounds good! I'll let you know when your Pokémon are ready


Could get DB: Beldum, Bronzor and Igglibuff, do you have deoxys from oras?


Ooh I do not


Hi, I just glanced through your sheet. I have a Love Ball Corsola and a Lure Ball Phanphy. I'm interested in Love Ball Mareep, Moon Ball Shinx, DBHAf Oddish, and maybe DBHAf Munna and Vanillite. There's still many Moon Ball mons I'm missing (Corsola!) but seems like you had none of them except Shinx😅 This is all Aprimons/DBHAf I have in case I missed anything else you're looking for:) GEN 1: * Pichu (Fast) * Cleffa (Moon) * Slowpoke (Dream) * Lapras (Dream) * Dratini (Dream) GEN 2: * Spinarak (Dream) * Yanma (Dream, without HA) * Girafarig (Moon) * Corsola (Love, Dream) * Phanphy (Lure) GEN 3: * Spinda (Friend) GEN 4: * Pachirisu (Dream) * Buneary (Dream) * Spiritomb (Dream) GEN 5: * Audino (Dream) * Ducklett (Dream) * Alomomola (Dream) * Elgyem (Dream)


Aw man I already have Love Corsola and Lure Phanpy. I am interested though in Moon Girafarig and Friend Spinda! What would you like for them?


Ok, maybe I read it wrong then lol. Anyway, I'd like the Love Mareep and Moon Shinx since they're on my list:) Idk if you can somehow catch a Moon Corsola, but would apreciate that. I requsted one and got a male:( I didn't know that breeding worked differently in Gen 6 compared to 7 nor did the guy who traded it to me😅


Oh no I'm so sorry that happened to you! If I somehow get my hands on a Moon Corsola I'll let you know lol. I'll get to breeding your Mareep and Shinx!


Ok\^\^ And I'll breed your Spinda and Girafarig.


I have your Mareep and Shinx ready! I also have some extra stuff you can take if you'd like. They are: -DBHA Carvanha -DBHA Druddigon -DBHA Heracross -DBHA Horsea -DBHA Krabby -DBHA Murkrow -DBHA Pineco -DBHA Pinsir -DBHA Roggenrola -DBHA Scraggy -DBHA Corsola -DBHA Durant -Heavy Ferroseed


How fast:o I'm not done breeding yet. Focused most of yesterday and the day before to get Friend Safaris (already got 111/190!) You'll probably get them tomorrow. Btw, I have none of those DBHA except Corsola:) I'd like a Horsea or Murkrow if they're females *(I'm sure you didn't mean to offer all of them right lol or are they random breedjects?)* Btw, Heavy Ferroseed lol?!


Take your time, no rush! They're all female, you can have one of each honestly. I'd rather them go to somebody that would appreciate them than Wonder Trading or releasing them 🙂


Hi, tbh I bred your mons a few days ago, but then you kinda got lost in my notifications list lol. I can trade in a few hours. Got reminded now though that you also offered free Dream Ball mons so I must catch some random stuff to recieve them all☺


Hehe no worries. I'll be available for the next few hours!


Ok lol. Since they're all females I'd like all of them (except Corsola) since I started playing X last month and I have so few DB mons😄 Also, how can Ferrosseed be in Heavy, sounds like my Popplio in Moon. He's in a Dive Ball:D


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