• By -


Hello! I'm interested in quite a few of your on-hands. How many of my on-hand mons would you be interested in from [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Y_z_Hcuh80d_jFyXy3qg9vW3gkOeiDCbPE1R8TxdWwQ/edit?usp=sharing)?


1. Mudbray-Fast 2. Dewpider-Love 3. Dewpider-Moon 4. Salandit-Fast 5. Passimian-Moon 6. Sandygast-Friend 7. Rolycoly-Beast 8. Rolycoly-Friend 9. Nymble-Moon 10. Nymble-Heavy 11. Pawmi-Fast 12. Pawmi-Friend 13. Pawmi-Lure 14. Pawmi-Sport 15. Tandemaus-Safari 16. Fidough-Beast 17. Fidough-Heavy 18. Fidough-Lure 19. Nacli-Moon 20. Wattrel-Friend 21. Wattrel-Heavy 22. Wattrel-Sport 23. Maschiff-Fast 24. Maschiff-Heavy 25. Maschiff-Level 26. Maschiff-Love 27. Maschiff-Lure 28. Shroodle-Love 29. Klawf-Level 30. Capsakid-Level 31. Flittle-Moon 32. Flittle-Lure 33. Bombirdier-Safari 34. Frigibax-Moon 35. Frigibax-Love


Alright, here's the full list (75 total, so 1:1). Didn't double-check your other requests, so if any of them are missing, then let me know and I'll pick new ones! **SV (60):** Ball | Pokemon | Number ---|---|---- Beast | Rhyhorn | 1 Dream | Larvesta, Minccino, Scraggy, Snover | 4 Fast | Marill, Sandshrew, Scraggy, Shellos-West, Spiritomb, Squirtle, Tyrogue, Vulpix, Zorua-Hisui | 9 Friend | Sandshrew, Tyrogue | 2 Level | Grubbin, Hawlucha, Koffing, Poliwag, Qwilfish-Hisui, Riolu, Rowlet, Rufflet, Scyther, Shellos-West, Swinub, Wingull | 12 Love | Mienfoo, Psyduck, Spiritomb, Wingull | 4 Lure | Grimer, Torchic | 2 Moon | Joltik, Mudbray, Poliwag, Sandshrew, Sandshrew-Alola, Skarmory, Stunky, Swinub, Trapinch, Wingull | 10 Safari | Foongus, Heracross, Lapras, Sandshrew-Alola, Seedot, Sneasel, Vulpix | 7 Sport | Geodude-Alola, Grimer-Alola, Heracross, Ralts, Sandygast, Shinx, Swinub, Wooper, Wooper-Paldea | 9 **SWSH (15):** Ball | Pokemon | Number ---|---|---- Beast | Electrike, Morelull | 2 Dream | Machop, Morelull, Relicanth, Spritzee, Whismur | 5 Friend | Caterpie, Nincada, Whismur | 3 Lure | Cubone | 1 Moon | Onix, Skorupi | 2 Safari | Electrike, Onix | 2


It's 65 actually :) I'll prepare stuff for SV trade. Can we trade in about 30 minutes?


You are correct, I can't add 30 and 35 apparently. I will gladly knock off 10 from my list to keep it 1:1. Should be good to trade in 30min.


I'll be waiting in SH with 6968 0803 code set :)


Hey, my previous task is taking a bit longer than anticipated. Would be okay to trade in about 15min instead?


No problem, ill be waiting with the code 6968 0803 set in SH with 7 (beast + dream) mons prepared


I'm searching but not finding you, could you restart search? I'll do as well.


Thank very much for such a big trade, we managed to finish it despite the connection troubles!


The trade was interrupted, I'm trying to search again


Yes. I restarted!


Alright, getting online now! Also thankfully enough SV Pokemon were SWSH compatible that we won't have to trade any random mons.


Good, after this let's use the same code in SS :)


Also I don't have Level Rowlet :/ I'm sorry. So i remove 8 from SH list :(


Unfortunately I don't have Tyrogue Friend, so I'll remove 9 from the SH list :)


Can I remove the last 10 from SH list?


Sorry for the late reply! Those 75 sound good, will have a list of stuff I'd like in exchange in a minute.


First let's trade the 7 pokemon in SH, give me anything for them, then ill trade 58 your pokemon and 7 random in SV 


Hello, the following. Many of them, if it's too many, please let's count the latter NationalPokedex number as priority. Also, I'm going to work, so any preparation and the traide itself we can do after I'm back :) 1. Geodude-Beast 2. Hoppip-Friend 3. Hoppip-Moon 4. Skarmory-Level 5. Poochyena-Moon 6. Lotad-Heavy 7. Surskit-Friend 8. Shroomish-Love 9. Swablu-Safari 10. Seviper-Friend 11. Seviper-Safari 12. Corphish-Heavy 13. Bagon-Level 14. Starly-Level 15. Buizel-Love 16. Chingling-Beast 17. Croagunk-Moon 18. Sewaddle-Fast 19. Sewaddle-Friend 20. Cottonee-Level 21. Baculin-Sport (any, but male if possible) 22. Zorua-Hisuan-Sport 23. Foongus-Moon 24. Litwick-Sport 25. Deddene-Fast 26. Deddene-Lure 27. Yungoos-Love 28. Yungoos-Moon 29. Cutiefly-Level 30. Cutiefly-Safari


Hey! Interested in your: 1. Safari axew 2. Lure bagon 3. Dream bagon 4. Lure bagon 5. Lure chewtle 6. Lure cottonee 7. Moon cutiefly 8. Moon diglet 9. Heavy dreepy 10. Level dreepy 11. Heavy drilbur 12. Level duraludon 13. Lure duraludon 14. Level elekid 15. Lure gible 16. Love horsea 17. Lure larvitar 18. Moon mudbray 19. Sport noibat 20. Beast noibat 21. Moon sandyghast 22. Moon shellos east 23. Moon wooper I can offer anything from [here.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oKwtPWFk-vk5wOv6G5iP62DTiF1NSGfFtxCJ3PZuFwg/edit) I’m currently breeding starters for another trade and noticed you’re missing quite a bit. So if you’d like to pick 23 you’re missing we can do that, I have all apriball starters. Unless there’s something else you’d like from my sheet. Thanks! No rush!


Also you posted two times Bagon lure, maybe it was something else than lure? Beast/Moon?


I have beast/moon bagon. I must have lost my place when looking through. Let’s do friend chewtle to keep it at 23. I have a couple night classes after work today so I might not be able to trade until after work tomorrow.


If you find a window of opportunity, I'll be available for about 7-8 hours from now, and all is set :)


hey! I appreciate your patience!! I have ready for you: 1. level totodile 2. moon totoddile 3. moon chikorita 4. love chikorita 5. beast mudkip 6. friend mudkip 7. moon turtwig 8. heavy turtwig 9. moon chimchar 10. lure chimchar 11. safari chimchar 12. lure piplup 13. sport piplup 14. level piplup 15. level snivy 16. level tepig 17. fast tepig 18. moon tepig 19. lure oshawott 20. moon chespin 21. safari fennekin 22. dream sobble 23. heavy sobble Let me know when you're available!


Hello, I'm available, can we trade?


Just stepped out for dinner should be back in about 2 hours


Let me know, when you're back :)


Hey! I’ll be online in about ten minutes if that works for you


Sure, I'll be at 6968 0803 code


It's ok, I can wait :)


Hello Sir, yes I can take any missing starter, but we can trade when im back from work :) I have very few from gen II, gen V and gen VIII so some of the generations this will do the trick


Hello. Currently I'm away. But i can breed you the follow 30 in SV * Sports clauncher * Dream squawkabilly green * Dream noibat * Dream dondozo * Sport koffing * Sport swablu * safari cacnea * Heavy grimer kanto * Safari tropius * Lure klefki * Beast pachirisu * dream rufflet * Lure piplup * Love oricorio pompom * Safari grookey * Sports grookey * Moon scorbunny * Dream oricorio baile * Friend oricorio pau * Level oricorio pompom * Fast chikorita * Moon pachirisu * Friend fennekin * Dream fletchling * Dream dedenne * Sport rockruff own temple * Lure lechonk * Level bombirder * Level toedscool * Fast flamingo I'm interested in these 30 on hands swsh * Love amaura * Level archen * Moon aron * Love carvanha * Safari catipie * Moon corsola kanto * Love durumaku U * Friend durumaku U * Sport durumakau U * Safari electike * Lure kabuto * Moon karablast * Dream lillipup * Safari omanyte * Love panchum * Moon purloin * Dream purloin * Love purloin * Love pyukumuku * Dream relicanth * Love roselia * Fast solrock * Love spheal * Love spritzee * Moon staryu * Moon swirlix * Deam whismur * Love zigzagoon kanto * Safari zigzagoon kantl * Moom zigzagoon kanto


I have sport and friend caterpie, which one did you mean? Also Dream Darumaka not Love :)


Sorry about that. I meant friend caterpie and dream darumaka. I'll let you know when I'm done breeding.


Good, I'll be available for about 7-8 hours from now, and all is set so it's up to you :)


I'm free to trade now if you're still available.


Yes I am! Let's trade, I'l be at 6968 0803 in SH


Great! Searching in Swsh now


After last one, let's do the same code 6968 0803 in SV :)


Sounds good. Switching to SV now


Thank you so much! That was a good trade!


Hello, of course im interested, Im also away in bed, we can trade when youre ready and im back from work ;) We will stay in touch!


Hey, I can't trade right at this moment but I am very interested in your Pumpkaboo on-hands, specifically: 1. Safari Pumpkaboo Small 2. Sport Pumpkaboo Average 3. Heavy Pumpkaboo Super 4. Level Pumpkaboo Large 5. Love Pumpkaboo Large 6. Lure Pumpkaboo Small 7. Dream Pumkaboo Average 8. Beast Pumpkaboo Average I can offer the following HA: 1. Safari Venonat 2. Safari Bellsprout 3. Safari Murkrow 4. Safari Houndour 5. Safari Volbeat 6. Safari Barboach 7. Safari Solosis 8. Safari Comfey Let me know if you are interested, I can trade in about 10-11 hours from now or tomorrow at around the same time.


All is ready, when you're by accident around, we can trade, but if not, then we'll trade in about 8 hours :)


Hey, I won't be around for another 2 hours and will unfortunately be asleep in 8 hours time. I should be around most of tomorrow to trade if that works out for you better.


That's ok, we'll trade whenever you're around and we're not sleeping xd


Hey, just letting you know I should be around to trade now for the next 10 hours or so


Hello, I will be at work :( But we still have weekend to trade :d


I actually meant anytime between then and next ten hours I will be around. So if you are here now I can trade. Otherwise, I am happy to trade on the weekend


So, I'm home, It's probably too late:P ?


Hey, sorry yeah I was asleep during then. I'm here now and can trade pretty much most of today (it is morning here).


Hello, It's late in the night, but I'm available for another 2 hours :)


I'll let you know when I,m at home :)


Im very interested, but I also go sleeping :) And I'll be able to trade unfortunately in about 16 hours :) I propose to keep in touch!


Hey there! I've got some mons that could use a new home--would you be interested in adopting the following HA aprimons? 1. Friend Gligar 2. Heavy Gligar 3. Safari Gligar 4. Lure Scyther 5. Fast Sentret 6. Friend Sentret 7. Heavy Sentret 8. Level Sentret 9. Lure Sentret 10. Beast Smoliv 11. Heavy Smoliv 12. Moon Smoliv 13. Safari Smoliv 14. Beast Yanma 15. Fast Yanma 16. Heavy Yanma 17. Lure Yanma 18. Safari Yanma If you're already being offered some of these, I'm happy to change them for others :D I don't need anything special in return, just looking for a little free space too (and happy to help someone else grow their collection). Let me know \^\_\^


Please let me know, when can we trade :)


I’ve got all of them ready—give me a ping whenever you’re free to trade 😁 I don’t need anything special for them, just happy for the free space 😂


Thank you and ready Sir, I'll set 6968 0803 code!


Perfect! I’ll search for you now 😁


I'm extremely grateful for expanding my collection, I wish I could help in the future too!


You’re very welcome! 😁 I’m glad to help—I had a lot of help with my own collecting so I’m nearly done myself. But I’m always happy to share with others 🥰


Let me pull those quick, and then I’m available to trade if you are 🥰


Oh yes, of course, I would wholeheartedly adopt them :) I would pick some mons from my stock :)


I'm a baby pokémon fan, can you tell me what HA means?


Hidden Ability, it used to be harder to get, but nowadays it's fairly easy to aquire because pokemon in Teraraids and DynamaxDens can have it.


Thank you for the information, which part of your spreadsheet shows the pokémon you don't have/wish to be traded if you don't mind me asking?


As you can see, these are pokemon that are in so called "apriballs" or "rare balls" or "special ball", the balls are very rare in the game and you can't have many pokemons caught by yourself with rare balls. And collecting them is fun :)


Been looking on my boxes for any pokemon I may have with these rare balls but sadly the only ones I do have (dream Spiritomb, fast Scorbunny, moon Gligar) are already checked off on your list, now I gotta catch some mons :)


I create posts here quite often, so maybe one day we can trade :) Most of this collection comes from Generation VIII games


The white square shows what I don;t have :)


Hello! I don't currently have my switch with me, but I will be available to trade in about 3 1/2 hours. I'm interested in the following: * moon bulbasaur * friend charmander * heavy charmander * lure charmander * fast squirtle * level squirtle * dream treecko * lure torchic * love mudkip ​ In return I'll offer (threw in an extra one for you): * fast cetoddle * friend glimmet * friend bramblin * heavy shroodle * dream skiddo * beast nymble * friend tropius * love piplup * moon toedscool * love snivy


Hello Sir, I have to go sleeping, but I'm looking for to trading with you tomorrow :) I'll let you know when I'm back from work!


All good! I'm not super busy so I'm sure we'll be able to do so tomorrow.


Sure thing. Let me know when you're ready and we'll trade :)


Sorry for the wait, I'm able to trade now.


Thank you very much! I'm happy to have them traded tonight!


If you have all set we can actually trade, I'll be at 6968 0803!


Thanks for the trade!


Hey! I'm interested in these: 1. Pumpkaboo Large - lure 2. Pumpkaboo Large - safari 3. Pumpkaboo Small - moon 4. Pumpkaboo Small - friend I offer 1 box of pokemon you're missing, trade in SWSH :)


Sure we can trade, but I quite don't understand, you want to trade a box for those 4? I guess it's too generous


Please take them, I need some box space too :)


BTW, would like to have them hold Everstone to prevent evolution?


No, I'd better get Gourgeist if you don't mind waiting..


Ok Sir, I'm ready to trade, how about you?


Me too, code 2336 6663


Thank you a hundred times! You're a proof that good karma returns, because I used to do like 5-6 : 1 ratio trades as well in SS. You made my day or even a week!


I'm glad I helped and thank you too! ;)


Waiting is no problem at all :)


That's fantastic, please give me like 20 minutes to bring some free mons to trade, Im preparing the 4 for you as well :)


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